Marlon gives exclusive interview to the Mirror

Ok...after I read ur comment it got me thinking...I respect Michael's family and eventhough most of the things they do blows my mind, and dont understand it...If Marlon really did this interview, then I dont really know what to think...Latoya did the this all about $$ then? Wtf is going on then? if the "trusted" paper is now the Mirror...

really confused about this...I just hope its not true...:no:
tito gave the mirror an interview aswell
.they will give people the impression that all their mj stories have been true...
exactly. they are legitimising these tabs and their stories about mj. joe bloggs last week reads the headline of mj takes drugs to stop his urged for kids. next week marlon gives them an interview. what sort of impression does that give. no one to defend mj but us and we cant do anything on a scale that makes any difference. and this hurts the most
And even Michael himself gave an interview to the Mirror, didn't he?? :doh: Or I remember wrong? :huh:
Maybe that's where they got the idea it's ok to talk to them...
tito gave the mirror an interview aswell

wtf?!!!!! how can they give interviews to the same paper that said these awful things about him and is known to twist ppls words cant they give an interview to a more respectable paper
I don't want to say anything bad about them but........god I just cant understand these ppl
yeah as part of the settlement from when he sued them i read. but mj talking about himself is slightly different to this.
wtf?!!!!! how can they give interviews to the same paper that said these awful things about him and is known to twist ppls words cant they give an interview to a more respectable paper
I don't want to say anything bad about them but........god I just cant understand these ppl

latoya to the news of the world and the mail. prob he 2 papers who have treated mj the worst over the years. let alone her saying that blanket wasnt mjs kid.!
maybe the Jacksons made a deal to be able to have final say over what goes in the paper. they could just be choosing a tabloid to reach a wider audience. and not every interview is paid for with big bucks, you know. it's not like they've been coming out of the closet with some major scandalous gossip.
At least a good thing I noticed when the Jackson family are talking to such tabloids, is they avoid using the world J---o in the article, (of course they resume using it the next day).
If and when the Jackson family members have talked to tabloids (and the worst kind at that), I wonder if no one has alerted them to the crap these papers churn out about their brother, Michael? If they knew, I'd imagine they'd tell those papers to shove it.

so phkin true.

I wonder whether these 'interviews' are real...but then they do sound genuine. :(

exactly. they are legitimising these tabs and their stories about mj. joe bloggs last week reads the headline of mj takes drugs to stop his urged for kids. next week marlon gives them an interview. what sort of impression does that give. no one to defend mj but us and we cant do anything on a scale that makes any difference. and this hurts the most
MJ will never be at peace as long as his children are with that family , they will exploit them more than they exploited their father , I mean mj is their flesh and blood ,look what they have done
to him
imagine what they will do to his kids when from every interview they did no one of them even believe they are his kids
and please mods stop deleting posts against the family , mj said it himself , our perception of them is first basedon what mj did say about them and second their own shameful actions .
MJ will never be at peace as long as his children are with that family , they will exploit them more than they exploited their father , I mean mj is their flesh and blood ,look what they have done
to him
imagine what they will do to his kids when from every interview they did no one of them even believe they are his kids
Tito did though at least. He defended him the best compared to all the other Jacksons.
just seems to me that all the family are giving interviews just to cash in on michael . really .

only person keeping quiet is Janet.....

wish they would just stop it , i mean , he isnt even buried yet and there planning tv shows , talent things , and doing all these interviews . I wish they would stop !
Lying in state in an £18,000 gold-plated casket, the drug-ravaged singer has been fitted with a special wig to give him flowing shoulder-length locks, Marlon says. :lies

No. It's not lies. This article doen't say that Marlon said that. These are the comments of journlists. When Marlon speaks, there are quotationmarks : " "
Lying in state in an £18,000 gold-plated casket, the drug-ravaged singer has been fitted with a special wig to give him flowing shoulder-length locks, Marlon says. :lies

I stopped reading after that sentence. I don't believe Marlon would have said that. It's obvious the so-called journalist(s) wrote most (if not all) of this interview from their very own imagination.

The second I read that quote above, I knew something was strange about the article. It really hurts to think that Marlon would do an interview like this one. I hope that he will clarify what he really said and did not say. The whole article emphasizes the 'Mike is a drug addict' theme that some people cannot let go of.

did someone tell marlon that the other week the mirrors headline was mj took drugs to control his urges for young boys. but hey ho give them an interview if it pays the bills..

the media and tabloids must laugh their heads off at that fecking clueless one week call mike a pedo next week get an interview with his brother. pretty much sums it up. private funeral that they cant help but advertise every chance they get. have some respect for once if not for yourselfs for mj and his kids. make your $ while u can cause no ones gonna give a dam later. tabloids talking crap about mj and kids every chance they get crapping on his legacy and instead of doing something about it they get into bed with them instead. legitimising the hatefull stories they put out b4 and will no doubt put out in the coming weeks and months.

WTF? The bold is absolutely disgusting. You have some good points. I don't understand why they chose to do interviews with overseas tabloids. I'm sure NBC, CBS, or ABC would love to do an interview with one of the Jacksons. Yet, they keep going to tabloids. :doh: I'm sure they knew he hated tabloids. I'm sure they heard at least some of the things they were making up about their brother.

maybe the Jacksons made a deal to be able to have final say over what goes in the paper. they could just be choosing a tabloid to reach a wider audience. and not every interview is paid for with big bucks, you know. it's not like they've been coming out of the closet with some major scandalous gossip.

I don't think so. They would have approved an article that calls MJ a drug-ravaged singer? I really hope not.

latoya to the news of the world and the mail. prob he 2 papers who have treated mj the worst over the years. let alone her saying that blanket wasnt mjs kid!

:bugeyed :no:
No. It's not lies. This article doen't say that Marlon said that. These are the comments of journlists. When Marlon speaks, there are quotationmarks : " "

Yeah, there are parts of the article which directly quote Marlon. But when they say 'Marlon says...' What are we supposed to think? It is clear. They are claiming Marlon told them that.
Tito did though at least. He defended him the best compared to all the other Jacksons.

I don't remember everything he said in the article, but I know he said the kids are definitely MJ's and said he had an uncle (?) who had a child that "looked" black and one that "looked" white. He did defend Mike.
well , why are you so surprised ?

during the trial Joe and Katie refused to give an interview to defend mj without getting paid first , they refused to defend their son without getting money for it from the interviewer .
Tito did though at least. He defended him the best compared to all the other Jacksons.

I really think that nobody in the family knows if they are his kids (biological) but each one has his idea.
- Tito think they are all his kids (I think he's naive)
- Latoya think Paris and Prince are his blood but not Blanket.
- Marlon said he doesn't know
- Jermaine said they are the reals kids from the blood

Yeah, there are parts of the article which directly quote Marlon. But when they say 'Marlon says...' What are we supposed to think? It is clear. They are claiming Marlon told them that.
Sorry, you're right. I just come to read again the passage and it is written " marlon say " at the end of the sentence. I think that his comments were exaggerated, and twisted to depict Michael as a drug-addict.
This sentence has nothing to do with the rest of the interview.
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i hope this is not going to turn into a debate about the children all over again
ok so who can the family go to that hasn't talked shiiit so to speak and pardon my french?

us weekly?
vanity fair?
or how about tv?

nany grace?
jane velez?

the only two on tv are degeneres and banks and those two don't do serious shows
oh god why are ppl still talking about are they his "biological" kids or not who cares?
I personally think that they are his kids and even if they weren't its nobody's damn business
he is the one who loved them and cared for them he is there only father
ok so who can the family go to that hasn't talked shiiit so to speak and pardon my french?

us weekly?
vanity fair?
or how about tv?

nany grace?
jane velez?

the only two on tv are degeneres and banks and those two don't do serious shows

Yeah, I know. There are alot of people who consider themselves 'serious journalists' who talk shit about MJ and get their info straight out of the tabloids. What about setting up something w/ Geraldo? I don't think he's talked shit about MJ (correct me if I'm wrong).

Even though Ellen & Tyra are not "serious shows," the tabloids aren't serious journalists. Tito and Reebie went on Regis to promote the Jackson Family Honors. The Jacksons would need to have some control over the interview to get a fair shake.
ok so who can the family go to that hasn't talked shiiit so to speak and pardon my french?

us weekly?
vanity fair?
or how about tv?

nany grace?
jane velez?

the only two on tv are degeneres and banks and those two don't do serious shows

I'm so DEAD@Okrah.. Soso you stupid for that one.. lmao...

I agree with you, however they can go to Right ON or Word UP magazines..
Ebony has always been fair to the jacksons. Hell I think they would dedicate another special edition magazine to the family if they decided to speak out..
If the Jacksons would've gone to TVOne their ratings would've skyrocketed and I am sure they would've also been fair to the family.