Lisa Marie's husband's old band mocks Michael Jackson in flyer

Yes like many of u i felt sorry for him- not anymore

yeah..i don't feel sorry for him either. maybe when Lisa met him, she was still mesmerized, and he obviously showed his true colors as a result..

but they are still

hey..just the kind of marriage i could hope tor them to have..

ironically the picture seems to disagree with the text..the pic shows that the little girl is looking for safety from Lisa's husband's band.
yeah..i don't feel sorry for him either. maybe when Lisa met him, she was still mesmerized, and he obviously showed his true colors as a result..

but they are still

hey..just the kind of marriage i could hope tor them to have..

ironically the picture seems to disagree with the text..the pic shows that the little girl is looking for safety from Lisa's husband's band.

I dont think lisa even knows bout that pic, but if she does i will be very angry.

There she was at mj's funeral being all "emotional & sad" and yet her husband & his band mates do that!??

Obviously she doest care for mj whatsoever other wise she would have told ML to piss off!
I really don't see the point of posting this.

It could have been somewhere where barely anyone would see it and now it's read by and upsetting hundreds. Exactly what they wanted.

I've said it before about these type of threads, it's like going on a vegetarian website and showing pictures of slaughtered lambs. What's the outcome apart from heartache & upset?
And this is supposed to promote their band, how? :scratch: I swear this stuff doesn't make me mad anymore. I just :blink:

Well said.

"As God says it so eloquently...The "TRUTH" Shall Set US Free~~~"

Psalm 37

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless Always

Yeah, the text is what's disgusting. I am so shocked because I was always a Lockwood supporter and all...

Not anymore.

Out of curiosity...what does it take to become someone's supporter? Who is he (besides being married to LMP)? What has he done to have "supporters"?
I kind of think it's funny that people are jumping on the "he is jealous" thing.
The original post says it was made a few years a go with his old band.

Who says he was even with LMP when this was made?
Also the band surely isn't the first to mock Michael in a way like that.
Is it desperate? Yes. Something new? No.

I think someone decided to bring this up to start trouble. (On the blogsite I mean)
I highly doubt LMP is going to be very upset by all of this.
Especially since it was made some years a go and with a band he no longer is a part of.
Don't get to worked up over this.
Who the hell was this band again? LMAO :D

These kind of things are just sad and nothing new, MJ jokes have been made for so long and they have always sucked. There was even a dude on this other forum claiming to be a huge MJ fan but he loved making tasteless jokes about him, sorry aren't even close to being a fan.
Yeh i dont get that, when ppl say they are fans of him but they make mean jokes bout him.
Just now i was checking youtube and i saw these comments...(especially) from Ozzyhead, what a moron. I simply had to reply to him..don't know why i bother. I'm Bigkabuto there. You have to click the link on top of the video for the comments.

This is disgusting no matter how long ago it was made. Lisa may not have known about it at the time it was printed but I'm sure she knows about it now. She should openly apologize on behalf of her current husband.

Take note of the two cows in the upper right hand corner which seem to be a Mockery of Michael's Vitiligo. If not, then I guess it's just a picture of Lisa...........moo!!!
"As God says it so eloquently...The "TRUTH" Shall Set US Free~~~"

Psalm 37

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless Always


there is no god and therefor did not say anything... :D

this thread should be locked. no use in giving this retarded bs more exposure.
Someone was jealous at the ex of his girlfriend hahaha. So disgusting when people do things like this in public. Only shows their real nature. And in this case, it ain't good.

I had never even heard of Lockwood if it wasn't for Lisa anyway.
ya maybe put it on her blog??

it was there from the beginning !

I believe this poster was his present to her when he asked to marry her (or she asked LOL),based on how mach Lockwood knew that she despised MJ when he refused to take her back !
One has to laugh at this stuff, it's just lame.
Couldn't blame him for being jelous, his wife was on TV just a few weeks ago saying Michael gave her the biggest high in her life, and no one's made her feel like that since him. That ish's embarrasing to any man, so whatever.
I don't know exactly where this would go...but it has come to light today. I am going to just copy and paste from the Lisa blog site - "This was brought to my attention from staffer Amanda. Something disturbing has just been made public. Lisa Marie's husband, Michael Lockwood, and his old band Wink made a promotional flyer a few years ago advertsing their band. In which, the late great King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, is terribly mocked. Ironically, Jackson is Lisa's ex husband."

The poster in question (I am so sorry that I have to post this....) and you can actually see Lockwood's image standing behind Michael Jackson :mad:


I am so shocked by this to be honest. Like I said, no idea where to have posted this, but I am so furious at all this. I no longer have any respect for Lockwood and I'm sure Lisa probably had no idea....


The poster is STILL there on the band's page

What was the purpose in posting this so fans can get worked up? WHO CARESSS
it was there from the beginning !

I believe this poster was his present to her when he asked to marry her (or she asked LOL),based on how mach Lockwood knew that she despised MJ when he refused to take her back !

Some people really need to read what was said in the first post.
It is an old flyer, from his former band several years a go.
Who says he was even with LMP at that time? Even if he was, she appariantly didn't care at the time. So why bring it up now?

This is not newly made so why get upset over it?
It's dumb yes but apart from some people here and appariantly on her blog no one seems to care. No one even knew about this untill someone dugg it up.

LMP probably knows about it as well and even if she didn't there is no point in sending it to her since it was made several years a go.
This is the woman who went on Howard Stern a guy not shy of mocking Michael, why would she be upset over a promotionel flyer from some years a go?
Especially since it was probably made during the time she was still bitter and angry at Michael herself.

Edit: Who even knew about this band before this? My point exactly..
Real classy. I guess this was the only way he could get people to pay attention to his band.
Hi, I am horrified by that poster, I know it is common knowledge with some that lmp's current husband does not like Michael and is jealous of him (what else is new :(...) So I am sure Lisa knows exactly how her husband feels and why she allows this...because truly, and sadly, she just doesn't care.
Hi Billiejean84. I agree 100% with you. That sounds how exactly how it happened....what a first class creep....and shame shame on Lisa Marie, she just does't care, and if anyone thinks she did before, they don't know her.
Ashtanga, I wish it were all that simple, it is not. Lisa was a huge part of sadness and deception in Michael's life and still is.....remember what she did in the past, and what she and Oprah has done in the past and currently. She is married to a man who is know to be a hater of Michael, and jealous, so what is the question? It is very sad and it needs to be brought to attention to Lisa, her husband and others who think she is such a saint as well as her cruel husband. I am not arguing, I am only pointing out the importance of the link in the chain of lies and deceit thrown on Michael.
Must mean we ran out of "hateable" people for this week, it's Thursday, I'm sure by Friday afternoon another person shows up that we can all hate on to because hatin' on whoever=true fandom+'upholding his legacy'.
Maybe by Saturday morning a former MJ employee will show up and we'll even have a new conspiracy theory to keep us all busy. *hopeful* :smilerolleyes:
Its not that old of a poster - and you have to realize the chain of events.....its all connected - the chain of hate....
it was there from the beginning !

I believe this poster was his present to her when he asked to marry her (or she asked LOL),based on how mach Lockwood knew that she despised MJ when he refused to take her back !

:eek: OMG i am shocked shows lisa true colours really... tisk tisk lisa...