Lionel Richie on Michael


Proud Member
Aug 2, 2010
Only the Michael bit.

Michael Jackson was the silliest guy I ever met. He liked to trigger attacks of laughter at inappropriate times. I remember watching a dignitary giving a speech, and he looked over and started giggling… that just set me off. That to me was who he really was. What we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life. The guy I knew was just funny and silly.


That sounds so much like Michael. Remember the Japanese interview where he just couldn't keep a straight face lol?
I love seeing and remembering those wonderfully silly Michael moments. Makes me wish I could've known him personally to share things like that with him.
..."what we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life..."
Thats some messed up s@#% !!!!
Generalization much???
^You're right. A totally unnecessary remark, maybe he used the wrong words and didn't mean it in that way?
what the hell does the rest of those comments mean Lionel?:(
What we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life.
FAILURE?! Jesus come on!?-_- Talk about exagerating!

That was so uncalled for! He acts like MJ didn't have people tryin to F*ck him over many times throughout his life that made things difficult in his career/life. But, FAILURE?! How about admiring MJ strength to all that B.S for so long! Sh*t just saying! Or is MJ life no achievement if it don't have young MJ or Thriller written all over it?!
I like Lionel. But that "failure" comment in that article about Michael was just unnecessary and mean, in my opinion.
WHAT THE HELL did he mean by that...

What we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life.
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i'm sitting here and trying to think of one thing MJ failed at.....can't think of anything.

what we saw was a man who was failed by the rest of the world..... he didn't fail. the world failed him. like al sharpton said "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it".
I love that comment about Michael's silliness. I just love his laugh, it's so infectious, you can't help but laugh too! :)

I'm not a fan of the failure comment, though. It's not that Michael didn't make mistakes, we all do, and it's true that his life wasn't as happy as it should have been. But it just seems really harsh to judge someone's life as a failure. Especially Michael's life, because no matter what mistakes he made or how horribly life treated him sometimes, he did so many things absolutely right. IMO his life was never a failure or a tragedy, because he was so strong, he was always true to himself and he brought so much joy and happiness to the world. I think he dealt with all the crazy, unfair and horrible things in his life much, much better than most people would have.

Still, I think Lionel Richie is a good guy, and he probably didn't mean the comment to sound as bad as it did. Maybe what he meant by failure had more to do with the circumstances Michael faced.
I wish all those know-it-all morons shut up because they have no idea what MJ was going through. Your comment is a failure, mr. Richie!
Sweet peals of laughter.
You may notice I haven't posted for awhile, I forgot my password and only now have recovered it.
I love seeing and remembering those wonderfully silly Michael moments. Makes me wish I could've known him personally to share things like that with him.

Exactly! I always hear these stories of how silly he was...I love those spontaneous fits of laughter that you just can't stop...I would have loved to do that with him :wub:
I think Lionel intended to include that statement about "the failure of the rest of his life" because he seems, probably out of jealousy, to go on and on about how the world loves him, almost as if Lionel himself saved entire countries. This surprises me, but then again, a lot of so called friends of MJ surprised me. Unfortunately, Lionel is not quite as big a star as he, himself, would like to think he is or was. That uncalled for statement is a disappointment.
Wow, another great friend of Michael's, I see. I'm not a fan of judging too quickly, but I just don't see the logic of choosing to close off a sentimental memory by claiming afterwards that his later years of life was a failure. It hurts hearing comments such as 'Oh, that was the Michael I knew...the Michael before this and that...." That's not a true friend, in my opinion.

I just think the comment was highly unnecessary and very distasteful.
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That last comment there that he said ruined the good he was saying. Sorry. Michael's life was no failure. He had tough times but the last years of his life he had his children and that is no failure. i don't know what he means but I don't like it anyways.
This is not surprising by Lionel because he has done everything to diminish Michael's "We are the World" credit to make it his own. He has his name said first and he acts as if Michael played second fiddle. For a man who contributed 2 lines he acts as though he wrote the whole thing. There was another interview a few months back where Lionel also made an add on comment about Michael's life.
..."what we saw later was a product of the failure of the rest of his life..."
Thats some messed up s@#% !!!!
Generalization much???

^^That is what glared out at me too. What in heavens name does he mean by that remark, because it does not sound good to me. I am tied of nasty digs. This reminds me so much of a tiny bit of footage I saw on Current on cable yesterday. The host was a British person, and they had Oxman (who they state Michael spoke to up to his death) say that Michael left the family because he did not want anyone to tell him what to do and that Michael had doctors prescribing him drugs all over the country. Next we had Danny from the old TV show claiming that he looked at what Michael had and he said to himself, how come this is not me because we went to the same school. Then we had the narrator who claims that Michael was addicted not to surgery but to the drugs he got. There was also that spooky dramatic music they like to play. After looking at the first 3 people I turned the nonsense off. This is one of the reasons when we hear the name Michael Jackson on TV our hearts start to beat a little faster to brace ourselves for the nonsense that is about to unfold. Sorry for going off topic, but this statement from Richie just brought that stupid program back to my mind again!
I am not familiar with him, just knew he changed 2 line of Michael's we are the world as a cowriter. One of the reason I loved Michael is his quality, always respect others. If Michael's the failure, i don't know what Lionel's life is. at least Michael could still sold out 50 shows in one city within 4 hrs and is the most successful entertainer in the world according to Guinness Book of record.