Lionel Richie on Michael

I am tired of the little digs too. People say something really nice and ruin it with a stupid comment. Then you are left wondering what they mean by it. If I sound like a defensive fan to be honest I don't care. I am just tired. As someone said earlier it was the world that failed Michael not the other way around.
Love exactly. I wish my life could be a failure like Michael's. Let's face it Michael has a bigger legacy, millions of fans who love him, gave more to charity than Richie, etc, etc, so compared to Richie's life how is Michael's a failure? All I see is that especially in later years he was more victimized by the media, friends, and users--and that is where his pain came from. It is as we always say: stars and has-beens often say something nice about Michael and then also include some nastiness to be on the side of the media in order to keep favor with them. They want the media to use them again and call them back to give interviews/programs.
Yeah I didn't like that last bit either. Very unnecessary. His words at first was really sweet but he kinda messed up with the "failure" comment. I'm a VERY slow person and I'm trying to figure out what the heck he means. I'm gonna try to contact him.
Yes i too want to "fail" like Mike ! ! !
Dang just to think about how much love,
inspiration and positivity that man imparted upon the the more i think of LR comments the more angry i become.
No class Mr. Ritchie
Yes i too want to "fail" like Mike ! ! !
Dang just to think about how much love,
inspiration and positivity that man imparted upon the the more i think of LR comments the more angry i become.
No class Mr. Richie
Sounds like Lionel haven't met Michael for a long long time. I see that Quincy Jones tune 'he was so so good guy but later everything changed' continues. It's interesting how often did they see each other for the last 10 years. His daughter Nicole is Michael's god-daughter isn't she
Sounds like Lionel haven't met Michael for a long long time. I see that Quincy Jones tune 'he was so so good guy but later everything changed' continues. It's interesting how often did they see each other for the last 10 years. His daughter Nicole is Michael's god-daughter isn't she
Just like Smokey & Quincy they weren't close to MJ at all the last 15 years of his life so they all don't know Michael well at all. They just assumed things about his life....

And yes MJ is Nicole godfather and she said some lovely things about him.
**What we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life. The guy I knew was just funny and silly.**

That was a cruel and unnecessary comment. Is Lionel under some kind of meds? What failure is he talking about? To me problems doesn't necesarily means failure. A decade later after his last tour Michael sells 50 concerts and that's a failure?

I think Lionel is just jealous of Michael's fame & money.
I think Lionel is just jealous of Michael's fame & money.
Most of the people who were in michael's life were jealous & envious of his level of fame and they wished for that. Its such a shame they gotta give digs to someone who they claim they love and let their jealousy consume them
MJ SOLD OUT 50 SHOWS AT THE 02 before he past in that so called later "failure of the rest of his life" that Lionel is referring too. And Lionel Richie just did a performance on HSN!
That's right The Home Shopping Network. :popcorn::rollin:Nuff said!

I don't have twitter.. Let us know MsCassieMollie how he responds. He knows MJ sold out 50 shows because in March 2009 he claims he was talking to Mike and trying to get MJ back on stage etc so what does he mean by 'failure for the rest of his life':no: Lionel should be twitter attacked for that asinine comment.
I was hoping that this was an interview that was originally written in another language and maybe something got lost in translation. So far that doesn't appear to be the cases.

As much as I love nice little anctedotes about Michael, perhaps its better for some people to just not speak. You let them talk long enough and they are bound to say something dumb.

Funny thing is that Lionel revealed more about himself (lack of compassion and empathy, detachment, jealously, poor word choice, etc)
What we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life. The guy I knew was just funny and silly.

Come on now Lionel, that was completely unnecessary.....its like diarraeh of the mouth with some people!

Why do people who you think cared about Michael, always find some way of putting out there some snide remark that would've been better left unsaid?

Michael was STILL funny and silly, ask his kids!
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Lionel Talks more about Michael...

"Lionel Richie Talks Being A Grandpa, His Michael Jackson Memories & The Loss Of Whitney Houston

Lionel said Whitney's death brought back memories of another of his friends - the late Michael Jackson.

"I watched it happen with my dear friend, Michael, and Michael and I [had] talked about this forever in our career - '[This will] never that happen to us...'" Lionel told Shaun.

The singer told Shaun that he and Michael actually spoke about not going down the troubled road when they were breaking out as big solo stars in the 1980s.

"We saw so many other artists go through it, and we just made a promise to ourselves back in the early '80s, we would never let that happen to us, and then it just takes one little thing -- in his case -- it was just the burning of the scalp, just a little bit [during the Pepsi commercial] that changed what we now know was the big slippery slope," Lionel said."
Another so called friend that didn't bother to follow the Murray trial and is just repeating that tabloid junk. Keep in mind that he has an album coming out next week so he has to do this name dropping to get attention. Kind of pathetic that Lionel has to throw such a "dear friend" under the bus to promote his failing musical project.
Another so called friend that didn't bother to follow the Murray trial and is just repeating that tabloid junk. Keep in mind that he has an album coming out next week so he has to do this name dropping to get attention. Kind of pathetic that Lionel has to throw such a "dear friend" under the bus to promote his failing musical project.

Exactly and failing it is... Did his behind even know how and why MJ died? did he follow the trial at all? Murray killing MJ had nothing to do with a Pepsi burn. I used to like Lionel. Now he is starting to get on my last nerve.
More on what that article says. I think Lionel is connecting Whitney's death to Micheal's. Another so called "friend" bites the dust...
“There was one side of me that was absolutely shocked [by Whitney’s death] and then the other side of me was more disappointed,” Lionel said of losing the superstar singer, who he also co-starred in “The Preacher’s Wife” with. “I went through this with Nicole, you know, where there’s a point in time, when you go through the rehab program and your little girl walks down the hall this way and you walk down the hall that way and I kept saying, ‘Why are we here?’ And they said, ‘The parents and the loved ones are here, we are here to save your life, from them,’ because you’ll otherwise be an enabler forever.

“So you have to know that, and it’s up to them to save their own lives. You have to want that for yourself and what she had around her was… the desire not to want it, No. 1, and No. 2, she had enablers around her that allowed her to go that route,” Lionel continued, seemingly turning his talk to Whitney. “So, you know, we can sit here all day long and point the finger, but actually at the end of the day it’s a tragedy because somewhere along the line, she lost her footing and just couldn’t get back.”
Very sad...
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He even implied that Michael so called problem with drugs led to his demise. Ugh.

Mike had no painkillers in his system. Lionel needs to shut the hell up and look at Mike's autopsy report. He also should wait to hear what Whitney died from before he comments.
Damn Lionel u need ur album to sell that bad? There was a Doctor who killed MJ and was prosecuted and found guilty. How can u ignore that?!:mat:
I think some of his "friends" are ignorant and have no clue about what happened and doesn't sound like they followed the trial. He needs to be educated on what Murray was doing to Michael night after night. I don't know what happened to Whitney but the situations are not the same. There is a reason Murray is in jail.
Did Lionel follow any of the trial? is he aware that Murray was convicted and is in jail for the homicide of MJ?
Personally, I am very disappointed in Lionel. I really thought he was better than this.
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What was so hard about staying a true friend to Michael? I don't understand.
I don't get it either.. what does Lionel get out of comparing MJ's death to others? he knows good and well who killed Mike and what killed Mike so why is he acting stupid? Mike wasn't a heroin addict like his daughter. Why is he comparing Whit and Mike to Nicole?
I'm about tired of folks like Lionel Richie talking out the side of their mouth's repeating false information!

First of all, if you don't know the FACTS, then you should have no comment. And even if Mr. Richie doesn't know the facts of the case, I'm sure he knows, just like everybody else in the world, that Conrad Murray was convicted for the MURDER of Michael Jackson!

To top that off, he is commenting on Whitney Houston, who's cause of death has not even been announced yet! Unless he has some sort of crystal ball, he needs to shut his trap.