Love never felt so good to be released soon


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a brief interview he gave for a showbiz programme in Hungary Paul Anka disclosed something that he called news even to himself (he learned about it "some days ago") - that the song that they wrote will be released with Michael's vocals and Anka himself playing the piano.

The interview is here but in my language. He gave no other details
Great. A genius in the vocals and a sucker on the piano.
As a single? Great! Would really like one in higher quality!
Wow, so this time he's not going to run to TMZ and cry about MJ "stealing" his songs? Shock. Horror.
I don't like Paul Anka.

I hope the estate follows MJ's original pattern...a slow/mid tempo song without any video (IJCSLY, The girl is mine)...and then the big gun.
If this is true and it's going to be released, we are probably not going to get the demo. They will probably give it the "This Is It" treatment - take the demo recording and mix it with new intruments and try to make it as finished as possible..
Cool :) Most of the general public have never heard it.
A lovely, lovely song but it's too similar to This Is It to be released before something like Another Day :)
I looove that song, it's so refreshing, so 'happy Michael'
if it's true I just hope they don't ruin by adding tons of sound effect or orchestra or.. Anka

But it could be really nice with piano and a little groovy sound.
Wow, so this time he's not going to run to TMZ and cry about MJ "stealing" his songs? Shock. Horror.

I thinked about this too.

But about the music: Has it a good quality in the sound to be a single?
I love the vocals of Michael in this track, his voice was so beautiful for that time.
loooove this song!! makes me feel happy, young, like fallin in love...

at the same time, his voice when he was in late teens/early 20s makes me the most sad...

any new music will be a treasure for us. how would you guys feel if they put a collection of unreleased tracks from different eras?
No. No. No. Don't do this. I want NEW music, not a bunch of songs we already know! sadface.
ohmy goodness!!! Why does Sony select this old ass song?
I hope Sony doesnt screw up this project like it did with 'This is it'.
It's a good song, but maybe adding some bells and whistles to it will do it good.

stop releasing crap sony!!!!

Release what michael was working on before he died.

There is the reason songs were unreleased!
In a brief interview he gave for a showbiz programme in Hungary Paul Anka disclosed something that he called news even to himself (he learned about it "some days ago") - that the song that they wrote will be released with Michael's vocals and Anka himself playing the piano.

It WILL NOT be released as a single but should make the new album- straight from my source.

Yes. He was in Chile in February this year and he said the song would be included in MJ's new album. THis was a few weeks after "Another day" so, again, confirmation about this new album and the work has been going on for some months now.

Excuse me but didn't you mention the other day that the estate focused on post 2001 songs? And LNFSG is definately older than that. What's this all about?:(

Plus I don't want songs that we 've heard (because they leaked) on the new album. Hold my hand should be out too

I think... well, this is just an idea, but do you remember how easily and fast all the deal and mess was solved back in October? Maybe Anka was offered to get his part in this new MJ album, as well as in TII album, so that he would simply stop it. He said it was all solved with the money they promised him, and the recognition.

I like the song. I really do. I love the voice of MJ there, so fresh and happy. And if the man did his part, ok, let him be recognized. But there was no need to imply MJ had "stolen" that tape from him. That was quite rude