Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I just read all your posts, guys. Wow! Is all I can say. It made me :D

Well, mine was soooooo bad. I feel annoyed cos I can never get stuff like this, but I guess my higher self must of been there. I fell asleep about 20 minutes into it. I remember saying amygrace or I woke up thinking that? And before I went to sleep, I saw the side profile of a girl, I dunno who it was, it wasn't as clear as day, but I saw her partially.

I just remember really focussing on the connection, and I was saying in my mind, is anyone theeeereeee? Can y'all hear me? :lol:
I felt a kind of electric shock/tingle on my shin a few minutes in to it.

But no, not anything near as cool as you all saw! Man I so wish I could 'see' that stuff too. I mean I guess/hope my higher self was there with you all...

but wowww, thank you for sharing all the experiences :heart: so cool!
'Wise'... hmmm, well I am older :lol: Actually I thought the part with the book was interesting. It sounds like the kind of thing I'd be doing usually in meditation. My guides are often getting me to read or eat or drink something. And I've seen Michael with books more than once. Now something totally random... do you guys do Carnival this week in the NL? I was just looking at the pic with MJ in the red outfit and on TV is the big Rosenmontag parade and people marching along dressed in stuff like that... what an odd coincidence. Maybe Michael was getting dressed for Munich :lmao:
Lol, well that's quite awesome that you visualize yourself with a book often too! Ha!
No the part where I live we don't celebrate Carnival. It's only in the south and I'm from Amsterdam, soooo. :)
His outfit didn't look that carnivally was very royal, the whole visualization was 'royal'. That word popped up a few times.
But yeah that's a funny coincidence! :lol:

Maybe it's completely unrelated, but it made me think of the trains that collided in Belgium this morning. Trains, planes... public transportation.
I just heard that from someone yeah! Wow, so awful! :( These kind of dreams always make me wonder if they are some kind of prediction...I've had them before with smaller, less important things but yeah...straaaange. Glad I won't be seeing any planes from the inside soon, haha.
I had a dream with Michael in it this morning! It was one of those early awakening ones and then I slept afterwards so it's not all clear anymore, but I can remember some of it:

I was hanging out with 1984 MJ. We were friends, but I was still just a bit "omg, it's Michael Jackson" :hysterical: He was wearing some sparkly military jacket and sunglasses, very much looking like the '84 Grammy's outfit. We were sitting at a roundish table with lots of bigshots of some kind (business people, network execs, record company folks... something like that). Then Michael said that he really wanted his fans to do something or get involved in some initiative with him. He asked me (there in front of everyone ... how does one say no then? lolol) if I would please appear with him on an awards show in November as a representative of his (to kick off the fans project thing). I know that sounds great, but my main concern was how you have to dress up for that and how I'd never find something Hollywood-fancy in my size! :lol: But so everyone looks at me, waiting for an answer... and I honestly DID want to help, of course. Whatever Michael needs, I'll do my best. I said, "Of course, Michael. I'll be there." The awards show had the initials "AMA", but it wasn't the American Music Awards. I saw Michael several more times, but it's fuzzy from there. Later I was at the awards show and it was going to start. They had provided me with a sparkly evening gown, stored in a bag in a backstage dressing room, but someone (an old roommate of mine who was a serious b*tch, lol) had stolen it! It got weird then, searching for the dress and also trying to get in touch with Michael about what to do... and then it changed to something totally different.
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Mrs. Music said:
About someone taking your hand, did you read mine.....?
Yes! I forgot to mention that yesterday...way cool!!

Mrs. Music said:
I was in London at some airport and saw this huge plane flying over but there was smoke and fire coming out of it and it just crashed so hard into the airport. I can still feel it SO vividly. After that I began to hysterically run, help people, get people out of hotels and basements, gather my stuff, find my mom. I almost feel like I really experienced this you know, friggin' tired and all!
Scary! A couple days ago my Dad had a vision in his sleep of a plane crashing also. :bugeyed

mjbunny said:
Yeah, who knows about the We Are The World thing. Probably coincidence, but maybe you were with us on some level too. You know, about how amygrace had a dream of you and I... it's interesting that your dream the same night was about the media lying and things that weren't true and I also had a dream about fake messages from Michael and fans believing things that weren't true! So that's the same theme. The three of us must've been fighting the press or something in dreamland
Hah! That's not far fetched...I forgot to mention yesterday that while I was at my parents, I was reading over some old hypno session and it was talking about "evil" in the world - and it immediately made me remember that in the dream CaptainEoLove85 was talking to me about that.

mjbunny said:
For a moment then I thought, what if Michael is busy right now? Maybe we should try going somewhere else and not making it all about MJ?
See, that's usually what I think when we do meditations...I never want to 'bug' him. But this time it just felt ok. :yes:

mjbunny said:
Wow about seeing someone kiss him on the lips. Or were we just expecting that because of Mrs Music's ... umm... experience last time I swear there was a second kissy chick.
Haha...I totally second guessed the kiss when I saw it because of that! I was I just making this up 'cause someone mentinoned it before?? But then after you reported seeing it too...I think it totally happened. And I think there was a second that got kissed too...on the lips anyway.

mjbunny said:
The part about trying to do something that everyone would remember ... I did that last month, hehe. We were all still together and about to leave so I made this massively loud "AhhhhhHHhHhhhhhhhHH!!!!" singing note, like some crazy opera diva. I thought it was weird and might be noticed then but it didn't work out that way either.
LOL...awesome. Wonder why nobody notices this stuff? :lol:

mjbunny said:
I was hanging out with 1984 MJ. We were friends, but I was still just a bit "omg, it's Michael Jackson"
Haha cuuuute! I wanna spend some time with 84 Michael! :wub: And he asked you to actually be a part of a project with him? How lovely.
I had a dream of a plane crashing also.. I had it about a week ago... I forgot to tell you , Sorry :) .. But I was in this plane, I don't where I was supposed to go, and we were going to take off, but once we took off it felt like the plane was just falling down and bam !! We hit the ground..I really felt it when we hit the ground .. All of sudden everything was just black , I couldn't see anything , but then I slowly opened my eyes (in my dreams) and at first it was kind of blurry but it became clearer and clearer, and then I tried to wake up all the people in the plane, but they didn't respond to me .... And then my dream ended... It was very dramatic and scary :(
^ Eeek. Over the years I've had some vivid, vivid, vivid plane crash dreams that were soooo scary. If they're not precognitive (time will tell ... hopefully not) then what does that represent? Planes, trains, cars all take you places, but planes 'take you higher'. It's natural to have a fear of falling, hmmm... fear of high hopes being crushed? Fear that you're trying to go too far or too high? I'm just thinking out loud. Will look that up online, not that dream dictionaries are accurate or anything. I had a couple of dreams about being on a plane I knew would crash like a month or so ago.

Update: Yeah, generally it seems to be about feeling out of control, that something out of your control will 'crash' or that you're lacking confidence or are afraid of attaining dreams and goals. (But I've had precog dreams about plane crashes a couple of times, so I never discount that possibility...)
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I had a dream with Michael in it this morning! It was one of those early awakening ones and then I slept afterwards so it's not all clear anymore, but I can remember some of it:
and then it changed to something totally different.
Aww that's so adorable! :lol: How cool that he asked you to join that project. Sounds like that would've been a cool concept, lol.

Update: Yeah, generally it seems to be about feeling out of control, that something out of your control will 'crash' or that you're lacking confidence or are afraid of attaining dreams and goals. (But I've had precog dreams about plane crashes a couple of times, so I never discount that possibility...)
Hmmm..interesting. Those descriptions on the websites actually could very well apply to me.

I have had a lot of plane crashing dreams as well, and also of one where I saved the plane from crashing.
But then I still have those predicting dreams as well indeed, so yeah...strange!
You guys are making me :bugeyed about the plane crash dreams. I'm scaaared, I'm flying to the US at Easter..

:lol: I keep re-reading everyone's experiences from the meditation last night. I still can't get over how like, everything connects together, like similar ideas for everyone. It really is interesting. It makes me want to get better at meditating lol, cos I guess I'm the weaker one in the fam, and then at the same time it makes me :cry: cos I wanna see all this stuff toooo. :lol: I feel like such a child.
It just blows me away the meditation thing, like how we never intend or set out to see MJ and he just, appears ya know? Cos it's not like we're consciously asking out for him in these group we're not disturbing him and his peace. He just happens to appear whilst we're meditating..
It's so cool that you all can see him, and that he interacts and that. So cool.
Hello all. Just checking in. I didn't get to join the meditation (yet once again!) because I lost track of time, and being Valentine's Day and all.. but anyway.. I will have to read quite a few posts to catch up. I can never seem to keep up anymore! :mello:

I did however order the "Beginner's Guide for the Recently Deceased" and I'll be reading it this week!:) Also going to finally schedule the psychic session in the next two weeks. I'll get back to you all later!

If there are any reccomendations for any more good books, please let me know! MIss you all! See ya laters!
Crazy about the plane dreams going on...interesting interpretations though...hope none of them signify real plane crashes.

darlingdear said:
It makes me want to get better at meditating lol, cos I guess I'm the weaker one in the fam, and then at the same time it makes me :cry: cos I wanna see all this stuff toooo.
Aw... well, practice makes perfect! I'm sure the more you meditate the better you will get at seeing/sensing things. :huggy:

cyberjackson said:
I did however order the "Beginner's Guide for the Recently Deceased" and I'll be reading it this week!:) Also going to finally schedule the psychic session in the next two weeks. I'll get back to you all later!
Yay! Glad you got the book and I'm excited for you to get in on a psychic session! Looking forward to hearing how all that goes.
You guys are making me :bugeyed about the plane crash dreams. I'm scaaared, I'm flying to the US at Easter..

:lol: I keep re-reading everyone's experiences from the meditation last night. I still can't get over how like, everything connects together, like similar ideas for everyone. It really is interesting. It makes me want to get better at meditating lol, cos I guess I'm the weaker one in the fam, and then at the same time it makes me :cry: cos I wanna see all this stuff toooo. :lol: I feel like such a child.
It just blows me away the meditation thing, like how we never intend or set out to see MJ and he just, appears ya know? Cos it's not like we're consciously asking out for him in these group we're not disturbing him and his peace. He just happens to appear whilst we're meditating..
It's so cool that you all can see him, and that he interacts and that. So cool.

I wish I could see things so vividly like that too. I usually don't really see anything. Although I think it's because it's still day time when we've done these meditations when I do it. I find it easier at night, when it's darker for some reason. Like last night I couldn't sleep so I tried meditating. I was flying, traveling around the world. Every so often Michael would just pop up in front of me lol. I went to all these different countries. I started out by flying across the ocean. I recognized Brazil as one of the places I went to, and then I saw Michael standing on what I think was the Great Wall of China. He was smiling, but it looked more like a photo of him. He looked similar to this photo

Hey guys. I couldn't join in because I spent the day with my bf but I read through all your experiences. Wow! I really wanted to be a part of it :( Maybe next time. I'm keeping the 25th free but I just couldn't do it this time seeing as it was Valentine's day.

Hugs to everyone :huggy::huggy:
^ Eeek. Over the years I've had some vivid, vivid, vivid plane crash dreams that were soooo scary. If they're not precognitive (time will tell ... hopefully not) then what does that represent? Planes, trains, cars all take you places, but planes 'take you higher'. It's natural to have a fear of falling, hmmm... fear of high hopes being crushed? Fear that you're trying to go too far or too high? I'm just thinking out loud. Will look that up online, not that dream dictionaries are accurate or anything. I had a couple of dreams about being on a plane I knew would crash like a month or so ago.

Update: Yeah, generally it seems to be about feeling out of control, that something out of your control will 'crash' or that you're lacking confidence or are afraid of attaining dreams and goals. (But I've had precog dreams about plane crashes a couple of times, so I never discount that possibility...)

Thank you, mjbunny :flowers: :hug:
Maybe it´s true about feeling out of control..
I am feeling kind of confused lately...
I once read that it's normal to fall asleep when you try to meditate. During a meditation you need that state of mind, with practise and concentration you'll be able to stay awake. According to what I've read you need to practise once a day.

I fell asleep the first weeks quite often and it was very annoying.

I usually try to meditate while I lay in bed. I try to relax, focus on my body parts to have them relaxed and then I try to slow down my breathing while trying to think that my third eye opens a little bit up while I breath-in. After that I try to think about nothing and let everything just happen. Sometimes I know I have seen something but as soon as I realise it, it's gone. That's why I try to kind of press 'pause' and try keep something in mind. Recently I read about some people who try to focuse on colours and let them just appear like they would draw something in order to release blockages. But for group meditation I'm usually to lazy to lay down, so I do it in this classical position :)
I've to admit sometimes it's not easy. I've had a tough time meditation recently because of all this Murray stuff. I'm happy it worked out yesterday.

Oh, I see... :) I think I tried too hard to concentrate yesterday ... I will try to meditate once a day.. Thank you, funkeyjay! :hug:
I just found these different sounds on YouTube... It´s called Tetha realms..
What are these sounds?
Okay Guys...I just have to share this with you guys.. :) :angel:
I didn't go to sleep last night till actually morning. It was around 7 or 8 AM.
I had been hoping in my thoughts that I'd see Michael (in my dreams or otherwise) again soon. I have been needing confirmation about something from him. I was laying now getting ready to finally get some sleep. I thought. "Maybe I'll hear or see from Michael. I laid down and got comfortable. I was in that half way stage of where you're not asleep,where you are pretty much thinking,how you still are having thoughts & praying,things like that. Then after that is when you do fall to sleep. So all these thoughts was going through my mind,mainly alot of wishes and things that I am hoping to get better in my life,kind of like praying. And out of No where I see Michael. He was wearing his black & red Military jacket, silver refective aviator sunglasses, and his hands were in a praying position. So lol.. I was like Hello Michael. lol silly but I don't care..I 'talked' to him in my thoughts. I was telling him how much I loved him and what his talent & art meant to me and how all the fans loves him how I love his magic what he gave to us and how his love can be found in his music how we the fans are all keeping his legacy going. I told him how I related to him about 'certain things' how proud of his children I was and that he did such a great job as their daddy Then I told him I felt connected to him in spreading love to the world and how I've always felt that I am a person to help unite people from everywhere together. and then.... I saw him in his Bad outfit black pants & silver/gray shirt.. and he had Tinkerbell with him.. He was standing there and Tinker bell was across from him upward flying in place..and he smiled and kind of waved his arms/hands down the sides of Tinkerbell and when he did this the magic sparkles came out and down on both sides too!!! like pixie dust waved out in motion with his hands. He looked and smiled again I told him I love you more and forever michael.....
It was really nice for this because I had been feeling down the last few days...
I am looking for pictures that are similar to how I saw him.. The Tinker Bell And him smiling & waving pixie dust from either side of Tink Bell wearing his Bad tour Black,Silver/Gray oufit would have to be 'Made' ...Can Anyone help me find a Photo of Michael in the 90's where Michael is wearing a military jacket holding his hand in a praying position with silver refective aviator sunglasses?..Please :heart:

Here's the Time-era and the Silver aviator sunglasses,But I saw him holding his hands in prayer position like he always did.

This is how Tinker Bell was flying in place across from Michael,but life size and she was more sparkley...and Michael Smiles at me and then 'He' waved the pixie dust out from her from either sides of Tinker Bell from her body out and downwards like how a rainbow arches. :yes:

This is kind of how the pixie dust looked that he 'fanned out',but Michael didn't pat her like that :lol: And it was two streams on either side of her,like he did a magic trick with his hands bringing out the pixie dust. ;)

This is what he looked like (outfit) Of course he wasn't on stage. but he was smiling...a bigger smile than this.. with Tinker Bell. :D

Just wanted to share this with you guys here..Only place that one could share this kind of thing. Thanks for this thread.
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Souldreamer, that was amazing.

I had a dream about Michael and the fans last night (of course, I am the main one there :lol:)

Anyway, the fans were shouting "Applehead!" and throwing apples at Michael :lol: But it didn't hurt him, we were just throwing them in his direction. He was giggling a lot and looked like he was having so much fun. And yeah, he threw apples at us too :lol:

Wow you guys.
I just went through the thread and read your meditation experiences. I'm blown away.

I'm so sad I couldn't participate. I wanted to so badly, and I feel like I really needed it.
But oh I'm so happy it went well, it sounds simply amazing! :cry:

A couple of hours before you all started meditating, I was sitting my in grandmother's living room, showing her photos from a trip I took the the Amazon a month ago. She got up to get some coffee in the other room, and I was just sitting there by myself thinking about you all, the meditation, Michael, etc., feeling kind of disappointed that I couldn't join.

My grandmother's house is big, with huge ceilings and an open layout in the middle, and she always always always has music playing throughout the house through this amazing sound system. Usually it's old music, like from the 40s and 50s. Really nice.

Well, as I was sitting there thinking about Michael and the meditation, feeling like I was missing out I guess, and the song "Smile" came on over the stereo, only it was sung by Johnny Mathis. I don't know. I felt like it was a little message. Normally I write those things off as coincidence, even though I might want them to be otherwise, but this time it felt simple and real, like someone out there was telling me "hey, smile." :)

Anyway, I wanted to share that, even though it doesn't sound like much.
I hope everyone is well.
About the meditation I just wanted to say Wow ! It's amazing the connection some of you had! I was thinking that if we keep doing this meditation sessions , maybe at one point we will be able to met and talk eachother during them , If you know what I mean... How cool would be that ? :)

I had a dream of a plane crashing also.. I had it about a week ago... I forgot to tell you , Sorry :) .. But I was in this plane, I don't where I was supposed to go, and we were going to take off, but once we took off it felt like the plane was just falling down and bam !! We hit the ground..I really felt it when we hit the ground .. All of sudden everything was just black , I couldn't see anything , but then I slowly opened my eyes (in my dreams) and at first it was kind of blurry but it became clearer and clearer, and then I tried to wake up all the people in the plane, but they didn't respond to me .... And then my dream ended... It was very dramatic and scary :(

Aww tinkerbell :hug: Sorry you had that dream...

souldreamer7 What a cool dream :)

Funkeyjay Is that you on your avatar picture? Every time I see it , you remember me of Megan Fox , you look like her!!
About the meditation I just wanted to say Wow ! It's amazing the connection some of you had! I was thinking that if we keep doing this meditation sessions , maybe at one point we will be able to met and talk eachother during them , If you know what I mean... How cool would be that ? :)

Aww tinkerbell :hug: Sorry you had that dream...

souldreamer7 What a cool dream :)

Funkeyjay Is that you on your avatar picture? Every time I see it , you remember me of Megan Fox , you look like her!!

Flor :cry: :hug:
Awwww, souldreamer , you had a dram about Michael and Tinkerbell ... That seems so magical :heart: Thank you for sharing :flowers: :hug:
Amy you were in my dream last night. I feel like you were there too Mrs.Music but I don't remember seeing your face (I saw you the other day in the member pictures thread). We were in a hotel and it seemed like we were waitresses or something. We went outside and held hands in a group of about 8 people. One of the girls had reddish (strawberry blonde?) hair and her name was Cathryn (Spelled something like that in my head). There was more but I can't remember. There was a reason were were holding hands but the memory is just gone.
@littlesparrow: Ooooh, too bad you weren't there for the meditation! I though I saw you...but maybe that was because you WERE thinking about it at that point...were you or did I read that wrong? Anyway, that Smile thingy that happened is cute! :)

@WhoAmI: Lol, what's up with all these dreams with each other in it...too funny! :lol:

Just half an hour ago I was walking home from the bus and it's quite a walk in some sort of open field/park...and I was listening to YANA, looked up at the sky and got all teary. And I saw a falling star all of a was so beautiful! :cry: When the weather is a bit better I'm definitely gonna do some meditation outside, how cool would that's so connecting just looking at the sky and stuff. :heart:

Have you guys also seen the new trailer from Raffles? He has interviewed Michael's spiritual adviser Louis Farrakhan. Pretty interesting already this trailer, wonder what we might gonna hear. :clapping:
@littlesparrow: Ooooh, too bad you weren't there for the meditation! I though I saw you...but maybe that was because you WERE thinking about it at that point...were you or did I read that wrong? Anyway, that Smile thingy that happened is cute! :)

Oh, you did?! I missed that!
Well I was thinking about the meditation while I was driving home, during the time you were doing it. Although the thing with "Smile" happened a couple hours earlier. :)

Just half an hour ago I was walking home from the bus and it's quite a walk in some sort of open field/park...and I was listening to YANA, looked up at the sky and got all teary. And I saw a falling star all of a was so beautiful! :cry: When the weather is a bit better I'm definitely gonna do some meditation outside, how cool would that's so connecting just looking at the sky and stuff. :heart:

Oh, that's really beautiful. :cry:
I had the amazing opportunity to sort of meditate in the Amazon rainforest last month and it was just amazing. I have never felt so connected to the earth.
I actually did it in a river. We camped out on this little beach in the middle of the jungle and the riverbanks were really soft and you'd sink a little into the earth if you sat down in it. I sat there with the water up to my chest just focusing on every sound in the forest around me, with the sun on my face, and I just felt this overwhelming sense of oneness and peace. It was really special.

I would love to meditate by the sea sometime too.

Have you guys also seen the new trailer from Raffles? He has interviewed Michael's spiritual adviser Louis Farrakhan. Pretty interesting already this trailer, wonder what we might gonna hear. :clapping:

Interesting, I'll have to check this link out later!
Oh, you did?! I missed that!
Well I was thinking about the meditation while I was driving home, during the time you were doing it. Although the thing with "Smile" happened a couple hours earlier. :)
Yeah! I've written it down a few pages back, your name popped up in my head...but dunnow why then. Lol. :lol:

Oh, that's really beautiful. :cry:
I had the amazing opportunity to sort of meditate in the Amazon rainforest last month and it was just amazing. I have never felt so connected to the earth.
I actually did it in a river. We camped out on this little beach in the middle of the jungle and the riverbanks were really soft and you'd sink a little into the earth if you sat down in it. I sat there with the water up to my chest just focusing on every sound in the forest around me, with the sun on my face, and I just felt this overwhelming sense of oneness and peace. It was really special.
Wow, that sounds plain awesome! I'm jealous, haha. We don't even have 'mountains' here...just little tiny hills...all is flat as can be.-_- I do live close to the sea, but that's become kind of normal for me. I so wish to go walking around in that kind of nature you mentioned. Only to feel connected already, sounds so wonderful...I luuuv nature, it really heals wandering through it. :angel:
Like last night I couldn't sleep so I tried meditating. I was flying, traveling around the world. Every so often Michael would just pop up in front of me lol. I went to all these different countries. I started out by flying across the ocean. I recognized Brazil as one of the places I went to, and then I saw Michael standing on what I think was the Great Wall of China. He was smiling,...
That sounds really neat. I love when things like that happen... the traveling across the world like that! Michael on the Great Wall ... hehe, cute :angel:

Hey guys. I couldn't join in because I spent the day with my bf but I read through all your experiences. Wow! I really wanted to be a part of it :( Maybe next time. I'm keeping the 25th free but I just couldn't do it this time seeing as it was Valentine's day.
Yeah, maybe next time. And ooooo... yeah.... Major Love Prayer is NEXT WEEK already! :heart: :punk: :heart: It's the day This Is It is released on DVD here in Germany, by the way. It's out 3 days earlier in the UK.

I just found these different sounds on YouTube... It´s called Tetha realms.. What are these sounds?
Hmmm, sounds like theta wave inducing music including binaural beats for theta? In your brain different waves (gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta) are prominent during different states of consciousness. Like normal waking state when you're talking with people at work would be beta. Alpha is when you're more focused and flowing, great for intuition. Theta waves are associated with dreaming, but also with deep daydreamy meditative states. Brainwave entrainment with binaural beats is when a certain tone is played in one ear and another tone in the other, the combined result of which tends to pull your brain into synch with the frequency in the middle. It's not like some magic fix, but it can help... in theory. When we do our meditation experiments my favorite track is nothing but binaural beats to sync my brain to theta waves :yes: Plus it's totally monotonous, so nothing distracts me. There's some nice new-agey music that uses this underneath the melodies as well.

Anyway, the fans were shouting "Applehead!" and throwing apples at Michael :lol: But it didn't hurt him, we were just throwing them in his direction. He was giggling a lot and looked like he was having so much fun. And yeah, he threw apples at us too :lol:
Throwing apples? :hysterical: Hopefully they were just made of foam or something ;)

littlesparrow - I think your experience with Smile is pretty cool. Synchronicity in action, I guess :) So in some way you were 'there' with us. Funny, cuz wasn't it Mrs Music who thought she 'saw' you?

souldreamer - WOW, really nice, thanks for sharing! I love how you saw Tinkerbell too. Cute! I was so obsessed with her when I was a kid :lol: You know, one time back in August I felt totally connected with Michael in a deep meditation and I found myself on clouds and it was like he was Peter Pan almost, lolol. We jumped/flew from one cloud to the next and I laughed because it was so funny... reminded me of your Tink experience. And the first time I 'saw' him in a meditation in July he did like a spiral moonwalk into the air and sparkles, like pixie dust or the sparkles from the animated MJJ logo of his socks, just flew off of his feet in a trail and I said something like, "How cool! You can do that for real now!" :cry::angel:And just now I thought of a macro that said "This can't be Michael Jackson! You're too sparkly to be human!" ... something like that
I had a weird dream this morning in which members of the Jackson family were sitting at tables and you could go meet them. I don't understand now what exactly was going on in this dream, but I remember I got there a bit late. By then it was just Katherine and LaToya who were still there. And I saw them soooo vividly and up close, like absolutely real. I can still see their faces with clarity, like I really saw them in person some hours ago. Interesting. Katherine didn't smile at all. She looked quite sad :( and as if she wasn't sure she liked the fans everywhere like this. She didn't speak to me or really even look at me when I tried to say hello. I got the impression that she felt like it was a carnival atmosphere and that no one really respected Michael or her family, so I felt sad about this misunderstanding. I wasn't feeling it like that at all :mello:

After that I bought these shiny gold stamps (like postage stamps) with hearts on them because LaToya was autographing them for people. Weird, yes :lol: I've had at least two other dreams in which I was hanging out with LaToya, like we were friends and talking, talking. I wonder why? Anyway, I took the stamps to LaToya and she was very nice and smiled and signed them for me, but she was in a hurry as she and her mother were getting up to leave.
Okay Guys...I just have to share this with you guys.. :) :angel:

Wow lovely. :wub: Reminds of me of the experience I had back in November. I wasn't dreaming, but I saw those sparkly things flying through the air. I'm sure he could do real magic now if he really wanted to. "Magic Man" is my personal nickname for Michael. :p

I had a dream about Michael and the fans last night (of course, I am the main one there :lol:)

Anyway, the fans were shouting "Applehead!" and throwing apples at Michael :lol: But it didn't hurt him, we were just throwing them in his direction. He was giggling a lot and looked like he was having so much fun. And yeah, he threw apples at us too :lol:


lol cute :lol:

I went traveling in meditation again last night, this time I think to Italy. Naples seemed to come to my mind. This makes me think back to when we were talking about remote viewing. I wonder if it's possible to actually travel somewhere in your mind and see it, even having never been there before.