Lady GaGa talks about opening for Michael Jackson on Larry King Live

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Proud Member
Nov 16, 2007
Lady GaGa talked about Michael Jackson on Larry King Live ---CNN ---.

My computer is muted today. Could anyone tell me what she said?

Thank You.

PS: If she said something stupid, please delete this message.
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No she didn't say anything stupid.

She said that she never talked about it before because Michael's passing was very hurtful for her but now she was ready for it.
She was working on opening for the TII concerts and maybe do some duets with Michael.
No she didn't say anything stupid.

She said that she never talked about it before because Michael's passing was very hurtful for her but now she was ready for it.
She was working on opening for the TII concerts and maybe do some duets with Michael.

Thank You.
Oh, God... Thank you! This make me feel so bad. I really don`t know why??? But it hurts so deep.
I'm pretty sure they were just rumors. Having her opening for MJ would not only be an insult to Michael and his fans, but also a crime against music.
I'm pretty sure they were just rumors. Having her opening for MJ would not only be an insult to Michael and his fans, but also a crime against music.


Me too, with my music band we were dreaming to opening for The King...
She has some really nice words for Michael. Plus she is a huge fan. Thank you Gaga...
I can't believe I had tickets to see my 2 favourite artists! & now I will never be able to see MJ :(

Im sick of MJ fans dissing Gaga.. she's one of the hardest working women in the music biz. She's been touring for 2 years straight, she brings out new music and amazing videos.
I can't believe I had tickets to see my 2 favourite artists! & now I will never be able to see MJ :(

Im sick of MJ fans dissing Gaga.. she's one of the hardest working women in the music biz. She's been touring for 2 years straight, she brings out new music and amazing videos.

I agree, them 2 together would have been nothing short of amazing!
MJ fans do not have to like Gaga if they do not want. Who cares how much she works if the music does not appeal to someone. Many people in the industry work very hard, not just her. I for one do not like her and I am sick of people telling me she is so inventive and I should like her. I don't like to have my tastes dictated to me.

With that being said, I would also have liked to see what they would have come up with. I can only imagine how MJ would have elevated Gaga. I think it would have been cool.

BTW Becca, I want to be a certified MJ Perv as well. :hysterical:
I am a big Lady Gaga fan. I don't buy many CD's these days, but I bought her FAME album. That girl has so many well produced catchy songs and the best thing is... she is unique from everybody else in the industry. She has literally exploded over the past year or so and continues to do so. I am glad to hear such positive words from her regarding MJ. She is a big fan of his, so much that she was going to open for him. What an amazing show that would have been. I don't quite understand the Gaga hate from some Mj fans. She just admitted how much she respected him and is inspired by him. Even if you don't like her style or music, you have to respect the fact that she is a MJ fan. Take all the support we can get, because it's never enough!
Thank you for posting that, MJStorm. :flowers:
I'm sick of MJ fans dissing Gaga.. she's one of the hardest working women in the music biz. She's been touring for 2 years straight, she brings out new music and amazing videos.
This woman is amazing, creative, funny & she works very hard, to please her fans.
It's the same as Beyoncé, they are the "spirituals kids" of MJ. They do great shows, great videos, good music (for the ones who like it). They are both great entertainers.
Long live the queen Gaga !
And thanx for the video ;)
MJ fans do not have to like Gaga if they do not want. Who cares how much she works if the music does not appeal to someone. Many people in the industry work very hard, not just her. I for one do not like her and I am sick of people telling me she is so inventive and I should like her. I don't like to have my tastes dictated to me.

With that being said, I would also have liked to see what they would have come up with. I can only imagine how MJ would have elevated Gaga. I think it would have been cool.

BTW Becca, I want to be a certified MJ Perv as well. :hysterical:

Thank you! I don't like it either when someone tells me I should like her.
There are many artists that work hard, love their fans, love MJ, make interesting videos.
Not just her. The more I hear about her and how I should love her, the more annoying she becomes to me.

I for one am not sad that she didn't get to open for him. I have no interest in seeing her live. I've seen some videos of her concerts on youtube and everytime I'm not impressed.

I think if she had opened the difference in the level of MJ and her would have been very apparent and people wouldn't be so quick to say things like, "she is the MJ/Madonna/Queen of this generation!"

*edit* Off topic I know,but I just saw a clip from the interview, can she look more like Madonna? My goodness she looks exactly like her in this interview...
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Awww man that would have been awesome 2 see!
I wondered if that rumour was true or not.... how upsetting would that be, to be a fan of his and be getting ready to do something so incredible, like getting to open for him, and then it's just gone.... :(

It doesn't matter if fans like her or not, that doesn't bother me as we all have our own tastes here, but I hate when big name people say something good about MJ instead of bashing him and then fans bash the person anyhow...
It doesn't matter if fans like her or not, that doesn't bother me as we all have our own tastes here, but I hate when big name people say something good about MJ instead of bashing him and then fans bash the person anyhow...

Yes it feels good to know that others celebs loved mj and were inspired b him just like we all were. It makes me happy knowing that.
what an honor for her, i guess Michael really liked her , and imagine Michael paying full attention to her!!!.... wow, wish i was her...

very well what she said about how Michael as this amazing icon beeing selfdestroyed and OR BY THE MEDIA...

She must be careful, media may want to pick on her now that Michael is gone...

thanks Gaga, you're very talented, and now really knowing Michael liked her makes me like her... automatically, Michael liked only really good acts.
It's sweet of Gaga to talk about Michael in this way. I would have loved to see them perform together! It would have been a mindblowing performance. She put hard dedication in her work, and I believe she deserves everything she has achieved so far.
I'm one of those that isn't a GaGa fan...but anyhow, too bad she never got to do this.
How we all miss this amazing, amazing man. :(
what an honor for her, i guess Michael really liked her , and imagine Michael paying full attention to her!!!.... wow, wish i was her...

very well what she said about how Michael as this amazing icon beeing selfdestroyed and OR BY THE MEDIA...

She must be careful, media may want to pick on her now that Michael is gone...

thanks Gaga, you're very talented, and now really knowing Michael liked her makes me like her... automatically, Michael liked only really good acts.

Michael never said he liked her.

If someone said Michael liked skydiving would you go do that? :lol:

People are using Michael's name to get more recognition than they actually deserve.

They say things like
"Michael liked my art.."
"Michael liked my music..."
"Michael wanted to do this with me.."
"Michael liked my *insert product you wish to sell"

Now in no way am I saying that everyone is lying, but all I am saying this that it's silly to fully believe every single statement. I only trust 100% reliable people, people who were very close to him, and of course, Michael himself.
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Travis Payne said he asked Michael if there were any artists he would like to reach out to, to be involved in This Is It... and he said Lady Gaga.

So it seems Michael did like her.
Michael never said he liked her.

If someone said Michael liked skydiving would you go do that?

In my opinion people are using Michael's name to get more recognition than they actually deserve.

They say things like
"Michael liked my art.."
"Michael liked my music..."
"Michael wanted to do this with me.."
"Michael liked my *insert product you wish to sell"

Now in no way am I saying that everyone is lying, but all I am saying this that it's silly to fully believe every single statement. I only trust 100% reliable people, people who were very close to him, and of course, Michael himself.
understand your point, but i think she just cant be that much of a liar, i think she may one of the few saying the truth... of course there are many "artists" saying Michael liked my art, my music, my style etc, and stuff, just for promotions.... so stupid, i dont think is Gagas case

About the skydiving, probably :lol:
I may not be a GaGa fan right now, but I do respect her and lover her work escpecially her performances of Paparazzi during the MTV 's VMA 2009 last year she did a fantastic job at it. I think it's good opprotunity for Lady GaGa to do a couple of openings for Michael.
I never had a problem with Gaga....I think she's a fantastic artist....every single that she's released has been great IMO....and she was indeed inspired by the best :cheeky:
Having her opening for MJ would not only be an insult to Michael and his fans, but also a crime against music
u obviously never saw some of mjs previous opening acts lol
I wonder where Lady Gaga would be without RedOne. He deserves a lot of credit here.

I think Gaga tries to overdo being different and in a way, it hurts her appeal since many can't understand her. I think this was evident when Beyonce cleaned up at the Grammy's.

But I don't mind Lady Gaga's music and in fact, I think LoveGame is one of my favorite songs.
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I think Gaga tries to overdue being different and in a way, it hurts her appeal since many can't understand her.

i completely agree with this...i think her music is fantastic, but i think she really overdoes's like she tries to be unpredictable so much that she becomes almost predictable, and then I lose interest....i'm not a fan of her videos, and performances, but love her music....
Well on the one hand she is different, hard working and aware of the buisness but she contradicts herself too much.To say mj is an inspiration and bowie etc and then to say another time she has no inspirations is stupid..Mj would always say james brown if he was asked...To say you put ALL your money into the tours is also stupid because she would be on the streets...I think sadly because there are not many unique people in the pop culture right now, it will all go to her head and this icon image will just apply to her more...WAYYY TO EARLY TO CALL HER AN ICON..But the reason for it is because of the lack of variety and the impatience and short attention span these days

With regard to her or anyone openin for Mj..I have slight problems with that scenario..Never before has anyone opened an mj show apart from mj..I can't see why he would want another artist to be the first to appear on his stage..Maybe on a few nights? I duno..It sounded like it was going to change ovr the tour but I can imagine a more likely scenario was duets of songs..Like gaga going dirty diana or something...But to open the show for MICHAEL JACKSON??..please...

Sadly you can see from her interiews and demeanour this is all going to her head and her ego will increase no doubt because she believes she is more important at this moment in time that she is..I wish an artist who is even tagged with the icon symbol could possess the humble qualities of Michael Jackson..Of course mj had an ego but he was brought up from a different stoke an in different generation where you are respecftul and grateful to so many, not just the fans...When mj was interviewed he NEVER came across as a man who was important and vital to his industry..He would not gloat or boast or ever act superior...Gaga already seems like she could be the opposite to all that and just has an air of being on a pedistool which is totally wrong
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