Marilyn Manson talks about Michael

oh please excuse me, I'm scared of MM. When I saw him I think he could be a real emissary of hell, sorry to them which like him.
I love GHOSTS, great dance performances, great choreography.
oh please excuse me, I'm scared of MM. When I saw him I think he could be a real emissary of hell, sorry to them which like him.
I love GHOSTS, great dance performances, great choreography.

Funny how you judge MM by the way he looks, when many judge MJ by his looks alone.
I don't mean to offend just pointing out.
No no not by his look, but the message in his videos and also what he sometimes says in interviews that scares me. No no, that is not my cap! I know as Michael fan what it means prejudice!
No no not by his look, but the message in his videos and also what he sometimes says in interviews that scares me. No no, that is not my cap! I know as Michael fan what it means prejudice!

Oh ok. I am sorry for jumping into a conclusion.
I understand how he can scare people with his antics. Most of it is very anti-religion. I see MM as being someone who uses it as a business ploy to gain fans for "shock value." A very good, controversial business/music man.

Now don't get me wrong i do like MM's music, but wish he would change his style a little. Create something new.
thats ubercool.
i love marilyn manson, too. he is SUCH an individual.
though his music doesnt touch me at all.
I'm not talking about specificly.. But I know A LOT of Michael fans who judge other artist, especial rock artist (like Marilyn), by the way they look or they do their show or the song lyrics. But if someone is doing that to Mike they say 'you're the worst!! Before you judge him, try hard to love him!!!' But most of time people don't understand that they do the same mistake.
Michael and Marilyn have things in common.. in their message. Most of people are superficial and think that he really wants to suck his band member's dick on the stage or something.. But that's the way he takes attention. Mike doesn't have a problem with having attention -he's the king. But Marilyn likes to shock. But you gotta get inside of the song and notice every little word to understand what about he is singing. He dosen't like some wars and crap.. Michael doesn't like them either.. So that's one of the thing they have in common.
If fan doesn't want that other people are judging her/his idol then the fan must not judge other idols too (without a reason).
It sounds like he's a fan but he says "we don't have the bad things in common" wonder what he means by the bad things..:unsure:
Of course Marilyn is intelligent, but he's still a freak lol. He knows he is. He does it on purpose.
that guy scares the hell outta me. he looks and talks and acts like he has escaped from hell or sth. hes the exact opposite from michael
It sounds like he's a fan but he says "we don't have the bad things in common" wonder what he means by the bad things..:unsure:

anyone ever stop to think, that when he said that, he was actually referring to was HIS bad qualities, that Michael did NOT have in common with HIM ;) Instead of assuming that he was saying, HE did NOT have the 'bad' stuff in common with Michael ?? Meaning Michael had less 'bad' stuff to be in common with.

We are soo used to hearing negative ish about Michael, that we are in that mode of thinking. It is like we are waiting for something negative to pop out. So, as soon as there is something there, we take it and assume it is directed nagatively at Mike.

anyone get it ??

Marilyn Manson is no more a freek than Michael Jackson is a freek :chichi:

They are artists, that exhist on polar opposites. If all you know of Marilyn Manson is his videos ... of which you have watched snippets of and not seen or cared to view the entire film ... then you are in the same que with MJ haterz who know only about the negative ish. They chose to have that one sided opinion of Michael. Open your minds people. NO, Marilyn Manson mucis and image, is not for everyone. That can be respected ... but to label him unfairly, like Michael is Labeled ... that is idiotic. Look past your opinion of what you know of him. The same way Michael Jackson Fans ask people to do with Michael.
so i should respect someone who has spit on jesus images, cursed God, ripped off the Bible and has met with the author of the satanic bible ? no thanks :)
i didnt miss the point at all. i know that u said its all his image and i dont care if its him or his public image. ur public image reflects ur true self after all. the ripping of the Bible, the cursing of God etc are FACTS not made up false stories by tabloids and haters.
its not like he was an actor and he chose to play a devil worshiper in a movie. this is real life.
anyone ever stop to think, that when he said that, he was actually referring to was HIS bad qualities, that Michael did NOT have in common with HIM ;) Instead of assuming that he was saying, HE did NOT have the 'bad' stuff in common with Michael ?? Meaning Michael had less 'bad' stuff to be in common with.

We are soo used to hearing negative ish about Michael, that we are in that mode of thinking. It is like we are waiting for something negative to pop out. So, as soon as there is something there, we take it and assume it is directed nagatively at Mike.

anyone get it ??

Marilyn Manson is no more a freek than Michael Jackson is a freek :chichi:

They are artists, that exhist on polar opposites. If all you know of Marilyn Manson is his videos ... of which you have watched snippets of and not seen or cared to view the entire film ... then you are in the same que with MJ haterz who know only about the negative ish. They chose to have that one sided opinion of Michael. Open your minds people. NO, Marilyn Manson mucis and image, is not for everyone. That can be respected ... but to label him unfairly, like Michael is Labeled ... that is idiotic. Look past your opinion of what you know of him. The same way Michael Jackson Fans ask people to do with Michael.

sorry, i was just wondering..
so i should respect someone who has spit on jesus images, cursed God, ripped off the Bible and has met with the author of the satanic bible ? no thanks :)

If you had read Manson's biography, you would understand why he doesn't care much for the Christian religion.
What he did to the bible is a "shock value" stunt. Besides the LaVeyan Satanism, does not even believe in God nor the Devil.
So you don't respect someone due to their religious beliefs, and because of their act as a rock musician that tore the bible up as a gimmick? Well then... I don't know what to say.
i didnt miss the point at all. i know that u said its all his image and i dont care if its him or his public image. ur public image reflects ur true self after all. the ripping of the Bible, the cursing of God etc are FACTS not made up false stories by tabloids and haters.
its not like he was an actor and he chose to play a devil worshiper in a movie. this is real life.

Actually, it is not real life. It is a stage act. Devil worshipper ?? That has nothing to do with anything. That is a notion people have of him, based on their opinion of him. It is not fact...just like it is not fact that michael molested any children.

But in reply to you getting the point ... this was the point ...

anyone ever stop to think, that when he said that, he was actually referring to was HIS bad qualities, that Michael did NOT have in common with HIM ;) Instead of assuming that he was saying, HE did NOT have the 'bad' stuff in common with Michael ?? Meaning Michael had less 'bad' stuff to be in common with.

We are soo used to hearing negative ish about Michael, that we are in that mode of thinking. It is like we are waiting for something negative to pop out. So, as soon as there is something there, we take it and assume it is directed nagatively at Mike.

and it was missed. ;)
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If you had read Manson's biography, you would understand why he doesn't care much for the Christian religion.
What he did to the bible is a "shock value" stunt. Besides the LaVeyan Satanism, does not even believe in God nor the Devil.
So you don't respect someone due to their religious beliefs, and because of their act as a rock musician that tore the bible up as a gimmick? Well then... I don't know what to say.

if he didnt respect my religious beliefs and a billion of other ppl's beliefs by ripping off the Bible then why would i respect his ?
if he didnt respect my religious beliefs and a billion of other ppl's beliefs by ripping off the Bible then why would i respect his ?

Again he ripped up the bible because it was part of his rock star shock value gimmick. He does it as a business ploy. He gained many fans and huge controversy from all over because of his little business gimmick. He didn't do it out of disrespect it was all for shock value to gain controversy. The man even went to private Christina schools.
he can gain controversy by doing other things. he doesnt need to go that far. ripping off the Bible is simply unacceptable. period.
i didnt comment on that at all. i didnt watch the video that was posted and i made no comment about what he said about michael.
yes, I know that Rox. You said you did get the point though. So you agree with me that you didn't get the point :) Because my comment on the clip, was the point I was talking about :flowers:

You don't like his persona, because it offends you on a religious level. That is fine ... be offended as much as you want. That is your energy expelled, not mine. However, people should be willing to listen, when others try to inform them of a misconception they have. Marilyn Manson does not practice devil worship or endorse the occult, or any other religion. He questions religion and the affects it has had on society through the ages.

The bible being ripped is a theatrical gesture. It is only a book, made of paper. He questions the Government in the same manner. The American Flag is treated the same way, to make a statement.

Nobody has to respect it ... No, that is not the point at all. Open minds would wish to understand it though. Not simply comdemn and label a man based on his musical displays. I thought an MJ fan group would get the comparison... the religious issue intermixed must be the firewall that is blocking the issue ?? *shrug* My kids are making me daddy's day lunch so I am leaving yall for a bit :p
Pot. Kettle.Black.

Its funny MJ fans ripping on MM, looking at his public image and talking crap. How long has us MJ fans been defending MJ from people who are doing the same as people on here are doing about MM? Im a big MM fan but not as much as im a MJ fan, if anyone says anything bad about MJ I will defend him without doubt, but some MJ fans on here have to look at themselves. Really.

Theres alot of **** written about MM which is bullshit, just like MJ, do we believe all the stuff written about our idol? of course not. MM does stuff like people have already said, for shock value. He is a very talented musician, made some great albums and songs. I dont think hes weird at all, like I dont think Michael is weird despite what The Sun and various other newspapers say.

MM is great, MJ is great, end of story is far as Im concerned.
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But all in all I think it is no need to waste my time longer with MM. And I can't accept that he and Michael should be two of a kind. Michael NEVER EVER would hurt people willingly, in his art he only set them thinking! That's not the same.
how does Marilyn Manson hurt people ?? He questions government and religion.
THRILLER_MJ: Manson is stranger than what people try to make him out to be..

Infact most people that are STRANGE, WIERD, are very smart.. But anyone that uses there inteligence in a twisted way is stupid.. I usually like 'strange', and 'wierd'.. Because they are SMART enough to not fallow the world in a single file line like everyone else.. "Oh no don't do this cuz they say it's wierd..

I think you would have found one of my old threads very interesting.. I spoke about many musicians and there ties to either satanists, hidden messages, and other things they did in there music and performances just just pured evil..

Manson is one of them..

I don't care what people say in defense of him.. Any man that would preach from the bible (IN MOCKARY) on stage, get the crowd to say '**** Jesus', ripp apart the bible, and and times burn it.. Is someone not to be glorified in anyway..

IQ does not say anything about being smart..

What sets someone apart between an evil genius and an inspiring genius is not the level of 'smarts'... Is being SMART enough to know to use that inteligence for GOOD not evil..

U know believe it or not many people would find HITLER a genius.. an evil one yes, but a genius at that.. But to me he was straight up STUPID.. Yes he had a lot of brain power, but using in the way he did is VERY STUPID..

Did you know several of people in mental institutions have IQ's most of us cannot even touch?? People are looked at as STRANGE when they are smart pass the 'NORMAL' understanding.

But again.. Using that inteligence in an evil way, is STUPID, and that makes that individual very stupid to use it to that extent in that direction..

MJ CHICHI: In my opinion, Manson will assist many people go to hell.. That is how he hurts them...
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