Lady GaGa talks about opening for Michael Jackson on Larry King Live

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Duno if mj heard or knew of Jannelle Monae whilst he was alive ( he probably did).But she would have made perfect sense to be part of his shows..Now this is someone who is on the lines of michael jackson...I am spreading the word for her incase anyone might not have seen her...Sorry i just have tooo lol

Moonwalk at 4.30!!!...She actually does it really well but you don't have the best angle in that clip

This is just james brown personified

NOW THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUNG AT THE SHOW..sight...She sings it beautifully..Mj would have loved it

Your kidding I hope? Michael Jackson has fans of all ages, all over the world, he is the most popular artist of all time and has never, needed any "help".

i know. i don't know why there are some people who think only people of certain ages listen to Michael, or that they need help from other artists to discover Michael. it may happen that way in some cases, but wayyy too many people of all ages needed no outside help to discover him.
^ it took me a while to warm up to Janelle Monae, but i love her now. She is doing amazing things. You can hear Andree 3000's influence on the record.
YOU dont have to LIKE HER to be RESPECTFUL! What is it with fans when on other artist says they were to work with Michael, you attack? Why is it an Insult if she had opened for Michael? Really? Michael LOVED to bring up new artists and she's a new artist so why not just leave it at that? Whats with all this negativity? NOBODY is forcing you to like her. I dont care if you do but u dont need to like a person to respect them...thats just plain Stupid!

If you dont have anything good to say, keep it to your self. I'd understand if this person was bad to Michael like some ppl. were, I'd understand the negativity, but she's a very unique and creative singer, whats wrong with that?

I Love Michael and I miss him so soo much that I literally hurt. I've never experienced this kind of pain. I like Lady gaga and her uniqueness and her "I dont care" attitude. She's a good singer, and HER fans LOVE HER! Like WE LOVE Michael. And when She talks about Michael (Which she hasnt spoken about for almost a year-Giving respect to him when other ppl. came out of the wood works to talk everything and anything about him), It's in a nice and positive way, she looked up to him. And I guess thats not good enough for some. right?

I feel ashamed to read some of these comments on here...:no:


I'm sorry for venting, but its kind of tiring to see these kinds of comments on ppl. who had nothing against Michael. :no: I guess I'm more sensitive when it gets closer to the 25th :(.

I'm gonna start to ignore any kind of negativity from now on. I know its tiring to see my comments, so I'll relieve you of it. :)

Thankyou MJStorm for the Video. Just watched it on Larry King right now. :)

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Gaga is a degenerate with a very short track record and if Mj was using her it was just for her commercial clout with young people like other collaborators such as Kriss Kross, NSYNC, Britney and so on in the past. I hope this is just publicity hype from her.

I think Lady Gaga is better than any of the support acts i saw during HIStory (someautralian band, a belgian act called 'get ready' and a upcoming dutch act that wasnt so bad actually).

You mean "australian act"?

Coz i think the band u might be referring to is a band called "human nature"
I watched most of her Larry King interview earlier this evening and I have to wonder...she is a native New Yorker but what the heck kind of accent does this woman have? I don't hear any kind of New York accent. Just an observation...
You mean "australian act"?

Coz i think the band u might be referring to is a band called "human nature"

Yeah, it was human nature..

Not that bad really...

During Dangerous and History he usually went for local artists...
Sometimes they were OK but others were pretty bad.

I think Lady Gaga is better than some of his previous supportacts...

I did love Kriss Kross b.t.w. (during Dangerous).
I am Not a fan of Gaga.. I just have seen her whole 'act' before through other artists..however I can respect her for trying for the younger generation. I am happy that MJ has touched everyone..just wish that he was still here to still see that..
Yeah, it was human nature..

Not that bad really...

During Dangerous and History he usually went for local artists...
Sometimes they were OK but others were pretty bad.

Yeh they were the support act for the history tour down here in australia and i become a fan of their's at that time. Now they do alot of motown covers and preform at las vegas.

No she didn't say anything stupid.

She said that she never talked about it before because Michael's passing was very hurtful for her but now she was ready for it.
She was working on opening for the TII concerts and maybe do some duets with Michael.

I'm not a big fan of hers but it would've been cool to see the two together on stage.. it's just so sad to read all these threads about what could've been.. :(
that would have been wonderful, i like her music and i think she's a very sweet and nice person, + she's always respectful towards top artists.
I'm pretty sure they were just rumors. Having her opening for MJ would not only be an insult to Michael and his fans, but also a crime against music.

I have nothing against her as a person, I admire her uniqueness (is that a word lmao?), but her music drives me insane!
Yeah, it was human nature..

Not that bad really...

During Dangerous and History he usually went for local artists...
Sometimes they were OK but others were pretty bad.

I think Lady Gaga is better than some of his previous supportacts...

I did love Kriss Kross b.t.w. (during Dangerous).

He brought human nature to Ireland and while i didn't listen to them really on the night i did listen to them later coz i bought the cd for my sister and it was pretty awful.
I smell a rat! i don't doubt that GaGa is an MJ fan and maybe i am cynical but it's just too convenient that a week before her new video is out she goes on Larry King and tells the world she was going to open or 'support' MJ on his This is It tour, yeah right! Does she take people for fools? They were only weeks away from opening when Mj passed, does she really expect us to believe that had it been true that they were finalising the details for her to be his opening act that we would have heard nothing about it before? I think it's a lie. Do a google search for Michael Jackson now and guess what comes up? About 600 articles on Lady Gaga and how she was going to share the stage with MJ. She's clever i'll give her that. Personally i can't stand the sight of her and i find it hard to believe that Michael would approve of the vulgarity of her videos. I admit her songs are catchy, annoyingly so but to be honest they all sound the same and i wish she could make a creative video without all the nasty sexual bits and vulgarity and cursing and people being murdered. YUK. Watched a snip of her being interviewed the other day and thought she came across as arrogant and obnoxious, the total opposite of MJ.
Apparently Travis Payne has denied this is true...anyone have any info on that?
I agree, i like her music.... But she just anoys me so much. Shes more famous for her clothes and porn style videos then her music.
People say shes talented because she writes her own lyrics...but her lyrics are not exactly great...alot of random lyrics infact!

I also dont like the way she uses mj to get all the media attention before she releases a new video. With telephone her chrorogrephor kept comparing it to thriller, and now before she is releasing another new video she is talking about michael jackson again!

If you love mj so much, show it! Give him a tribute at your show like alot of his true die hard celebrity fans do!
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(rah)² (ah)³ + [roma (1+ma)] + (ga)² + (ooh)(la)²
hahahhahaha...:lol:but the equation
Should be 3(rah)+2(ah) + [roma (1+ma)] + 2(ga) + ooh+2(la)
I know some of her other songs like

though repetitive, can't deny that they are catchy
one of the ingredients to catchy pop tunes is to be repetitive on one syllable and words.
For eg, BS's womanizer, 3, they are kinda repetitive.
I hope she stays away from anything Michaelish. After seeing her porn movies (her 'music videos') I have no respect for her. She's giving the world the worst example ever in the history of show business. I hope she fades soon before the world is one big porn
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Apparently Travis Payne has denied this is true...anyone have any info on that?

This is what Travis Payne said...


[Wow, this clip has has 56,632 views, the other clips from this same interview have 3,000-5,000]

The subject is MJ and Travis discussing who MJ would have take part in This Is It Travis talks about artists whom he suggested to MJ.

Then Travis says he said to Michael 'Is there anybody else that you are thinking of?', and Michael replied'Lady Gaga'...Travis said 'Really??' and MJ was like 'Yeh!'

Travis continues.. 'Michael was the one who really got me into her, he literally told me, you gotta get into her, she's good'.

Travis goes on to say they got a call from Lady Gaga at the time, Travis told her the story and she was moved by it.

Travis also said this in another interview -

"It was Michael who actually turned me on to Lady Gaga," he said.

"We were doing the short-list for This Is It for people he would like to invite - obviously the brothers, obviously Janet, obviously Ms Ross, Ms Knight and Mariah, and we talked about Whitney.

"I said, is there anybody else you would like to add to the list? And he said Lady Gaga. I said really? He said, oh yeah, she's amazing. You've got to get into her."

Payne said Lady Gaga was moved when he told her the story, and everything they did for her tour was in the spirit of Michael Jackson.

"He was the one who really opened my eyes to her artistry, because he noticed it long before she had this explosion that she's had now," he said.

I wondered if that rumour was true or not.... how upsetting would that be, to be a fan of his and be getting ready to do something so incredible, like getting to open for him, and then it's just gone.... :(

It doesn't matter if fans like her or not, that doesn't bother me as we all have our own tastes here, but I hate when big name people say something good about MJ instead of bashing him and then fans bash the person anyhow...

Strange isn't it.

Also strange is when fans say something isn't true just because they don't want it to be true. You know, it is ok for you not to like someone that Michael I bet even though I posted this video (which I mentioned on page 2 by the way) people still won't believe that Michael liked Lady Gaga :rofl:... it's hysterical sometimes.
Also.. can MJ like someone without fans hurling abuse at the artist and calling her a 'bitch' when she is saying nice words about Michael on national TV? ........ I mean, there is no need for that name calling and ugliness based on the topic of this thread... I'm not surprised though, this happens in any thread which mentions any other artist in the same sentence as MJ regardless of the subject or context of the story.
I hope she stays away from anything Michaelish. After seeing her porn movies (her 'music videos') I have no respect for that bitch. She's giving the world the worst example ever in the history of show business. I hope she fades soon before the world is one big porn
She called it 'short film'.
btw, I don't trust AEG's people. These people can always say anything they want.
Thank you! I don't like it either when someone tells me I should like her.
There are many artists that work hard, love their fans, love MJ, make interesting videos.
Not just her. The more I hear about her and how I should love her, the more annoying she becomes to me.

I for one am not sad that she didn't get to open for him. I have no interest in seeing her live. I've seen some videos of her concerts on youtube and everytime I'm not impressed.

I think if she had opened the difference in the level of MJ and her would have been very apparent and people wouldn't be so quick to say things like, "she is the MJ/Madonna/Queen of this generation!"

*edit* Off topic I know,but I just saw a clip from the interview, can she look more like Madonna? My goodness she looks exactly like her in this interview...

I agree I don't see what all the fuss is about, I don't think she's original, unique or anything like that, I don't even think she's particularly talented. I don't like artists who appear to be desperate and try too hard which is exactly what she does. She relies too much on weird fashion and videos to make an impact when her talent alone and music should be speaking for itself.
I'm pretty sure they were just rumors. Having her opening for MJ would not only be an insult to Michael and his fans, but also a crime against music.

I agree 100%!!!!!!!!

Lady GaGa is beyond Not even close to music.
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