Lisa marie presley - presley credits husband with helping her through jackson's death

shakes her head.
And you all are judging a women because of this article?

Michael was judged by less then this.....
And you all would jump into the fire for him.
And now it,s about someone else, you are judging like others judged michael a few years ago about things that are written by other people.
That are words written down, seeing a face or talking to the person herself is so much different.
i,m happy i wasn,t her shoes.
Cause a marriage with michael would be very difficult and we can not judge her for that.
We simply can,t......
I think that the grieving that Lisamarie has been going through goes deeper than just the death of Michael...I think it also had to do with the death of her father....unresolved issues maybe......I do believe that Lisa loved Michael and Michael loved Lisa at one time...however I wasn't involved in their marriage so it is hard to say how or for how long she should grieve his we all know it is different for everyone.

The things that she has sad in the past about Michael interviews...who knows how much of that is true....we all know how the media can twist things about people..look what they put Michael through. I know she said some pretty horrible things about I said I think she has some unresolved issues about her fathers death.....also..I have never been married to Michael so who knows what their relationship was REALLY like in private....this is my opinion about Lisa.
I think that the grieving that Lisamarie has been going through goes deeper than just the death of Michael...I think it also had to do with the death of her father....unresolved issues maybe......I do believe that Lisa loved Michael and Michael loved Lisa at one time...however I wasn't involved in their marriage so it is hard to say how or for how long she should grieve his we all know it is different for everyone.

The things that she has sad in the past about Michael interviews...who knows how much of that is true....we all know how the media can twist things about people..look what they put Michael through. I know she said some pretty horrible things about I said I think she has some unresolved issues about her fathers death.....also..I have never been married to Michael so who knows what their relationship was REALLY like in private....this is my opinion about Lisa.

I agree.
I think she already feels a bit guilty, like everyone else.
I'm actually sad for her that she's having difficulties grieving. It must be hard, they had good moments together, and maybe she was the only woman he realy loved, I don't know.

I hope she feels better with time, like all of us will probably do, maybe
oh one more I jelous that Lisa was married to Michael in the past??? ...You bet your a$$ I think she was the perfect wife??..No.....Do I think he was the perfect husband.???....NO.....because ...they were so very different and I dont think they wanted the same things out of life at that point in their lives.....he was going one way and she another...its to bad because time I think they would of made a beautiful thing happen for each other.....If she would of held on a little longer and he would of put her before his career.....ya know the saying wrong place at the wrong time.
come on guys... the woman paid her dues. let her be.

she wanted him to take her back (by his own admission) and wanted to give him nine... count 'em -- NINE... children. heck, that's love to me.

I don't think any of us know the extent of her feelings for him for sure. but I am sure she's going through some kind of hell right now.
The only thing i will say bout this though, im glad that her husband has beem supportive. Had this happened when she was married to nic cage.. i bet u guys any money he wouldnt have given a s***it how she woiuld have felt.
shakes her head.
And you all are judging a women because of this article?

Michael was judged by less then this.....
And you all would jump into the fire for him.
And now it,s about someone else, you are judging like others judged michael a few years ago about things that are written by other people.
That are words written down, seeing a face or talking to the person herself is so much different.
i,m happy i wasn,t her shoes.
Cause a marriage with michael would be very difficult and we can not judge her for that.
We simply can,t......

No one is judging Lisa by this one article. Lots of fans including myself don't know what to think. I keep hearing ppl say thats what ppl do when they break up. We're not talking about ur average Joe. We are talking about Michael. A man that was abused , bullied, ridiculed by the press on a daily basis and Lisa helped. Many ppl already didn't believe the marriage was real and she didn't help with that either. This girl bashed Mike during the worst period of his life NON-STOP. She did it from 2003-2008. She said she felt nothing for him, she refused to mention him by name, he used her , manupilated her, he was the worst mistake of her life, the trial was a BLESSING ,etc. . Did u watch the Diane Sawyer and Oprah interview? It was embarassing. Shoot, it broke my heart watching, and I aint even Mike. She even brought her mother to join in on the bash fest. For God sakes it was during the trial. No matter what went on with them personally. No matter how broken hearted she was, she didn't have a heart to think this man could have been put away for a long time? An innocent man, a father? Put all ur hatred aside, n support him in PUBLIC even though in private ur mad at him......
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No one is judging Lisa by this one article. Lots of fans including myself don't know what to think. I keep hearing ppl say thats what ppl do when they break up. We're not talking about ur average Joe. We are talking about Michael. A man that was abused , bullied, ridiculed by the press on a daily basis and Lisa helped. Many ppl already didn't believe the marriage was real and she didn't help either. This girl bashed Mike during the worst period of his life NON_STOP. she did it from 2003-2008. She said she feels nothing for him, she refused to mention him by name, he used her , manupilated her, he was the worst mistake of her life, the trial was a BLESSING , . Did u watch the Diane Sawyer and Oprah interview. It was embarassing. Shoot, it broke my heart watching, and I aint even Mike. She even brought her mother to join in on the bash fest. For God sakes it was during the trial. No matter what went on with them personally. No matter how broken hearted she was, she didn't have a heart to think this man could have been put away for a long time. An innocent man, father, put all ur hatred aside, n support him in PUBLIC even though in private ur mad at him.

Perfect! :clapping:

In my opinion if it was true love, they would have stayed together. Love overcomes any difficulties/barriers. And in this case was not what happened...
, put all ur hatred aside, n support him in PUBLIC even though in private ur mad at him.

I agree with this. The least she could have done was tell mike how she felt to him in private - NOT TO THE WORLD! Im sure if she had, mike properly wouldnt have hurt so much and could have forgiven her. They could have some how resolve what ever problems they had with each other and moved on.
No matter how broken hearted she was, she didn't have a heart to think this man could have been put away for a long time. An innocent man, father, put all ur hatred aside,and keep your mouth SHUT

^I'd have to agree with that too. I hate that she did that. there was no excuse - NONE - for that bashfest she was on. in fact, I think that's from where her primary guilt stems. and, if there is any fairness in this world, she will live with that guilt for the rest of her life. I hate it that he's gone. we'd all do anything to have him back, but what goes around comes around and I have a feeling she'll never be able to live that bashing down because he's no longer around to forgive her and make her feel better.

love makes you do crazy things. but once that love turns to hatred and misery, it can make you do things that are ugly and inhumane. all I can think is that she must have been in a really dark place to do that to him. I only hope for her family's sake that she can move on and make some sense of what she did to Michael.
indranee;2296966love makes you do crazy things. but once that love turns to hatred and misery said:
I think with lisa she was confused with the situation- and usually confusion tends to lead to anger. Once that anger came to her there was no way out for her, and once u have ppl in ur life whispereing things in ur ear- its hard to think straight. But that doesnt give her a excuse to say those things bout mike when he was going through the hardest time of his life!
I am very bitter about Lisa.... I'm sorry I cant help it.

Some of the things she said in the past hurt me which I am sure hurt Michael even more.

I dont have a right to judge her because I'm not Michael.

However, let me just say that no matter how angry I am at a person, I will never humiliate them in front of millions of people around the world.
is LMP's new album going out?
lol, if u saw LMP's son , u will think it is a big luck that Mike had no kids with her.
I hope she's been crying herself to sleep from the guilt of not being there for him when he needed her most.

Selfish bitch but I credit her for putting a smile on Michael's face while she was married to him and making the pictures look good.
I'm glad she's doing well. But I sure hope she remembers what it was about Michael that so devastated her the next time she's asked by Oprah, Diane Sawyer, etc. etc. And if she forgets, please...just don't diss him again. Say nothing if you can't say something positive, that's all I want at this point.

I do appreciate her being there for him before and during the marriage, but I can never forget that she ran to the media and trashed him, being a bitch. No wonder she feels guilty to the point of being in pain.
is LMP's new album going out?
lol, if u saw LMP's son , u will think it is a big luck that Mike had no kids with her.


Apparently her son 'Ben' has a recording contract now but he has no plans of releasing an album.

Isn't her daughter; Danielle Keough the face of Dior? I heard that she, too, has no plans of ever going into the music industry but plans on sticking to her modelling stuff and she has an interest in photography...
Maybe..just maybe.. taking cheap shots at her son is a little low.:mello: It's his crazy mother that ran her mouth, not him. He didn't do anything.

According to Lisa, Ben doesn't have a recording contract. For his sake I hope that's true, because no matter how good or bad his music is.. he won't be Elvis. And unless people see a mini Elvis they won't be happy.
Its a very difficult situation. Neither party was perfect. Lisa could have been more supportive and MJ was firmly married to his career. That is a very hard thing to accept in a marraige, being number 2 to your husband's career. But I don't know how Lisa didn't know this before. MJ's priorities changed after Prince was born most definitely-his career was no longer number one, that was number 2 after his babies.
I'm keep this nice...God bless her and hopefully she found some peace within her self
IMO, after his kids, Michael became the man that Lisa wanted him to be. but by then it was too late for them.
so anyone knows the co-called interview she done? will someone post it? I tryed to search it, and the only thing that is out there, is this Taraborelli sh** that, doesn't seem true and is not quite revealing at all. if it was a different thing, post it someone or link me to it, please. thank you.
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come on guys... the woman paid her dues. let her be.

I don't think any of us know the extent of her feelings for him for sure. but I am sure she's going through some kind of hell right now.

I totally agree ^^.

None of us was in that marriage with MJ and LMP. So none of us knows with 100% certainty what went on within it. I think it's wrong for anyone to make her out to be solely responsible for the demise of that union, and at the same time make MJ out to be a victim, a saint or an angel who could do no wrong. A marriage takes two people. TWO. It takes two to work and it takes two to fail. Did she make mistakes? Yes. Did he? Yes. Do we know what they all are? NO. It's not any of our business either.

Yes, she has said stupid things, but in my experience, stupid things are said out of hurt, pain, and even guilt. And I'm sure she feels all of those things. But that doesn't mean she deserves to be vilified for saying them, or even for thinking them. Because we don't know everything that happened between those two people, nor will we ever know. But she wouldn't be feeling hurt or pain or guilt if she didn't really LOVE Michael. Her saying that her marriage was the biggest mistake of her life is not a judgment of Michael; it's a judgment of the marriage. It clearly was not a marriage that was meant to be, but the reasons for that can not solely lie with Lisa Marie Presley.

Seems like a complete waste of time and energy, IMO, to hate someone you don't even know, for things that don't affect you at all. Feel free to hate me now instead though.
I totally agree ^^.

None of us was in that marriage with MJ and LMP. So none of us knows with 100% certainty what went on within it. I think it's wrong for anyone to make her out to be solely responsible for the demise of that union, and at the same time make MJ out to be a victim, a saint or an angel who could do no wrong. A marriage takes two people. TWO. It takes two to work and it takes two to fail. Did she make mistakes? Yes. Did he? Yes. Do we know what they all are? NO. It's not any of our business either.

Yes, she has said stupid things, but in my experience, stupid things are said out of hurt, pain, and even guilt. And I'm sure she feels all of those things. But that doesn't mean she deserves to be vilified for saying them, or even for thinking them. Because we don't know everything that happened between those two people, nor will we ever know. But she wouldn't be feeling hurt or pain or guilt if she didn't really LOVE Michael. Her saying that her marriage was the biggest mistake of her life is not a judgment of Michael; it's a judgment of the marriage. It clearly was not a marriage that was meant to be, but the reasons for that can not solely lie with Lisa Marie Presley.

Seems like a complete waste of time and energy, IMO, to hate someone you don't even know, for things that don't affect you at all. Feel free to hate me now instead though.

You have right Girl, I have the same opinion about it.:agree:
We don`t know everything. And we don`t need to.
That was REAL LOVE and that is the most important thing.
That wasn`t maybe "..and they live happily ever after.." , but they were happy, for a wile, maybe, but they were. That is true..

Look at them
IMO, after his kids, Michael became the man that Lisa wanted him to be. but by then it was too late for them.

Yes them kids change him a lot i'm so proud of him for being a wonderful dad to them children they were his life.
No one is judging Lisa by this one article. Lots of fans including myself don't know what to think. I keep hearing ppl say thats what ppl do when they break up. We're not talking about ur average Joe. We are talking about Michael. A man that was abused , bullied, ridiculed by the press on a daily basis and Lisa helped. Many ppl already didn't believe the marriage was real and she didn't help with that either. This girl bashed Mike during the worst period of his life NON-STOP. She did it from 2003-2008. She said she felt nothing for him, she refused to mention him by name, he used her , manupilated her, he was the worst mistake of her life, the trial was a BLESSING ,etc. . Did u watch the Diane Sawyer and Oprah interview? It was embarassing. Shoot, it broke my heart watching, and I aint even Mike. She even brought her mother to join in on the bash fest. For God sakes it was during the trial. No matter what went on with them personally. No matter how broken hearted she was, she didn't have a heart to think this man could have been put away for a long time? An innocent man, a father? Put all ur hatred aside, n support him in PUBLIC even though in private ur mad at him......

I feel the same way. This is why she makes me so angry whenever her name is mentioned.
I am sick of people making excuses for the asinine behavior Lisa Marie showed during the past 7 years. "Oh she was hurt", "this is what women do when they're hurt" etc. Tell me something, would you defend Michael if he was going around talking to the media REPEATEDLY disrespecting and scorning Lisa Marie's character? Purposely misrepresenting Lisa Marie's feelings for him and misrepresenting and questioning her motives for marrying him? Referring to her and his marriage to her as a mistake? Talking about and referring to her repeatedly in a spiteful malicious way with no regard for her feelings?

How would you react if Michael did that to her? He would be called a cad--shame on him! Right?!

Whatever went down between Michael and Lisa Marie that contributed to their marriage failing obviously, couldn't have been all that tragic for Lisa Marie. She continued to have a relationship with Michael even AFTER they officially divorced and when he became a father. She still wanted to get with Michael again and was on a mission to do so for a good several years--including promising to have children for him, being close to Katherine and Janet and Reebie, going out with him NUMEROUS times during Michael's marriage to Debbie. And for those you forgot, there are various pictures that prove that point.

On those Boteach tapes, what Michael said made me understand why Lisa Marie acted the way she did these past years. Michael said himself, basically by the time Lisa Marie was willing to get back together with him including even willing have his children, his heart became hard. Obviously, he still cared about her, he even phoned her when word came out that she and Nicholas Cage were getting divorced. But obviously, Michael was totally turned off from the idea of being married to Lisa Marie again. All that effort that Lisa Marie put into winning Michael back ended up falling on deaf ears--remember Michael's legendary stubborness. That explains Lisa's scornful attitude towards Michael and her repeated trash-talking about him. She felt defeated that she wasn't able to get Michael back with her. She realized her mistake for divorcing him, tried to reconcile with him, but it was too late. Her feelings of defeat turned into anger and malice. All that mean-spirited drivel she spat against Michael to the media was done out of SPITE. She WANTED him to get wind of what she was saying about him. She WANTED him to react to what she was saying. It still didn't work, Michael took the high road and ignored her behind. That made her mad even more and more mean spirited in her comments to the media about Michael.

The last interview she gave when he mentioned Michael--late last year--when she was pregnant with her twins, she mentioned that Michael was the only ex-husband she failed to make peace with. She called him to clear the air (I'm paraphrasing here) and nothing happened.

It's a POSSIBILITY that they didn't make peace before Michael died. Even though they couldn't continue their marriage, they still could have continued a really good friendship with each other, and Lisa Marie could have been more in Michael's corner when he was going though that nightmare of 2003 instead of joining in the lynch mob. Lisa Marie's grief is real, I must say. It's sadness over the death of someone she loved and who loved her and it's also the guilt she felt for the way she repeatedly acted towards him during the later years of his life.
I am sick of people making excuses for the asinine behavior Lisa Marie showed during the past 7 years. "Oh she was hurt", "this is what women do when they're hurt" etc. Tell me something, would you defend Michael if he was going around talking to the media REPEATEDLY disrespecting and scorning Lisa Marie's character? Purposely misrepresenting Lisa Marie's feelings for him and misrepresenting and questioning her motives for marrying him? Referring to her and his marriage to her as a mistake? Talking about and referring to her repeatedly in a spiteful malicious way with no regard for her feelings?

How would you react if Michael did that to her? He would be called a cad--shame on him! Right?!

Whatever went down between Michael and Lisa Marie that contributed to their marriage failing obviously, couldn't have been all that tragic for Lisa Marie. She continued to have a relationship with Michael even AFTER they officially divorced and when he became a father. She still wanted to get with Michael again and was on a mission to do so for a good several years--including promising to have children for him, being close to Katherine and Janet and Reebie, going out with him NUMEROUS times during Michael's marriage to Debbie. And for those you forgot, there are various pictures that prove that point.

On those Boteach tapes, what Michael said made me understand why Lisa Marie acted the way she did these past years. Michael said himself, basically by the time Lisa Marie was willing to get back together with him including even willing have his children, his heart became hard. Obviously, he still cared about her, he even phoned her when word came out that she and Nicholas Cage were getting divorced. But obviously, Michael was totally turned off from the idea of being married to Lisa Marie again. All that effort that Lisa Marie put into winning Michael back ended up falling on deaf ears--remember Michael's legendary stubborness. That explains Lisa's scornful attitude towards Michael and her repeated trash-talking about him. She felt defeated that she wasn't able to get Michael back with her. She realized her mistake for divorcing him, tried to reconcile with him, but it was too late. Her feelings of defeat turned into anger and malice. All that mean-spirited drivel she spat against Michael to the media was done out of SPITE. She WANTED him to get wind of what she was saying about him. She WANTED him to react to what she was saying. It still didn't work, Michael took the high road and ignored her behind. That made her mad even more and more mean spirited in her comments to the media about Michael.

The last interview she gave when he mentioned Michael--late last year--when she was pregnant with her twins, she mentioned that Michael was the only ex-husband she failed to make peace with. She called him to clear the air (I'm paraphrasing here) and nothing happened.

It's a POSSIBILITY that they didn't make peace before Michael died. Even though they couldn't continue their marriage, they still could have continued a really good friendship with each other, and Lisa Marie could have been more in Michael's corner when he was going though that nightmare of 2003 instead of joining in the lynch mob. Lisa Marie's grief is real, I must say. It's sadness over the death of someone she loved and who loved her and it's also the guilt she felt for the way she repeatedly acted towards him during the later years of his life.

oh, I agree with you on all points. hence why I refuse to kick someone when they're down. like Michael, I am gonna take the high road.