Marlon gives exclusive interview to the Mirror

I really think that nobody in the family knows if they are his kids (biological) but each one has his idea.
- Tito think they are all his kids (I think he's naive)
- Latoya think Paris and Prince are his blood but not Blanket.
- Marlon said he doen't know
- Jermaine said they are the reals kids from the blood

Sorry, you're right. I just come to read again the passage and it is written " marlon say " at the end of the sentence. I think that his comments were exaggerated, and twisted to depict Michael as a drug-addict.
This sentence has nothing to do with the rest of the interview.
Why is he naive?? I think this is the best natural conclusion until there's a definite proof otherwise with a DNA test or something.
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oh god why are ppl still talking about are they his "biological" kids or not who cares?
I personally think that they are his kids and even if they weren't its nobody's damn business
he is the one who loved them and cared for them he is there only father

i hope this is not going to turn into a debate about the children all over again

No, no, a thousand times no. lol I only mentioned what Tito said to show how Tito defended him...We aint talking bout the kids being his biologically (which I believe they are). I don't want this thread to get locked or wiped clean lol.
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Why is he naive?? I think this is the best natural conclusion until there's a DNA test or something.
yes but I said he was naive not about the kids but about everything. In many interviews, Tito seemes to be very naive and believe everybody. When he spoke about the drugs addiction, he said that he has always believe Michael when he said "I'm all right" and Tito answered : "Ok !". Sorry, it wasn't a negative critics with regard to the children but just an personal feeling about Tito. Hes seems to me too gentle.
I'm so DEAD@Okrah.. Soso you stupid for that one.. lmao...

I agree with you, however they can go to Right ON or Word UP magazines..
Ebony has always been fair to the jacksons. Hell I think they would dedicate another special edition magazine to the family if they decided to speak out..
If the Jacksons would've gone to TVOne their ratings would've skyrocketed and I am sure they would've also been fair to the family.

Heck yes. EBONY! They would welcome the Jacksons.

This story is all BS. I doubt Marlon did an interview with them. Just like the fake Latoya interview. The Jacksons wouldnt pick tabloids to do interviews with.

I agree. Is'nt this the same tabloid that had the exclusive interview with Debbie Rowe and Grace shortly after Michael passed?
Michael said many times that all the kids are his biological kids...NO ONE can lie about something like this , a father can not lie about the identity of his sons and daughter not in this century...I believe Michael the father and Debbie the mother ,the rest can go to hell
michael said many times that all the kids are his biological one can lie about something like this , a father can not lie about the identity of his sons and daughter not in this century...i believe michael the father and debbie the mother ,the rest can go to hell

I think the DNA talk is tiring. People only do this to Michael. I don't see them constantly questioning other people like this even in cases where the kids don't bare any resemblence to the parent. The media and others wouldn't do this to anyone else. It's really none of anyone's business anyway and I wish people would stop obessing over the DNA of those kids. Michael raised them, he's the Father and that's that.
Yeah, I know. There are alot of people who consider themselves 'serious journalists' who talk shit about MJ and get their info straight out of the tabloids. What about setting up something w/ Geraldo? I don't think he's talked shit about MJ (correct me if I'm wrong).

Even though Ellen & Tyra are not "serious shows," the tabloids aren't serious journalists. Tito and Reebie went on Regis to promote the Jackson Family Honors. The Jacksons would need to have some control over the interview to get a fair shake.
man...regis is a damn fool right about now. he got hyper ass kelly...when her small self ain't pregnant, she perky. and regis too old

he should stick to selling butter.
I'm so DEAD@Okrah.. Soso you stupid for that one.. lmao...

I agree with you, however they can go to Right ON or Word UP magazines..
Ebony has always been fair to the jacksons. Hell I think they would dedicate another special edition magazine to the family if they decided to speak out..
If the Jacksons would've gone to TVOne their ratings would've skyrocketed and I am sure they would've also been fair to the family.
that's her name in my house...just like vandross is loofah....chile...haha

now ebony i would love. their comm. issue is the centerpiece of my whole memorial *sighs* collection.

and omg word UP. memories! lol b2k and imx /immature/romeo! haha omg the busta and janet poster.....cdfu
3 Kids are all MJ's. They don't need to have a DNA test, or it will be hurt them.
well anything for money. Love is love; money is money. Marlon loves Michael, but at the same time he wanted money. I can accept the any news as long as it never said something bad to MJ.
that's her name in my house...just like vandross is loofah....chile...haha

now ebony i would love. their comm. issue is the centerpiece of my whole memorial *sighs* collection.

and omg word UP. memories! lol b2k and imx /immature/romeo! haha omg the busta and janet poster.....cdfu

That's in every black house hold his name Loofah or

OMG u are a baby, u said B2gay and IMain't... lawd. back in my day it was New Edition, Bobby Brown, Debarge (El), Al B. Sure, man I just dated myself.. I need to go lay down..

That Ebony comm. issue is the business, they did there thing..

The family should do an exclusive with them, I got 3 old Ebony mags
here is one from 1970.. I was born in '77 so my aunt gave me her copy

This is from 1981

don't have a pic of the other one yet will post it soon.. but the articles in here are great
Interesting interview, but still on the fence whether this interview with Marlon is true or not.

I just went through 5 pages of comments on this thread to see if a video of this was a available and did not see one...

So until a VIDEO of this interview is shared, I am not so sure I'll believe it until I see/hear this interview on video with Marlon speaking of course.
I'm sick of people talking about about the children's DNA! sick sick sick!
well , why are you so surprised ?

during the trial Joe and Katie refused to give an interview to defend mj without getting paid first , they refused to defend their son without getting money for it from the interviewer .

That is not accurate, something that Diane Dimond loves to say & does not reflect the totality of the strategy that the Jacksons did to help their son,even before the allegations hit. When Bashir's documentary aired the Jackson family must have had a family meeting to figure out a strategy. They did many things, one was Jermaine went on LKL to defend MJ after the baby dangling incident which happened while Bashir was filming.

LaToya on LKL, Joe calls in:

There was MJ rebuttal special about Bashir where I believe Joe & Katherine were both in. Maybe there was some compensation there, idk.

Joe defended his son on CNN while he was serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless - no link, just my memory. Did not get paid.

after the trial:

There is a 20/20 interview of Latoya & Katherine is in it, that is on You Tube where she exlains her abusive relationship with Jack Gordon & what she did in 93.

Jermaine with Mark Geragos defending MJ.

Jermaine defended his brother many times on TV as the family rep., no links, just my memory. His brother was 1000% innocent is what I believed he said. He was very emotional.

Those are all non-paid interviews.

We all saw Katherine walking into court everyday. Joe also came very often, at arraignment too. Different siblings were there at arraignment, & other pretrial stuff. Who can forget the pics of MJ, LaToya & Janet all in white? MJ would not have been acquitted if his family hadn't been so supportive IMO. Just by their presence they defended him non-verbally, which can be even more powerful.

In 93 DD said the same thing about the family which is just not true - I remember Joe, Katherine, Jermaine & some other family members in front of Encino home defending MJ at a news conference. They defended him when they announced the Jackson Family Honors. It is just a way to discredit all the Jacksons, including MJ.

I remember Katherine & Jermaine did an interview on ET in 93.They were very emotional.( not paid) Katherine called in very upset in 93 to defend her son on LKL. (not paid)

I don't know what interviews they were paid for or perhaps their reps just inquired.

Daphne Barak may have paid for her interview with Joe & Katherine, I don't know.

I do believe LaToya was paid for her recent interview with the London tab as the interviewer basically said she was on LKL. The Jacksons may have very good reason to do some paid interviews as they have probably incurred huge bills - they have had to fight for custody of the kids with DR, had to pay for a 2nd autopsy, have probably hired private investigators, pay for Londell McMillan, etc.

I think people should leave the family alone. We do not know the whole story & circumsatnces.
You know what's bad... Marlon's beautiful comments "it doesn't matter who the father is etc..." are being used by the Sun today to claim that he appeared to confirm MJ is not the dad (in an article about Blanket being the son of Macauley)! I mean! :doh: I won't comment more as I'm bound to become: :evil:
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I doubt Marlon said anything bad against Michael however nice stories don't sell papers. Remember Marlon has no editorial contrl after he has spoken to the news paper.

The journalist added his own twist to the words Marlon said.

I guess they could be doing these interviews for 2 reasons. To get the truth out there as there is so much lies going around but also tabloids pay good money and everyone has bills to pay. A quick interview can net then tens of thousands of pounds.
:doh: The Mirror? It's tabloid... TMZ is always the first to spread the news exclusively. So it's not scary Marlon have given that up interviews to The Mirror.

Well, it seems that the Jackson family had a great partnership with tabloids...:smilerolleyes:
You know what's bad... Marlon's beautiful comments "it doesn't matter who the father is etc..." are being used by the Sun today to claim that he appeared to confirm MJ is not the dad (in an article about Blanket being the son of Macauley)! I mean! :doh: I won't comment more as I'm bound to become: :evil:

That is the problem with the media, is that they will twist what is said to imply something else. Or deliberately say one thing alongside another so it can be taken out of context. They do it deliberately to try and see how far they can say whatever they want without being sued. Or they say someone said something but don't put it in quotes. It is really horrible. So difficult ,you have to try and read between the lines with all these media articles.
That is not accurate, something that Diane Dimond loves to say & does not reflect the totality of the strategy that the Jacksons did to help their son,even before the allegations hit. When Bashir's documentary aired the Jackson family must have had a family meeting to figure out a strategy.

I think people should leave the family alone. We do not know the whole story & circumsatnces.

Thank you for your post jrsfan. ITA with you. Yes, some of the actions of SOME of the Jackson family may be questionable. But, we don't know what's really going on on the inside.

I am going to just observe and see how everything shakes out, but I don't think we should be critical about every little thing that the family does or does not do that WE do not like or approve of.
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Anyways last night, I was channel surfing and caught that ET had a clip of Tito and Marlon that they were going to show. I didn't stay to watch the show because it had other unsavory stories about Michael last night.

But went to go look for the clip on the website. They were in the US Virgin Islands because Tito had a show there.

Both of the brothers were very respectful in what they said. It seems like it has sunk in, but they both are still obviously grieving. Tito says that he will never be at peace because he knew that it wasn't Michael's time to go.
did someone tell marlon that the other week the mirrors headline was mj took drugs to control his urges for young boys. but hey ho give them an interview if it pays the bills..

the media and tabloids must laugh their heads off at that fecking clueless one week call mike a pedo next week get an interview with his brother. pretty much sums it up. private funeral that they cant help but advertise every chance they get. have some respect for once if not for yourselfs for mj and his kids. make your $ while u can cause no ones gonna give a dam later. tabloids talking crap about mj and kids every chance they get crapping on his legacy and instead of doing something about it they get into bed with them instead. legitimising the hatefull stories they put out b4 and will no doubt put out in the coming weeks and months.
:clapping: :clapping: exactly how i feel

with a family like this...

I don't believe all that was in the LaToya interview either. I also don't believe that Toy and Marlon actually sat down with them for an interview. I also don't believe that Marlon would give details on the funeral arrangements when he knows very well that his mother and sisters are trying to keep it totally private.

i dont really understand why people find it so hard to believe..its in quotation marks. the tabloids do twist your words when you give an interview.. and can edit sentences out.. but you have to accept that in order to be paid the big bucks. when tabloids get reallyy dodgy is when they say "a source told us" but that source can be anyone and is likely to be made up.. so its hard to sue..

here they have named their source (marlon) .. cos he has said the things in quotation marks.. and collected his paycheck

if Marlon didnt agree to this interview.. dont you think thered be some statement? if la toya hadnt given that interview.. dont you think thered be a statement??? they gave these interviews

Is it about money? Does the Mirror pay for the stories?

haha.... i'm guessing yes!!!!

I doubt Marlon said anything bad against Michael however nice stories don't sell papers. Remember Marlon has no editorial contrl after he has spoken to the news paper.

The journalist added his own twist to the words Marlon said.


Marlon will have expected his words to be twisted.. sentences left out.. etc etc.. he obviously cared more about the money.. or he WOULDNT have chosen the Mirror
:agree:It doesn't matter how glorious the interview Marlon may or may not have given The Mirror, it would have been written with a hint of truth based on undeniable fact with a whole lot of salacious inuendo and lies added to make the gossip mongers salivate and buy their rag. :no: Mike knew how these people work their mojo and we all should know it by now too. Why not head Michael's advise and not even bother with these types of publication? All they are going to do is make us angry and sad. Leave them alone and maybe they will leave him alone. . . well, then again, they never will because Michael will never die in our hearts and I think that is really what they want to happen. We may have taken him away from us physically but they can't take him from us spiritually. In the end, WE still triumph!!!:clapping:
Maybe someone should tell Marlon, Tito and La Toya that they are cosy with the tabloid that paid those former employees for their 'stories' regarding '93. They had seen no wrongdoing from Michael until the Mirror went over with a pile of money that they offered for tales of Michael, and they wern't paying to hear about what a great guy he was. The Mirror, I am told is the one who first used the J...o word.
That's in every black house hold his name Loofah or

OMG u are a baby, u said B2gay and IMain't... lawd. back in my day it was New Edition, Bobby Brown, Debarge (El), Al B. Sure, man I just dated myself.. I need to go lay down..

That Ebony comm. issue is the business, they did there thing..

The family should do an exclusive with them, I got 3 old Ebony mags
here is one from 1970.. I was born in '77 so my aunt gave me her copy

This is from 1981

don't have a pic of the other one yet will post it soon.. but the articles in here are great
well i grew up w/ new edition too! lol didn't know who the new kids dad didn't allow any white music in the houes cept kenny g cuz he had 'soul' but i went to kindergarten thinking everyone knew the temps supremes, the jacksons, and the four tops...omg i flipped when i found out folks didn't know who tammy terrell was. like flipped....
Could it be that when they give interview they have a bunch of mics in their faces and a tabloid paper can be included too? Even more they may be on the fringes and decide to use thier quotes in the magazine. I just don't think they willingly give interviews to tabloid.

And i agree with lives us more sad because it was such an absurd, untimely death and it constantly leaves one with the waht-ifs, and the whys?
it's easier and smarter to do an interview on tv, if u can. look at chriz breezy...they twisting his words on his lkl was taped.

like jan said, sometimes u have to go on tv and say that 'this isn't what i said...this is what i said'

i doubt they're reading what was written about them. they did an interview and moved on. u think they got the mag it was in or whatever? or went online? it's prolly still too painful.

so unless someone tells them what's being said, then hell i don' tthink they'll know. no way toy said the things about mj's kids that they quoted her as saying.

just like when ok mag sold the pics adn interview of mj and deb w/ prince to the enquirer in the states...they posted the interview and then interjected their own crap at th eend. so those who bought it could'vethought the bs at teh bottom was legit. it's not.
Jackson Burial Goes to Court

Posted Sep 1st 2009 10:10PM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Katherine Jackson has filed legal papers asking the judge in the Jackson probate case to have the estate pay for the burial.

Informed sources tell us lawyers for the estate will neither support nor oppose the motion -- but rather they will leave it to the judge.

A hearing is set for tomorrow morning at 9:30.

The burial is set for Thursday.

MJ has to pay for his burial too. obviously the money the jacksons get from selling stories to the media is not to pay "mj's bills" he has to pay for himself even in death and for them too,he has obligationts toward them but they have no obligation toward him no matter what .
Marlon...why this tabloid?? I read a bit but I stopped because honestly I can't believe anything. I keep thinking what's true and what they twisted. So why bother...