Lisa marie presley - presley credits husband with helping her through jackson's death

Wow, that's the first time I've seen that interview with Lisa & Oprah and I was quite shocked about it. I don't like the way that both of them keep saying the word normal, the tone of their voice when they're saying it seems as if they don't truly believe that he was. Of course he was normal for god sake, everyone's normal. Just because Michael built a theme park in garden does not make him werid it just means that he has a cooler house than everyone else.
Lisa seems to be saying what she thinks Oprah wants to hear and not her true feelings.
I do believe that Lisa & Michael loved each other, I don't doubt that.
I think that she always cover her`s true filings about him. She want to be cold and show distace, but it isn`t true.
I think that she always cover her`s true filings about him. She want to be cold and show distace, but it isn`t true.

what u show has the power. if u gotta be hurtful, why waste space? peer pressure is no excuse. MJ can show decorum, why can't others?
I think that she always cover her`s true filings about him. She want to be cold and show distace, but it isn`t true.

Just the first couple of minutes was enough for me. Couldn't watch it beyond that. Oprah set her response up to be negative and Lisa gave her what she wanted.

They can both go to....

yeah..if MJ 'covered up' and showed himself to be cold..NOBODY would say that what he showed was NOT true.
Amen. And while some think that Debbie was just a glorified surrogate who married MJ, it takes two to tango, guys..

Um...Debbie was just a surrogate who MJ made the mistake of marrying without an agreement about the kids. MJ was still dating Lisa Marie openly while "married" to Debbie and was seen all over the place with her. However, about the article, it is obvious Lisa Marie is feeling GUILT big time about how things ended with MJ. I am sure it is nagging at her that they never got the closure and things ended on a sour note. For her, it is too late to say she is sorry for all the negative press she gave him. She will have to deal with it for the rest of her life. I don't know what happened between Lisa and MJ, and she may have had every right to be pissed at him because some of the things reported is something I would not tolerate as a woman either in a marriage.
Um...Debbie was just a surrogate who MJ made the mistake of marrying without an agreement about the kids. MJ was still dating Lisa Marie openly while "married" to Debbie and was seen all over the place with her. However, about the article, it is obvious Lisa Marie is feeling GUILT big time about how things ended with MJ. I am sure it is nagging at her that they never got the closure and things ended on a sour note. For her, it is too late to say she is sorry for all the negative press she gave him. She will have to deal with it for the rest of her life. I don't know what happened between Lisa and MJ, and she may have had every right to be pissed at him because some of the things reported is something I would not tolerate as a woman either in a marriage.

except, usually, when a marriage ends like that, BOTH parties are bad mouthing each other in the media(and still the media will badmouth Michael, no matter what). so, something is different about this marriage..
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I think she did take MJs death really hard. Just a few weeks ago her fans were still writing messages like "please come out of hiding we miss you" on her my space. I havn´t looked for a while now.
except, usually, when a marriage ends like that, BOTH parties are bad mouthing each other in the media(and still the media will badmouth Michael, no matter what). so, something is different about this marriage..

She was more restrained about what she revealed about the marriage. She could have written a tell all about MJ, and I am sure she could have made him look bad because alot of the general fans don't know about Mj leaving Lisa Marie for weeks and then inviting and singing to her basically at the VMA's. There were other things too!There is no way MJ was going to bad mouth another woman in the media especially Lisa Marie though. Honestly, from what I read, she had a right to be pissed off. I do think she took it too far in some instances, and I think she REGRET it big time now especially since MJ died without them making peace in that regard.
She was more restrained about what she revealed about the marriage. She could have written a tell all about MJ, and I am sure she could have made him look bad because alot of the general fans don't know about Mj leaving Lisa Marie for weeks and then inviting and singing to her basically at the VMA's. There were other things too!There is no way MJ was going to bad mouth another woman in the media especially Lisa Marie though. Honestly, from what I read, she had a right to be pissed off. I do think she took it too far in some instances, and I think she REGRET it big time now especially since MJ died without them making peace in that regard.

she didn't really have to write a tell all. she told all on Oprah. the way a person uses words can do a lot with very little. the bottom line is, that MJ has three strikes against him on any subject, and he's not allowed to do things that other people do, in a lot of peoples' eyes..even some fans' eyes. Michael was completely quiet. and what you read, like you said, was what was reported. so we don't know that it's true. and we don't know what Lisa did. you have to remember, it's not he said she said with Michael. it's Michael vs. she said and the media said. the media does not like Michael.
She was more restrained about what she revealed about the marriage. She could have written a tell all about MJ, and I am sure she could have made him look bad because alot of the general fans don't know about Mj leaving Lisa Marie for weeks and then inviting and singing to her basically at the VMA's. There were other things too!There is no way MJ was going to bad mouth another woman in the media especially Lisa Marie though. Honestly, from what I read, she had a right to be pissed off. I do think she took it too far in some instances, and I think she REGRET it big time now especially since MJ died without them making peace in that regard.

Well obviously she was over it after the divorce. She followed him around the world after the divorce until 2000. What, did she forget him leaving her for weeks? On Diane Sawyer she said after she divorced him she was sick and in the hospital. Yeah.......Im confused. Cuz after she divorced him they were always together , travelling around the world hand in hand . She said after she divorced him , when he had prince she was devestated. But Michael said she saw prince and the kids. And we know she did. Prince was born in 97 , Paris in 98. They were seen together after that. Also she told Diane Sawyer after she Divorced him she GOT THE HELL OUTTA THERE. yeah Right. When Diane Sawyer asked her about kids she said she got out of that one quick. But didn't Mike reveal she was writting letters asking him to take her back and she would give him 9 kids. So when exactly was lisa pissed. She wasn't that pissed AFTER the divorced, because she was still hanging out with him, his mother , his sisters. Again obviously she was over him leaving her for weeks during the marriage and whateva happened during. Cuz if he had hurt me during the marriage like some of u people keep sayinghe hurt her, there is no way in hell i would be following him around the world for years. The point is whateva she is mad at happened after wards. And she should have dealt with it privately. Not in the media , when they were doing nothing but abusing him. Thats y fans are pissed.
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