Marlon gives exclusive interview to the Mirror

Marlon...why this tabloid?? I read a bit but I stopped because honestly I can't believe anything. I keep thinking what's true and what they twisted. So why bother...

a better question is much?
you better believe he got paid for this interview and he is not gonna pay for mj's burial a penny . here goes the fans theories about the family needing the money to pay for mj's related things, they are planning to chrage his estate they are not willing to pay a penny out of their pockets , even the memorial was paid by the estate . poor mj .
no dear AEG's lawyer said that part of the deal with the estate is for the estate to pay for the memorial . AEG will get everything they paid from the estate .they said that the day the judge approved the memorabilia deal , else aeg would have been one of the estate's creditors .
well i grew up w/ new edition too! lol didn't know who the new kids dad didn't allow any white music in the houes cept kenny g cuz he had 'soul' but i went to kindergarten thinking everyone knew the temps supremes, the jacksons, and the four tops...omg i flipped when i found out folks didn't know who tammy terrell was. like flipped....

lmaoo.. i understand, i understand.....

*ok back on topic* None of us are in the Jackson family so everything we say is pure speculation. First let me just say I respect everyone's opinion about the situation, so here is mine. Getting the estate to pay for his funeral is no different then using someone's life insurance money to pay for the burial or if the person had money set aside for that particular purpose..Sometimes I think we the fans don't realize that the Jacksons are a regular (2 some degree) family just like yours or mine. They are incurring some of the same funeral/burial bills just like we would it we were burying a family member. We need to be worrying about when the doctor(s) are going to be arrested for the crime that has been committed, not about the family getting money from Michael's estate, to bury Michael.
no dear AEG's lawyer said that part of the deal with the estate is for the estate to pay for the memorial . AEG will get everything they paid from the estate .they said that the day the judge approved the memorabilia deal , else aeg would have been one of the estate's creditors .

Oh ok, thanks for the info.. The more you know, the more you grow.. lol

All this is getting to be to much.. Only court hearing I want to hear about is Murry and possibly Klein's.
yeah exactly a regular family won't sell stories about their brother's kids to tabloids , no regular family do that . they want to be treated like regular people they better start acting like regular people . since mj's death : joe , Latoya ,jermaine. tito and marlon have sold stories to tabloids.Randy is busy blackmailing the executors . one of te main reasons we were saying during the trial that the witness to the 1993 were liers was because they were paid but the fans ignore that the samething apply to te jacksons .

and sorry for the one who said that joe and kate refusing to defend mj during the trial without being paid was a lie by Diamon , no the one who made the interview with Grace was the one who interviewed them back then and THEY REFUSED TO GO ON TAPE DEFENDING HIM WITHOUT GETTING PAID , they got 200.000$ for that interview .
you better believe he got paid for this interview and he is not gonna pay for mj's burial a penny . here goes the fans theories about the family needing the money to pay for mj's related things, they are planning to chrage his estate they are not willing to pay a penny out of their pockets , even the memorial was paid by the estate . poor mj .
oh, no. i don't wanna believe it. do MJ's kids have to pay for their tutor by themselves with MJ's estate or allowance?
my point is for those fans who defens them and say they are selling stories because they have expenses to be paid related to mj , here you go, they are AGAIN asking the judge for the estate to pay , this is a family who went 48 hours after his death asking the judge to charge mj's estate for the expenses at ENCINO , they were worried who was going to pay THEIR BILLS and mj was at the coroner offcie at that time .
oh, no. i don't wanna believe it. do MJ's kids have to pay for their tutor by themselves with MJ's estate or allowance?
the allowance is coming from the estate .lol
which means MJ is gonna pay for his kids education. RIP mike
Um MJ's estate paying for his burial expenses are ok, but dang asking for his estate to pay for outside expenses is not cool. However MJ was paying for his mom's expenses b4 he died and since she hadn't received the money that MJ left her yet, I assume she need to ask for the estate to continue to pay her bills.

Someone asked if the kids had to pay for their own tutor, well since they will have a trust set up, anything the kids need regarding their education and stuff would come out of their trust, just like anybody else who had one. I am sure not everything regarding the kids will be charged to the kids trust, but I am sure the education tuitions/tutors will be.
you better believe he got paid for this interview and he is not gonna pay for mj's burial a penny . here goes the fans theories about the family needing the money to pay for mj's related things, they are planning to chrage his estate they are not willing to pay a penny out of their pockets , even the memorial was paid by the estate . poor mj .

the allowance is coming from the estate .lol
which means MJ is gonna pay for his kids education. RIP mike
poor kids. i don't wanna say something, but something really makes me feel bad.
Um MJ's estate paying for his burial expenses are ok, but dang asking for his estate to pay for outside expenses is not cool. However MJ was paying for his mom's expenses b4 he died and since she hadn't received the money that MJ left her yet, I assume she need to ask for the estate to continue to pay her bills.

Someone asked if the kids had to pay for their own tutor, well since they will have a trust set up, anything the kids need regarding their education and stuff would come out of their trust, just like anybody else who had one. I am sure not everything regarding the kids will be charged to the kids trust, but I am sure the education tuitions/tutors will be.

you keep ignoring the fact that my posts are in response to the jacksosn selling stories to tabloids . what is their excuse since they are crying each time at the door of the court asking for mj's estate to pay for everything ?-_-

yes mj paid his mother's expense and according to the executors the extate will continue to pay the expences at Encino although "OTHER ADULTS" beside Katie are benefiting . according to court documents . he was paying FOR EVERYTHING and for everyone but please show some GARTEFULLNESS .
you keep ignoring the fact that my posts are in response to the jacksosn selling stories to tabloids . what is their excuse since they are crying each time at the door of the court asking for mj's estate to pay for everything ?-_-

yes mj paid his mother's expense and according to the executors the extate will continue to pay the expences at Encino although "OTHER ADULTS" beside Katie are benefiting . according to court documents . he was paying FOR EVERYTHING and for everyone but please show some GARTEFULLNESS .

I am not ignoring what you are saying, I was responding to your reply to my earlier comment, when you said that the the siblings are talking to the tabloids and Randy is blackmailing ppl. I am so smh@that, not that I don't believe, I am smh cuz that is an awful thing to do. As for my comment about Mrs. Jackson's expenses being paid I was responding to someone else who asked a question about it, hey I have no reason not to believe what you are saying. Actually I feel the same way about the boys expecting his estate to pay their way.. Um it's called saving your money for a rainy day or when those checks stop rolling in.. I just don't want to beleive the family is selling their story to a tabloid. They know they don't have the best relationship with the tabloids and so they shouldn't go to bed with them now cuz it will backfire.

The family should just stick with the magazines that has always had their back Ebony & Jet.
Next thing you know is they will be selling stories to Ok magazine, who used the picture of a deceased Michael in the ambulance to sell magazines.

I know it is hard for them to find any media outlet who hasn't been vile about him, but the Daily Mirror for god's sake, it is the very worst along with the Daily Mail.

I do love the family and try not to critisise but out of respect for Michael it turns my stomach to see them with people who tried to destroy him.
who else does find it so fake and so absurd for Marlon to compare MJ's death with Brandon's death ? i mean he talked about Brandon like someone who he knew , had memories of ...etc . he had never met Brandon never played with Brandon never lived with Brandon . I would not believe katie the MOTHER who carried the baby for 9 months if she had placed Brandon and Michael in the same sentence . that moment looked so FAKE during the memorial .someone should warn Marlon to stop mentioning Brandon whenever he mentioned Michael , he is not doing any favor for himself doing that , if any his grieve looks so fake .
who else does find it so fake and so absurd for Marlon to compare MJ's death with Brandon's death ? i mean he talked about Brandon like someone who he knew , had memories of ...etc . he had never met Brandon never played with Brandon never lived with Brandon . I would not believe katie the MOTHER who carried the baby for 9 months if she had placed Brandon and Michael in the same sentence . that moment looked so FAKE during the memorial .someone should warn Marlon to stop mentioning Brandon whenever he mentioned Michael , he is not doing any favor for himself doing that , if any his grieve looks so fake .

You have obviously never lost a close dear sibling, or loved one. they stay forever in your heart. why do you care so much? They are BOTH his brothers.
I'm sorry but the tabloids must be so happy. everytime they have a dry day i expect they just pick up the phone to a jackson family member and get another story.

how SICK is it to sell details of a private funeral? I mean really??? i thought the whole point was that it was private for a reason

you better believe he got paid for this interview and he is not gonna pay for mj's burial a penny . here goes the fans theories about the family needing the money to pay for mj's related things, they are planning to chrage his estate they are not willing to pay a penny out of their pockets , even the memorial was paid by the estate . poor mj .

yep you speak alot of home truths

i just feel so sorry for his kids

can i just ask why its always MJ that seemed to be funding the family .. not janet? i mean shes one of the biggest artists of all time... has she just got more balls to say no to people (good on her if so)
They are BOTH his brothers.
sorry I would understand if katie talked about losing Brandon since she carried him 9 months but I'm sure she won't say losing him was like losing Michael i mean noway in hell not even for their mother that was the case , but for Marlom .please to compare losing a 50 years old sibling you lived with, had memories of , laughed and cried together ...etc with a two HOURS baby you had absolutly no memory of looks so fake to me .that's my own feelings . and yes i lost a sibling before i was even born he was three months old . but honestly in no way i think of him as i think of my sister . i would lose my mind if anything happened to her but as for him well he is resting in peace for sure and i love him but nothing less nothing more .
ho else does find it so fake and so absurd for Marlon to compare MJ's death with Brandon's death ?
did he. yeah i do. its like having a miscarriage and losing your 10 year old kid. cant really be compaired with losing an actual person
who else does find it so fake and so absurd for Marlon to compare MJ's death with Brandon's death ?

With all due respect, how do you know what it feels like to lose a twin? He feels what he feels, please respect that. Just because you think you would act/feel a certain way does not mean others would act/feel the same.
Why Mirror?? Why the tabloid that hurt MJ a lot during his life?? I don't understand that part. Was there some sort of bidding? All about $$$, sigh...
Fellow MJ fans, please dont automatically assume that those giving interviews are doing them for their own monetary gains. I'm not saying they are not, but what I am saying is that some of you are ASS-U-ME-ing and not giving them the benefit of the doubt. For all you know any money could be going to a savings account for the kids, or even to charity, etc. The main point is WE DONT KNOW! so act accordingly!
can i just ask why its always MJ that seemed to be funding the family .. not janet? i mean shes one of the biggest artists of all time... has she just got more balls to say no to people (good on her if so)

I wonder about this too.