Lisa Marie's husband's old band mocks Michael Jackson in flyer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New York, United States
I don't know exactly where this would go...but it has come to light today. I am going to just copy and paste from the Lisa blog site - "This was brought to my attention from staffer Amanda. Something disturbing has just been made public. Lisa Marie's husband, Michael Lockwood, and his old band Wink made a promotional flyer a few years ago advertsing their band. In which, the late great King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, is terribly mocked. Ironically, Jackson is Lisa's ex husband."

The poster in question (I am so sorry that I have to post this....) and you can actually see Lockwood's image standing behind Michael Jackson :mad:


I am so shocked by this to be honest. Like I said, no idea where to have posted this, but I am so furious at all this. I no longer have any respect for Lockwood and I'm sure Lisa probably had no idea....


The poster is STILL there on the band's page
You said you're sorry you HAD TO post this......

But you really did'nt need to post this at all. Why get yourself worked up over this?
Whats wrong with it? :\ Its just Michael and the girl from Moonwalker.


Just read the bit next to it.....
Whats wrong with it? :\ Its just Michael and the girl from Moonwalker.


Just read the bit next to it.....

yeah I was just gonna tell you to read it when I saw the "edit"

besides, they are just a lame anonymous band, see how sad it is...
why are you shocked , did you really believe her lies at Oprah, she is a lair and we all know that ALL HER Family are making jokes about Michael and you can read all her interviews before his death to see that she herself made alot of jokes about him with Howard Stern, Diane Sawyer ,Oprah and a very long list of MJ haters !

we do not care about those losers,,,,please close this thread!
What a classy way to advertise your unknown band.

I felt really bad for Michael Lockwood over the past year and a half. It can't be easy having your wife grieving for so long for a guy that she divorced years and years ago. I don't feel bad for him anymore.
Yes like many of u i felt sorry for him- not anymore
What a classy way to advertise your unknown band.

I felt really bad for Michael Lockwood over the past year and a half. It can't be easy having your wife grieving for so long for a guy that she divorced years and years ago. I don't feel bad for him anymore.

Yeah, a lot of Lisa fans always trashed Lockwood on boards and I always defended him. And I still say Lisa most likely had no idea about this poster. If she did, she would have given Lockwood an earful like she did when Nick Cage started talking shit about Michael in front of her. Maybe she knows about this poster after they married. Who knows.

@ohood - As for what Lisa said on Oprah and over the years in the press, that record has been broken dozens of times. Don't drag that mess in here. There are threads for that on this site where you can talk about that. This is about Lockwood and that horrendous poster.
Should someone maybe send that 2 lmp & let her know?

Well, What is written beside the picture of Michael and the girl? Can anyone read? :scratch:

Clearly not, otherwise you would of seen that I edited my post to say i'd seen the written bit to the right..haha:)
I didn't see anything really wrong with the picture and then when I actually noticed and paid attention to the text I couldn't even become offended by it. Why? Its just plain silly, and is a lame attempt by them to gain attention. Which is exactly what they gained.

I usually do a good job of shrugging such things off anyway, but this attempt is just so spontaneous to me that all I can do is laugh at them (laugh at the attempt for attention, not the mockery of MJ).
I couldn't care less about this. Michael and his legacy are chilling at the top of the pile, and this flyer won't make a speck of difference. Obviously this guy is going to have to do something to get his fans (if he has any) to go to a little venue and watch his unsucessful band play. What, maybe a few thousand people will see this? It's insignificant.
I couldn't care less about this. Michael and his legacy are chilling at the top of the pile, and this flyer won't make a speck of difference. Obviously this guy is going to have to do something to get his fans (if he has any) to go to a little venue and watch his unsucessful band play. What, maybe a few thousand people will see this? It's insignificant.


Jellusy, jellusy well his wife's ex husband was MICHAEL JACKSON hahahhaha!!! He will have it in his mind forever I mean, who can compete with that? :D and I don't feel sorry for him either.
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LOl i didnt even know michael lockwood had a band
Bah!!! im so worried about this "super dooper mega archie larger than life band :smilerolleyes:!!!!!" :rofl: :rofl: :hysterical: Jeez! :rofl: :rofl:
why are you shocked , did you really believe her lies at Oprah, she is a lair and we all know that ALL HER Family are making jokes about Michael and you can read all her interviews before his death to see that she herself made alot of jokes about him with Howard Stern, Diane Sawyer ,Oprah and a very long list of MJ haters !

we do not care about those losers,,,,please close this thread!

basically and dead@her husband garbage band trying to come for MJ head our Michael isn't here and he got them hot :toofunny: you have to love you some MJ and love the fact that he will always be in Michael LockWood wife dreams, memories, books, cartoons Etc forever until the end goodnight all please laugh at these clown broken down never will make it band
To say that with MJ holding a child's hand in the pic is wrong and it only shows what he really thinks of MJ! Screw him! I never felt sorry for his jealous ugly @$$ anyways! Lisa deserves this loser, can't do any better! lol
Well, he needed to vent his frustration somehow about his wife still being in love with Michael. :D Jealousy. And in this case he has every reason to be jealous of Michael, after all the woman he married is STILL in love with him. :p
I can't believe how low people get just to sell something or get famous. I'm actually laughing at THEM. Michael's the biggest guy in music and they haven't even started. Jeez.