Love never felt so good to be released soon

It WILL NOT be released as a single but should make the new album- straight from my source.

I knew it! I called this months ago when the estate was quoted as saying they liked this song.

I like the song but don't want it on the new album.
1)Just because quote marks are put around something doesn't mean it was Paul who was quoted, this is a tabloid we are talking about, why did TMZ not quote his full sentence?
2) Would be interesting to see this, is it online anywhere?
3) In Friedmans article I am reading there is no mention of the words steal or bodyguards/employee "The tapes were gone. The engineer told me Michael took them." is what it says......unless there is another article?

I think quoting articles with shady misquotes and careful wording is wrong, are we believing tabloids now, in the same article Roger Friedman says this "It also recalls an incident in 2001 when he “stole” the finished tapes for his “Invincible” album and refused to return them until Sony procured him a part in “Men in Black 2." Also Anka says legal action was threatened and that John Branca was Michaels lawyer at the time, I have not seen anyone dispute that.

I have not seen the word Thief mention by anyone other than TMZ in their poll. And I cant see how you can be a thief when you own something 50/50 the thing was worked out a long time ago, the tapes went away.

Thanks, you are absolutely right.

Its possible a deal was struck and regardless of whether an album was in the works or not, potential songs would have been worked out from not long after MJ passed, I can tell you the estate were still catalogueing stuff in December, and their was some stuff missing also.

The only problem I can see with the new album will be John McClain insistance to Mix everything, look at the rash decision over "This Is It", The same will apply to "Love Never felt so good" Its something that John McClain can do, you can read on various articles full quotes saying something like how John McClain liked "This Is It" and some other talk about "Love Never Felt So Good", Expect that guys name on alot of credits for most new releases, INCLUDING the mixing for the Bad Tour Release.

Yeah, and it's surprising. He's been in the industry for decades, yet he considers "TII" as good sounding. The song is really low quality, the new overdubbed instruments stick out and it just doesn't sound good production/mastering-wise.
On the other hand if there are finished songs or songs that Michael worked on with other musicians that are finishing them now, there shouldn't be a problem. I hope McClain just thought "TII" was good enough for a demo recording that he managed to "finish", not a actual quality song.
Just in case it is missed:

He says Michael "stole" then he says that Michael took the tapes. (This is after the resolution. In the interview before this when he first came out he expressly says Mj stole the tapes without backtracking) He says they realize it was his song. blah, blah.

For those who question whether Anka himself said MJ stole the tapes.
Just in case it is missed:

He says Michael "stole" then he says that Michael took the tapes. (This is after the resolution. In the interview before this when he first came out he expressly says Mj stole the tapes without backtracking) He says they realize it was his song. blah, blah.

For those who question whether Anka himself said MJ stole the tapes.

It doesn't change a thing for me... He's one of these asshole old songwriters like Quincy who bullshit on Michael, so what?

The important thing is the music, and "LNFSG" should NO WAY MAKE IT on the new album. If it does, I don't know what I'm gonna do, go, get Michael out of Forest Lawn and put him in a recording studio? That's so f. annoying.
It doesn't change anything for me either. As I stated, it was for those who think we made up Paul saying MJ stole his song, or for those who think Paul was misquoted. He said it directly from his mouth. That is the only reason I posted it. :flowers:
The only problem I can see with the new album will be John McClain insistance to Mix everything, look at the rash decision over "This Is It", The same will apply to "Love Never felt so good" Its something that John McClain can do, you can read on various articles full quotes saying something like how John McClain liked "This Is It" and some other talk about "Love Never Felt So Good", Expect that guys name on alot of credits for most new releases, INCLUDING the mixing for the Bad Tour Release.

I fail to see what that has to do with the subject at hand...but knock yourself out.


It doesn't change anything for me either. As I stated, it was for those who think we made up Paul saying MJ stole his song, or for those who think Paul was misquoted. He said it directly from his mouth. That is the only reason I posted it. :flowers:

Thank you for posting the clip. I wouldn't bother looking for it as it was posted & discussed ad nauseum here last fall. Before dismissing our comments, some should take the time and do their homework...

Mmm.... My 2 cents?

1) Anka is someone in the music industry, no matter if we are aware of that now in the 2010. He wrote great music.

2) That doesn't mean the whole world has to like his music, not to mention like the guy (I don't like him -_-).

3) He DID work WITH Michael. That means, they worked TOGETHER, and so Michael has as much right to the song as the man. We are all aware of that too.

4) The man DID call Michael a Thief. Right from his mouth. We saw the video, so there is no question on that.

5) As for $ony making an mistake... sorry, but it is their work to find out about the things they are about to release.

I don't believe for a second $ony didn't know it was an old song. I mean... fans knew. How could they not know this? No way. And their explanation of they just "finding out the song in a box labeled "This is it" was just as stupid as going to TMZ to call MJ a thief.

Let's remember the real name of the song: "I've never heard", previously released by Safire in the early 90's and please!! The song was registered for copyrights as late as 1983!! So please don't say they did an innocent mistake, for the song couldn't just be "found" in a box. Besides that, Sony said it was one of MJ last works for This is it tour, and that it would be such a terrific song just to remember the world the real gift Michael was to the world.

And see what happened...

If I can do the search being just noone... how can it be that powerful $ony couldn't do it? And why were they so worried about avoiding any leakage? For the knew the minute that would happen, fans would find out their lies. And that is exactly what happened.

Here's the registy entry (,4&SAB1=michael%20jackson&BOOL1=all%20of%20these&FLD1=Keyword%20Anywhere%20%28GKEY%29%20%28GKEY%29&GRP1=AND%20with%20next%20set&SAB2=paul%20anka&BOOL2=all%20of%20these&FLD2=Keyword%20Anywhere%20%28GKEY%29%20%28GKEY%29&CNT=25&PID=5HcjsNEC7YeSwkh2xW9DvElFBENtWzB&SEQ=20100603100204&SID=1)


So thank you very much, $ony!! And thank you, Anka, for helping $ony to turn something BAD into something WORST :angry:
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Mmm.... My 2 cents?

1) Anka is someone in the music industry, no matter if we are aware of that now in the 2010. He wrote great music.

2) That doesn't mean the whole world has to like his music, not to mention like the guy (I don't like him -_-).

3) He DID work WITH Michael. That means, they worked TOGETHER, and so Michael has as much right to the song as the man. We are all aware of that too.

4) The man DID call Michael a Thief. Right from his mouth. We saw the video, so there is no question on that.

5) As for $ony making an mistake... sorry, but it is their work to find out about the things they are about to release.

I don't believe for a second $ony didn't know it was an old song. I mean... fans knew. How could they not know this? No way. And their explanation of they just "finding out the song in a box labeled "This is it" was just as stupid as going to TMZ to call MJ a thief.

Let's remember the real name of the song: "I've never heard", previously released by Safire in the early 90's and please!! The song was registered for copyrights as late as 1983 going back to 1978!! So please don't say they did an innocent mistake, for the song couldn't just be "found" in a box. Besides that, Sony said it was one of MJ last works for This is it tour, and that it would be such a terrific song just to remember the world the real gift Michael was to the world.

And see what happened...

If I can do the search being just noone... how can it be that powerful $ony couldn't do it? And why were they so worried about avoiding any leakage? For the knew the minute that would happen, fans would find out their lies. And that is exactly what happened.

Here's the registy entry (,4&SAB1=michael%20jackson&BOOL1=all%20of%20these&FLD1=Keyword%20Anywhere%20%28GKEY%29%20%28GKEY%29&GRP1=AND%20with%20next%20set&SAB2=paul%20anka&BOOL2=all%20of%20these&FLD2=Keyword%20Anywhere%20%28GKEY%29%20%28GKEY%29&CNT=25&PID=5HcjsNEC7YeSwkh2xW9DvElFBENtWzB&SEQ=20100603100204&SID=1)


So thank you very much, $ony!! And thank you, Anka, for helping $ony to turn something BAD into something WORST :angry:

MJ did register a copyright for song titled "This is it" early '80s. I remember someone posted it here, right after the title leaked.
MJ did register a copyright for song titled "This is it" early '80s. I remember someone posted it here, right after the title leaked.

It's gotta to be this of 1980.
Then this is worst! How could they "not" know???
but this is only by Michael, not Anka (and the one with Anka is registered by 1983) :doh:

I hope Paul was misquoted on the part where it says that the decision to to release "Love Never Felt So Good" was news to him. We had enough drama with the "This Is It" song.
Paul Anka?? Again??....My mother use to listen to this guy..:lmao:...Yup...he callled Michael a thief all right..I heard him myself. ..Oh please dont put this song on a new MJ album...I am quite sure Michael has some beautiful music that we have not heard yet. ....use that stuff. Paul's problem.....he smells green...another one trying to hold onto teh coat tails of Michael and use his name to get money.
If MJ was alive, he wouldn’t even consider to pull these mediocre tracks from the vault to re-work on them, he wouldn’t work on them because they sound dated as hell, those were one of the many songs that were never meant to be released.

MJ didn’t want to release “ This is it” ( I Never heard) the song , never , that’s why song offered to safire to record it, it wasn’t strong enough.

The estate is doing a terrible mistake by including that good yet mediocre track to be on a new album of recent material…this is a disaster.
The Canadian-born singer Paul Anka brings a huge catalogue of songs that have quietly imprinted themselves on the cultural DNA of America to the Papp László Sportaréna this Thursday.

Anka’s incredible showbiz journey began as a teen heart throb in the late fifties and the pre-Beatles sixties with self-penned songs such as "Lonely Boy" and "Diana”, as well as “It Doesn't Matter Anymore”, which he wrote for his one-time tour mate Buddy Holly. Later in the decade that swang he wrote the theme tune to The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
Although his own releases soon began to falter before reaching the top ten, his songs continued to provide huge hits for other singers: Anka penned Tom Jones’s smash "She's a Lady”, for example. However it was in 1969 when he crafted English lyrics to a French song called “Comme d'habitude” specifically with Frank Sinatra in mind that Anka really struck gold. Frankie made it the title track of his next album and “My Way” would be his signature tune for evermore.
Even last year a musical legend was planning to use an Anka co-write to lead his new album: the 1983 tune “I Never Heard” was renamed “This Is It”, and that title, unfortunately, would become Michael Jackson’s epitaph, rather than the war cry of Jacko’s triumphant comeback. Rumours then surfaced of a another song that Jackson had co-written with Anka from this 1983 session, and “Love Never Felt So Good” is apparently set for a release in the not too distant future.
Paul Anka has made great music, no doubt about it.

He made "My Way" - great, great GREAT song.

But his behavier has been wrong.
I would like to see the song released, but not as part of the new album.
So all this talk about songs from 98 - 09 only being on the new album is BS which means that SC05 and MickyJs sources are BS and is just pulling your legs which is what some of us like myself and JohnC have been trying to tell you.
So all this talk about songs from 98 - 09 only being on the new album is BS which means that SC05 and MickyJs sources are BS and is just pulling your legs which is what some of us like myself and JohnC have been trying to tell you.

I agree. I have a very strong feeling we're in for a MASSIVE disappointment.
people just stay positive ,i know in this month that's going to to challenge but we can try.
why every thing related to Michael has to turn in to negative now a days?
that may be catchy but Michael did not want anything to do with his brothers.
having the brothers on TII was like a dozen knives in the back, so please, no more Jacksons stuff on his solo CD's.

We want the KING OF POP, not Jermaine & Tito...

Lol I was joking about wanting it on the album, but serious that I'd rather have surprise song than LNFSG. That's how much I DONT want LNFSG on the new album.

I will be extremely embarrassed if mclain goes against what the rest of the team are advising. And even more embarrassed that my source has given me incorrect info.

I still cross my finger and hope that mclain will listen and they do it they way they told me they would. No oldies.
So all this talk about songs from 98 - 09 only being on the new album is BS which means that SC05 and MickyJs sources are BS and is just pulling your legs which is what some of us like myself and JohnC have been trying to tell you.

You should learn to read properly or try to understand the situation better. My source is certainly not BS. You need to remember a few key points:

1) The album tracklist HAS NOT BEEN FINALIZED

2) The estate are still going back and forth with ideas about what this album should sound like

3) My source often reveals to me that the mood changes from time to time and there have been times when it was almost certain a 1982 to 2009 album, then other times when it was a 1998 to 2009 album. The final decision has not been made. I am told, the majority of songs will be from 1998 to 2009 because this is the time period when most of the songs have been recorded (75% of the songs are from this time period anyway).

4) My source told me that LNFSG "should" make the album because McClain loves the song. But in the final tracklist it might not even make it all.

Remember, I am just reporting to you the feelings at the time, I'm not a psychic. Before you personally attack me for being fraudulent you should stop and think about these things.
You should learn to read properly or try to understand the situation better. My source is certainly not BS. You need to remember a few key points:

1) The album tracklist HAS NOT BEEN FINALIZED

2) The estate are still going back and forth with ideas about what this album should sound like

3) My source often reveals to me that the mood changes from time to time and there have been times when it was almost certain a 1982 to 2009 album, then other times when it was a 1998 to 2009 album. The final decision has not been made. I am told, the majority of songs will be from 1998 to 2009 because this is the time period when most of the songs have been recorded (75% of the songs are from this time period anyway).

4) My source told me that LNFSG "should" make the album because McClain loves the song. But in the final tracklist it might not even make it all.

Remember, I am just reporting to you the feelings at the time, I'm not a psychic. Before you personally attack me for being fraudulent you should stop and think about these things.

I can read plenty good thank you lol In fact some of us here on MJJC are more intelligent than you think and we can smell a rat here. Something is not right.

Now 75% are from that timeline.:scratch:

To me it seems the story always changes to suit the current news. We really havent been told anything we didnt already know.

Time will tell...................but something still smells fishy and I dont work in a factory!