Love never felt so good to be released soon

You should learn to read properly or try to understand the situation better. My source is certainly not BS. You need to remember a few key points:

1) The album tracklist HAS NOT BEEN FINALIZED

2) The estate are still going back and forth with ideas about what this album should sound like

3) My source often reveals to me that the mood changes from time to time and there have been times when it was almost certain a 1982 to 2009 album, then other times when it was a 1998 to 2009 album. The final decision has not been made. I am told, the majority of songs will be from 1998 to 2009 because this is the time period when most of the songs have been recorded (75% of the songs are from this time period anyway).

4) My source told me that LNFSG "should" make the album because McClain loves the song. But in the final tracklist it might not even make it all.

Remember, I am just reporting to you the feelings at the time, I'm not a psychic. Before you personally attack me for being fraudulent you should stop and think about these things.

I can definitely vouch for u on the mood changing. We are the messengers. If the sources change their story coz the estate is changing their mind it's not anyones fault.

And it's true the the set list isn't complete.

Next week or redone might hand over a bunch of songs they made and things would change again. It's never certain till u have the cd in ur hands.
You want us to all have faith in this mystery person whom non of you can tell. You have to admit that if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be questioning too. "Sources" are what the media uses when theyre BSing.
You want us to all have faith in this mystery person whom non of you can tell. You have to admit that if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be questioning too. "Sources" are what the media uses when theyre BSing.

we have different sources in different countries. the info we are getting is consistant tho.

No one forces u to believe either one of us. It's up to you. We have no control over this album. We are just in touch with people who know about it. No big achievement really.
I totally agree with Dangerous Inc on this one. People like smooth_criminal05 will just keep changing their story until we get some official confirmation. I don't understand why they do it. Is it for our benefit or their own? I'm totally not following anything regarding the new album here, as I'm sure all the information we're getting is bullshit. I've been right about bullshitters before.

Time will tell.
Enough said, I will stop posting any updates on the new album as of right now. I refuse to be attacked as a liar. If you want to know information, private message me. Some people are just ridiculous and cynical about everything.
Enough said, I will stop posting any updates on the new album as of right now. I refuse to be attacked as a liar. If you want to know information, private message me. Some people are just ridiculous and cynical about everything.


I think you should really take a look at what's going now right now at 2000 watts.... lots of sweet words. Maybe we are all too stressed. It might be the date.

I would just say that there is really no need to prove anything here.
Time will tell who was right/wrong. But the fact some might have been wrong doesn't neccessarily imply they were telling lies just for the sake of it.

Let's wait. The album will come out and then we will be aaaaalllll dealing with the question and the moral doubts... should I buy it should I not? :doh: and then again all the sweet words....


aahhh, Michael, Michael... you are really missed and needed, man :no:
I totally agree with Dangerous Inc on this one. People like smooth_criminal05 will just keep changing their story until we get some official confirmation. I don't understand why they do it. Is it for our benefit or their own? I'm totally not following anything regarding the new album here, as I'm sure all the information we're getting is bullshit. I've been right about bullshitters before.

Time will tell.

I definitely see where ur coming from. I don't blame u.
But from my point of view I'm not gonna admit I'm BSing because I'm not. Sony change their tune and we are reporting what they tell us. It's frustrating for us too.
I get the feeling the album will end up in major arguements and disputes between mclain and the rest.

I just hope no matter what Sony tell me or anyone else they get the final product right.

Talk is cheap. They can talk it up as much as they want a la this is it single but all I want is a quality Mj album.

I kinda get the feeling it will sound like the 13 unreleased tracks on the ultime collection smacked together into one album. Cool mix of songs but would never pass as an album.
Sony change their tune and we are reporting what they tell us. It's frustrating for us too.
I get the feeling the album will end up in major arguements and disputes between mclain and the rest.

I just hope no matter what Sony tell me or anyone else they get the final product right.

May I ask you an honest question? Please don't get me wrong, but with all your due respect, are you or other people from/inside/around/near Sony "told" to say/spread/share/leak info with us fans in big forums or something, so they can get an idea of our feelings/opinions/tastes?

Or do you just work/go there, have some friends there and get some info and let us know?


I really, really mean no wrong or disrespect to you. First, many people here have explained how you can be trusted and you are being honest to say you will be the first to say all that info was useless if there are more "old songs", etc. This is really an honest concern, hope you will not get upset.

If you can't answer, it'd be fine. Thanks!
I don't find the questions disrespectful at all :)

I do not work for Sony. My contact is a high up exec in Sony. I do trust this person as they have informed me about all the other projects from (and including) Thriller 25 onwards.

I have personal contact with the particular person. I have met the person before. I have spoken at length with the person and the person provided not only me, but other fans with a lot of info about the 2007 recordings Mj presented to Sony and Sony rejected.. In personal at a Sony event he told us about that. I posted this info in late 2008 and it caused problems and was removed.

I personally know nothing. Things do change. Remember the 2006 press release saying Mj was preparing singles? They never happened. I didn't report that.. Mj and his manager did.

No one knows anything for sure till it's releases but all we can say is what we are told :)

and no sony don't encourge the leak of this info. Sometimes they specify to not release certain info. if they say this, i don't post it. If they don't say it, I do.
I did not continue to write here because the problem was just that stupid guy (Anka). Now you are discuss all different things and attacking a CD that we know nothing about. Invincible is around again. The fans do not learn.

Enough said, I will stop posting any updates on the new album as of right now. I refuse to be attacked as a liar. If you want to know information, private message me. Some people are just ridiculous and cynical about everything.

You can send me information privately.

smooth_criminal05, please post your updates. Don't bother others' posts here!!!
The estate should just focus on finished songs from 1998 to 2009!!!!! NO DEMO!!!
What A mess.

So they will include "Love never felt so good" because McClain loves it, Thats really bewildering.

McClain don't not represent The Michael jackson fans, he should stay away from the selection of the tracks .....Plain and simple.
Smooth Criminal, nobody is attacking you. But you have to remember, you are a stranger. An anonymous person on a message board. If you have access to a genuine source who can provide us with solid info about the new album then please share away. If your source is legit, then as the album release date draws near, you should be able to give us solid tibits about the tracklist, the songs, the singles, the promotion etc. And we will all KNOW that you were telling the truth all along.

If you stop posting now, then it looks to me as if you don't really have anything real to share in the first place.
Enough said, I will stop posting any updates on the new album as of right now. I refuse to be attacked as a liar. If you want to know information, private message me. Some people are just ridiculous and cynical about everything.

Hey I would like to be kept updated very much. And thank you for all the info you've shared so far.
Look at you all. Now smooth won't share nuthin. Thanks for blowing the only chance we got. You all are so ungrateful...
That's enough in here. You either believe the updates or you don't but please don't derail all threads calling people out. Take everything with a pinch of salt and lets wait and see what happens with the record. Til then, can we all just chill....
it would be nice to have this tune remastered or something, I love it..
but yes, we want new stuff on the album!
The version we have is just a demo right? So the finished version would be a lot more advanced.
Soooo, I'm not sure how I feel about this..
I looooove this song. It's tied for my favorite song of all time.
I really wanna hear a better version, BUT, I dont want ppl to benefit that shouldnt, and I dont want a crappy thrown together version of the song (Bruce should DEFINITELY work on it), and I dont want this song with a buch of his greatest hits on an album
Cool. The public hasn't heard this yet and I think they should. Love the song myself....but I have to agree with something someone on here said. LNFSG will probably get the TII treatment by adding strings & all that to make it sound "better" or more "completed." I think as long as it's released in a CD quality sound it should be left the way it is...pure, unadulterated & lovely MJ vocals! (lmao @ the "sucker on the piano" comment....hilarious!)

It would also be nice if they put all the unreleased stuff on one or two or three (or ten!!! lol) CDs and not do that damn re-packaging of Greatest Hits/Number Ones/Essentials/Best Of/Very Best sick and tired of that!
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Cool. The public hasn't heard this yet and I think they should. Love the song myself....but I have to agree with something someone on here said. LNFSG will probably get the TII treatment by adding strings & all that to make it sound "better" or more "completed." I think as long as it's released in a CD quality sound it should be left the way it is...pure, unadulterated & lovely MJ vocals! (lmao @ the "sucker on the piano" comment....hilarious!)

It would also be nice if they put all the unreleased stuff on one or two or three (or ten!!! lol) CDs and not do that damn re-packaging of Greatest Hits/Number Ones/Essentials/Best Of/Very Best sick and tired of that!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves LNFSG. I think it's a great mid-tempo love song, in the tradition of TGIM and IJCSLY. Such a sweet, pure-hearted song. If it is really released, I will be glad more people will be able to fall in love with the song. "Alright, that's fine.."
I don't find the questions disrespectful at all :)

I do not work for Sony. My contact is a high up exec in Sony. I do trust this person as they have informed me about all the other projects from (and including) Thriller 25 onwards.

I have personal contact with the particular person. I have met the person before. I have spoken at length with the person and the person provided not only me, but other fans with a lot of info about the 2007 recordings Mj presented to Sony and Sony rejected.. In personal at a Sony event he told us about that. I posted this info in late 2008 and it caused problems and was removed.

I personally know nothing. Things do change. Remember the 2006 press release saying Mj was preparing singles? They never happened. I didn't report that.. Mj and his manager did.

No one knows anything for sure till it's releases but all we can say is what we are told :)

and no sony don't encourge the leak of this info. Sometimes they specify to not release certain info. if they say this, i don't post it. If they don't say it, I do.

Thank you very, very much for taking the time to answer my honest concern. Your point is more than clear here. Thanks for sharing this :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves LNFSG. I think it's a great mid-tempo love song, in the tradition of TGIM and IJCSLY. Such a sweet, pure-hearted song. If it is really released, I will be glad more people will be able to fall in love with the song. "Alright, that's fine.."

Several people here have said we (yes, me too! :cheeky:) love/like very much the song. And sure we would like to have it for real, in better quality and so on. It is just that.... we feel it could be a better idea to include it later, in another album, not in this very frist one, for we thought/believed it would be much about 2001--> tracks.

I will say it again: I LOVE THIS SONG and I DO WANT TO HAVE IT OFFICIALLY RELEASED. Yes, plain and simple, I love his voice here, so happy and carefree. But... I want to listen to something really "new" and closer to 2009 :)