Lady Gaga fans?

I'll admit she's starting to grow on me. I've just been EXTREMELY cynical about every new artist that the "manufacturers" have been spitting out left and right for the last... oh... decade or so. :smilerolleyes: It's nice to see some of my old favorites coming back, though. That makes me very happy. :)

I used to listen to "Poker Face" on the radio, and I liked the song immediately, and thought it was a pretty catchy tune. Had no idea who this "Lady Gaga" was, of course, LOL. But I agree, I haven't seen or felt determination like hers in an artist for a very, VERY long time. I thought she was overdoing it waaayyyy too much in the beginning, too, and then I thought -- Wait a minute... practically ALL of the artists in the 80s were "weirdos" :p -- That's one of the things that made the 80s a great decade of music that the world will NEVER forget. We'll just have to see how long she holds my interest. ;)
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I don't know quite yet if i like her or dislike her but I can say that I really like her style! Very different & somewhat controversial. Other ppl call it "wierd" ie the mask she wore at some awards- but I really like it. Very creative.

personality wise, shes a bit full of herself but that could change though.
Although I like a couple of her songs I find her herself, extremely annoying and obnoxious. She seems to have an unyielding need for shock value.

so did Madonna back in the day lol but thats what other ppl seem to find attractive:D
so did Madonna back in the day lol but thats what other ppl seem to find attractive:D

Very true but that was Madonna back in the day and no one else, either. Madonna "made" herself one of a kind by pulling that act year after year, constantly recreating herself. She stood out like a sore thumb because quite frankly, she was the only one who had the guts to do it.
She paved the wave in many areas. Keeping herself interesting musically as well. Not just scandal. She went from bubblegum pop music, to latin inspired, to choir girl, to sex symbol, back to innocence and the recent retro which all worked for her very well. (i might have missed something here too).
I had HUGE crush on Madonna during her latin inspired days.:wub::wub::wub:


All in all, I hope Lady develops into something deeply powerful. She's going to have to go through the tunnel of many challenges first. See how well she does under much temptation. She might do well. I hope she does. Lots of potential there.
can someone please put the video here I think but not 100% certain, it was VMAs of Gaga's performance ..... lets say it was quite interesting ; Was of her hanging and had fake blood coming down. I never seen it.
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I really do love her, she is so innovative and creative :wub:
To be completely honest, I see Lady Gaga so close to Michael, in some terms.
You can see that she is combining her message of love, difference and self-expression with her talents of music and fashion.

Michael did show this through his music, although Gaga is showing it in a more rough and raw form. When it comes to Gaga's music, I respect her innovation within the lyrics, although the story may be very basic, her lyrics are what makes it innovative and needs deep investigation in order to understand her real message.

I'm a massive fan of art, and I think Gaga shows alot of it. When it comes to her amazing shows, music videos and ideas, in general. It's very artistic. I'm an aspiring film director, and she is definitely up there when it comes to my inspirations. I'm fascinated by every single thing she does, and no one's really done that for me, since Michael.

The reason why alot of negativity has been created from her bizarre behaviour, is because she is trying to promote self-expression. Some people (including me) can see ourselves being compressed and controlled by society, that we must follow them and them only. Gaga is trying to break that, her differences fascinates alot of people, and that encourages people to stand out from the crowd and be themselves.

I'm also an open homosexual. Lady Gaga is devoted to the gay community. She believes in equality for all, and she actually works on it. She is working on wiping out homophobia in the music industry and promoting equal rights. She understands my values, when it comes to my sexuality, and this is why I look up to her more.

If anything, I think Lady Gaga is what the world needed after Michael died. We need a musical artist who can, through their arts, express messages of love, differences, sexuality and self-expression, to make everyone feel comfortable with themselves and allow others to accept people for who they are. I'm sure Michael wanted everyone to feel comfortable with who they are, and to work on making a difference and change in the world, and I think Gaga is doing the same thing.

She is not weird. She is different, and we all need to accept that.

That's just my two cents.
I think she has a lot of potential. I wished she would do more 'intelligent' songs. Her lyrics are not much to be desired, to be honest. I think she might have have the capacity to do that.

Right now, she is more style over substance. But she has drive and that will take her to places.
To be completely honest, I see Lady Gaga so close to Michael, in some terms.
You can see that she is combining her message of love, difference and self-expression with her talents of music and fashion.

Michael did show this through his music, although Gaga is showing it in a more rough and raw form. When it comes to Gaga's music, I respect her innovation within the lyrics, although the story may be very basic, her lyrics are what makes it innovative and needs deep investigation in order to understand her real message.

I'm a massive fan of art, and I think Gaga shows alot of it. When it comes to her amazing shows, music videos and ideas, in general. It's very artistic. I'm an aspiring film director, and she is definitely up there when it comes to my inspirations. I'm fascinated by every single thing she does, and no one's really done that for me, since Michael.

The reason why alot of negativity has been created from her bizarre behaviour, is because she is trying to promote self-expression. Some people (including me) can see ourselves being compressed and controlled by society, that we must follow them and them only. Gaga is trying to break that, her differences fascinates alot of people, and that encourages people to stand out from the crowd and be themselves.

I'm also an open homosexual. Lady Gaga is devoted to the gay community. She believes in equality for all, and she actually works on it. She is working on wiping out homophobia in the music industry and promoting equal rights. She understands my values, when it comes to my sexuality, and this is why I look up to her more.

If anything, I think Lady Gaga is what the world needed after Michael died. We need a musical artist who can, through their arts, express messages of love, differences, sexuality and self-expression, to make everyone feel comfortable with themselves and allow others to accept people for who they are. I'm sure Michael wanted everyone to feel comfortable with who they are, and to work on making a difference and change in the world, and I think Gaga is doing the same thing.

She is not weird. She is different, and we all need to accept that.

That's just my two cents.
Took the words right out of my mouth :clapping::yes:

Lady Gaga is truly amazing. She is a true artist, musician and human being. Her values and beliefs I can relate to and I love that. Her commitment to her art and her love for her fans is wonderful to see. I've already bought tickets to see her this coming March :wub:
Here is her recent campaign in conjunction with Virgin Mobile to fight homelessness amongst youth through active charity and encouraging fans to do the same

Lovely pledge from her. We can see that she was influenced heavily by Mikey over the years. The unrivalled compassion, unselfishness and care that Michael showed during his time on Earth is living on in modern artists like Lady Gaga. His message is being spread with L.O.V.E. His spirit will never die.

Love you Michael
Love you Gaga

I didn't see this posted but back in the summer Lady GaGa and Koda Kumi appeared together in Vivi magizine. The interview has been translated by tenshi no hane @ AHS. The interview if anyone is interested...


Gaga-chan’s fashion is amazing!! by Kumi

Kumi: I’ve heard that there are times that when you create a song you start with creating an image out of fashion.

Gaga: That’s true! My balloon dress was such a case. I don’t see myself as a pop singer. I see myself as a pop performance artist. There’s a concept behind every of one of my creations; I can’t throw away my creations after [showing them off in] one PV or TV show! I believe it’s important to make people remember them by wearing them repeatedly and burning them into everyone’s mind.

K: Are you studying fashion a lot?

G: Yes, I am! I don’t look at magazines often. That’s because I keep my eyes on the future. My objective is always to see the things that I did in my videos featured in a magazine afterwards.

K: You are very original and always dress yourself stylishly. Like these shoulder pats.

G: Shapes are very important to me. For example, when I leave through the door I try to leave behind my own style. I want to make the kind of fashion that just by seeing the silhouette everyone can understand that that’s Gaga. I wish for everyone to also discover his or her own style. Buy a t-shirt and try to cut it the way you like! Make it your own style.

Kumi is a pretty person just like in her PV’s ♥ by Gaga.

G: What’s important in your style?

K: The one thing where I pay the most attention to is if you can recognize the style easily! That’s because Japanese and Americans have different body figures. Americans have long legs. You can see that in the style bon-kyu-bon* they solve that by putting stress on the waist via corsets.

G: Really? You say that, Kumi, but that isn’t pretty like what I saw in your PV’s! I think American women would like to be reborn as Japanese women since they are so slender. Funny, isn’t it? (laughs)

K: Really?? How strange! I guess the grass looks greener on the other side (laughs). By the way, is that outfit (p.33 upper right photo) made of plastic? That’s painful to wear, isn’t it?

G: It’s painful (laughs). That’s why just before a TV show I had to alter my dance.

K: ! (laughs). I guess endurance is also important in fashion.

Vivi: What’s your impression of each other?

G: I’m happy I got to meet Kumi! I’m a huge fan. I’ve seen all her PV’s. TABOO is my favourite one!
K: I’m also very happy ♥ I learned about Gaga-chan via an overseas TV show. Her pitch is great! I wondered how can she could sing so well while dancing at the same time when I saw her.

Vivi: Please tell us about your hairstyles.

K: Gaga-chan, that isn’t your real hair, is it?
G: It’s a wig.
K: I’ve cut my hair short because there are a lot of women in Japan with long hair.

Vivi: What do you do on your day off?

G: I drink (laughs).
K: I only watch DVD’s. Like Sex and the City, L’s World and Desperate Housewives etc.

Vivi: Please talk about what you’re wearing today!

G: I’m wearing rhombus shaped velvet joined together with a cat suit and Chanel shoes. I made the wig myself.
K: Because I would be photographed with Gaga-chan, I’m wearing lots of ‘nudie’ and sexy things to fit with her.

*Literally means "big-small-big". It’s a Japanese style focussed at flaunting curves.

(-chan is suffix usually used for (small) girls btw)
There is something fascinating about her, but I dunno what it is.
I liked Paparazzi and I love Bad Romance.

That intro...rah rah ah ah ahh roma ro ma ma gaga oh la la is so catchy it gets stuck in my head for days.
Yep. There it is. :lol:

lmao, same!
Yes, I think she's good. She isn't afraid to be who she really is...I like that.
And some of her songs are really catchy!
I don't know if they are being held back unintentionally by their managers

Or being held back intentionally.. not allowing them to be themselves, though I don't think this applies to Gaga she's overflowing with expression that could only come from her mind.

Trying too hard to be different, and it's just annoying sometimes.

I have to agree that this is sometimes how I feel about her.

I don't know..

I like how she is different, a 'performance artist' like she calls herself.

I agree with this too -

I think she has a lot of potential. I wished she would do more 'intelligent' songs. Her lyrics are not much to be desired, to be honest. I think she might have have the capacity to do that.

Right now, she is more style over substance. But she has drive and that will take her to places.
Lady Gaga's OK - she's got something in that the songs are catchy and memorable and her appearance is unusual, making her stand out! She's also got good stage presence. So yeah, I appreciate her as an artist in what is a tough industry, but no I'm not a particular fan of hers.
I'm obsessed this days with her and with her music :wub:
she's absolutely amazing :wub:
Just like most of the people in here - I like her music, yet I'm not very keen on her style. I can listen to her songs on the radio and dance to them anytime, yet I do wish she'd put more clothes on.
Indeed, I find her different and original compared to today's so-called artists, and her extravagant nature has helped her a lot. However, I don't think it would affect her image were she to appear a bit more dressed in her videos :mello:
I read on wikipedia that her main inspirations were Madonna and MJ, but I haven't heard her talk about it.
She has an AMAZING voice, good to hear someone talented from time to time.

From what I've heard so far, she's really okay as a person, I like her way of thinking in many perspectives :)
For instance, here's what she said about the way she dresses and acts:
Works for me :)

And THIS performance in particular convinced me that she is a true artist :wub:

The voice, the passion, the lyrics - love it.
Just like most of the people in here - I like her music, yet I'm not very keen on her style. I can listen to her songs on the radio and dance to them anytime, yet I do wish she'd put more clothes on.
Indeed, I find her different and original compared to today's so-called artists, and her extravagant nature has helped her a lot. However, I don't think it would affect her image were she to appear a bit more dressed in her videos :mello:
I read on wikipedia that her main inspirations were Madonna and MJ, but I haven't heard her talk about it.
She has an AMAZING voice, good to hear someone talented from time to time.

From what I've heard so far, she's really okay as a person, I like her way of thinking in many perspectives :)
For instance, here's what she said about the way she dresses and acts:
Works for me :)

And THIS performance in particular convinced me that she is a true artist :wub:

The voice, the passion, the lyrics - love it.

I pretty much agree with you here:yes:. I'm currently in Luuuuv with "Bad Romance" the Radio edited version.

Maybe if she'd tone down a bit she'd appear a bit more authentic but I love her voice and her sound, something a bit different from the other pop acts right now.
I got her Fame Monster double album today :) listening to it now. I actually LOVE it! :D
I dont know if I call myself a fan but she makes some pretty dope songs, I have her Fame cd. I love Brown Eyes.
As of today, right now I have officially became a fan. I love her acoustic piano versions of her electronic pop songs. She is a very talented woman! I am almost putting her talent on the same wavelength of MJ...

Yes I am a Gaga fan.
She's very creative, she wants to be remembered, she's much more creative than madonna (have to name madonna cause everybody compares them, and i dont like madonna's music), she is much better now than when she started, i hate that song Just Dance (i think must have used that song to enter the industry, cause is just so basic) i never notice her until i saw her video Poker Face, (the part of the sunglasses where you read Pop Culture, was that her idea???, i think it was so cool, i really like Bad Romance

When it comes to women from nowadays, you just cant ignore her

AND AND AND It is said that Michael liked her, if that is true, what else can be said...
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I can't say I'm a some big fan of her cause I'm not into music like this that much, but I think in the times we live in it's so hard to be orginal as a artist. And nevertheless she is orginal and big respect for that! :)
She's cool..i'm not a big fan, but I like her uniqueness..however, I think that she tries too hard to be different..and the weird fashion isn't really who she is..she does it for attention..but she is talented..I love artists that can not only sing and dance, but play instruments as well..that what makes her stand out!
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Hah. I used to loathe Lady GaGa because of Poker Face. I still don't like that but Lady GaGa is awesome! Probably the best pop artist out there nowadays! The Fame Monster is awesome.

Oh yeah... her dressing. I think she should dress some more, thinking about videos and so on. :(