Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I forgot to mention I had some MJ-ness in my dreams last night...I even woke up IN my dream thinking "I have to tell the girls about this MJ-ness" :lol: But now I don't remember it. I do remember dreaming after that though - about dancing with this guy in my living I was at some family event. I felt somehow strongly attracted to him and wanted to kiss him but then had to stop myself because it felt like he was my son! :bugeyed Even though he was like 19 or 20. I was like "what are you doing Amy you can't be attracted to your own son!" But yet I couldn't stop it. :mello: How weird and kinda creepy is that? lol. Wonder what it means. Maybe it depicts a guy I'll meet in this life who I'll like but he was my son in another life? Geez I don't know.

hehe, that must've felt weird. I love the part about waking up and wanting to tell us!
But yeah, I wonder if it's possible for your soulmate to be your lover in one life and like your child in the next? I have heard that they can manifest in different ways, so maybe....

Maybe it was mjbunny? (Sorry if it was someone else :blush:)

I think it was someone who wrote a comment on my post on MLP :)

hehe, love the lyrics!!

TOTALLY! Let's invite Michael and go have this huge cake fight in meditationland! :clapping::lol:
Yes, love it!

Man, sometimes I just wanna break down and cry rivers full of happy tears over how beautiful he is. I'm serious. :lol: If there's any proof that inner beauty can shine all over someone's outer being, it's Michael. That feeling you get from seeing him or his face is just so so so deep. There's just no person or anything beautiful like that. :wub:
Agreed and agreed. :)
Cool that you're trying to find stuff out on that, I had googled around a bit about these frequencies of love and all that...but there's sooo little I could fine. Verrry interesting though. Let us know if you have found out things about it, I would love to hear.
There is very little, and everything I find seems to be a copy of the other. I get the impression that this idea is not accepted by mainstream, but it does make sense to me that music vibrations can influence the mind and soul...
Oh gosh, there's too much that I want to reply to, so I won't. You've said it all these last few pages, and I agree wholeheartedly.

I thought for those of you who are more visually oriented, the next video might be interesting to get a feel for Phi, or the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio, or the Fingerprint of God. It even appears at places you wouldn't dream of like the stock market, your VISA creditcard, Kitkat etc. It is truly fascinating because it appears everywhere and is all around us. Don't worry about the mathematical side of it. I'm not a mathematical type of person but I do love numbers, oddly enough. Number 7 is my favorite number.
Everything with Fibonacci's ratio appeals to our sense of beauty.
I hope you like the video!

this is great, thanks for sharing!!
There is a good point with the phone imo. If it was no problem imo Bonnie would not address to it so many times. She is a serious medium with a good reputation and I doubt she would add something like that if there was no point of it. I agree that spirits still have a free will. But it seems still to me that readings somehow created some problems. This was my feeling before and it still remains the same. What I am saying that ppl have to be careful and have some respect just in case. Just saying…. .
Personally, I let him visit me if he wants to without asking. I was shocked when he visited me out of the blue in August because I did not have paranormal experience like that before. I mean I did have once with my relative and once with another person but not that often and vivid. Besides, I grew up in different culture and I did not go into this subject so deeply before. Now I understand much more about it.

I know Ms Vent had at least one persistent person trying to prove her some kind of "unethical" person by pretending to have paid for a regular reading- only then during the reading to ask for something related to MJ. That person then later turned around and accused her of ripping off MJ fans by doing paid for MJ readings (which is debatable I guess, that's difficult though for a medium- so they are supposed to sense from a credit card transaction if someone is trying to "dial up" MJ? Tricky.)
It created a problem for her and other mediums as well- because let's face it, a lot of people would try to get a specific reading in the hope MJ shows up. I do recall reading that story posted by herself on her board so she definitely has reason to repeat her stand.

I did have 3 readings total in my entire life (not with her, 2 different other mediums and most of the reading had absolutely nothing to do with MJ) and there is absolutely no guarantee that even your own grandparents will show up, there isn't. An honest medium will also tell you that there are no guarantees on any particular spirit showing up during your reading, not even if you might have been very close in life. There was one particular relative I was hoping for make a visit, yet she NEVER came. My grandfather showed up only once as well. And then you will have other spirits whom you might have never met in this lifetime show up simply because they may carry a bigger meaning for you than just in this lifetime and you might have known them in many other lifetimes. I also have ton of other spirits around me whom I never met in this life.

Same goes with Michael, it is HIM who pops in or not. It's not like you can order him around, he either is around- or he's not. Respect is always good regardless. But my feeling is that MJ wouldn't really bother hanging around someone who lacks respect- he had enough of that in life, there really isn't any logical reason for him to hang around someone who is not respecting him. However why wouldn't he hang on occasion around people that dearly love him? That extends way beyond friends and family in this life.
In my case I have way more folks hanging around me that I never knew in this life than those that I did know. Some relationships simply ended with the death of that person, others have more of an influence beyond just this one life.
It must be almost healing to him to see those who did understand him and who did understand what he is all about.

I wished people wouldn't get on guilt trips because there really isn't any way that a spirit will pop in for you if that spirit simply isn't inclined to do so.
You can have a boatload of spirits around whom you never met in life and others may never show up again.

Just sayin', people need not to be afraid. However a spirit might tell you that some things in you life are not healthy for you to do but that's a different story altogether. If a spirit is there during a reading than it's because there's a reason for the spirit to be there in the first place. They can't be called up randomly at your command.

Free will goes a long way, here and especially over there.
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I often ask Michael if he wants to have a water balloon fight, and all he's gotta do is meet up with me in my dreams, sometimes I remind him "Michael, we've still gotta have that water balloon fight!" but of course, only if he's not busy -- kinda stupid I know lol, maybe one day it will happen.
Hehe, that's actually just really adorable...nothing stupid about it. :happy:

I thought for those of you who are more visually oriented, the next video might be interesting to get a feel for Phi, or the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio, or the Fingerprint of God.
Oh wow, interesting! I kinda 'lost' it somewhere in the middle, LOL, dunnow...guess it's the language barrier, but awesome..I'm very visualized also. Thank for sharing.

Innnteresting. You are still planning on moving there sometime, aren't you? This seems like an affirmation that you will resonate with the people there.
Yeah, actually I will have to go there in September this year! Still haven't managed to arrange an internship with a company there though, not even in NYC or London either. :cry: Well, let's hope it's some sort of sign that I might be going felt like I was a lot in the future in my dream. I went laying on the street (?) and saw this train driving waaay above the ground. Kind of futuristic stuff, LOL. Pretty intense, that dream.


Oh boy I'm so sentimental now, just made plans for how I'm gonna get through June 25th. Me and some other girls from here (incl. Sils, for those who might know) are gonna go to this tribute event at night, and then head to the beach when we're feel like it somewhere after midnight (which was 'the' time). There we're gonna sit with blankets, candles and Michael music all night until sun comes up. :heart:

How about the stargazing? I really wanna do that on the beach, should be lovely.:angel:
We meditate and excavate
clean the chakras until we scream
and seem to be ageless when free
We are the new age nuts it seems
to fill you up- up to the seams.

We hold the torch of lessons learned
the new age nuts, a force that burned
with L.O.V.E. and free will galore
washing up on tomorrow's shore.

I have no idea where the eff that just came from in 20 seconds. :hysterical::hysterical:

:giggle: Cool! I might do some more with it tomorrow

Oh gosh, there's too much that I want to reply to, so I won't. You've said it all these last few pages, and I agree wholeheartedly.

I thought for those of you who are more visually oriented, the next video might be interesting to get a feel for Phi, or the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio, or the Fingerprint of God. It even appears at places you wouldn't dream of like the stock market, your VISA creditcard, Kitkat etc. It is truly fascinating because it appears everywhere and is all around us. Don't worry about the mathematical side of it. I'm not a mathematical type of person but I do love numbers, oddly enough. Number 7 is my favorite number.
Everything with Fibonacci's ratio appeals to our sense of beauty.
I hope you like the video!

Thanks. Maybe it's a coincidence (I don't like saying that because I don't really believe in coincidences but anything is possible) but it's cool that the sunflower having perfect ratio has been in this thread twice since the LMP story. I wonder if Michael knew that or did he just like them?

Really would be up for this haha!

I often ask Michael if he wants to have a water balloon fight, and all he's gotta do is meet up with me in my dreams, sometimes I remind him "Michael, we've still gotta have that water balloon fight!" but of course, only if he's not busy -- kinda stupid I know lol, maybe one day it will happen.

:huggy: to you, since you're feeling down. And to everyone else too :huggy::huggy:

Mundy - love the lyrics haha, cheered me up :)

I'm glad it cheered you up :)

Hehe, I'd love to have a water balloon fight meditation to celebrate 500 pages! Maybe we could start with a food fight then clean off with a water balloon fight :giggle:

:cry: :heart: :group:


There is a good point with the phone imo. Maybe it is not straight forward like that but it is a good example. If it was no problem imo Bonnie would not address to it so many times. Why would she? it does not make any sense. She was pretty much clear at this.
She is a serious medium with a good reputation and I doubt she would add something like that if there was no point of it.
I agree that spirits still have a free will. How without that? We have a free will here as well but we still have issues here when our phone rings too often or somebody wants something from us and we cannot say "no".

It seems still to me that readings somehow created some problems. This is what I felt before and it still remains the same. What I am saying that ppl have to be careful and have some respect just in case.:) We do not know HOW everything works and we CANNOT be sure about anything... .Just saying…. . I hope it does make sense.

Maybe the problem is that the mediums are making up things that "Michael" is saying, not that he's being forced to answer. I can't see Michael or any spirit being forced to talk to someone but people can make up stories. Maybe that's what he meant. The last channel said something like "Don't spend your money, that's not me"

Girls, if ye want to smile....a friend just sent me this link. I don't know who made it, but it's so cute!

That made me smile so much! Thanks :)
Modulation Alert I have never did any medium’s reading in my life so I cannot comment on that obviously. I have no idea why some spirits pop up and why some are not even if ppl were close in life. I just have an idea that probably it is something to do with physics abilities, with their personalities, whatever… . Besides we do not know exactly HOW it works and how does it affect astral plan. How we can say anything for sure? If even I did some readings in my life I afraid I would not be able to say anything for sure why some spirits show up and some do not. It is all about speculations anyways.
I know this story about a lady who wanted to do Michael’s channeling trough Bonnie. But I do not think that this small issue somehow affected Bonne’s readings in general. I have no reason not to trust Bonnie myself because I was given a few chances to verify some information which appeared through her channeling suddenly. And it is not just about feelings and such, it something more important than that. So I put on my trust on her after that. However, I was the most skeptical person from the beginning of this thread.
I believe that all her sessions are very accurate and I accept them without cutting into pieces. Once he said trough her : do not do any reading on me, it is not me talking etc. I accept it as it is without any questions. This is something to do what you are ready to accept or not and what you believe and what you do not believe.
Readings are nothing to do with him visiting fans on his own. It was not my point at all. I see a big difference here. In the end I have to say that everybody here has own experience so we cannot be agree here 100% with each other at this point because simply ppl look at this situation from different point of view.
I choose to follow what she says without any doubt because I have my own incredible experience.
Bonnie also calls herself a spirit advocate. I believe that there is a reason for that as well.

We might be saying similar things here in the end. And I do not say I don't believe Ms Vent has been in contact with him, I don't doubt that at all, that's not the point.

All I'm saying that people need to look at every medium and every message with their own two eyes, think about it and then follow their own gut instinct, that's all. I do that with all channeled messaged that public mediums put out there. It's also not a matter of (or not) trusting someone.
There's usually something in one reading that appeals to some more than others. Some people obviously resonated very much with Cherokee Billie, other with Christian von Lahr and others again more with Bonnie Vent or Julianna. That's all fine by me because people need to decide for themselves what it is that makes them feel this resonation and of course especially if people find more hard fact physical evidence channeled and then proven as fact.

But it was obvious even here that some people took the last message quite personally and all I was trying to explain how for example a reading with an honest medium could be.

I think we're talking at each other, not to each other. All I'm trying to say is people shouldn't feel guilt of any kind. Guilt does nothing but hinder. Sometimes even healing, that's all.

I am in no way, shape or form bashing ANY medium, they are acting on their own behalf and are responsible for everything they put out. So if you for yourself can say that you take everything "as is" because of your experience, than that's fine, others might see it differently since nothing is static and that's fine as well.

That's all I'm trying to say and that people need to follow their instincts.
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Asedora said:
What I am saying that ppl have to be careful and have some respect just in case.
I do agree. But this just made me think back to what Michael said about mobbing, which could be applied to the same concept I was talking about. (which I wasn't just applying to psychics but all fans). I believe he said something to the effect of "It hurts to be mobbed.... but I know that it's all love, so it makes me happy, getting all that love". So...what if we turned it around to "It can get a little crazy with the phone ringing nonstop...but I know that it's all love, so it makes me happy". :) Just another thought. I still try to be respectful and I hope I haven't bugged him with my calls...they have been known to get whiney from time to time. :girl_whistle: Sorry Michael.

Mrs. Music said:
Still haven't managed to arrange an internship with a company there though, not even in NYC or London either.
Well hopefully an opportunity will pull through for you soon! Maybe that's what your 'new beginning' dream was all about. ;)

Mrs. Music said:
There we're gonna sit with blankets, candles and Michael music all night until sun comes up.
Oh my that sounds so wonderful...:cry: Wish I had some mjfam to spend the day with.

Mrs. Music said:
How about the stargazing? I really wanna do that on the beach, should be lovely.
I was just thinking about this the other night and you reminded me...thank you! I was thinking that instead of stargazing we should do "moon watching"... since as we know, Michael had major connections with the moon but also because when we do it at the same moment around the world it won't be night for some people...but there will still be a possiblity at seeing the moon. :angel: Listening to Michael's music and staring at the same moon together would be really lovely :heart:

Neeve said:
Girls, if ye want to smile....a friend just sent me this link. I don't know who made it, but it's so cute!
A hee hee! Looove it :wub: Thanks for sharing!
My goodness, you guys, slow down! :lol: Wow am I behind in the thread now. Ok, gonna work on at least a few replies to general topics now...

Love the Hee-Hee Collection audio :hysterical: and the vid about the Fibonacci sequence :yes: There was a great documentary some years back on Discovery or The Learning Channel (before it became the babies & decorating channel :lol:) about beauty ... how we perceive beauty around us. They went a lot into Fibonacci and the Golden Mean and such. Wayyyyy fascinating stuff. But what does it all mean? Is this why I always doodle spirals?
Glad you all like the Harmony Hut vid, lol ;) :flowers: :heart:

Oh, for anyone who didn't see what MJJLaugh posted in the Positive Websites... thread, this article is worth a read:
That was a nice article, yes :)

About a meditation at 500 pages - Totally! Right on! When I read Mrs. Music's response to Amygrace about that I talked outloud like, "Yeah, Michael, how's that sound? Your 'girls' haven't been by since March and it's to celebrate 500 pages all about spirituality... all because of you. So what about it?" And I kid you not, right after I said that guess who I felt a big wave of energy from right along my shoulder/head :wub: :wild: So, sounds like a meditation, cake & water balloon fight might be a good idea! :D When? On Saturday? I mean, we'll reach 500 probably Thursday or so, right?
:dancin: :gotcha:
I thought to myself that I have a DUTY it was a calling, to spread the TRUTH about him. Kind of like being handed a torch... how could I just keep it to myself? I have to pass it on!
Oh, way cool. I noticed that vibe here the past couple of days, this sense of a mission. I have felt this BIGTIME this week! I stayed up all night a couple of times just trying to piece this concept together in my mind. I want to share something with the Harmony Hut, something very personal and seemingly amazing, but I feel strange about it at the same time. It's a long story, so it will have to wait for another post. It's about something that happened 10 years ago. Remind me if I forget :lol:

"Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya" :hysterical: Please share once you're done!
This freaking cracked me up. An hour or two before I came to this thread I was just talking about the world and its problems and I mentioned THIS SONG, like I know it's not as easy as we all hold hands and sing (normally I'd say We Are The World or HTW) .... sing..... Kumbaya. Nice synchronicity. I never think of this song :lol:

About Bonnie & mediums - Wow, I can't quote so many posts. I also feel better now about her last (January) channeling. I also had taken it very personally, kind of painfully, like a "get over it and leave me alone" vibe and it left me feeling really weird. But I also watched yesterday the vid again with the sound off and the words themselves aren't a problem. Yes, it was her TONE. In January I had kind of felt like in that story of Krishna and the Gopis, when they'd followed him for days singing songs and wandering through dangerous forests and he scolded them about how they need to go home and take care of their families and they were like, "How can you say that??? :cry:". :mello: And ModAlert, you are so right about Michael and free will and him coming to those HE wants to come to. No one can force-channel or force-read him. Thanks for that reminder. If he didn't want to deal with me or you or Asedora or any of us, we wouldn't get visits, right? (Oh Michael, thank you so much!!!!!! :heart:) Seemingly there are many, many people who loved him so deeply and can resonate, maybe those of us who can possibly carry the torch, like Amy said. And he cares about us. I realized in the past months in a whole new way how much Michael loves his fans. I guess I'd never taken all the love personally before. I was just always focused on sending love to him and always felt him in my soul somehow, but knew he didn't know me and so "couldn't" love me in any way other than impersonally and generally. But at some point this past autumn I came to a realization that he really loves us, I mean really, really. He cares. He came to us when we were in such terrible pain, to comfort us, to love us, to let us know he was alright. He didn't have to. We could've never felt him... he'd just have been gone. But for soooo many (I'm sure ALL of us, just not everyone was aware or accepting of the idea)... that's amazing. And that is such a precious gift and so sweet and so loving. The first time I felt him it was so unexpected. I was so devastated I hadn't even THOUGHT one BIT yet about contacting him and yet here he was, this beautiful energy around me, telling me that things would be alright. He came to me, as he came to you and her and him. It's beautiful. Thank you from everything I am, dear, dear Michael. :angel:

Man, sometimes I just wanna break down and cry rivers full of happy tears over how beautiful he is. I'm serious. :lol: If there's any proof that inner beauty can shine all over someone's outer being, it's Michael. That feeling you get from seeing him or his face is just so so so deep. There's just no person or anything beautiful like that. :wub:
Oh yes, me too. I always think of the line from Alanis' song "So Pure": "You reduce me to cosmic tears." Yes, like God is crying through me from the beauty of Michael and back into eternity. He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I think a big portion of that is the soul shining through those eyes. He covered every inch of my bedroom walls when I was a kid through teenager, so I have spent I don't even know how much time just staring at him :lol: BEAUTIFUL BEYOND WORDS, just... uhhh, like puppies and kittens and bunnies and the hottest guy ever... just roll them all into one and you've got Michael :wub: I hope he's seen himself through our eyes now. I can imagine some tears mixed with shy giggles at it all, like covering his face embarrassed :giggle:

Amygrace - weird about the "he was my son" dream. Wonder what that's all about? Yeah, maybe you're righ about the past life connection and someone you'll be meeting in the future! Too bad you don't remember the "MJ-ness" dream ;)

Actually, I get that protector feeling often when I look at him in pictures from the Off The Wall and Thriller time. I want to protect him. From Bad on I wanna do other things...
:innocent: Huh? I have no idea what you mean :girl_whistle:

We are the new age nuts
Spreading love in the harmony hut
We hold hands around the world
To rid the earth of hate and hurt

We laugh at boxes of ASS
Share our dreams and stories from the past
We have each other when times are rough
Isn't that what family's all about?
:hysterical: You got "ASS" in that, no way! :hysterical: OMG :lmao:

I think it was someone who wrote a comment on my post on MLP :)
Yes, the Solfeggio Frequencies thingy was a comment on your post on MLP's site, by 'Peacelover'.

There's usually something in one reading that appeals to some more than others. Some people obviously resonated very much with Cherokee Billie, other with Christian von Lahr and others again more with Bonnie Vent or Julianna.
I'm a regular (or used to be) listener of Coast to Coast, but didn't catch the Von Lahr show until July. I know most can't stand him and I can't say I trust him either. I didn't know what to think about that live channeling thing. The past few days, though, I remembered that "Michael" said, "I didn't know there were so many" about the sheer number of people who love him. That's repeated in my mind often, for some reason. Also, Von Lahr's "Michael" said something about a green oxygen tank, like he was confused about what exactly had happened to him.... like did the air run out or something? This was just a couple of days after he died and we hadn't heard anything yet about propofol, so that's really something strange. Why would there be oxygen tanks? Who would make that up? Or else Von Lahr had insider info to make himself appear genuine? But then there was that part about "Michael" feeling bad about the way he'd been with children, which sounded awfully made up :doh: But it doesn't mean to me that nothing channeled that night could've been real. Maybe he really did pick up some info from Michael?

ISo...what if we turned it around to "It can get a little crazy with the phone ringing nonstop...but I know that it's all love, so it makes me happy". :) Just another thought. I still try to be respectful and I hope I haven't bugged him with my calls...they have been known to get whiney from time to time. :girl_whistle: Sorry Michael.
LOL, yeah, me too on occasion, I admit. I may not have been pushy toward him physically, but my mind is probably really freakin' annoying :lol: Or not. Don't know. :unsure:

Asedora - Yikes about that dream with Klein. Bleh. Reminds me of when I dreamed about Murray a while back, ugh. :doh:
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We are the new age nuts
Spreading love in the harmony hut
We hold hands around the world
To rid the earth of hate and hurt

We laugh at boxes of ASS
Share our dreams and stories from the past
We have each other when times are rough
Isn't that what family's all about?

We meditate and excavate
clean the chakras until we scream
and seem to be ageless when free
We are the new age nuts it seems
to fill you up- up to the seams.

We hold the torch of lessons learned
the new age nuts, a force that burned
with L.O.V.E. and free will galore
washing up on tomorrow's shore.

Those are great. :lol:

Hi all, I have a couple of things I found last night I want to share. First, I was thinking of the four elements and wondering which one MJ was. I found this site, and he's the earth sign Here's some different descriptions of this sign (I think some of it kinda fits Michael)

The Earth signs show propriety. They are conventional, proper and fitting. They follow what is socially acceptable in conduct, behavior and speech. They have excellent manners and are very polite. They are prudent and have a deep regard for conventional rules of behavior.

The Earth signs by nature are merchants. They are the storekeepers, barterers and traders. They are at their best when buying or selling material or tangible commodities. Most are very business oriented.

The Earth signs have a physical nature. They have a characteristic love for the material, tangible things. They derive pleasure from sensory stimulation such as taste, smell and feel. They surround themselves with tangible items such as fine furniture, art, jewelry and most have a nice home that is expertly decorated. They have good taste in clothing and most are connoisseurs of food and drink.

The Earth signs' emotions are aroused by sensory stimulation. Each of the five senses can produce an emotional response. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste brings joy or depression. Nice surroundings, good music, the feel of quality materials, the smell and taste of good foods and financial security are the conditions required for an emotionally happy Earth sign.

The Earth signs are normally not prone to physical violence, but as in any situation, there are exceptions. They are mildly revengeful. Their attitude is 'my time will come and they do hold a grudge. They will eventually get their revenge one way or another more often by hitting a person in his pocketbook. When angered, Earth signs, similar to the Fire and Air signs, are quick to express that anger verbally though most likely not physically unless as a last resort.

I also found this video, which I thought was pretty interesting

So I want to write something about carrying the torch and missions and stuff. Sometimes I think, "What if I'm just too obsessed with Michael and I can't move on and I need to? " I know my friends and family think I've gone nutty (nuttIER, I guess). Last night I read a whole page of comments on a website about the claim that Van Praagh had channeled Michael back in early July (it was a fake story -- he didn't say he did). Anyway, the comments were from skeptics and haters. I was shocked by some of the STUPID things people really BELIEVE about Michael (like the oxygen chamber story was real, I mean come ON, people :rolleyes2:) and also how vehemently some insist all mediums and psychics are evil frauds preying on the mourning and there's nothing after death... poof, lights out. So then the skeptic in the back of my mind started questioning myself again :)rolleyes2:) and I had to replay experiences to realize those folks are going to be awfully surprised when they die and still exist ;) And if they're actually right and we're all crazy, well, no one's going to win the argument because we won't be around thinking, "Ah, sh*t" and they won't be around saying, "I told you so!" So in the end they're the only ones that stand to lose something :lol: Back to MJ... what if I'm so obsessed because I'm supposed to be? I really feel like some of you said that he needs justice as in his name cleared and the truth out to those who still believe all the crap. I want to assist. I must assist. Sometimes when I hear someone on TV/youtube interviews say something about his legacy, like his legacy will be love, I say, "It certainly will be if I have anything to do with it!" It's up to us. I love him and I cannot sit by for another 20 or 40 years of my life listening to this ish about... you all know what all. I want him remembered in the best way, remembered for how WE feel about him, remembered for his gifts to the world and for LOVE. He's my love guru and that has to be spread around... :heart: ..... :heart:..... :heart: ...~ ` ` And what if THAT isn't me choosing to do this, but rather more like this is simply exactly what I'm actually SUPPOSED to do???!

You all know I met my hubby because of MJ. ... (edited out some personal stuff) .... So besides all the personal things Michael has done in my heart and soul, being an MJ fan must've been written into my life's story. I had to love Michael. It was the plan. And that's amazing to consider. THEN... (see part 2)
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So I want to write something about carrying the torch and missions and stuff. Sometimes I think, "What if I'm just too obsessed with Michael and I can't move on and I need to? " I know my friends and family think I've gone nutty (nuttIER, I guess). Last night I read a whole page of comments on a website about the claim that Van Praagh had channeled Michael back in early July (it was a fake story -- he didn't say he did). Anyway, the comments were from skeptics and haters. I was shocked by some of the STUPID things people really BELIEVE about Michael (like the oxygen chamber story was real, I mean come ON, people :rolleyes2:) and also how vehemently some insist all mediums and psychics are evil frauds preying on the mourning and there's nothing after death... poof, lights out. So then the skeptic in the back of my mind started questioning myself again :)rolleyes2:) and I had to replay experiences to realize those folks are going to be awfully surprised when they die and still exist ;) And if they're actually right and we're all crazy, well, no one's going to win the argument because we won't be around thinking, "Ah, sh*t" and they won't be around saying, "I told you so!" So in the end they're the only ones that stand to lose something :lol:
Hehe I never thought about it like that!

Back to MJ... what if I'm so obsessed because I'm supposed to be? I really feel like some of you said that he needs justice as in his name cleared and the truth out to those who still believe all the crap. I want to assist. I must assist. Sometimes when I hear someone on TV/youtube interviews say something about his legacy, like his legacy will be love, I say, "It certainly will be if I have anything to do with it!" It's up to us. I love him and I cannot sit by for another 20 or 40 years of my life listening to this ish about... you all know what all. I want him remembered in the best way, remembered for how WE feel about him, remembered for his gifts to the world and for LOVE. He's my love guru and that has to be spread around... :heart: ..... :heart:..... :heart: ...~ ` ` And what if THAT isn't me choosing to do this, but rather more like this is simply exactly what I'm actually SUPPOSED to do???!
Beautifully said. I think that's where we can come in most "useful": more than finding out what happened on that awful day, we can stand up for him, wash away the rumours, spread the love.

You all know I met my hubby because of MJ. I made pics of Michael blended with space (nebulae, galaxies, etc) and later talked about precog dreams I thought I'd had involving MJ on an old forum. (No one replied, lolol -- don't talk to the crazy chick :lol:) EXCEPT one lady and my future hubby. He's had this glorious dream years back of some celestial event in the sky that told him something about Michael's purpose. Kind of like a religious experience, I guess. So when he read my dream and saw my website, he was like :wild: ... and the rest is history. So besides all the personal things Michael has done in my heart and soul, being an MJ fan must've been written into my life's story. I had to love Michael. It was the plan. And that's amazing to consider. THEN... (see part 2)
That's so amazing.....I love this story!!

I'm about to make a long blog post about how Michael has changed me in the past year.....deep breath.
Part 2 - please don't quote what's below. I want to tell my new age nut friends in the Harmony Hut, but not the whole world ;)

[Edited it out, sorry, too late :lol:]
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^^ mjbunny, you made me cry.
About the psychic, that is stunning....I would love to go to someone that accurate...just wow.
About the sounds to me that that's exactly what he fits so well...
And of course the idea that this was all a higher plan...that's something I've been struggling with, but it does comfort me if I believe this was meant to happen. (I then wonder about Murray's role...I know this make me sound crazy but yesterday on the bus I was thinking, it's like Jesus and Judas....Judas is one of the most abhorred men in history, BUT without him, the scripture wouldn't have been fulfilled, and Jesus needed to die...according to the Bible, anyway.. so how can it have been free will?)
Anyway, the idea that we were called, resonates so much with me. It feels right. I love the idea that all of us here chose this as part of our life plan... :)
This is from show which took a place in England?
Personally I think that the last thing MJ spirit would want to do is to come to show and talk. I think Bonnie said something about it too but I am not sure.
No, no. That was that guy Derek Acorah :rolleyes2: No comment. The one I'm talking about is Christian von Lahr (who probably also gets the rolling eyes :rolleyes2:, but a couple of things were quite interesting, hmmm), who did a live channeling (supposedly) on the air on Coast to Coast AM back on June 27th. That part starts at 7:00 and then go to the next file in the series. I haven't heard that since last summer, so I'm not all fresh on it. Don't really want to listen again tonight either :(
Bunny, sounds like you know it already. :D That calling thing.

I had several pretty mind blowing experiences with Michael since his death that I probably won't be able to share with anyone, not even the most open minded medium I'm afraid and whatever dude did, he initiated me in something. And if I don't get the first time, he'll just come back and try it at a later time when I can understand it.

It has all to do with purpose and yes 2012 is somehow always a part of it.

Someone predicted me some stuff and it has started and sometime's I'm thinking, oh no, noooooo, I just want everything back to normal. You know, when the first time somebody writes you a PM in some forum if you have heard about THIS FAN and psychic mediums and chanelling and you suddenly read your own freakin' name. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
No, not by him. I just know I don't want to be picked up by the friendly men and women with white straightjackets. :D
If after 18 years of following him I didn't already believe there was something very different going on- I sure am convinced now. I wished it didn't take his death for all of this to happen but in the long run WE are the one out on the excursion, he's already home, we are the ones "missing".
^^ mjbunny, you made me cry.
About the psychic, that is stunning....I would love to go to someone that accurate...just wow.
About the sounds to me that that's exactly what he fits so well...
And of course the idea that this was all a higher plan...that's something I've been struggling with, but it does comfort me if I believe this was meant to happen. (I then wonder about Murray's role...I know this make me sound crazy but yesterday on the bus I was thinking, it's like Jesus and Judas....Judas is one of the most abhorred men in history, BUT without him, the scripture wouldn't have been fulfilled, and Jesus needed to die...according to the Bible, anyway.. so how can it have been free will?)
Anyway, the idea that we were called, resonates so much with me. It feels right. I love the idea that all of us here chose this as part of our life plan... :)
Tell me about it :doh: I have this recurring obsession with the original London cast recording of Jesus Christ Superstar for about the last 30 years :)lol:) ... and that deals a lot with Judas. (Of course, it was criticized for painting him in a sympathetic light.) But there's the part, "Oh God, I'm sick. I've been used. And you knew all the time. God, I'll never ever know why you chose me for your crime." Makes one at least think. :mello: About all sorts of uncomfortable and issues beyond our brain's comprehension.

Bunny, sounds like you know it already. :D That calling thing.
When I was younger I always thought it would be for some religion, though, not Michael Jackson :giggle: OrRrRrRrRrrrr ... nevermind... I won't go there tonight...

I had several pretty mind blowing experiences with Michael since his death that I probably won't be able to share with anyone, not even the most open minded medium I'm afraid and whatever dude did, he initiated me in something. And if I don't get the first time, he'll just come back and try it at a later time when I can understand it.

It has all to do with purpose and yes 2012 is somehow always a part of it.

Someone predicted me some stuff and it has started and sometime's I'm thinking, oh no, noooooo, I just want everything back to normal. You know, when the first time somebody writes you a PM in some forum if you have heard about THIS FAN and psychic mediums and chanelling and you suddenly read your own freakin' name. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
LOL, I've had people quote things back to me, yeah :lol: Like "I found this cool website!" and then you're like, "Oh, that's mine." lolol. About the other stuff. Well that sounds..... . . . . . . weird. :cheeky: And intriguing, I admit.

mjbunny, your information is very interesting indeed (I mean part two) I do not know how we deal with a free will then.
Ppl like to believe what Nostradamus said. I do not see too many events happened as it was predicted by him. However there are some ppl who could see a future. Maybe they just simply read an information from astral plan? I mean if we assume that ppl create their future by negative or positive thoughts, probably Michael simply did believe (we know it ) that tours might kill him and this information was already on astral plan? But because you as a fan were connected to MJ, he just was able to read his information which could affect you? I am not sure of course. Just saying… But it seems like some ppl really have gifts.
I wonder if it's like things are predictable once a path is set, once the chain reaction has started. Nostradamus was wrong on so much, like that 1999 prophecy, but maybe we just changed course at some point. (I doubt it, though, I have to say.) I had a thought: there were the German doctors on the HIStory Tour who supposedly first used propofol. Maybe that set the course clear back then in 1997 :mello: I don't know, of course. Predicting something 9 years out (April 2000 to June 2009) is kind of crazy, but I suppose not impossible. Well, it seems like it's happened in this case. It's just... I find it amazing, really. I can't figure out why I'm always given stuff like this. I have so much weird stuff like this in my life. Is it I'm so dense I'll miss my path otherwise? Or, what I believe, it's so I can share all these crazy stories and people can then think... whoa, maybe there's something else going on in this world if that really happened!

To continue, Michael himself hinted that he didn't expect to get old, like he knew he wouldn't. But then, he knew that the archetype, the myth, the legend usually ends like that. :( Was he subconsciously making sure he played that role? (Not to imply he knew Murray would... you know, all that. And I totally believe he did NOT want to go. I think he wanted to do as many shows as he could and he wanted his kids to see him perform and he wanted to be with them for years to come :cry:)

I used to think that life may be like this: Take a piece of paper and draw some dots, like maybe 10, on a sheet of paper lengthwise (landscape), starting at one end and ending at the other. Just the dots. On one end you start life, on the other you end. Those dots are the big things in life, like people you simply must hook up with, a city you must move to, etc. You may wander around in crazy patterns all over the page between the last dot and the next, but you'll be pulled back in time for the next big event. So then it's like a mixture of fate and free will. The big stuff is planned, but what route you take to get there, the music you listen to on the way, how much you suffer on the way is still up to you and the environment and the people around you.
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Tell me about it :doh: I have this recurring obsession with the original London cast recording of Jesus Christ Superstar for about the last 30 years :)lol:) ... and that deals a lot with Judas. (Of course, it was criticized for painting him in a sympathetic light.) But there's the part, "Oh God, I'm sick. I've been used. And you knew all the time. God, I'll never ever know why you chose me for your crime." Makes one at least think. :mello: About all sorts of uncomfortable and issues beyond our brain's comprehension.
wow, those are lyrics that would make you reflect alright.....
When I was younger I always thought it would be for some religion, though, not Michael Jackson :giggle: OrRrRrRrRrrrr ... nevermind... I won't go there tonight...
Hmm, well, I have believed for years (and this is from someone brought up very Catholic) that the idea of church as we know it has had its time and people are starting to look for new connections to the spiritual world.....

I wonder if it's like things are predictable once a path is set, once the chain reaction has started.

I can't figure out why I'm always given stuff like this. I have so much weird stuff like this in my life. Is it I'm so dense I'll miss my path otherwise? Or, what I believe, it's so I can share all these crazy stories and people can then think... whoa, maybe there's something else going on in this world if that really happened!
That's an interesting point about the path being set.

Before I read the second part of what you said, I was just thinking the same thing: maybe you're told these things so you can share them, and other people who have not had such "obvious" connections can strengthen their beliefs or open-mindedness or whatever. I know I for one have learnt so much from you!!

To continue, Michael himself hinted that he didn't expect to get old, like he knew he wouldn't. But then, he knew that the archetype, the myth, the legend usually ends like that. :( Was he subconsciously making sure he played that role? (Not to imply he knew Murray would... you know, all that. And I totally believe he did NOT want to go. I think he wanted to do as many shows as he could and he wanted his kids to see him perform and he wanted to be with them for years to come :cry:)
Yes, I think he was very perceptive that way. But as you said, I don't doubt for a second that he wanted to live longer.

I used to think that life may be like this: Take a piece of paper and draw some dots, like maybe 10, on a sheet of paper lengthwise (landscape), starting at one end and ending at the other. Just the dots. On one end you start life, on the other you end. Those dots are the big things in life, like people you simply must hook up with, a city you must move to, etc. You may wander around in crazy patterns all over the page between the last dot and the next, but you'll be pulled back in time for the next big event. So then it's like a mixture of fate and free will. The big stuff is planned, but what route you take to get there, the music you listen to on the way, how much you suffer on the way is still up to you and the environment and the people around you.

Wow, that makes so much sense......see, THIS is why you get those ideas!! ;) I love that idea, that some things you have to go through, but free will and other people can affect it too....
Mjbunny Wow, about the second part. It appeals to me that we, here in our Harmony Hut, chose this calling. I like to think that I did. Nothing has had such an effect on me in my life as Michael has. I mean absolutely nothing. I feel such a deep, overwhelming and unconditional love for him!
I agree with your ascertion that it's probably a combination of free will and predestined "dots". And you really can know them way before ( I had several: knwoing we'd move to the USA when I was 6, we did when I was 12 and we lived there for 4 years. I knew I'd never marry in this life from very young, made me very sad often. And then riding somewhere where you say "this is a nice place, I can imagine myself living here", I felt that 13 years before I lived there, at that exact spot, and I lived there 13 years. So in 1982 I felt that it was a nice spot to live, and I actually lived there from 1994 - 2007.)

I had something weird happening to me yesterday morning. My alarm clock is set on a news station (BNR). Monday I hear the BNR news station. Today I heard the BNR news station.
Yesterday I woke up to ''Heal the World" which was playing on Veronica. Isn't that strange ?
I can assure you I did not touch the radio dials at all!

Love the Hee Hee collection.
Michael has two effects on me, maybe three: have fun and play games, I want to protect him, and :censored: things
Hmm, well, I have believed for years (and this is from someone brought up very Catholic) that the idea of church as we know it has had its time and people are starting to look for new connections to the spiritual world.....
Me too. Moving into a new age...

Before I read the second part of what you said, I was just thinking the same thing: maybe you're told these things so you can share them, and other people who have not had such "obvious" connections can strengthen their beliefs or open-mindedness or whatever. I know I for one have learnt so much from you!!
Well, then the odd stories have served a purpose! :D :rofl: But really, my whole life I've had strange stuff happen (lived in haunted houses, etc) ... and the compulsion to tell everyone about it :hysterical: I think because if I tell my weird stories, then others will tell their weird stories and then maybe all together we can try to unweird the info. I mean, if things happen to a LOT of people then the things aren't really so strange, just as yet unexplained.

Mjbunny Wow, about the second part. It appeals to me that we, here in our Harmony Hut, chose this calling. I like to think that I did. Nothing has had such an effect on me in my life as Michael has. I mean absolutely nothing. I feel such a deep, overwhelming and unconditional love for him!
Oh, me tooooo. Me too. That's why last fall I kept asking "Why do I love him SO much? Why?", like there needs to be some secret answer because it's SO intense, SO deep and makes NO sense to anyone who doesn't feel it. But I felt this way from the beginning. Of course, I was 12 then and girls that age seem to need someone to scream for (hence the Justin Bieber craze :lol:), but I didn't fall for Michael for the reasons those who later dissed him did. I was just so intrigued, like who IS this guy and why do I feel such a tug toward him??? :scratch:And I bought Thriller and fell in awe of his voice (and his eyes of course :swoon:), but that doesn't make me truly and deeply and unconditionally LOVE someone forever. I have all of Prince's albums and a ton of Madonna's ... so what. With Michael it was like I was compelled to find out everything I could about HIM and I guess what I learned just went straight into my soul. I dug through the library even, to find older articles about him. I wanted interviews. I wanted HIS words. And it was HE who I fell in LOVE with first, all the rest of the excitement was secondary (although WAY cool... the best! :D) It's like what the new fans are going through now. They're compelled to find the truth about him, to find out about the real person. I was the same way. In 1984! And that was before We Are the World, before HTW, before the Bad Tour, before the Oprah interview, before so much. There was so much we didn't know about him then, actually. Yet what I found was seemingly enough, like a key that fit right into my heart :heart: I think mostly it was a FEELING, though. Yeah. It was like a feeling on some other level.

I agree with your ascertion that it's probably a combination of free will and predestined "dots". And you really can know them way before ( I had several: knwoing we'd move to the USA when I was 6, we did when I was 12 and we lived there for 4 years. I knew I'd never marry in this life from very young, made me very sad often. And then riding somewhere where you say "this is a nice place, I can imagine myself living here", I felt that 13 years before I lived there, at that exact spot, and I lived there 13 years. So in 1982 I felt that it was a nice spot to live, and I actually lived there from 1994 - 2007.)
You know, I'm like that too. Like even when I was little I used to say I knew I wouldn't get married until I was in my 30's and that I wouldn't have children. I guess a skeptic could say they're self-fulfilling prophecies, but I didn't WANT them fulfilled at some points, for certain! I was so in love with a guy in my 20's and I really thought he was the one. It was a very difficult breakup. I guess somewhere inside we just know some things about our future. I have some other of those things that I "just knew" about the future that are still playing out, I think. I wonder, are they delusions or reality? So far most things have turned out to be reality. Most, anyway.

I had something weird happening to me yesterday morning. My alarm clock is set on a news station (BNR). Monday I hear the BNR news station. Today I heard the BNR news station.
Yesterday I woke up to ''Heal the World" which was playing on Veronica. Isn't that strange ?
I can assure you I did not touch the radio dials at all!

Love the Hee Hee collection.
Michael has two effects on me, maybe three: have fun and play games, I want to protect him, and :censored: things
:lol: that last part! That's really cool about your radio and HTW! Not only that the station mysteriously was changed, but that you were awakened to that song. Did it feel like a message? It sounds like one! :)
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Me too. Moving into a new age...

Well, then the odd stories have served a purpose! :D :rofl: But really, my whole life I've had strange stuff happen (lived in haunted houses, etc) ... and the compulsion to tell everyone about it :hysterical: I think because if I tell my weird stories, then others will tell their weird stories and then maybe all together we can try to unweird the info. I mean, if things happen to a LOT of people then the things aren't really so strange, just as yet unexplained.

Oh, me tooooo. Me too. That's why last fall I kept asking "Why do I love him SO much? Why?", like there needs to be some secret answer because it's SO intense, SO deep and makes NO sense to anyone who doesn't feel it. But I felt this way from the beginning. Of course, I was 12 then and girls that age seem to need someone to scream for (hence the Justin Bieber craze :lol:), but I didn't fall for Michael for the reasons those who later dissed him did. I was just so intrigued, like who IS this guy and why do I feel such a tug toward him??? :scratch:And I bought Thriller and fell in awe of his voice (and his eyes of course :swoon:), but that doesn't make me truly and deeply and unconditionally LOVE someone forever. I have all of Prince's albums and a ton of Madonna's ... so what. With Michael it was like I was compelled to find out everything I could about HIM and I guess what I learned just went straight into my soul. I dug through the library even, to find older articles about him. I wanted interviews. I wanted HIS words. And it was HE who I fell in LOVE with first, all the rest of the excitement was secondary (although WAY cool... the best! :D) It's like what the new fans are going through now. They're compelled to find the truth about him, to find out about the real person. I was the same way. In 1984! And that was before We Are the World, before HTW, before the Bad Tour, before the Oprah interview, before so much. There was so much we didn't know about him then, actually. Yet what I found was seemingly enough, like a key that fit right into my heart :heart: I think mostly it was a FEELING, though. Yeah. It was like a feeling on some other level.

You know, I'm like that too. Like even when I was little I used to say I knew I wouldn't get married until I was in my 30's and that I wouldn't have children. I guess a skeptic could say they're self-fulfilling prophecies, but I didn't WANT them fulfilled at some points, for certain! I was so in love with a guy in my 20's and I really thought he was the one. It was a very difficult breakup. I guess somewhere inside we just know some things about our future. I have some other of those things that I "just knew" about the future that are still playing out, I think. I wonder, are they delusions or reality? So far most things have turned out to be reality. Most, anyway.

:lol: that last part! That's really cool about your radio and HTW! Not only that the station mysteriously was changed, but that you were awakened to that song. Did it feel like a message? It sounds like one! :)

Yes, it did feel like a message. A supportive message, I'm not entirely sure. It sure was nice to wake up with that song after only 5 hours of sleep....

Yup, I guess we do know some things sometimes. I sometimes feel events in the world.It doesn't necesarily limit itself to my own life. But what's the point in sensing those things ? You can't prevent anything and it gives some inner turmoil. I'm still trying to understand its purpose.

Funny that you quoted the stuff being from Neeve, but was from me, LOL! Oh well, doesn't really matter anyway. I just can't pull myself away to go to work today.

Neeve I have heard that too, and I believe it, that the churches have had their longest time. It's time for a change.
^ Strange about the quotes. I fixed them now :lol: Goodnight everyone! May Michael be with you! :angel:
Hey girls. Dang...I stayed up WAY too late AGAIN...because I got inspired for ANOTHER song about Michael. :lol: Wanted to check in before I went to bed... only gonna give a few basic replies though...I'm tirrred.

mjbunny said:
So, sounds like a meditation, cake & water balloon fight might be a good idea! When? On Saturday?
I'm so down! Is everyone else?

mjbunny said:
And he cares about us. I realized in the past months in a whole new way how much Michael loves his fans. I guess I'd never taken all the love personally before. I was just always focused on sending love to him and always felt him in my soul somehow, but knew he didn't know me and so "couldn't" love me in any way other than impersonally and generally. But at some point this past autumn I came to a realization that he really loves us, I mean really, really. He cares. He came to us when we were in such terrible pain, to comfort us, to love us, to let us know he was alright. He didn't have to. We could've never felt him... he'd just have been gone. But for soooo many (I'm sure ALL of us, just not everyone was aware or accepting of the idea)... that's amazing. And that is such a precious gift and so sweet and so loving. know...I'm really taking this in for the first time. I just watched his whole 45th birthday celebration for the first time yesterday...and then to read this on top of just really reminds me of how he genuinely cares about his fans. My is so touching. I feel SO honored that he would visit me even once. Oh Michael :cry: I promise to always be grateful that you even gave me just one glance...and I promise to not be whiney anymore. You are such a special soul. Thank very much, thank you. :cry:

mjbunny said:
He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I think a big portion of that is the soul shining through those eyes. .......... BEAUTIFUL BEYOND WORDS, just... uhhh, like puppies and kittens and bunnies and the hottest guy ever... just roll them all into one and you've got Michael
I got butterflies in my stomach just reading this :wub::wub:

- Interesting stuff there!

mjbunny - you already shared your story with me through PM but I just have to say again...frikkin' wow. I forgot how much it points to the idea that Michael's death - the way it happened and when it happened - was just "in the plan"...:cry:

mjbunny said:
Michael himself hinted that he didn't expect to get old, like he knew he wouldn't. But then, he knew that the archetype, the myth, the legend usually ends like that. Was he subconsciously making sure he played that role?
I wonder if he was just "setting himself up" for that. But...he was simply an in-tune and connected guy. I think he just knew...he had that inner knowing...because perhaps that's just the way he planned it before coming here. I've read many stories like that...where some people just kinda know. They have that gut feeling. Still, I don't think he was consciously ready to go when he did...right before his shows. :no:

MJJLaugh said:
Yesterday I woke up to ''Heal the World" which was playing on Veronica. Isn't that strange ?I can assure you I did not touch the radio dials at all!
Not so strange when you really think about it :wub: :angel:

Well that's it for me. Goodnight loves!
Well hopefully an opportunity will pull through for you soon! Maybe that's what your 'new beginning' dream was all about. ;)
Actually, I just received an e-mail from an MJ fanfriend in L.A. who had connections with MTV out there....I can contact them through the summer as they're not hiring for Fall yet, but at least this means something. Heh, interesting timing. :pray:

I was just thinking about this the other night and you reminded me...thank you! I was thinking that instead of stargazing we should do "moon watching"... since as we know, Michael had major connections with the moon but also because when we do it at the same moment around the world it won't be night for some people...but there will still be a possiblity at seeing the moon. :angel: Listening to Michael's music and staring at the same moon together would be really lovely :heart:
Sounds good to me! Lovely! Just try to pick a time and let's see how it fits with everyone? :)

So I want to write something about carrying the torch and missions and stuff. Sometimes I think, "What if I'm just too obsessed with Michael and I can't move on and I need to? "
Oh, your story made me cry so badly.... :cry: It's beautiful and very stunning how accurate that Ed guy was, totally amazing. This really 'proofs' so much in a way, also considering the connections with Michael. You really do feel this for a reason, it's not just 'being fan''s so much more. Love your story.

Thanks for writing that out, because I really needed to read such a thing and realize there's still someone out there 'for me' that I can rely on - Michael. :heart: That I really do have a 'purpose' in this, somehow, even though it's not clear for me maybe.


Girls, I feel so deeply depressed since yesterday....about a lot things, but mainly I just feel really alone. :boohoo: I feel like there's just no way out (but finding love). But anyhow, that's a long story....kinda. Won't put it in here. I dreamed really bad dreams 'cause of my emotions and cried all the way through, blah. But I feel like I would need some re-energizing or something....does anyone have tips to like, clean your mind and all that, to get above this...? I'm going so deep in my sadness, I need some way to get out....thinking 'it'll be fine' doesn't do the work for me anymore. I'm so done with it all.:( I need something more....harmony hut-a-like. EDIT: Sorry for letting this out on you guys, don't mean to be all nagging and negative here. Sorry.

How about that meditation btw, you guys said doing the 500 celebration thingy on Saturday?
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Actually, I just received an e-mail from an MJ fanfriend in L.A. who had connections with MTV out there....I can contact them through the summer as they're not hiring for Fall yet, but at least this means something. Heh, interesting timing. :pray:

Sounds good to me! Lovely! Just try to pick a time and let's see how it fits with everyone? :)

Oh, your story made me cry so badly.... :cry: It's beautiful and very stunning how accurate that Ed guy was, totally amazing. This really 'proofs' so much in a way, also considering the connections with Michael. You really do feel this for a reason, it's not just 'being fan''s so much more. Love your story.

Thanks for writing that out, because I really needed to read such a thing and realize there's still someone out there 'for me' that I can rely on - Michael. :heart: That I really do have a 'purpose' in this, somehow, even though it's not clear for me maybe.


Girls, I feel so deeply depressed since yesterday....about a lot things, but mainly I just feel really alone. :boohoo: I feel like there's just no way out (but finding love). But anyhow, that's a long story....kinda. Won't put it in here. I dreamed really bad dreams 'cause of my emotions and cried all the way through, blah. But I feel like I would need some re-energizing or something....does anyone have tips to like, clean your mind and all that, to get above this...? I'm going so deep in my sadness, I need some way to get out....thinking 'it'll be fine' doesn't do the work for me anymore. I'm so done with it all.:( I need something more....harmony hut-a-like. EDIT: Sorry for letting this out on you guys, don't mean to be all nagging and negative here. Sorry.

How about that meditation btw, you guys said doing the 500 celebration thingy on Saturday?

About the re-energizing thing: have you ever been treated with Reiki ? EMDR ? Bioresonance ? They help to either 1) find energy blockages and undo those, 2) trace old trauma's that can be addressed or 3) check your overall health and vitamin and mineral levels in your body.
It feels rotten when you do cry and feel so awful but it is also a cleansing. Crying is good, don't suppress it! Plus you've been through an awful lot in your family situation, probably looking after everyone in your family, and now please make sure you look after yourself as well, because you're really worth it!!
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mjbunny - wow, your story is so amazing. I just read it now and was like :bugeyed. Really awesome. Thanks for sharing.

I keep thinking about that TII poster thing, about all being one in conciousness etc. That really resonates with me. Although it pains me to say, Michael's death was my ultimate calling I think. I feel so bad to say that, cos everyday I wish Michael was back here, I really do. I hope you understand what I mean..I love Michael so much :heart: And I'm not saying that just because. He's been part of my life, and he will continue to be a part of my life, forever. I just wish he was with us all now :cry:
I just feel like his being, soul, love.. I feel like he has guided me to this path I'm on now with all of you, does this make sense? "It's an adventure, it's a great adventure"
I feel like I am a part of something you know, we have a purpose, we are on a journey, all of us in the harmony hut, together, individually, with Michael? Some people may have chosen to take this 'calling' like me, but others..maybe they can't see or feel it? Maybe to them it hasn't resonated with them yet?
Something resonated with my soul, and it's been awakened now? Maybe this is how/the way I'm supposed to go, in order to "make that change", and others have their way, that resonates with them..spiritually, non-spiritually?
It's been like a chain reaction. But it seems I have chosen it for some reason that I am maybe aware or unaware about? Maybe it'll all become clearer over time. I know this doesn't make any sense, I'm trying to explain it lol, but it's not happening today. Well I hope you all understood that, sorry for rambling on lol.

Mrs.Music - Sorry to hear you feel that way :huggy: Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or something :)

The meditation waterballoon fight, cake fight, sounds really cool. When was the last time we did a group meditation? I think anytime is good for me, so whenever you girls are free :)

:heart: to you all.
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