March 06 - 08 News and mentionings - Album deal? The rumours are many!

This is so exciting, I hope Michael sees now how much he is loved EVERYWHERE and that one last jog around the globe would not be a bad idea at all, we should all be able to love him one last time in person.
Now, I am mad. Why did I throw out my radio?! I would have heard that the man Steve Harvey was dedicating his whole show to Michael. That is amazing news. Steve has been there for Mike ever since the bull happened to him. I hope that he and the other members of her show get a chance to go to the concerts. They deserve it! :)

I do not mean to be a Debbie Downer but I read the local metro paper (Philadelphia edition) this morning and I was LIVID. The clown that writes "The Word" edition for the crap paper, trashed MJ saying things like, "does he have fans anymore?.... they were more like gawkers....." Referring to the fans that went to the O2 event. I e-mailed that fooled and let her have it. Here is her e-mail addy:

Now, you do not have to do this, but if you do, please let her know that you are a fan, where you are from, and tell her off. That way she knows that she should know her facts before she trash Michael and his fans. Fans, we have been through so much and do not feel sad when clowns like this miserable Dorothy Robinson character want to rain on Mike's and the fans' parade. We have to put our anger into a positive way and be proactive.

Also, on the Today Show, fouth hour, Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford talked about MJ. According to my sister, Kathie Lee stood up for Mike. She basically said (parahasing) that MJ has been through so much in his life, the media needs to leave him alone and that she wants to see what he is going to do onstage.

Thanks marie and everyone for the news.
Thought I should quote this. :lol:

Might send an email myself. :)
Whut?!?! WHERE? Is it only regarding certain countries that can view it? :bugeyed I don't see anything. :(

yeh i jsut logged on to myspace just b4, and i didnt see mike on it
I woke up to Michael's music on the Steve Harvey morning show today. Normally when I'd roll over for 10 more minutes I kinda sat up in the bed. And then I realized they were going to play his songs all morning. Couldn't go back to sleep then. lol It was awesome.

That's really cool of Steve. His friends pulling for him all the way. If anybody listens to the show, let us know what he says.

AEG seem to be involved in releasing his music as well.

Steve and his crew were very supportive and cheering Michael on. I think I heard him and his crew say they were excited about the concert dates and would definitely go to London to see a show. But don't quote me cuz I was in and out trying to wake up. Nephew Tommy played WBSS and said he always thought the part that goes "mama se mama sa, mama coosa" was "Imma say it on the side of Michael's house"....or something like that. He'd been singing the song wrong for years and Steve Harvey and crew were making fun of him. It was hilarious.

Steve talks about MJ all the time. Earlier this week I woke up to him playing Off the Wall. And they commented on how much they loved the album and whatnot. He also mentioned speaking to Michael last Friday (the day MJ and Audigier went shopping) and how they keep in touch and he tries to talk to MJ about some things. It was interesting. lol

Anyway, it was definitely a joy to wake up this morning.

Thanks to all for the news. This is one of those rare occasions where you actually want a tabloid story to be true. haha :flowers:
I woke up to Michael's music on the Steve Harvey morning show today. Normally when I'd roll over for 10 more minutes I kinda sat up in the bed. And then I realized they were going to play his songs all morning. Couldn't go back to sleep then. lol It was awesome.

Steve and his crew were very supportive and cheering Michael on. I think I heard him and his crew say they were excited about the concert dates and would definitely go to London to see a show. But don't quote me cuz I was in and out trying to wake up. Nephew Tommy played WBSS and said he always thought the part that goes "mama se mama sa, mama coosa" was "Imma say it on the side of Michael's house"....or something like that. He'd been singing the song wrong for years and Steve Harvey and crew were making fun of him. It was hilarious.

Steve talks about MJ all the time. Earlier this week I woke up to him playing Off the Wall. And they commented on how much they loved the album and whatnot. He also mentioned speaking to Michael last Friday (the day MJ and Audigier went shopping) and how they keep in touch and he tries to talk to MJ about some things. It was interesting. lol

Anyway, it was definitely a joy to wake up this morning.

Thanks to all for the news. This is one of those rare occasions where you actually want a tabloid story to be true. haha :flowers:

LOL!!!! that is TOO funny!

Awwww, Steve Hrvey!! I'm glad he sticks by MJ :yes:
Wendy2004 - Thanks for posting that. It was very nice and funny, regarding nephew Tommy. LOL. :)
Omg i hope mj come back on his show again
the interview steve did with him yrs ago was so cool
"The news comes after nearly a million people registered for tickets – enough to fill the 20,000-capacity O2 arena at the former Millennium Dome 50 times over.
And the website to register for pre-sale tickets is reporting 14,000 hits a minute."

Holy crap! I had a feeling he would sell out in a week, but this is REDICKULOUS!
No wonder I didn't get my pin number yet!:mat::cry: but, maybe he will come to US.:angel:

This is so fricking exciting!:punk::dancin::cheers::wild::wild::wild:

This is sweet, Michael Jackson is everywhere! I have a feeling this is going to be Michaelmania for the year 2009. :yes: :cool:
i think the ticckets are already sold from this presale.this is so cool!i'm sorry i can't go this year but i will be the first to order ticket next year;-)
Steve Harvey is the man!!!! He shows Mike so much love. How cool is that he does a whole show dedicated to MJ celebrating this year's concert? Thanx Wendy. They talked over the phone just last Friday? :) I guess Steve said something like, "Have a safe trip, man. Good luck with everything you do for the show. See ya." Glad to know they keep in touch.

I hope Mike does an interview or surprise guest at Steve's radio show. There won't be no stupid questions and snide remarks like in some of the interviews he did in the past. It'll be all about love and laughter.
BEE thanx for the email addie...done! lol

and wow, kathie lee? never in my wildest dreams would i imagine her sticking up for tp! whoooa
hey hey hey this is mj at the hotel and guess what?!



it'shim and blankito! lol

approved pcis yo cuz mj is right thurr w/ the chillun waving right along wit them! woot woot

and what would it be w/o a little jr?

Beautiful pics with the kids, everybody's just smiling and seems so happy!

Gotta luv that!
If an album deal is in the works, that probably means Sony will be backing it, seeing as how they are the ones updating still
thanks for Steve Harvey news. it is nice to see that there are many supporters of Michael in the media especially in the United States .
I am studying here in London and I listen faithfully to Smooth Radio. Michael was their headline news on Wednesday and EVERY radio announcer has commented on the concerts!

And I am definitely hearing more MJ music.
Sky news clip from today, At 00.32 when talking to a fan thats my friend Natalie with my 2 daughters :wild:

Thanks for posting that clip Lorraine.

Man, I'm so happy for Mike. Look at that crowd. The reporter said THOUSANDS were there at the theater.

Mike looks so happy, aside from the mayhem and because of the mayhem (LOL) he must be having a ball! I'm just so happy for him, I can't stop saying that. I'm just thrilled.
Its funny all you can see is their nose and eyes LOL Well Prince's anyway. LOLOL
Nice pic of him alone at the window. I spy some flesh we rarely get to see anymore. :shifty: And that smile is just ugh...tis lethal! *looks away* haha

Blanket is just...omg...the preciousness. It's kryptonite Mike and kryptonite mini-Mike. lol Loves it! :give_heart:

Looks like Prince is too short to be seen properly so he's got his hand up to the window so fans know he's there. dawwwww! :D

I saw a picture of Paris in another thread at the Oliver show and she was looking fierce in her puffy coat and cute little mask. Too cute! Don't know if it's posted on here already tho. Anyway, they're all very precious. It's nice to see them out and about looking well and happy. :yes:

As for that video we saw yesterday, I had no idea Blanket was with MJ during all that. Wth?? I thought fans had learned to chill just a bit when he's with his kids...altho it doesn't seem the kids are phased by the madness at all. And perhaps that's a good thing.

Thanks for the new footage, Lorraine. :flowers: I gotta say I expected nothing less from London...and I mean that in a good way. :lol: That is definitely the heart of Michaelmania these days. And he seems to be enjoying himself so GO LONDON!!! :punk:
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