Lady Gaga fans?

One of the reasons I like her is because she's strange and different. She's not like the other artists out there. Actually, I've noticed a couple of the new female singers copying her style. I'm listening to Bad Romance as I type, loving this song :)
I don't like her music a whole lot- but I really, really appreciate that she is somebody who knows her stuff. She can sit down in her costumes all she wants- but at the end of the day she simply knows her stuff. Juilliard Grad. Has actual musical skills.

You'd think that's nothing special but within the whole mainstream garbage that gets publicity because they show up beating each other up on TMZ- she's different.

I don't like her music or style particularly, but I appreciate the skills and the knowledge behind it. Women with a brain. Just like I appreciate and love Michael because of the actual skills behind it.

People pay way too much money for "music" that doesn't deserve the word "music". The mainstream garbage nobody will remember 3 months down the road.

I hope press doesn't kill her- I notice similar tendencies to rip into her the way they ripped into Michael.
I really like Gaga, and I think she is one of the few "original" artists in the industry now. The thing that people don't get at first glance is that her whole image is based on "obsession with fame" and what it can do to people--which is why she has ridiculous over-the-top wigs, costumes, overdone sets, etc. She's making the point that society doesn't separate between "artist" and "celebrity" anymore, people just create a ridiculous image without any talent or work to carry them (like Heidi & Spencer for example).

I think some people look at her songs and image and think she is literally just someone who wants to get attention for looking ridiculous, but if that's what you think then she has gone straight over your head. She is a classically-trained jazz pianist and sings live during her performances. She doesn't need to even use autotune or electronic backtracking in her songs because she can perform them all acoustically live with just a piano and her voice. But the whole synthesizer/ridiculous wigs/insane costumes/electronic techno music thing is part of her artistic expression.

I saw her live last night and I can say first-hand that she puts on an incredible show. She knows how to entertain, sings live, and her performances do not "borrow" from other artists.

I'll post some pics from last night's concert in a sec

I think some people look at her songs and image and think she is literally just someone who wants to get attention for looking ridiculous, but if that's what you think then she has gone straight over your head. She is a classically-trained jazz pianist and sings live during her performances. She doesn't need to even use autotune or electronic backtracking in her songs because she can perform them all acoustically live with just a piano and her voice. But the whole synthesizer/ridiculous wigs/insane costumes/electronic techno music thing is part of her artistic expression.

I saw her live last night and I can say first-hand that she puts on an incredible show. She knows how to entertain, sings live, and her performances do not "borrow" from other artists.

I'll post some pics from last night's concert in a sec

Exactly that. I still don't like her music, but it is exactly her skills that make me like her. She's knows what she's doing, that in itself is great.
Just wanted to share some concert pictures from last night-- MonsterBall Concert!! She was SO good live, and performs her sets back-to-back. Very entertaining show & talented live singer.






Paper Gangsta:



^ Thanks for the pics, i'm seeing her Feb next year

Sure, omg you will not believe the show, it's flipping incredible. Seriously, the sets & costumes are insane, not to mention that she sings all songs live. I am so excited for you!!! I wish I could see her again!!!
I have to admit, I really like her new song "Bad Romance". Makes me wanna check out her tour dates :)
I am a big fan of Gaga. I was before everyone else started jumping on the bandwagon. I've literally been listening to her album since before it was even released in the states. I believe Canada got her album first which is the version I initially had. It's funny cuz her album has been out for quite some time now. For a while, I really didn't think she was going to find success because her album and singles released without any fanfare. It's amazing how much she hustled and how the planets aligned and now she's one of the music worlds biggest acts.
I like her alot. she is original and she is going to be bigger than life soon. she gets alot of stick from the press and I try not to listen, I mean its exacly the same as what happened to Michael. Her music is great and she isn't like todays artists where they think they are it and the world revolves around them. Hope I can get some tickets to see her soon.
I like her music though I'm a little disappointed from The Fame Monster but maybe I have to listen a few times;)
I'm on the same lily pad with ya, word for word. I wish she'd tone down the sex a bit and sing something about love and other good things. Actually, that goes for all musicians.

I want to hear ballads in their collection too. :yes:
i think lada gaga stole her look from jem and is often high i plan on geting her album sometime when it if i can find a used copy
and for those who dont know who i mean because i'm old
More Gaga Monsterball Pictures:







And PLEASE watch the opening, it's insane. There's this holograph of her floating in front of a neon green grid and then she appears behind it with strobe lights...the set design is freaking sick. Seriously, the most elaborate show I have ever been to. It was real entertainment. Everyone went crazy the entire time and she had wicked dope techno beats in between songs that everyone is trying to get their hands on now...if you are a Gaga fan every dollar you spend on the ticket will be worth it, I promise you.

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I wouldn't call myself a fan but I do enjoy her music. I'm literally obsessed with Bad Romance at the moment. :chillin: :happy_dance:
I wasnt a fan until the VMA's this year. In the beginning of her paparazzi performance she actually sang, without the gimicky pop crap. She has a beautiful voice. I was shocked.
And PLEASE watch the opening, it's insane. There's this holograph of her floating in front of a neon green grid and then she appears behind it with strobe lights...the set design is freaking sick. Seriously, the most elaborate show I have ever been to. It was real entertainment. Everyone went crazy the entire time and she had wicked dope techno beats in between songs that everyone is trying to get their hands on now...if you are a Gaga fan every dollar you spend on the ticket will be worth it, I promise you.


Very cool opening. I love "Dance In The Dark". I hope she releases it as a single.
she is so cool, I really love how innovative and unique she is :)
I don't mind hearing her songs, but to see her performing is just a bit uncomfortable for me. Trying too hard to be different, and it's just annoying sometimes.
When I look at Lady Gaga, I see a woman who is definitely talented and has potential, she just doesn't play my kind of music.
Considering this is a Michael Jackson forum, you're going to have to elaborate =P

I'm loving Lady Gaga right now. Her new album is pretty much the only non-MJ music I'm listening to right now. It's super catchy.

Lady Gaga is the worst singer and worst entertainer who has ever walked the face of the Earth.
There is something fascinating about her, but I dunno what it is.
I liked Paparazzi and I love Bad Romance.

That intro...rah rah ah ah ahh roma ro ma ma gaga oh la la is so catchy it gets stuck in my head for days.
Yep. There it is. :lol:
I don't mind hearing her songs ---Trying too hard to be different, and it's just annoying sometimes.

I agree with you Stacey. I've been following music and music videos since the early 80s and it's hard not to notice when someone is trying a little too hard while others were simply natural.

And you know what I think it is? A popularity contest and nothing more.
The formulas today's musicians use are very predictable. And that includes their videos.

I recently tried to take in Lady's music (i hate saying her name lol... whats her real name?). But that new song of hers has that same style used in Poker face. Sounded like a second variation to Poker Face. How it intros, then bridges over to the climactic part. Very very similar.
This is the same way I compare acting range with an actor.

Her music handles today's interest very well but personally, for me, they're not timeless productions. Its got that "strictly in style" sound which will ultimately die out and be hard to play say in 10 years from now. Unlike the music from Michael Jackson or bands like U2, Depeche, Mode, etc who's songs can be played over and over no matter what year it is, without the feel of listening to aged music. But that's only my opinion of course.

Believe me, I really tried to enjoy Lady's music but it just wasnt reaching me. And I'm an eclectic listener.
When I see Lady dressed up for award shows, I can't help but be reminded of the magnificent Bjork.
I sense Madonna, Bjork, Michael Jackson (dance routines) in this artist's formula.
And while they're all great, I can hardly call her original at all.

I am still waiting for "the one" to take on the stage and blow the world away.
I hope I'm alive to see it happen.

For now, artists like Lady, Lamb, Rhianna and the rest will have to do. They're not bad. Just not musically there yet imo. I want to hear some powerful timeless stuff for a change.:punk:
When I look at Lady Gaga, I see a woman who is definitely talented and has potential, she just doesn't play my kind of music.

I agree with this too. She definitely does have potential. In fact, many of today's musicians have ultimate potential. I don't know if they are being held back unintentionally by their managers or just focusing on staying in the public eye by causing scandal and anything else that brings attention to them no matter what form it is. But if they would just put all that aside and do what they REAAALLY want to do without the fear of the public not responding to it, I believe there's a chance we could hear something special come out of them.