May 19, 2008: Michael Jackson News & Mentionings(Michael to release new single next month?)

what happened with three or four new singles soon and MJ shaping up for new music video?
it came from the spokeswoman and nothing came out, let alone gossip.
No thats not true at all... I try to be realistic. I dont like negativity as much as the next guy but why fool yourselves with gossip. I find it interesting to read...but we being MJ fans should know the majority of stuff written is false. We need to take everything with a grain of salt or otherwise we are no better then the people we condemn for insulting Michael. Those people believe everything they read! Why should I be like that? Currently there is ZERO concrete evidence to say Michael will release a new single next month. ONE Las Vegas reporter (who inaccurately reported in 2007 that Michael was signing performing deals with every god forsaken hotel in Vegas) has said Michael will release a new single next month. It was one sentence! He didnt even give details or sources of where he found that out. And you call me negative for questioning the legitimacy of that? I want a new MJ single ASAP! But I dont jump at everything that comes my way.
AMEN! I swear people PRETEND to be positive about wacked out baseless rumors when in their heart they know it aint true. People give themselves false hope, something to cheer them up for the minute, but realise when their day dreaming comes to an end and Michael really DIDNT do what you were dreaming he would they crack the shits. :lol:

Alright I think Im done defending myself now.
Ya couldnt have done a better job:)
what happened with three or four new singles soon and MJ shaping up for new music video?
it came from the spokeswoman and nothing came out, let alone gossip.

could have been true, but plans change. I was planning on performing in a major talent quest in July, and i told all my friends, and now i am NOT performing in it. I still COULD perform in it, but i am NOT doing it for my own reasons. See, plans change:)
No one is ATTACKING you Smooth Criminal 05!

Geez, why does everybody hear feel so endangered whenever someone is against their opinion???

I was not saying that you should be 100% positive and sure that Michael is releasing single next month, I was just saying that we should believe , but not be disappointed if nothing happens. THAT is the difference.
what happened with three or four new singles soon and MJ shaping up for new music video?
it came from the spokeswoman and nothing came out, let alone gossip.

could have been true, but plans change. I was planning on performing in a major talent quest in July, and i told all my friends, and now i am NOT performing in it. I still COULD perform in it, but i am NOT doing it for my own reasons. See, plans change:)

Hm.. I always thought that Raymone Bain meant the singles from T25..
Is there a chance that we misunderstood the statement? remember T25 was meant to come out late '07. The mixes was recorded early Nov. And it was around that time she made the statement about the singles... hm... I could be wrong though, anyone willing to clear it up a bit for me?
:yes:Yeah she tends to make a statement just for the sake of it

I have to admit from memory i didnt like her.. but i just had a read through the sticky on this forum with all her statements and for a while there she was doing a good job. Lots of statements debunking all the rumours and letting us know what Mike was doing and when he would be doing it. Then, I think when fans began getting angry that Raymone wouldnt deny rumours or confirm events, it wasnt her fault. It was because she no longer did that job for MJ anymore, which she hasnt for a while now.
I dont think there will be a new single next month, when it will be sure there'll not be doubts at all, its always been in this way... when a new song will be ready will be ready... but thanks for news :)
ps Raymone is still there, but she's often out of country for works, so wait her future communication. Only when will be confirmed by Michael that she's gone, we can believe this.
She was there the last week.
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AMEN! I swear people PRETEND to be positive about wacked out baseless rumors when in their heart they know it aint true. People give themselves false hope, something to cheer them up for the minute, but realise when their day dreaming comes to an end and Michael really DIDNT do what you were dreaming he would they crack the shits. :lol:

Ya couldnt have done a better job:)

Thanks! its nice to see someone understands where im comin from. Ohhh I almost you use facebook that often because Im pretty sure I added you like a month ago but havent seen you pop up on my friends list lol.
Thanks! its nice to see someone understands where im comin from. Ohhh I almost you use facebook that often because Im pretty sure I added you like a month ago but havent seen you pop up on my friends list lol.
Facebook i signed up for only to use Scrabulous and I aint used that in months. Sorry haha. I pretty much just go on Maximum Jackson and here. And yeah, i have disagreed with alot of stuff u have said on this forum but the last few things ive agreed with 100%

Why do fans around here always have to take sides...It's like we are 8 or something...
there are no sides. Some people have matching opinions, some dont. And coz its a discussion board, we discuss those opinions. Simple.:)
I have to admit from memory i didnt like her.. but i just had a read through the sticky on this forum with all her statements and for a while there she was doing a good job. Lots of statements debunking all the rumours and letting us know what Mike was doing and when he would be doing it. Then, I think when fans began getting angry that Raymone wouldnt deny rumours or confirm events, it wasnt her fault. It was because she no longer did that job for MJ anymore, which she hasnt for a while now.

Yes well said, and I think because she did a good job for a period of time we expected her to inform us about everything. Then there was a dry, and we heard nothing from her, so I guess frustrated fans targeted her.... lol.. I just got this AHA:wild: feeling while typing this (there should be a smiley with a lightbowl on top of his head) Think about this, we've heard over and over again that Mike want's to shock the world, maybe he wants to shock us fans as much as the he wants to do with the public. Maybe THAT'S why we never got any "real" news from R.B because she was told not to do so, just like Ne-Yo, Akon etc.:yes: