Lisa marie presley - presley credits husband with helping her through jackson's death

I am sick of people making excuses for the asinine behavior Lisa Marie showed during the past 7 years. "Oh she was hurt", "this is what women do when they're hurt" etc. Tell me something, would you defend Michael if he was going around talking to the media REPEATEDLY disrespecting and scorning Lisa Marie's character? Purposely misrepresenting Lisa Marie's feelings for him and misrepresenting and questioning her motives for marrying him? Referring to her and his marriage to her as a mistake? Talking about and referring to her repeatedly in a spiteful malicious way with no regard for her feelings?

How would you react if Michael did that to her? He would be called a cad--shame on him! Right?!

Whatever went down between Michael and Lisa Marie that contributed to their marriage failing obviously, couldn't have been all that tragic for Lisa Marie. She continued to have a relationship with Michael even AFTER they officially divorced and when he became a father. She still wanted to get with Michael again and was on a mission to do so for a good several years--including promising to have children for him, being close to Katherine and Janet and Reebie, going out with him NUMEROUS times during Michael's marriage to Debbie. And for those you forgot, there are various pictures that prove that point.

On those Boteach tapes, what Michael said made me understand why Lisa Marie acted the way she did these past years. Michael said himself, basically by the time Lisa Marie was willing to get back together with him including even willing have his children, his heart became hard. Obviously, he still cared about her, he even phoned her when word came out that she and Nicholas Cage were getting divorced. But obviously, Michael was totally turned off from the idea of being married to Lisa Marie again. All that effort that Lisa Marie put into winning Michael back ended up falling on deaf ears--remember Michael's legendary stubborness. That explains Lisa's scornful attitude towards Michael and her repeated trash-talking about him. She felt defeated that she wasn't able to get Michael back with her. She realized her mistake for divorcing him, tried to reconcile with him, but it was too late. Her feelings of defeat turned into anger and malice. All that mean-spirited drivel she spat against Michael to the media was done out of SPITE. She WANTED him to get wind of what she was saying about him. She WANTED him to react to what she was saying. It still didn't work, Michael took the high road and ignored her behind. That made her mad even more and more mean spirited in her comments to the media about Michael.

The last interview she gave when he mentioned Michael--late last year--when she was pregnant with her twins, she mentioned that Michael was the only ex-husband she failed to make peace with. She called him to clear the air (I'm paraphrasing here) and nothing happened.

It's a POSSIBILITY that they didn't make peace before Michael died. Even though they couldn't continue their marriage, they still could have continued a really good friendship with each other, and Lisa Marie could have been more in Michael's corner when he was going though that nightmare of 2003 instead of joining in the lynch mob. Lisa Marie's grief is real, I must say. It's sadness over the death of someone she loved and who loved her and it's also the guilt she felt for the way she repeatedly acted towards him during the later years of his life.
Bravo! A great post!:clapping:

Happiness masked... And far from the public eyes things changed completely... Will was at home all this happiness and many smiles? I'm sure not. Is a fact: Lisa never deserved to have Michael next to it! Lisa is not no saint to be the savior of Michael. Michael never found the right woman to be by your side ALWAYS.
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I'm glad she's doing well. But I sure hope she remembers what it was about Michael that so devastated her the next time she's asked by Oprah, Diane Sawyer, etc. etc. And if she forgets, please...just don't diss him again. Say nothing if you can't say something positive, that's all I want at this point.

For me, hatred and love walk together. All I can see in her angry words in the mentioned interviews (diane sawyer, oprah) is the picture of someone who couldn´t, as soon, overcome the grief of the breaking up.
However, as many have said, this can´t be an excuse to what she did and said about the marriage. I´m not even bringing to light the issue about what was really going on in their relationship, who am I to judge who´s wrong or right if I hardly know something about what really happened, but if there´s something I can´t accept anyway is the fact she had hurted Michael´s feelings by denigrating and distorting his image openly to the world.
No matter what was happening with her, she doesn´t have the right to harm somebody else´s honor because of some personal unsolved problem. Could be just anybody else, but it was not: it was her ex husband, someone who never gave back all her hatred the same way he´d receveid, and, contrariwise, if he didn´t keep silent about it, it was to say something good about their relationship. So that´s what she should have done. If you can´t make things better, please don´t make them get worse.
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For me, hatred and love walk together. All I can see in her angry words in the mentioned interviews (diane sawyer, oprah) is the picture of someone who couldn´t, as soon, overcome the grief of the breaking up.
However, as many have said, this can´t be an excuse to what she did and said about the marriage. I´m not even bringing to light the issue about what was really going on in their relationship, who am I to judge who´s wrong or right if I hardly know something about what really happened, but if there´s something I can´t accept anyway is the fact she had hurted Michael´s feelings by denigrating and distorting his image openly to the world.
No matter what was happening with her, she doesn´t have the right to harm somebody else´s honor because of some personal unsolved problem. Could be just anybody else, but it was not: it was her ex husband, someone who never gave back all her hatred the same way he´d receveid, and, contrariwise, if he didn´t keep silent about it, it was to say something good about their relationship. So that´s what she should have done. If you can´t make things better, please don´t make them get worse.

i agree witht this. she sounded like a tabloid at times. like so many people. she seemed to echo the words that the tabloids loved to hear. drug addict, etc.

i can never remember Michael sounding like tabloid, about ANYBODY. but he was the target of all tabloids, and tabloid sounding people.
IMO, after his kids, Michael became the man that Lisa wanted him to be. but by then it was too late for them.

I totally agree...they were just at two different stages in life at that I said in an earlier post ...its to bad because they could of been good for each other.

Happiness masked... And far from the public eyes things changed completely... Will was at home all this happiness and many smiles? I'm sure not. Is a fact: Lisa never deserved to have Michael next to it! Lisa is not no saint to be the savior of Michael. Michael never found the right woman to be by your side ALWAYS.

aaww...Michael looks so happy.....:yes:.....I miss that bad Lisa couldn't keep him smiling...
dearmichael1, you,ve got a point.
interesting to read how you think about it and i do have to agree in many points.

But i wonder if i,m the only one who sees a women that was hurt and in pain cause of the divorce and everything that has happend in their marriage and after.
i see lisa as a women in pain who dealt with it the wrong way.
I can,t hate her for that, but i do raise my eyebrows and think, why?
We need to look further, although it,s difficult cause we love michael so much.
I heard some people say, whe i was married to him i would never have left him.
..You don,t know. You weren,t married to him, so don,t judge!
dearmichael1, you,ve got a point.
interesting to read how you think about it and i do have to agree in many points.

But i wonder if i,m the only one who sees a women that was hurt and in pain cause of the divorce and everything that has happend in their marriage and after.
i see lisa as a women in pain who dealt with it the wrong way.
I can,t hate her for that, but i do raise my eyebrows and think, why?
We need to look further, although it,s difficult cause we love michael so much.
I heard some people say, whe i was married to him i would never have left him.
..You don't know. You weren,t married to him, so don,t judge!
At the same time NONE OF US were married to Lisa Marie Presley either. So why automatically justify her spiteful behavior as her 'right to vent' because of being so hurt?
I guess marrying a man you know wants children and then refuse to have his children is not hurtful either, huh? It's just her 'right as a woman' to 'change her mind' and Michael was wrong for not 'dealing with it and accepting it'.

There are plenty of women who were hurt waaay more than Lisa Marie Presley and they still didn't get low acting towards their ex like Lisa did to Michael. Come on, now.
I don,t think it,s in our power to judge people when we don,t know the whole story.

@ enlightenu, i don,t justify any behaviour ;-)
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dearmichael1, you,ve got a point.
interesting to read how you think about it and i do have to agree in many points.

But i wonder if i,m the only one who sees a women that was hurt and in pain cause of the divorce and everything that has happend in their marriage and after.
i see lisa as a women in pain who dealt with it the wrong way.
I can,t hate her for that, but i do raise my eyebrows and think, why?
We need to look further, although it,s difficult cause we love michael so much.
I heard some people say, whe i was married to him i would never have left him.
..You don,t know. You weren,t married to him, so don,t judge!

somebody may criticize me, but I´m supposed to criticize her for its terrible mistake by making gossip of Michael in front of the matter what happened between them, absolutely nothing about it can be an excuse for what she did, I´ve already said it and I want to emphasize that... maybe somehow she could have been hurted in this relationship, the same way Michael could have been, both of them were, in fact, but nothing justify such childish behavior from her.
I have read the entire thread, and two quotes are playing over and over in my mind... "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" (actually, it's not Shakespeare, but William Congreve), and "do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his moccasins" (that's an indian proverb that Mike liked) :)
I thought I'd post this...just for good measure :smilerolleyes:

sometimes i need other fans to shock me back into reality. between Lisa Marie Presley and Oprah being self aggandizing...and what they said about Michael..and considering that wives of serial killers were more kind about their words post marriage, than Presley is about Michael... considering that people have been trying to indoctrinate me into feeling guilty about calling Presley out...and the audience on that clip, for that matter..and considering how 'cool' it is for Winfrey, and Presley and the audience there..and people outside fandom and Sony to make a big deal out of 'this is it'...(now that MJ is gone)

all i gotta say is thanks for this post that i quoted.

if fans continue to carry anger toward these phonies...MORE POWER TO YOU.

i still maintain, why hasn't MJ ever said a negative word about these people? what an AMAZING person MJ will always be.

time passing has attempted to be the friend of the phonies, trying to make me forget.. but time knows when to duck out and reveal truth.

and woooo!!! that lisa marie presley woman surrre has a highh opinion of her musical ability!

and fast forward to oprah's special memorial episode about Michael. complete with 'Gone Too Soon' in the background...i'm surre that wasn't publicity for her, and her crocodile tears,:rolleyes: after having asked Presley a question about a kiss being publicity. what a difference a death makes for Winfrey, i guess. but it doesn't stop the hypocrisy. or the quest for ratings.

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You're right Lisa Marie - "Holy Mother of God"....why in HELL's name would MJ want to be married to you?

wow....we agree!! but seriously.....Lisa should not of went on Oprah and told the world what happened between her and wasn't was none of anyone business......even though they were divorced he didn't go and drag her name through the mud that way....he had too much class for that.
I challenge myself and decided to talk to my advisor (a physic) she told me a lot that I wanted to know about Michael I never wanted to address this on here but I get nervous at times but any way I’m say a little bit of what she told me you can believe me or not its just what she told me and it make sense. Hope some of you don’t get scared

First I ask her did Michael loved both wives she stay quiet for a minute cause she was contracting him she than told me yes every women he dated he loved he very passionate but he doesn’t like to get his heart broken.
Then she said his love for both women was different his love for Lisa was deep and it was real, but a lot of people got in the way between them and their married never had a chance because god had something else in-store for him and that Lisa wasn’t really ready at this time to handle all the misconceptions of Michael Jackson he needed a women who knows the real Michael they really loved each other for many years but it took him a few years to get over this married very heart broken.

Then I ask a little bit about Debbie and she gave me a damn history I got so scared Michael and Debbie met back in the early 80’s she was his nurse they really hit it off he always made her laugh she was going through a trouble marriage in the late 80’s she was going through a hard divorce being bankrupt so she went to nursing school. Then I ask was this marriage real because the media makes it seems it was all fake and what not. Then she said No that they married because Debbie had a miscarriage with their first child Debbie took it harder than him and she said she didn’t want to go about having his baby anymore cause she lost another baby during her first marriage.

Debbie and Michael really didn’t want to get married because the media will have a field day and that his mother wanted them too because she was a Jehovah witness she felt it was right for them to do this. Their marriage had a lot of ups and many downfalls they sneak out most of the time to spend a lot of time together getting to know each other more Michael was still hurt over Lisa and Debbie was there to comfort him

Debbie even told Michael if he wanted to go back to Lisa he can she understand his feelings towards her Michael tired but felt hurtful because this is when Debbie told him she was pregnant again so they got married prince was born and Michael was overjoyed he wanted more kids Debbie didn’t they argue a lot over why she didn’t want anymore finally she pregnant again both pregnancy was hard cause prince had trouble breathing and so did Paris at this point Michael was all for his babies didn’t have time for his marriage going on tour leaving Debbie to care for the kids along with nannies she went around the world with him on tour a couple of times but this still didn’t help their marriage so she decided to divorce Michael wanted to remain married for the sake of their kids but she couldn’t handle his lifestyle she gave him custody of the kids off the strength he stop touring and stressing him self out and his lifestyle, and be a stay at home father she would visit with Michael and the kids at this point he was being controlled people telling him what to do Debbie couldn’t stand for it so she stay a way for a while they continue to stay in contracted then his molestation trail was getting closer she knew he was being set up and she told him everything she knew at this point their strong bond remain strong. So many people really turn their backs on him he was so broken Debbie was more than a wife or lover she was his best friend she promise she wouldn’t hurt him and she didn’t. Debbie and Michael choose their friendship instead of their marriage. Michael was suppose to pass away 25 years ago but god had his fate.

i'm so pleased to share this with you all goodnight sweeties that's all i am saying i will not address anymore that reading was so powerful and deep what a strong man
I challenge myself and decided to talk to my advisor (a physic) she told me a lot that I wanted to know about Michael I never wanted to address this on here but I get nervous at times but any way I’m say a little bit of what she told me you can believe me or not its just what she told me and it make sense. Hope some of you don’t get scared

First I ask her did Michael loved both wives she stay quiet for a minute cause she was contracting him she than told me yes every women he dated he loved he very passionate but he doesn’t like to get his heart broken.
Then she said his love for both women was different his love for Lisa was deep and it was real, but a lot of people got in the way between them and their married never had a chance because god had something else in-store for him and that Lisa wasn’t really ready at this time to handle all the misconceptions of Michael Jackson he needed a women who knows the real Michael they really loved each other for many years but it took him a few years to get over this married very heart broken.

Then I ask a little bit about Debbie and she gave me a damn history I got so scared Michael and Debbie met back in the early 80’s she was his nurse they really hit it off he always made her laugh she was going through a trouble marriage in the late 80’s she was going through a hard divorce being bankrupt so she went to nursing school. Then I ask was this marriage real because the media makes it seems it was all fake and what not. Then she said No that they married because Debbie had a miscarriage with their first child Debbie took it harder than him and she said she didn’t want to go about having his baby anymore cause she lost another baby during her first marriage.

Debbie and Michael really didn’t want to get married because the media will have a field day and that his mother wanted them too because she was a Jehovah witness she felt it was right for them to do this. Their marriage had a lot of ups and many downfalls they sneak out most of the time to spend a lot of time together getting to know each other more Michael was still hurt over Lisa and Debbie was there to comfort him

Debbie even told Michael if he wanted to go back to Lisa he can she understand his feelings towards her Michael tired but felt hurtful because this is when Debbie told him she was pregnant again so they got married prince was born and Michael was overjoyed he wanted more kids Debbie didn’t they argue a lot over why she didn’t want anymore finally she pregnant again both pregnancy was hard cause prince had trouble breathing and so did Paris at this point Michael was all for his babies didn’t have time for his marriage going on tour leaving Debbie to care for the kids along with nannies she went around the world with him on tour a couple of times but this still didn’t help their marriage so she decided to divorce Michael wanted to remain married for the sake of their kids but she couldn’t handle his lifestyle she gave him custody of the kids off the strength he stop touring and stressing him self out and his lifestyle, and be a stay at home father she would visit with Michael and the kids at this point he was being controlled people telling him what to do Debbie couldn’t stand for it so she stay a way for a while they continue to stay in contracted then his molestation trail was getting closer she knew he was being set up and she told him everything she knew at this point their strong bond remain strong. So many people really turn their backs on him he was so broken Debbie was more than a wife or lover she was his best friend she promise she wouldn’t hurt him and she didn’t. Debbie and Michael choose their friendship instead of their marriage. Michael was suppose to pass away 25 years ago but god had his fate.

i'm so pleased to share this with you all goodnight sweeties that's all i am saying i will not address anymore that reading was so powerful and deep what a strong man

Thank you!This meant a lot to me.
Aw.... Truthbetold, that was really nice.

I actually have more respect for Debbie than Lisa... Plus, she gave birth to Prince and Paris. She made Michael's greatest dream come true which is to be come a father. :)
Aw.... Truthbetold, that was really nice.

I actually have more respect for Debbie than Lisa... Plus, she gave birth to Prince and Paris. She made Michael's greatest dream come true which is to be come a father. :)

Amen. And while some think that Debbie was just a glorified surrogate who married MJ, it takes two to tango, guys..
Oh my god. Talk about back flips - I just watched that Oprah clip ..I feel sick!

Drat.Darn and Poo! He should have bloody married Liz Taylor at she may be years older but god she's loyal.
Yeh I know right. It must be strange marrying someone with the same name as your ex husband! ...

I think she still loves him. and Oprah too. LOL@ her wanting to know if it was a consummated marriage when she knew the answer to it already..

What I get tired of is the whole "I didn't know what I was doing back then, I was young and stupid" No, Lisa. You knew exactly what you got yourself into. No one was holding a gun to her head to get married to him. She's spent this whole time up til now trying to explain to everyone why she did it, she's not attracted to mediocrity blah blah. She may have been 24/25 but she KNEW. The only reason why she's even trying to get out of it is because of people like Diane Sawyer and their snide, sarcastic remarks. I can't forget Marlon's words at the memorial echoing inside my mind "being judged and ridiculed, how much can one take".

Ok I think I've said enough on this subject lol! i'm just in a bitchy mood!
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Yeh I know right. It must be strange marrying someone with the same name as your ex husband! ...

I think she still loves him. and Oprah too. LOL@ her wanting to know if it was a consummated marriage when she knew the answer to it already..

What I get tired of is the whole "I didn't know what I was doing back then, I was young and stupid" No, Lisa. You knew exactly what you got yourself into. No one was holding a gun to her head to get married to him. She's spent this whole time up til now trying to explain to everyone why she did it, she's not attracted to mediocrity blah blah. She may have been 24/25 but she KNEW. The only reason why she's even trying to get out of it is because of people like Diane Sawyer and their snide, sarcastic remarks. I can't forget Marlon's words at the memorial echoing inside my mind "being judged and ridiculed, how much can one take".

Ok I think I've said enough on this subject lol! i'm just in a bitchy mood!

In one of her anti-mj bashfest interviews she said she doesn't call he husband by his first name for that very reason. She only calls him by his last name.
What I get tired of is the whole "I didn't know what I was doing back then, I was young and stupid"

Well if she was stupid in 1994 then she still and liked been stupid when she was 29(1997),30(1998),31(1999) cuz she was with him in London,South Africa,Ivy Restaurant...

And more stupid when she send letters to Michael saying,"I will give what you want!"

Poor puppy...
Yeh I know right. It must be strange marrying someone with the same name as your ex husband! ...

I think she still loves him. and Oprah too. LOL@ her wanting to know if it was a consummated marriage when she knew the answer to it already..

What I get tired of is the whole "I didn't know what I was doing back then, I was young and stupid" No, Lisa. You knew exactly what you got yourself into. No one was holding a gun to her head to get married to him. She's spent this whole time up til now trying to explain to everyone why she did it, she's not attracted to mediocrity blah blah. She may have been 24/25 but she KNEW. The only reason why she's even trying to get out of it is because of people like Diane Sawyer and their snide, sarcastic remarks. I can't forget Marlon's words at the memorial echoing inside my mind "being judged and ridiculed, how much can one take".

Ok I think I've said enough on this subject lol! i'm just in a bitchy mood!

I totally agree with everythingu said here!