Least Favorite MJ Song??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont mean most hated...because none of them can be hated!! especially on a website like this!! :) but the least liked.. haha!! what is your least liked MJ song? I think mine might be Money.. I love it .. but its not my fav!
^^ same here^^...I dont know, I often skip it when it comes on. But still good :)
I really do love all of Michael's songs. But there is one song of his that I had never really cared much for and that is The Girl Is Mine. I don't know why but that song of his just never really grew on me over the years. It is the only song off the Thriller album that I won't listen to.
The Girl Is Mine is amazing! How could anyone not like it!

I can't think of a Michael song I don't like ... Sure I love some and like others, but never a dislike.
a lot of off the wall is forgettable to me. I just don't feel that album (aside from the classics of course.) I also don't like:

The girl is mine, baby be mine, speed demon, just good friends, I can't let her get away, Why you wanna trip on me (brilliant beat, poor vocals IMO), This time around, come together, you are my life, privacy, don't walk away, and cry.
Should i run now? :S
I Love them all so it’s really hard to say. :D I even like 2000 watts even if it’s hard to understand what he was trying to say with that song. I can only imagine how it could be if there was a 3D video with that song. Little Susie it’s a masterpiece but I just want to cry every single time I hear it. To be honest I can’t say a single song I don’t like.
Ohhhh man..."Money" is such an underrated song in my opinion, and it happens to be one of my favorites! Wow, I'm surprised!
Same goes for "Speed Demon".

I don't know, I guess if I had to pick an example, I'd have to say "The Girl Is Mine" :(
Hmmm. i couln't think of any off the top of my head so i just looked at my itunes play count, seems the ones i skip the most are "baby be mine", "the lady in my life" and privacy. i don't hate them just seem skip them.
I can't possibly choose because I love them all about equally, but in different ways. Ok, I admit, it took some time for me to want to hear "Little Susie" again after hearing it for the first time, but that is because it's so depressing and gruesome. I can listen to it now, but I still find it creepy, which I guess is the whole point.
I would have to say that my least fave MJ song is The Girl Is Mine or Little Susie... those are just not really my faves two :blink:
a lot of off the wall is forgettable to me. I just don't feel that album (aside from the classics of course.) I also don't like:

The girl is mine, baby be mine, speed demon, just good friends, I can't let her get away, Why you wanna trip on me (brilliant beat, poor vocals IMO), This time around, come together, you are my life, privacy, don't walk away, and cry.
Should i run now? :S

Yes, you should run! Who can you not like some songs on Off The Wall? It's a perfect album, and remember, this was Michael during his prime!!!

Many songs on Invincible is forgettable for me.
I don't like 2000 Watts and it gave me the creeps to listen to Morphine right after he died, the lyrics really got on my nerves, too shocking. Not that I don't like the song 'Morphine' but it's not the same anymore.
I tend to skip Privacy the most. Oddly enough I like the other songs on the other albums with a similar message (Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, Is It Scary)
I tend to skip Privacy the most. Oddly enough I like the other songs on the other albums with a similar message (Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, Is It Scary)
It's not the message of "Privacy" that I don't like per se, I just think the whole song isn't any good. Even if the song was about a whole different topic, but performed the same way, I still wouldn't like it, lol. I think stuff like "The Lost Children" is kinda bland (I can picture it being on the Lawrence Welk Show :p), but I can listen to it if I'm in a certain mood.
I dont like the Girl is Mines, and 2000 watts. I always skip those songs. I just love Lady in My life. I like all his message songs as they tell what he is feeling.
what's wrong with 2000 watts?? you guys listened to it or just skipped it? you should give it a chance, I really like it a lot one of the most underrated MJ songs along with The Lady In My life, Whatever Happens, We've Had Enough and some others

OK, my least fav MJ song is -don't kill for this one- Childhood *running as fast as he could*
i am quite surprised that so many of you dislike The Girl is Mine
i love that song!
the only MJ song I can't stand is I Just Can't Stop Loving You, event hough I don't mind the live version because of how great his voice sounds. Those lyrics, though...