Marlon gives exclusive interview to the Mirror


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
I know it's a tabloid but Marlon gave an interview to them...

Michael Jackson to be buried in a gold casket - encased in cement - says brother Marlon

WORLD EXCLUSIVE by Kate Mansey 29/08/2009
Exclusive interview with Marlon Jackson reveals Jackson's kids will leave 'Goodbye Daddy' notes in coffin; Aretha Franklin to sing at graveside; Wake to be held in family compound

Michael Jackson’s three grief-stricken children have penned goodbye letters to “Dear Daddy” to be placed inside his coffin.
Jackson’s brother Marlon makes the revelation in a world exclusive interview in which he tells the secrets of the King of Pop’s funeral, which will take place on Thursday.
The children – Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, seven – have written “Daddy we love you, we miss you” on notes which will be placed in his coffin, alongside the singer’s trademark single white glove.
Lying in state in an £18,000 gold-plated casket, the drug-ravaged singer has been fitted with a special wig to give him flowing shoulder-length locks, Marlon says.
And a make-up artist has painted his face to ensure he is buried as if he was taking to the stage for his last bow.
After an emotional sunset funeral, Jackson’s coffin will be immediately encased in deep concrete to deter grave robbers and ghouls.
CCTV cameras linked to sensors will activate an alarm to warn security guards of any would-be trespassers at the grave.
And in marked contrast to Jackson’s life – lived in full public glare since the age of five – the 45-minute service will be held away from the cameras, limited to close relatives and friends.
Marlon, 52, said: “This will be Michael’s final curtain call – the last show. His shell will be gone but his spirit lives on.”
Soul legend Aretha Franklin will sing at the graveside. Jackson’s close friend Diana Ross will be there too, so will Motown record label founder Berry Gordy.
Jackson will be buried in Holly Terrace Grand Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park, five miles from Hollywood in North Los Angeles, alongside stars including Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable.
The cemetery is closed to the public and is surrounded by high walls. Anyone visiting has to show ID.
In the nine weeks since Jackson died, his body has been kept in the refrigerated morgue at the cemetery, apart from the day it was driven in an armed police convoy to his Staples Center memorial service last month.
Marlon said: “This will be a private ceremony. His hairstylist has made his hair special and a make-up artist has gone in and fixed him up so he’s ready for the big day.”
A small wake will be held afterwards at the Jackson family compound in Encino. “This is the final step, the final curtain will be closed as regards to Michael’s life,” said Marlon.
“It’s a quiet place where the children will be able to visit in private to pay their respects.” Initially the funeral was scheduled for yesterday, which would have been Jackson’s 51st birthday.
But the burial was moved, said Marlon, because their mother Katherine is a Jehovah’s Witness and the religion doesn’t recognise birthdays. Marlon said: “I wanted to lay him to rest on the day the Lord created him. But my mother really didn’t want to bury him on that day.”
We can reveal that Jackson’s children have spent the last week-and-a-half on a break at Katherine’s Las Vegas home, visiting their uncle Jackie and playing with their cousins as the family try to spare them from the funeral preparations.
Marlon said: “They’re doing good. They’re finally getting to the stage of learning to live with it. You never get over something like that.” Marlon revealed how Paris had spoken to him about his twin brother Brandon, who died when he was just a few hours old.
He said: “After the memorial service Paris said to me, ‘Uncle Marlon, I’m sure my daddy is glad to see Uncle Brandon’. That was really special. I said, ‘Wow, that was the sweetest thing you could have said’.
“I have two brothers in Heaven now. Some day we’ll all be able to meet up there.”
Jackson died at his rented home in Los Angeles on June 25 after being given a lethal cocktail of drugs.
On Friday the LA county coroner ruled that his death was homicide.
More than two months after his death, the family’s anger at his physician Dr Conrad Murray, who administered the potent narcotic Propofol and was the last person to see him alive, mounts by the day.
Marlon said: “Michael died and someone is to blame – and it’s the doctor who was with him.
“Conrad Murray was the last person to be with Michael and he knows exactly what went on and he’s not saying.”
Dr Murray’s only public comment so far has been a short statement on video website YouTube.
Marlon said: “I don’t think anyone tried to kill Michael on purpose but something went wrong, something happened and, yes, some of my family do think it’s murder.
“He had too many ‘yes’ men around him. With a bunch of ‘yes’ people around him there was no doubt he was headed for destruction. I’m talking about the doctors who were around him, the people he had working for him. It’s sad to say but these doctors would do anything for the money.”
Even though Jackson was slowly losing his battle against prescription drug addiction, he tried to shield it from his relatives, Marlon revealed.
He said: “Michael was a very private person. He didn’t like people to pry into that.
“At one point there was concern about the prescriptions, about his painkillers and whether he was taking too much, but he seemed to have everything under control.
“Michael was trying to escape from what he had created. He put himself in a box and the only way he could escape from it was to come up with different disguises to experience what others take for granted in life – going to the store, walking down the street. The fame became a monster and he was pretty much boxed in a corner because everybody wanted a piece of him.
“At the beginning all that stuff is great but then at the end… Everybody was judging him – and all the ridicule that went with it.
OK lets do a do-over. Stop being disrespectful toward the Jackson Family. You do not have to like them nor agree with them... but the name calling and utter disrespect is just tacky and needs to stop.

Carry on....

This story is all BS. I doubt Marlon did an interview with them. Just like the fake Latoya interview. The Jacksons wouldnt pick tabloids to do interviews with.

This story is all BS. I doubt Marlon did an interview with them. Just like the fake Latoya interview. The Jacksons wouldnt pick tabloids to do interviews with.
yes I agree and they wouldn't say that kind of stuff about the wig and the make-up its just.......I don't know maybe Marlon did that interview but MFs twisted his words
This 'interview' is crazy.

I read that and see where things are completely made up and mixed in with "".

How does the Mirror identify themselves? As CNN or AP or Reuters? Because the Jackson's need to stop talking to them.

Anywayz, it's all so sad. This day is kinda sad, and it is so sad. I miss him. And I just want to get over this. I can't stand to watch his videos or hardly anything related to him. That sucks.
Well idk...the Latoya interview turned out to be true. It doesn't mean that what they are saying is the truth. I only believe Janet.
Michael was slowly losing his battle against prescription drugs? it that what the Mirror said? I dont think Marlon will say something like that..Did they find prescription drugs in Michael's system? Crap!! loads of crap!!
I think they're just trying to give credence to the "addict" mess by conjouring up an imaginary interview with Marlon and make all that sound legit. I bet if Marlon was asked, he'd deny that he said any of this.
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I think what Marlon said is true. It is very heartfelt & its made me cry.
Yes....yes they did.....

Well, you can say yes- because what they found were prescription medicine known to treat insomnia, and propofol.
The insinuation here is that he was a drug abuser. That is two different things.

"the drug-ravaged singer"

As they say this, they are creating a picture of Michael as a drugged up lunatic. I find that highly offensive.
Interesting that unlike the Jermaine interview there is no picture of Marlon wiht the reporter which makes me suspicious.

Also I thought a mausoleum meant that the coffn was all or mostly above ground? Marlon mentioend in the article they they will cover the coffin in concrete and bury it.
I'm 100% sure the interview happened. It's their main headline this morning when I went to the stores. The story is also bigger than the one they had online yesterday. Marlon talks about about the kids following the local school curriculum this autumn but will be home-schooled in the Encino house. They have a class there, a theater etc... He also talks about their own childhood, how MJ said to him after looking through the windows that he only wanted a car when he grew up (i.e. he never thought he would be a superstar), and also talks about Prince, Paris, Blanket. How Blanket is so energetic, Prince is more into electronics and Paris being so precious... That they're not celebrity kids...
He also said it doesn't matter who their father is, since MJ raised them. But also has a shot at Klein, and said he only does it for money and fame.
Lying in state in an £18,000 gold-plated casket, the drug-ravaged singer has been fitted with a special wig to give him flowing shoulder-length locks, Marlon says. :lies

I stopped reading after that sentence. I don't believe Marlon would have said that. It's obvious the so-called journalist(s) wrote most (if not all) of this interview from their very own imagination.
This article is'nt ringing entirely true to me.....

But if it is, why do they keep going to tabloids to be interviewed? and from some of the things I read would Marlon even say such things about Michael like that? especially about the details od the private funeral, if its to be private why tell the world about it?
I don't even know it's true, I thought the Jacksons were private when it comes to things like this? Although I thought I did see a pic of Marlon somewhere, he's usually one of the Jacksons that don't speak that much it it comes to stuff like this.

I think that Marlon did give a loving interview but the person who wrote the article put some of the insulting crap there.
did someone tell marlon that the other week the mirrors headline was mj took drugs to control his urges for young boys. but hey ho give them an interview if it pays the bills..

the media and tabloids must laugh their heads off at that fecking clueless one week call mike a pedo next week get an interview with his brother. pretty much sums it up. private funeral that they cant help but advertise every chance they get. have some respect for once if not for yourselfs for mj and his kids. make your $ while u can cause no ones gonna give a dam later. tabloids talking crap about mj and kids every chance they get crapping on his legacy and instead of doing something about it they get into bed with them instead. legitimising the hatefull stories they put out b4 and will no doubt put out in the coming weeks and months.
did someone tell marlon that the other week the mirrors headline was mj took drugs to control his urges for young boys. but hey ho give them an interview if it pays the bills..

the media and tabloids must laugh their heads off at that fecking clueless one week call mike a pedo next week get an interview with his brother. pretty much sums it up. private funeral that they cant help but advertise every chance they get. have some respect for once if not for yourselfs for mj and his kids. make your $ while u can cause no ones gonna give a dam later. tabloids talking crap about mj and kids every chance they get crapping on his legacy and instead of doing something about it they get into bed with them instead. legitimising the hatefull stories they put out b4 and will no doubt put out in the coming weeks and months.


It just boggles the mind....
i find that weird, the mirror posts some offensive lies about michael jackson since his death yet it has had exclusive interviews with tito and now marlon...they will give people the impression that all their mj stories have been true...
When it comes to the tabloids, I believe they sometimes do get a few words from the person they are quoting, but what they do is add to the comments. The doubt if Marlon told them all they have in this article. They may have caught him walking and stopped him, jammed a mic in his face and got one little sentence. Then went back to their writers and came up with an entire article and claimed they got an official interview. Lying is what they do best.

I don't believe all that was in the LaToya interview either. I also don't believe that Toy and Marlon actually sat down with them for an interview. I also don't believe that Marlon would give details on the funeral arrangements when he knows very well that his mother and sisters are trying to keep it totally private.
oh that's very funny...why did my post get deleted? I was not disrespecting anyone
the fact is what Marlon is doing is he's selling himself to the ones who destroyed Michael's life, no matter how you turn it I don't understand why he had to give an interview to Daily Mirror, the trashiest tabloid of them all, a logical explanation would be very useful right now
did someone tell marlon that the other week the mirrors headline was mj took drugs to control his urges for young boys. but hey ho give them an interview if it pays the bills..

the media and tabloids must laugh their heads off at that fecking clueless one week call mike a pedo next week get an interview with his brother. pretty much sums it up. private funeral that they cant help but advertise every chance they get. have some respect for once if not for yourselfs for mj and his kids. make your $ while u can cause no ones gonna give a dam later. tabloids talking crap about mj and kids every chance they get crapping on his legacy and instead of doing something about it they get into bed with them instead. legitimising the hatefull stories they put out b4 and will no doubt put out in the coming weeks and months.

Ok...after I read ur comment it got me thinking...I respect Michael's family and eventhough most of the things they do blows my mind, and dont understand it...If Marlon really did this interview, then I dont really know what to think...Latoya did the this all about $$ then? Wtf is going on then? if the "trusted" paper is now the Mirror...

really confused about this...I just hope its not true...:no:
I'm quite torn with this.

I've always loved the things Marlon has had to say when he gives an interview, which is very rare (if at all). He's a good man and brother to Michael. He's always stayed out of the spotlight, living his life and raising his children. Most of the brothers are good in this sense.

I read the interview, and found a lot of it to be very kind for a few things that the Mirror did on their own. Marlon can't necessarily help that. Yes, he could have done this with another news company, but theres probably something going on here that we aren't completely aware of. And we shouldn't judge him before we know all the reasons. I'm not going to make up my own hypothesis on why Marlon chose to go to the Mirror. I refuse to believe that Marlon is gonna be greedy and merely "cash-in" on his brothers death. He was raised better than that, and continues to live as such. He loves can't ignore that when trying to judge why he gave the interview.