LaToya - Mike's Sons Not Coping

This Is It

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

"La Toya Jackson has revealed that the family are concerned that Michael's two sons are not coping with their father's death.

She told The Mirror that all three children - Prince Michael, 12, Paris Michael Katherine, 11, and 7-year-old Prince Michael II, also known as Blanket - are having grief counselling.

However, the Celebrity Big Brother star said that Paris seems to be dealing with her heartache better than her brothers.

She stated: "Paris thinks and talks about her father all the time. She's doing very well, writes a lot and she wears his shirts every day. They still smell of him and it helps her feel close to him.

"Her bedroom is covered in posters of Michael and she watches tapes of him all the time. After he passed, the kids went up to the house to get whatever they wanted.

"Paris took anything with a picture of her father on and brought it back to her new room at my mother's house.

"She was so upset that she would never see her father on stage. She said, 'Now I'll never get the chance to see Daddy perform live'."

La Toya went on to say that Michael's eldest son is finding it harder to talk about his feelings.

She explained: "Prince just doesn't want to speak about it. He won't even watch the DVDs, he just walks right past the TV. It's too soon, too touching. I do worry about him very much."

The 53-year-old said that Michael's youngest son is also struggling to cope.

She commented: "Blanket is just a very sad, shy little boy. He cries, he really does cry. It's so painful for him. No one can bring his daddy back and it hurts so much.

"They all go to therapy and I truly hope Prince especially will be able to open up."
maybe prince is mad with his daddy...i mean he's so young and prolly unable to understand why mike left them...
This is so sad to hear. But her keeping on talking about them it fuels interest on the children which causes more paparazzi to chase them leading to accidents like the other night. I wish that they would have kept the children private.. they expose everything they do now.
maybe prince is mad with his daddy...i mean he's so young and prolly unable to understand why mike left them...

By the sounds of it IF this is true Prince is doing what some of us were doing at the beginning.. not looking at anything with him on, not playing his music because it hurt too much.

I really don't like reading stories like this, it is such an invaision of their privacy.
Poor kids :( seriously he's not the Michael Jackson he is to us as he is to them, he's there Daddy :( it must be so hard for them. I really couldn't imagine Paris' room would be like mine? Covered in posters of Michael, is that true :S?
1. One Prince is 12 so he is in that teenage era where they don't think it's cool to show their feelings
And I thought I'd make it through the day without any tears. The Blanket part was just...:cry:

"La Toya Jackson has revealed that the family are concerned that Michael's two sons are not coping with their father's death.

She told The Mirror that all three children - Prince Michael, 12, Paris Michael Katherine, 11, and 7-year-old Prince Michael II, also known as Blanket - are having grief counselling.

However, the Celebrity Big Brother star said that Paris seems to be dealing with her heartache better than her brothers.

She stated: "Paris thinks and talks about her father all the time. She's doing very well, writes a lot and she wears his shirts every day. They still smell of him and it helps her feel close to him.

"Her bedroom is covered in posters of Michael and she watches tapes of him all the time. After he passed, the kids went up to the house to get whatever they wanted.

"Paris took anything with a picture of her father on and brought it back to her new room at my mother's house.

"She was so upset that she would never see her father on stage. She said, 'Now I'll never get the chance to see Daddy perform live'."

La Toya went on to say that Michael's eldest son is finding it harder to talk about his feelings.

She explained: "Prince just doesn't want to speak about it. He won't even watch the DVDs, he just walks right past the TV. It's too soon, too touching. I do worry about him very much."

The 53-year-old said that Michael's youngest son is also struggling to cope.

She commented: "Blanket is just a very sad, shy little boy. He cries, he really does cry. It's so painful for him. No one can bring his daddy back and it hurts so much.

"They all go to therapy and I truly hope Prince especially will be able to open up."

this is so heatrbreaking :( paris is able to cope up considering she is more open to express her feelings but not her sad..
and yet again, they keep selling the kids' private life to tabloids.

It is past time for her to STFU about the kids.
I wish Latoya just shut up. She sells every little thing to the media, it's not fair at all. She wants attention so bad and doesn't understand that the kids need more privacy. I can imagine how mad Michael would be...
Message to Latoya:


You are feeding the media frenzy by talking about the MJ3 -




Statements and interviews like this are the reason why paparazzi chase innocent children trying to have a regular life.

I love MJs babies, and I want what's best for them. Even if it means I don't hear from them for YEARS, I want them to have tranquility and the ability to be able to go somewhere without being photographed or chased.

So LaToya, STFU!!!!!!!
And the Jacksons need to STOP talking about the kids.


Stop making a career from talking to the tabloids by selling out MJ3 stories - as you did with their father.

bless them, i pray for those three every day. i was 33 when my dad died ..............i know how hard that was, can;'t imagine what it must be like for them when they're only young
What do people think (not you fans here). They are kids and they've lost their loving dad and it's only 4 months away, so to think they gotten over it by now it's just plain insulting- Of course they're still upset.
lawd hammercy...ok well it's obviously something that piqued ur interests b/c y'all lot came in here to read it.

im sick of people saying the kids are doing fine, showing pics of them smiling, and everything is cheery. she's make this more real by saying they're not doing well. have some compassion, be careful w/ what ur putting out there. those two boys aren't having an easy time w/ this.

would u rather she lie and say theyr'e fine like jermaine and joe have been saying? or would u rather her tell the truth? they asked, she didn't just volunteer the info.
Message to Latoya:


You are feeding the media frenzy by talking about the MJ3 -




Statements and interviews like this are the reason why paparazzi chase innocent children trying to have a regular life.

I love MJs babies, and I want what's best for them. Even if it means I don't hear from them for YEARS, I want them to have tranquility and the ability to be able to go somewhere without being photographed or chased.

So LaToya, STFU!!!!!!!

I so agree...don't look right
I do not see nothing wrong with Latoya talking about this (after this, I think she should say no more). Death is something that effects ALL OF US and some folks want to know how they are dealing with it. I know this is going to effect these kids (especially with the kind of father they had who was a hands on father). I am still crying because I have loved Michael for many years so I can image them. I beleive they may need help dealing with this in later years. I have a cousin who is still dealing with the death of his mother. He remember her taking him to school and when he came home, he was told "your mother is gone". What made it worst for my cousin was that he was a "momma baby". he was 5 and did not want to go to other people. he wanted to stay under his mother most of the time. When he lost her, my cousin has rebelled in his teens and still dealing with the pain.
lawd hammercy...ok well it's obviously something that piqued ur interests b/c y'all lot came in here to read it.

im sick of people saying the kids are doing fine, showing pics of them smiling, and everything is cheery. she's make this more real by saying they're not doing well. have some compassion, be careful w/ what ur putting out there. those two boys aren't having an easy time w/ this.

would u rather she lie and say theyr'e fine like jermaine and joe have been saying? or would u rather her tell the truth? they asked, she didn't just volunteer the info.

Honstely i'm sure they are like anyone who loses their parent at a young age or whenever they have good days about it and bad it isbnt helping the kids to talk about them for cash but it doesent hurt them really eitheer laytoya should always be taken with a truck of slat
lawd hammercy...ok well it's obviously something that piqued ur interests b/c y'all lot came in here to read it.

im sick of people saying the kids are doing fine, showing pics of them smiling, and everything is cheery. she's make this more real by saying they're not doing well. have some compassion, be careful w/ what ur putting out there. those two boys aren't having an easy time w/ this.

would u rather she lie and say theyr'e fine like jermaine and joe have been saying? or would u rather her tell the truth? they asked, she didn't just volunteer the info.

I'd rather have LaToya say "NO COMMENT" and stop feeding the media frenzy.
lawd hammercy...ok well it's obviously something that piqued ur interests b/c y'all lot came in here to read it.

im sick of people saying the kids are doing fine, showing pics of them smiling, and everything is cheery. she's make this more real by saying they're not doing well. have some compassion, be careful w/ what ur putting out there. those two boys aren't having an easy time w/ this.

would u rather she lie and say theyr'e fine like jermaine and joe have been saying? or would u rather her tell the truth? they asked, she didn't just volunteer the info.
Thank you.
Message to Latoya:
You are feeding the media frenzy by talking about the MJ3 -




Statements and interviews like this are the reason why paparazzi chase innocent children trying to have a regular life.
I absolutely agree with that.

I see no big deal about her talking about this. This is LIFE and we all are dealing with this.

You don't understand - anytime a Jackson speaks about the children, it pique's the public's interest.

Once newspapers & websites see that, they try to find or get more exclusive footage/interviews - to the point that we saw this week, of chasing the children and crashing a security car.

WHY do the Jacksons have to talk about the kids?

A) for money

b) to remain relevant

They are using MJs kids - and who suffer the most are MJs kids.

I'm sure they will always grieve the death of their father, but if the Jacksons truly loved and cared for their niece & nephews, they'd say "NO COMMENT" and give the kids a chance for a normal life.

They need to stop - it's unethical, cruel and invasive to the children.

Oh, and not to mention that the Jackson siblings have made careers from selling out MJ to the paparazzi & tabloids, now, are they that low to sell out MJs kids?

I hate to say it, but it's already happening.
^Yeah. There really is no need to give a running commentary on the children's private moments. Get them out of the spotlight. Allow them to grieve privately. Allow these things to remain private. LaToya talks too much.