May 19, 2008: Michael Jackson News & Mentionings(Michael to release new single next month?)

Janet Jackson Announces “Rock with U” Concert Tour

Mon, 19 May 2008

Janet Jackson announced on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday that after a 7-year hiatus, she’s returning to the stage for her “Rock with U” Concert Tour.
“I’m here to kick off my ‘Rock With U’ tour,” Janet shared. “Our first show is September 10. And I’ve set up a number for fans to call in and to leave what old/new songs you’d like to hear [at the concert]. The number’s 323-622-8139. Give me a call and let me know!”
The entire Ellen audience got two tickets each to Janet’s concert. SOOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!!!
Ellen also asked Janet if there’s going to be a Jackson 5 reunion. Janet was optimistic: “I hope so. I’ve been really pushing my brothers and having conference calls and working on it.”
Watch Janet’s appearance on Ellen here. And to watch her perform her latest single “Luv”, click here.
P.S. Janet’s book is due out in stores in in November from Karen Hunter Publishing. She talks about her struggles with her fluctuating weight and self-esteem issues.

Doroth_Marie It's the "Rock Witchu Tour"

Janet wants to Rock Witchu
[SIZE=-1](VARIETY Photo) - Janet Jackson speaks to students during a promotional event at a dance school in Tokyo April 10, 2008. Jackson said on Monday she will hit the road for the first time in seven years with the Canadian launch in September of her "Rock Witchu" arena tour through North America. REUTERS/Michael Caronna (Tuesday May 20, 11:49 AM)[/SIZE]
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Janet is so damn cool.

I mean, she allows fans to choose the setlist, does it get any better than that?

Sorry for the off-topic!
WBSS has already been released ppl :doh: so it must be sth BRAND NEW :woohoo: i believe michael aint no quiet for no reason. he wants to shock us and he will without a warning thats what i think
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WBSS has already been released ppl :doh: so it must be sth BRAND NEW :woohoo: i believe michael aint no quiet for no reason. he wants to shock us and he will without a warning thats what i think

Exactly.. Leach reports on Vegas things. USA things. WBSS is being released only in the UK next month, and the success of the song will be 95% based around AKON FANS.. because anyone who hears it will not think its released as a MJ tune. MJ barely sings on it and the radio edit (here in Australia) cuts MJ out totally! So yeah IF (and i say if because its highly possible Leach is wrong)..IF Leach is correct and MJ is releasing a single in USA then yeah, there is a small chance it could be something new for shock value. July 1st we will know. Im betting there will be no release in USA next month - T25 or new. Cant see it happening. Unless its like Ne-yo did.

Ne-yo released his new single 'Closer' before his album has even being completed. Ne-yo is STILL working on his album. It doenst even have a locked in release date, but the single is out. So if MJ has a song he thinks is so good he just CANT wait to release, he may do something similar. Who knows:) All guesswork amongst us on these forums.
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Where all so desperate for something to happen that we're now listening to this one guy who isnt even credible? I mean why would this guy know anything ahead of anyone else being as MJ is being so secretive? Dont be surprised that when next month passes and nothing happens.
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Omg tears came to my eyes when I read that Michael might be releasing new single NEXT MONTH! I'm so happy!

Thanks for the nice news! Nice quote from Victoria, too :)
There is no concrete evidence that Michael is releasing anything. This is just one guy who reports Las Vegas GOSSIP. Some of what he says turns out to be true but alot doesn't. His claim holds no more credibility then RF's info that states Michael is moving to Upstate New York and appearing on's next album. These things may turn out to be true but should not be expected because we all know Michael changes his mind alot. What is the truth today could be totally history by the next day. I think until we here something from Michael himself through a statement or press release, or even through a credible record company then we should all just take all this info with a grain of salt and not get too excited.
Really nice quote from Victoria! She's lovely! :yes:

That's great that a lot of celebrity love Michael and they don't hide it, they say it proudly!
These things may turn out to be true but should not be expected because we all know Michael changes his mind alot. What is the truth today could be totally history by the next day.

I think until we here something from Michael himself through a statement or press release, or even through a credible record company then we should all just take all this info with a grain of salt and not get too excited.
Totally disagree. I wouldnt think MJ would keep all his stuff top secret and build aniticipation and then go and blow the hype in a statement. I think getting the music out to radio by surprise and plastering it all over the world one day would the best option, then a statement AFTERwards to confrm that the music is indeed Michael (coz we know about the Mr. Malachi incident - It should always be confirmed, but not before it comes out)

^ Thats my opinion:) I dont expect anyone to agree with me.
Thanks for all of the news, fans.

I agree regarding the title of Janet's tour. I watched her on "Ellen" and when Ellen mentioned her brothers, I expected to hear some appalased or screams, but it was basically silent. What was that all about? Were they (the audience) afraid to cheer? Who doesn't like the Jackson 5/Jacksons? Whatever.

Anyway -

Ne-yo released his new single 'Closer' before his album has even being completed. Ne-yo is STILL working on his album.

That is true, however, it is still gossip what Robin Leech is reporting. I will believe it when I see it.
I wonder why Robin Leech hasn't said anymore about this "new single":smilerolleyes:
There is no concrete evidence that Michael is releasing anything. This is just one guy who reports Las Vegas GOSSIP. Some of what he says turns out to be true but alot doesn't. His claim holds no more credibility then RF's info that states Michael is moving to Upstate New York and appearing on's next album. These things may turn out to be true but should not be expected because we all know Michael changes his mind alot. What is the truth today could be totally history by the next day. I think until we here something from Michael himself through a statement or press release, or even through a credible record company then we should all just take all this info with a grain of salt and not get too excited.

why do you ALWAYS have to be so negative :(
Michael ain't releasing no new damn single next month.
If he does, I'll let every single last member on this website b!tch slap me in the face.

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maybe they didn't cheer b/c it's not for sure, hasn't been confirmed, and basically comes off as a lil sister who wants to see her bros benefit to them cuz they're gonna c jan for free...i doubt 99% of that audience would've gone to c jan's show if they hadto pay for a ticket
Michael ain't releasing no new damn single next month.
If he does, I'll let every single last member on this website b!tch slap me in the face.


I am not going to slap you because I do not believe it either. LOL.
Michael ain't releasing no new damn single next month.
If he does, I'll let every single last member on this website b!tch slap me in the face.


That ain't ever gonna happen. :lol: MJ ain't telling us nothing so why would we even do that if it did come out, you cool. :lol:
Michael ain't releasing no new damn single next month.
If he does, I'll let every single last member on this website b!tch slap me in the face.


Easy to say when you know it's a closed ain't getting slapped by no one cause there's no single next month.
Some people think being super negative is being super realistic. It's inbred to them.

No thats not true at all... I try to be realistic. I dont like negativity as much as the next guy but why fool yourselves with gossip. I find it interesting to read...but we being MJ fans should know the majority of stuff written is false. We need to take everything with a grain of salt or otherwise we are no better then the people we condemn for insulting Michael. Those people believe everything they read! Why should I be like that? Currently there is ZERO concrete evidence to say Michael will release a new single next month. ONE Las Vegas reporter (who inaccurately reported in 2007 that Michael was signing performing deals with every god forsaken hotel in Vegas) has said Michael will release a new single next month. It was one sentence! He didnt even give details or sources of where he found that out. And you call me negative for questioning the legitimacy of that? I want a new MJ single ASAP! But I dont jump at everything that comes my way. Alright I think Im done defending myself now.