Lady Gaga admits taking cocaine ‘occasionally’

Strong? Perhaps. Unique? Hardly. Beautiful? Depends on your taste. I personally think she had a better voice pre-"Gaga", before she started smoking heavily and selling out to the mainstream.

As for pushing the envelope, what has she done that could really be considered thus? Sing about sex? Been there, done that. "Killed" someone in a video? So yesterday. Dressed in funny outfits? Seen it. Done drugs? Even Paris Hilton has done it, c'mon!

That leaves us with..... ???

*shrugs* That was just all in my own opinion of her, haha! Like I said, she's not for everybody but I like her.
Yeah, Gaga ain't gonna please everyone and that's cool. Just like MJ, Madonna, Britney and all my other favorites - You either love 'em or you don't and that's fine by me. Just more for me to love! ;)
I still love me some GAga. I acutally really like her voice. Its not perfect, it's a little bit mannish and grimey which makes it better. Beyonce for me overdoes everything she sings. Yes .. technically shes great, but the trilling .. omg. Ease up bey !
I still love me some GAga. I acutally really like her voice. Its not perfect, it's a little bit mannish and grimey which makes it better. Beyonce for me overdoes everything she sings. Yes .. technically shes great, but the trilling .. omg. Ease up bey !

I totally LOVE Lady Gaga's voice. Hers and Shakira's are one of my all time favourites. I just love the tone.
Hey Alma :) thanks for noticing me. I'm only around cause I'm at work and wasn't sure what to do. tsk tsk, bad of me. lol take care! (sorry for the thread hijack)
Seriously, Gaga I love your works very much but why do you always have to do such sh**ty things.
And oh, please with sugar on top, don't make you look so weird in your next video. I liked the way you look until Bad Romance.
Ya know, I really don't think Gaga is serious about everything. Some things are just about putting on a show and riling people up. I believe this is one of those things. Madonna did the same thing. Their public persona is just a character used to create controversy. Gaga says things to cause a stir. I don't believe for a second that she's a crackhead. It's all a game and you're playing in to it.
Ya know, I really don't think Gaga is serious about everything. Some things are just about putting on a show and riling people up. I believe this is one of those things. Madonna did the same thing. Their public persona is just a character used to create controversy. Gaga says things to cause a stir. I don't believe for a second that she's a crackhead. It's all a game and you're playing in to it.

Exactly. And it can be quite fun to see how people get so upset about her. Actually, I am already looking forward to reading Alma's rants once she sees the new Judas video :)
Exactly. And it can be quite fun to see how people get so upset about her. Actually, I am already looking forward to reading Alma's rants once she sees the new Judas video :)

Definitely will be interesting. I've been a Madonna fan all my life so I'm used to this sort of thing. Doesn't bother me. I can differentiate the person from the persona. I realize it's all a game. Even Michael played a bit.
Definitely will be interesting. I've been a Madonna fan all my life so I'm used to this sort of thing. Doesn't bother me. I can differentiate the person from the persona. I realize it's all a game. Even Michael played a bit.

Of course, Michael was a master in creating controversy and playing with the public/media. I would not be surprised if Michael and/or his team orchestrated some of the earlier rumours (like sleeping in an oxygen chamber or buying the Elephent Man's bones) in order to make him appear more eccentric and thus more interesting to the public, and to suit his musical status as being "larger than life". Of course, this backfired later when the media started making up their own stories which weren't exactly flattering for Michael, and they went way too far to the point that it resembled bullying. But can you imagine what Michael as an artist would be like without the eccentricities? I can't. Same goes for Lady Gaga. I don't believe for a second that she ever tried cocaine. I also don't believe she was ever an outsider. It's just part of her image. Just like Rihanna and her latest S&M phase, lol. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me".. Please :smilerolleyes: Can it sound any more contrived?
Lady GaGa's songs are excellent. But I really don't like her public behavior. Her songs are for listening but not for watching!
It's really something else to see that Lady gaga is being compared with Michael controversy speaking... Gaga's controversial character knows no limits, not to mention limits of decency, and the mass media are crazy about her. Michael never felt he had to say he took drugs (he said the opposite) or that he slept with this and that etc, he always strived to be a role model for kids out there. Though, of course it's true that he challenged the media. In 'Ghosts', it's evident what his intentions were.

To even imagine Lady Gaga not using some drugs tops it all off. Why would she say that, really? There are thousands of kids out there, if not millions liking her and being her fans and them having to read her 'jokes' makes this something harmless? But it's all a game, I know, I know .. And for once, some would like to see a non-Jackson thread where Michael's name is being omitted -- I know that this is being done to make a point, but points can be still made without inserting him into most debates.
^What's so crazy about them? They all seem pretty boring and pointless to me. Maybe she should go back to doing coke on a regular basis--it may improve her stuff a bit.

IMO she stole ideas from the Impresionism movement in Born This Way. That movement, IMO again is crazy in somehow. In Telephone she looks like a psycho; no one in her right ming would wear a meat dress and if she does that for seeking attention it gives me the impression she doesn't trust 100% in her "musical talent."
And yes, I agree her videos are quite boring and pointless.

She doesn't deserve to be treated like the biggest thing that have happened to the music nowadays.
I dont like Lady Gaga, she is weird. dont know why they keep praising her but for Michael, they keep judging him :(
I must admit that I don't see a big difference in what these people do to get their carreer as to what ordinary people might do. They make some choises.
Gaga did well, if her goal was to be big and earn alot of money in the music business. It is a dangerous path she is taking, if she wants to stay there - but maybe she finds a way. The girl can sing, but maybe she would never have got a break through if she didn't grab the opportionity - who knows. For some people the breakthrough and all that comes with it is very important, they want the goal by all means. For others other things are important. weather it's right or not to strive for a goal by all means I am not to judge, we all make our own choises and dessicions about what is right and what feels right.
Gaga's choise for fame is for me no different than what we see everyday from people wanting to be succesfull. what is success? Is it getting ones way? reaching your goals? money? being a good person? having a balanced life? Everybody has their priority. The discussion about which path is the right one... will go on forever - and maybe thats a good thing
IMO she stole ideas from the Impresionism movement in Born This Way. That movement, IMO again is crazy in somehow. In Telephone she looks like a psycho; no one in her right ming would wear a meat dress and if she does that for seeking attention it gives me the impression she doesn't trust 100% in her "musical talent."
And yes, I agree her videos are quite boring and pointless.

She doesn't deserve to be treated like the biggest thing that have happened to the music nowadays.

I don't like how the general public treats her like the greatest thing that happened to music, and how she adds fuel to that idiotic fire. Her material is alright for mainstream--some of it is catchy and pleasant, some of it downright sucks. My problem is that other, more talented artists with actual contributions to society/meaningful material to present go unnoticed/under appreciated while this sellout is praised by the m asses for being "unique" when she's just like every other pop tartlet out there. None of her work is even remotely original, and she's overhyped, to be honest. She's quickly becoming almost as annoying as Justin Bieber.

She hasn't done anything even remotely controversial either--t.A.T.u.'s done more for gay rights than Gaga has, Madonna sexed things up in the 80's, and Marilyn Manson already took the cake for sacrilege, so I'm really not sure why people continue to find her rather boring and status quo material unique, much less "controversial."
Yeah, Gaga ain't gonna please everyone and that's cool. Just like MJ, Madonna, Britney and all my other favorites - You either love 'em or you don't and that's fine by me. Just more for me to love! ;)

I could say the same thing about the likes of Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Lindsay Lohan, though.

I quite disagree with the either love them or hate them thing. I don't hate Lady Gaga. I dislike her as a person for her arrogance and mediocrity, and I don't appreciate how people overhype her, but I could say the same about most mainstream artists right now. The mainstream music industry is commercial, it's not art. In fact, it kills art, by making people sing about nothing but superficial and meaningless topics, with the occasional motivational song thrown in for "variety."

In short, my problem isn't so much with Gaga, as it is with the larger picture of the music industry. It's rare to find a mainstream musician who is actually relevant to the arts and the human spirit.
^^ On the contrary, I think some people or better the majority of people are too soft on her. Especially the music critics.
I think some people are too harsh on Lady Gaga.

No, I think some people are unwilling to see the problems with the music industry in modern times. It's not even so much about Lady Gaga--the statements I've made about her could easily apply to other mainstream musicians like Rihanna (causing laughable "controversy" with her rather plain S&M video, not to mention the terribly written and borderline ridiculous lyrics.) The female sexual expression thing was innovative and admirable in the 80's when the feminist sexual revolution was taking place all across the board. Nowadays, it's just trite, and to be honest, rather tacky. Every female pop singer sings about it.

The issue pertaining to Gaga is that she's lauded by critics (who should honestly know better) as some sort of innovative creature when it is not the case. I could overlook an ignorant teenager thinking her to be the coolest thing since Kool-Aid, but a music critic whose research should have unearthed the likes of Grace Jones(fashion-wise), Emilie Autumn (fashion-wise), Gwen Stefani (style-wise), most 90's Europop, and whose memory should recall the rise of Madonna and the success of David Bowie, among others? Certainly unforgivable, but the motives are clear: promotion and propaganda. The more you say something is good, the more ignorant people will believe it, even if in truth it's not the case. Joseph Goebbels' work proved that to be a very successful strategy.

In the end, she's just like all the others. She might have a fair bit of piano-playing talent and an ok voice, but in the end, she wastes this by selling out and singing about the same meaningless things the other pop singers croon about. Ergo, she's status-quo and not unique in any way. I'm not even sure why people think it's such a big deal that she can sing (not even that well--her voice was much better before all those cigarettes) and play an instrument--I think their awe at this fact proves just how low the present mainstream industry has fallen. I would think one would expect singers to be able to sing--the question is: why do we, as the general public, continue to tolerate mediocrity in music?

These people get paid more than professors and doctors for things which, to be honest, aren't culturally relevant or meaningful in any form, since they're all basically doing the same thing. They're about as pointless as pro-athletes: their entire existence is based on the ignorant public and its penchant for the animalistic things in life--thus, the more idiotic something is, the more it appeals to the collective id, and the more it succeeds.

This explains why those professionally involved in work which incorporates the exhibition/fantasy of violence (professional sports) and sex (mainstream music) are among the best-paid members of our population.

Those who actually contribute to the enrichment of human culture and intellectual pursuits (professors, teachers, researchers, and the like), those whose work is actually constructive and meaningful instead of violence for simple sport (i.e. doctors) are under-appreciated and under-paid, as are musicians whose material actually has substance and value (mostly found among the non-mainstream sub-genres: i.e. Emilie Autumn (not only can she sing, but she can play the violin, the harpsichord, the piano, and compose/write her own music with lyrics/poems that actually mean something, in addition to actually making her own clothes for her concerts and publishing a book), Amy Lee (she's more mainstream than EA, but she can sing and play the piano better than Gaga for certain, and she also writes her own songs and has a very pleasant fashion sense), Lacrimosa (they're a German band that's been around for ages and Tilo Wolff is a genius who writes his own material, and has the most beautiful male voice [aside from Michael's] that I have ever heard.) My point is, examples abound of musicians who deserve more recognition than they get for their sheer musical talent alone, in addition to their brilliant/relevant lyrics and different fashion sense, but are cast aside in favour of the likes of Lady Gaga, whose only contribution thus far has been yet more trite material about sex. Oh, and yet another song insincerely telling us to "be ourselves."

Perhaps she should take her own advice, and stop claiming to represent people who don't fit in, because it's quite clear by her material, her popularity, and behaviour...what she stands for, and to whom she appeals.
End of the day...........

The music industry is passed it's best days.....................

And Gaga with her antics just proves how desperate things have become just to sell a few songs..........
Anyone see her new album cover ? OMG ... it's tacky as all hell
^Wow, you weren't kidding. The whole "people turning into vehicles" thing has already been done, and in much better ways than this. The font is the worst part of it, IMO, aside from her face.

I would usually advocate not judging material by its cover, since it should be about the music and not the album art, but I think this Photoshop 101 reject cover adequately sums up the quality of Gaga's material.

I may as well post it:


I can't believe there are people who are seriously calling it "mind-bending." There's nothing even remotely meaningful about this. At least Rihanna's covers are pretty.
So right .. it looks like an real first timers attempt at making something cool with photoshop. The bevelled font .. eeew
Horrible cover. An album cover is important and boost the album selling. The first look you have of an album is the cover. Bad choice and bad Photoshop work.