Listen to my voicemail from Michael from Oct. 08.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
When Michael lived in Vegas I, and several other fans would go and wait for him at his house. Every single time he would leave or arrive he and the children would always stop and talk to us.....sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for over 30 minutes. Many times he would even have pizza & hot chocolate delivered to us, which was so very sweet! Anyway, one day I left my personal pictures of me & my kids with MJ for him to sign, but at one point he couldnt find he left a voicemail. (He did eventually find my pictures & gave them to me:)

I have kept this message private until now. I decided to share it here with you all, his TRUE fans, so you can hear his voice and hear for yourself just how kind and sweet he truly was. I will cherish this means the world to me.

I hope listening to it will bring a smile to your face at this very devasting time.

With Love,

Donna Green

PS: If the link doesnt work you might need to copy and paste the url into your browser. When I click on the link it doesnt work....but if I copy the link and paste it in my browser it does work.
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Aaw, thank you so much for sharing!

MORE stories like this must be brought up to the light, especially to the media.
how sweet! was this one of michael's "disguise" voices? Or is that just the audio?
ok thanks. I love stuff like this. Oh I pray they release some footage and music SOON!
Wow, thank you so much for sharing this with us.
I've said it a million times the last days but I will say it again: What a wonderful man Michael was:):(
Youre very welcome, you guys! You know, I still cant accept his death. It doesnt seem real to me yet. I'm having a very hard time. I cry all the time and I just cant imagine our lives without him. My head hurts so bad that I had to leave from my visit from outside Hayvenhurst to go to the doctor. I just couldnt bare this huge pulsating pain in the back of my head. Turns out that I'm having muscle spasms in the back of my head due to the major stress and grief I'm feeling. The doctor has ordered me time off from work and I'm now taking muscle relaxers to relieve the pain. God, I just miss him so much. Listening to this voicemail makes me smile & cry at the same time.....and did you hear how he says "Goodbye"?!!!! It just kills me........
What he is saying? it's not very clear... Can someone please write it here?...
And you are lucky woman...
It's not broken. Just do what she said! Copy the link and paste it into the browser.