Lady Gaga fans?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Who else is a Lady Gaga fan? Isn't she amazing? Her music is awesome and I love her strange fashion sense and music videos. I've been listening to her album 'The Fame' alot lately and I'm loving it!
I love Lady Gaga and her music. She is very driven. I haven't seen that kind of determination in a long time.
i think that she is brilliant in her own way....however I do have a little bit of trouble watching her....I can listen to her on the radio just fine....I am sure she will go far ...the younger generation seems to like her ...she seems to know how to work a comment.
i do like paparazzi, but thats the only song of hers that i can listen to..
she is pretty good live, but i dunno she seems a bit overbearing
hm, she's okay not her biggest fan. She's got a couple of songs I like. But she looks like she's trying too hard to be unique.
I wikepedia'd her afew nights ago- shes worked with a lot of good artists!
I like "The Fame". It stays on heavy rotation on my mp3 player. Good album. Not great, but good. Lady Gaga tries a bit too hard at times for my liking, but I do like her music and she is entertaining as a performer.
Although I like a couple of her songs I find her herself, extremely annoying and obnoxious. She seems to have an unyielding need for shock value.
Although I like a couple of her songs I find her herself, extremely annoying and obnoxious. She seems to have an unyielding need for shock value.


And I really have nothing against her but when I first saw the Poker face video (I think) in mid-daytime where it's most popular for children to watch TV, I was just TURNED OFF by her style. The one where whe's wearing that skin tight swimming wear. :lol: It just look nasty to me.

And I really have nothing against her but when I first saw the Poker face video (I think) in mid-daytime where it's most popular for children to watch TV, I was just TURNED OFF by her style. The one where whe's wearing that skin tight swimming wear. :lol: It just look nasty to me.
:lol: I agree. No offense to those who like her but her style to me is just beyond hideous. To me she either looks
a. nasty
b. ridiculous
or most commonly, c. an equal mixture of both
I love her cause she's a real musician with real drive and I saw a very impressive interview.

However, I wish she'd tone down the sex a bit.
Yo! I changed my mind about her.

Though I am still not a fan of hers... I admire her drive and ambition.
The same kind of drive I see in Mike, Janet, Madonna, and other icons.

I just wished L. Gaga will slow down her theatrics... I really don't understand if she is just playing up her image or she is really like that.... It's just too much... but at least that sets her apart from everyone. :lol:
I'm not a fan of her, but I really liked Paparazzi (... I'm still catching myself singing it once in a while...)
But everytime I see her I think about that she has a very clever team behind her (...or herself has all/some these PR-ideas). I mean, come on, even my mum looks at her videos and she's not the music-kind of person. She created a very freaky and crazy image of herself and people are following her. It works. People want to see what she does next, how crazy she looks the next time.
Yo! I changed my mind about her.

Though I am still not a fan of hers... I admire her drive and ambition.
The same kind of drive I see in Mike, Janet, Madonna, and other icons.

I just wished L. Gaga will slow down her theatrics... I really don't understand if she is just playing up her image or she is really like that.... It's just too much... but at least that sets her apart from everyone. :lol:

I'm on the same lily pad with ya, word for word. I wish she'd tone down the sex a bit and sing something about love and other good things. Actually, that goes for all musicians.

I want to hear ballads in their collection too. :yes: