Lionel Richie on Michael

I didn't like the part with the failure...but it is true that Michael was very funny:)
Seems more like he believed what the media wanted him to instead of actually takling to his "friend" to see how he really was during his last years. He's in a way like so many others, was not there for Michael during his worst time in life but now when he's gone i likes to talk about him more and "care" more about him....
A whole bunch of them who are talking about Michael now, were not apart of his life for years, so all they are going on now is speculation for the most part.
I don't have twitter.. Let us know MsCassieMollie how he responds. He knows MJ sold out 50 shows because in March 2009 he claims he was talking to Mike and trying to get MJ back on stage etc so what does he mean by 'failure for the rest of his life':no: Lionel should be twitter attacked for that asinine comment.

The bolded: here we go again--has beens are always trying to get Michael to go on some stage so they could make some money too. What is even sadder, is that young Michael worked with these older men who now come forward to belittle him. At their age they should be ashamed of themselves. Further their comments show how jealous they are of this guy even after his death.

Cassie I am also interested to know how he responds to this, that is, if he dares answer back.
A whole bunch of them who are talking about Michael now, were not apart of his life for years, so all they are going on now is speculation for the most part.

Exactly and just seems they ignored the trial and everything about it. If Michael was my friend and I didn't see him for years I would still want to know the truth of what happened and would have paid attention to the trial. The pepsi incident did cause him problems but it had nothing to do with what happened June 25, 2009. It's bad enough that Michael gets judged by people who never met him or knew him but for people that did it feels worse.
Exactly and just seems they ignored the trial and everything about it. If Michael was my friend and I didn't see him for years I would still want to know the truth of what happened and would have paid attention to the trial. The pepsi incident did cause him problems but it had nothing to do with what happened June 25, 2009. It's bad enough that Michael gets judged by people who never met him or knew him but for people that did it feels worse.

Marebear very true. This story about "since the pepsi burn" was spread by the media after his death. What I would like people like Richie to explain to me is, if Michael was an addict since the pepsi burn incident, how in heavens name did his organs remain in such good condition!!! He must be some super duper addict, and I need to know his secret to share with some addicts I know!!! They also need to make up their mind: sometimes he became an addict because of the pepsi burns, other times it was Klien or Hoffman who overmedicated him to get money........

I have said before--all Michael "friends" he had since he was a late teen, have come out now to say some very hurtful things about him as a person and that includes those that are close to his family. What a shame.
Marebear very true. This story about "since the pepsi burn" was spread by the media after his death. What I would like people like Richie to explain to me is, if Michael was an addict since the pepsi burn incident, how in heavens name did his organs remain in such good condition!!! He must be some super duper addict, and I need to know his secret to share with some addicts I know!!! They also need to make up their mind: sometimes he became an addict because of the pepsi burns, other times it was Klien or Hoffman who overmedicated him to get money........

I have said before--all Michael "friends" he had since he was a late teen, have come out now to say some very hurtful things about him as a person and that includes those that are close to his family. What a shame.

It always gets ignored that Michael was healthy for his age and no organ damage. Whitney unfortunately had heart disease because of her issues. Michael did not. Michael had a major sleeping problem. He is never given the benefit of the doubt. I think these friends never spent quality time with him in years. Maybe they had a phone call or something but they didn't know Michael or what his life was like. Even his own family didn't know what Michael's life was like. They have to find out from other people. Lionel has disappointed me.
What I would like people like Richie to explain to me is, if Michael was an addict since the pepsi burn incident, how in heavens name did his organs remain in such good condition!!! He must be some super duper addict, and I need to know his secret to share with some addicts I know!!!..

excatly! If he was an addict the man would not have been able to stand up straight ,let alone do rehearsals for this is it
Cassie has Richie responded to his meanspirited comment on twitter yet.
What an awkward way of reminding people that he used to be Michael's friend...
So Lionel, what's your excuse, new album/book release ? Something else?
^ New album!

Marebear very true. This story about "since the pepsi burn" was spread by the media after his death. What I would like people like Richie to explain to me is, if Michael was an addict since the pepsi burn incident, how in heavens name did his organs remain in such good condition!!!

Exactly, all logic seems to fly out the window where mj is concerned! The addiction starting in the mid 80s was put forward by latoya in one of her interviews in 09, remember seeing it on youtube. (Didn't karen faye say something similar*.) The family are quite happy at this story as it explains why mj began to estrange himself from them around thriller - nothing to do with their selfishness at wanting to keep mj tied to the group. No, mj wanted to lose himself to painkillers and enablers. I have not seen one report or eyewitness who claim mj was overmedicated before that second leg of the dangerous tour. Of course he had to use painkillers as he burnt his head in '84 but to make the jump to him being addicted is ridiculous. I hate this revising of history where mj is concerned - it's not fair on him.

edit * no she refuted it.
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I think it was some abc special around the 1yr anniversary where karen faye, michael bush, and another person (cant recall his name at the moment) refuted the report about the pepsi burn causing his addiction. They said his issues didnt start until the dangerous tour when he was dealimg with pain from a scalp surgery on top of the allegations
Thanks, i remember the 3 ofthem sitting talking about it, i just couldn't remember if they were confirming or denying it. Glad they put the record straight.
Thanks, i remember the 3 ofthem sitting talking about it, i just couldn't remember if they were confirming or denying it. Glad they put the record straight.

^^But it seems some have not gotten the message yet because we still hear his friends making that pepsi connection and I even heard it on TV from a documentary this month. Oh Michael!!!!
Did these people ever talk or spend time with Michael in the 90s or 2000s? Because the way some people talk they bring up pepsi and thriller and that's it. Do they really have a clue what his life was like or just like his family hear stories from other people for their information? Even if they did spend time with him they still might not know and they should say they don't know.

Instead of the put downs that people seem to say about Michael maybe they should say that despite how Michael was treated by the media and people that he still remained a loving and caring person. I would like to see how they would handle what Michael had to deal with. Michael still wanted to help people and he still wanted to give people the best. The way he handled himself with grace and courage to me Michael was a winner.
Last week Lionel Ritchie was on Access Hollywood. The interview was promoted by a clip of Ritchie comparing Whitney Houston's death to Michael's "later years". Thank you to the fan who posted his twitter account. He needs to hear from as many fans as possible concerning his exploitation of Michael. Talking about MJ's later years in such a negative manner is exploitation because it is based on nothing more than rumors and what some choose to promote in the media. Talking about MJ's death without mentioning the facts, or the words victim of manslaughter is pure
manipulation of the facts and what was proven in court.
Lionel has really dissappointed me here.......

.......He's supposed to be the goodest of good guys...........

I guess it's further evidence that today's famous people have no connection to reality or current affairs.......

........instead they become more and more narcissistic!!!
I was expecting this sooner or later :( don't forget what he said on Aug 2010.

"I will be there for his children... I think they have a better chance now. I think they have a better opportunity to live a normal life. You know it's hard to be Michael Jackson's kids because you're out and it's you with Michael Jackson and he was larger than life."

Yeah Lionel you really are there for PPB, with "loving friends" like you they can have a normal life now..they are better without their father :(
I was expecting this sooner or later :( don't forget what he said on Aug 2010.

Yeah Lionel you really are there for PPB, with "loving friends" like you they can have a normal life now..they are better without their father :(
What?!? Did he actually say that? I just can't believe it. I was willing to forgive the "failure" comment because I thought it could be just bad wording on his part, and everyone says something stupid sometimes. But this is totally inexcusable. How can he say the children will be better off without their only parent who loved them and did everything he could to give them a good life? I just can't believe someone would actually say that.

I think some people are way too obsessed with PPB living a "normal life". What exactly is normal life? Sure their lives were different from the average American, but so what? What's normal for the average American is not normal for everybody on this planet. Different or unusual doesn't mean bad. You can have a very good life even if it's an unusual one.
I was expecting this sooner or later :( don't forget what he said on Aug 2010.

Yeah Lionel you really are there for PPB, with "loving friends" like you they can have a normal life now..they are better without their father :(

OMG he said that? I don't remember reading about it at the time. That's a shocking quote. What child is better off without his or her only, attentive and loving parent? And Michael was all of that, plus more.
I suppose lionel means the children whilst under mj's care, were prevented from having their photos in the newspapers every week and from being involved in lots of exciting business opportunities with shady men and appearing on lots of different talk shows to promote stuff for other people where interviewers can exclaim how normal they appear to be. I'm guessing to a celeb like lionel this is being better off. Words fail.
yep and having your grandmother enter her minor grandchildren into shady business deals with former porn producers is 'normal' too I guess.. I hope Lionel's new cd flops.. His comments are just plain shady!:no:
Lionel should only worry about his kids. He's already admitted that even though he adopted Nicole he wasn't really there for her growing up because he was always to bussy on the road (maybe having that affair too, eh?
I came to the conclusion that Lionel is a complete idiot. :puke: He just says bullshits. -_- :sigh:

Really? :fear:

Yes i think so. I saw a commercial last night but it suppose to be this week and i think it said wednesday.
He sure will be on Piers Morgan Tonight and I bet you Piers is gonna go there with him on both MJ and Whitney. Here's hoping he chooses his words more wisely in this interview, I don't think thats too much to ask of him or any other so called 'friend'.