Lady Gaga admits taking cocaine ‘occasionally’

Go ahead and sleep around, Gaga. They clearly have nothing to take, as far as creativity is concerned.

She really should keep her drug habits private, lest some idiot fan of hers tries to do the same (Not dissing Gaga fans, but let's be realistic. Every celebrity has at least some idiot fans whose minds are completely divorced from reason and common sense, enabling them to imitate some of the celebrity's negative behaviour despite discouragement.)

Yeah, she says she discourages it, but sometimes that's not enough to deter some people. It's best not to discuss it, even if it is "occasional" (which I don't believe for one moment given the drug's strong hold on the mind.)
Oh dear...what an idiotic thing to say. Drugs ruin lives, I've seen it first hand and it's not pretty. Adding the tagline I don't want my fans to emulate this or whatever she said, won't make a blind bit of difference. It glamourises the fact, and that's all. Very disappointed she's gone public with this. I thought I'd had enough of her before but now I really have. Way too desperate.
If she doesn't want her fans to do that, why did she say it in the first place ?

maybe because she is honest? artists are not baby sitters or role models, they are entertainers and performers, allow them to be themselves is what i say... who cares what they do or don't do. everyone is responsible for his or her own life.
This interview is ancient. With that said, she should go ahead and sleep around because there's no creativity for them to take away.

A blonde celebrity doing cocaine?! NO WAY! ...what else is new? :3
Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan beat her to it already (and let's not forget Dubya), so it's not "edgy." In fact, it's rather pathetic and sad. Moreover, I wouldn't be surprised if she still does it--it's a really addictive drug for a variety of reasons, both psychological and physiological. If she really cared about her fans, she wouldn't share this, or say that she still does it "occasionally." You don't do cocaine "occasionally," and I wouldn't be surprised if she still did it on a regular basis, only because it's addictive on so many levels. Some of her more impressionable fans are going to look at her and say "well, she does it, and she looks ok, so why shouldn't I?" Again, I doubt most of her fans would arrive at said conclusion, but there's always a couple of really mentally unstable fans for any given fanbase, and it would be that sort of fan who would have such flawed logic.

If she keeps going, she'll be another mess like Amy Winehouse, and she'll be terrifying to look at (well, more than usual.) If she cares at all about her fans and her own health, she'll quit it with the whole "I'm invincible" attitude and get to a rehab facility.

@chrissychristina: Honest isn't an adjective I would associate with Gaga. With that said, I would normally agree with you in that celebrities aren't babysitters, etc. However, the entire modern concept of a celebrity is to be a model of sorts--which is why the concept of image is ever so important and emphasized. With celebrity comes a certain amount of responsibility, and what Gaga said in that interview is careless, reckless, and probably a bit dishonest (regarding how often she does cocaine.) You can't go from doing "bagfuls" of cocaine to "quitting" (which she obviously didn't do since she just admitted to doing it "occasionally.") If you're doing bagfuls, you're probably seriously addicted at that point, and "quitting" cold-turkey would probably be even more dangerous, because your brain would be craving it in order to avoid the massive anhedonia which frequently accompanies cocaine withdrawal. As one can see, she wasn't even able to quit, so like I said, it wouldn't at all surprise me if she still did it regularly. In regards to some of the crap celebrities get like being criticized for dressing in skimpy outfits or stuff of that sort (if they're over 18), I wouldn't reprimand them for being "bad" role models, and I think that's going a bit over the top. However, casually talking about or minimizing the gravity of drug use is an entirely different thing, and especially with mainstream people like her--people are watching. Her main fanbase is composed of impressionable pre-teens, teenagers, and young (college-aged) adults, who are already vulnerable to drug use via peer pressure, the media, etc. so her going and saying things like this is just making it worse, I think.

With that said, I'll throw in a bit of humour here to lighten things up. Quoth the Dr. Phil: "How about when this is over, we go do a little coke?" (thumbs up for anyone who gets that lol.)
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Why the media keeps giving Lady Gaga a free pass? If any other pop singer, say Britney Spears, admitted using cocaine, showed up in an interview and at an airport in underwear, arrived at an award show in an egg, she would have been trashed to death and her career would be over.
^Because it's not time yet.™ She's still their sweetheart, and her arrogant ways are like opium to her. Just wait a bit, when the next fad comes around and she becomes old news, they'll be slashing her left and right. I won't feel sorry when they do, because she should have seen it coming.

I honestly don't see the big deal about the egg thing. It's not really creative, but it's not like she did anything bad either, so why should they criticize her on that one? However, this is different. She's basically admitting that she does (not that she did, but that she still does it) illegal drugs--and nobody's arresting her? That's really what pisses me off. If she was just another civilian, the cops would probably be all over that one. The same can be said for that incident she had at the baseball game. She was dressed like a hooker at a family event--no kid needs to see her tits hanging out for god's sake--and then she gives the finger for no reason. I don't care if she does any of that in her videos--it's a closed set, et cetera, but that was a family event, it's surprising to see how soon people have forgotten. In that regard, I agree with Jerry Seinfeld (he called her a jerk) she acted indecently and looked gross, she should have gotten arrested.
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i'm not saying you are wrong, but don't you think that some of the explanation lies in the fact that lady gaga symbolises a sexually liberated, self-made songwriter superstar shock artist something along the lines of madonna, whereas britney spears is that little spoilt mickey mouse club barbie girl turned phoney "rebel", and a failed one at that since she ended up just fucking up her own life and making a joke of her whole family including her kids. it's very hard NOT to mock and laugh at britney spears.
^She hasn't been famous anywhere near long enough. She's no "superstar" yet. Not anymore than Justin Bieber is, anyway. Moreover, she's not shocking in the least, at least not to people who listen to non-mainstream music. If anything, she's a bit of a joke, saying how she's so "different," etc. while singing about what everyone else in the mainstream industry sings about. Moreover, you're dissing Spears for being a phoney (your words) rebel, and lauding Gaga, who was originally nothing like how she is now. Exhibit A:

She's practically indistinguishable from the rest of the people on that show. Moreover, there's a difference between "sexually liberated" (and who isn't these days in the modern world, anyway...) and "sexualized." She's neither entirely self-made (selling out to a major label isn't self-made lol) nor a shock artist, no matter how hard she may try.

Madonna was a shock artist because the feminist sexual revolution was taking place during the '70s and '80s, so yes, she was "shocking" and new. Gaga, in the late 2000s, is about 30 years late to the party, and after Xtina Aguilera and so many others have expressed their "liberated sexuality" (as you call it) it's no longer anything even remotely new. It's stale, boring, and predictable. Moreover, Britney is self-made as well. She wasn't from a wealthy family, and she earned her place in the MM club. She isn't "failed" at all--she went through a bad time, yes, but she made a Hell of a comeback.

Not only that, but Gaga's not the only one who writes her own songs. Ke$ha writes her own material as well, and they're pretty well-matched where quality of the lyrics is concerned. Just because you write something, doesn't mean it's good. (Case in point: Stephenie Myers.) IMO, Taylor Swift writes better than she does (at least with her, we get the privilege of having coherent lyrics that don't sound like drunk speak.)

It's very hard NOT to mock and laugh at Lady Gaga. (What does Britney Spears have to do with Lady Gaga being a cokehead anyway?)

Lesson to learn here: Don't dish 'em if you can't take 'em. ;)
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^She hasn't been famous anywhere near long enough. She's no "superstar" yet. Not anymore than Justin Bieber is, anyway. Moreover, she's not shocking in the least, at least not to people who listen to non-mainstream music. If anything, she's a bit of a joke, saying how she's so "different," etc. while singing about what everyone else in the mainstream industry sings about. Moreover, you're dissing Spears for being a phoney (your words) rebel, and lauding Gaga, who was originally nothing like how she is now. Exhibit A:

She's practically indistinguishable from the rest of the people on that show. Moreover, there's a difference between "sexually liberated" (and who isn't these days in the modern world, anyway...) and "sexualized." She's neither entirely self-made (selling out to a major label isn't self-made lol) nor a shock artist, no matter how hard she may try. Madonna was a shock artist because the feminist sexual revolution was taking place during the '70s and '80s, so yes, she was "shocking" and new. Gaga, in the late 2000s, is about 20 years late to the party, and after Xtina Aguilera and so many others have expressed their "liberated sexuality" (as you call it) it's no longer anything even remotely new. It's stale, boring, and predictable. Moreover, Britney is self-made as well. She wasn't from a wealthy family, and she earned her place in the MM club. She isn't "failed" at all--she went through a bad time, yes, but she made a Hell of a comeback.

It's very hard NOT to mock and laugh at Lady Gaga. (What does Britney Spears have to do with Lady Gaga being a cokehead anyway?)

alright, bear with my spelling/grammar/whatever because i'm about to take you on lol. first of all, you seem to have a preference for spears, which is fine, to each his own.

second, you bring up some weird video clip of gaga from years back, as if you wouldnt look a bit stupider in your early high school age (since u are now 19) than u do now. am i right? anyway, you go on to mention gaga not being self-made, well gaga signed with some hiphop label (think it was def jam) and didnt like it, so she shopped around for deals like any other sane artist who doesnt want to stay forever underground would do. more over, gaga created her own image, britney had hers tailor made for her so that she could charm us with her alleged virginity and high school sweetness, and when people had had enough of that, it was time to move on to image number two, the teenage "rebel", which was laughable. "oohh, britney spears the rebel". its kind of hard to believe after the mickey mouse club and the teenie virgin gimmick. gaga is a different story, she came exploding into the scene as something new and fresh, like madonna, not designed and used up like britney. and lastly, the sexual liberation i'm talking about is the "balls" to take off your clothes cause u feel like it, as a big **** you to the purists, to go into a restaurant dressed in your underwear simply cause it will get people talking and being shocked, and she knows it! it's a bit different than taking off your clothes to make teenage boys who watch mtv drool, cause your daddy and your manager told you that would sell more cd's.

the thing with britney is that u could dress up anyone as a school girl and make her sing those lame songs. u get me? what did she do to earn it? pretty face (questionable), a body and the right contacts? impressive
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^No, I wouldn't. You're talking to someone who read literature for fun since late Elementary school, so I doubt I would look "stupid" even back in my freshman year. Moreover, she sold out her music (listen to her vintage stuff like "Electric Kiss," and it's nothing like what we would recognize as "Gaga") to appeal to a market which caters to mindless teenagers. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what's more valuable--your music or some fame, and it's obvious she chose the latter (even her album name clues you in lol.) It's obvious Gaga's "image" (more like attempts to copy other artists like Madonna, Grace Jones (the original gay icon), Gwen Stefani, etc.) is also tailored (mainstream musicians, especially when they start out, have very little freedom in what they do, and there's a reason why they all sing about things which are eerily the same, and even her dress/fashion is eerily reminiscent of things we've all seen before.)

If you're comparing her to something else (i.e. Madonna), she obviously is neither fresh nor new. Moreover, dance and techno music has been popular in Europe for ages, so to me, what Americans would describe as "Gaga sound" is nothing new at all. Perhaps it is to Americans who are ignorant about music abroad, but not to us.

Ehm...didn't Britney go out without even underwear on, and couldn't that also be considered a big **** you to the purists, lol? Going out wearing lingerie is not at all creative or shocking. Half the girls in high school did it. Moreover, how is that any less stupid than what Britney's doing? Spears sexualized her image to sell CDs and get publicity, Gaga does it for the same reasons. It's all pointless nonsense without cause or reason at the end of the day, and conformity, since it's all been done before.
second, you bring up some weird video clip of gaga from years back, as if you wouldnt look a bit stupider in your early high school age (since u are now 19) than u do now. am i right?

The thing is, Lady Gaga claims she was already a "freak" and a misunderstood outsider in high school. This just isn't true. Several people that went to school with her say she was just a normal girl and she was actually pretty popular. I have seen pictures and videos of her from before she was famous and there is nothing unusual about her. She completely changed the moment she got a record deal. Look at this, from right before she became famous:


Does she look or sound anything like she does now? She was just a regular girl there. I'm not buying the whole "freak" thing, it's an image that was created for her to get attention and stand out from other artists. I don't believe for a second that she ever really used cocaine either. It's just another attempt at trying to look "edgy". She's too desperate.

more over, gaga created her own image, britney had hers tailor made for her so that she could charm us with her alleged virginity and high school sweetness, and when people had had enough of that, it was time to move on to image number two, the teenage "rebel", which was laughable. "oohh, britney spears the rebel". its kind of hard to believe after the mickey mouse club and the teenie virgin gimmick. gaga is a different story, she came exploding into the scene as something new and fresh, like madonna, not designed and used up like britney.

Are you kidding me? Lady Gaga did not create her own image at all. All her costumes are designed for her, her music is no different than any other Europop type of songs that are out there (they resemble some songs so much that she is accused of plagiarism), the sexual stuff has been done a million times, etc. There is nothing about Lady Gaga that hasn't been done before. She just takes it to the extreme. Britney really did suffer a breakdown and the whole world witnessed it. It's not surprising when you become a superstar at 16 and live under constant pressure. I never got the impression that she did it for attention. Gaga's "rebel" image however is totally fake. She's a rich girl who went to a Catholic private school and had plenty of friends. Before she was famous, she wore regular clothes and had long brown hair (as we can see in the pictures). Now she claims she had this troubled childhood because she was so misunderstood lol.

Oh, and about the outfits. Many of those are "inspired" (or copied, whichever you prefer) from lesser known people. Examples:


and lastly, the sexual liberation i'm talking about is the "balls" to take off your clothes cause u feel like it, as a big **** you to the purists, to go into a restaurant dressed in your underwear simply cause it will get people talking and being shocked, and she knows it!

As if that is anything new :yawn: Madonna already did this stuff in the 1980s and she did it better.

Yeah, regarding the whole "I was such a misunderstood freak, etc." in high school or whatever, that's a load of boll*cks if ever I heard one, and that's what I really take major offence to, if nothing more. It's a bit of an insult to those of us who were extensively bullied during our school years because we didn't fit in/weren't "normal" to go and claim that you were "one of us" when the truth was that you were popular and by all means "normal" looking/acting (I mean, she was on MTV, the channel average teenagers watch LOL!!) before you got a record deal. In fact, she still is normal by all means, and only shallow people who judge others by the way they dress would say otherwise. I mean, the chick sings about sex and booze, how much more average can she get?
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It seems Gaga is seeking publicity once again, as her album is about to be released!
If she wants to be a role model, what's Michael then! :duh:

Now I understand why there's so much craziness in her videos, she hasn't been sober!

^What's so crazy about them? They all seem pretty boring and pointless to me. Maybe she should go back to doing coke on a regular basis--it may improve her stuff a bit.
I love her music, but her attitude in the last year or so has shifted. She's trying SO hard to be controversial ALL the time. She needs to ease up. People are going to be so sick of her schtick in a few years if she keeps this up. She's reaching BEyonce levels of annoying.
Lady GaGa actually has quite a strong, unique voice. Much better than some of that pre-programmed/autotuned stuff you hear around these days.

She may not be the world's best rolemodel, but I dig her. I love her outfits, I love that she pushes the envelope. Sure, she's done some crazy stuff that's not really worth remembering or that people don't appreciate, but I can appreciate what she's doing and I'm all for it.

Remember when there was reports of Michael wanting Lady GaGa on the TII tour?
I haven't read the thread but it caught my eye cause about a year or maybe two ago when I first heard of her, I had a dream or her in this underground place and she was doing some sort of heavy drug and I was trying to get her to stop. It coulda been cocaine. I don't remember. Just that I was trying desperately to get her to quit and to see the dangers of it. I am not a fan of her (I don't dislike her, just no thoughts really) so I thought it strange that I'd dream of her. She was a mess and depressed in my dream.
Lady GaGa actually has quite a strong, unique voice.

Strong? Perhaps. Unique? Hardly. Beautiful? Depends on your taste. I personally think she had a better voice pre-"Gaga", before she started smoking heavily and selling out to the mainstream.

As for pushing the envelope, what has she done that could really be considered thus? Sing about sex? Been there, done that. "Killed" someone in a video? So yesterday. Dressed in funny outfits? Seen it. Done drugs? Even Paris Hilton has done it, c'mon!

That leaves us with..... ???
I haven't read the thread but it caught my eye cause about a year or maybe two ago when I first heard of her, I had a dream or her in this underground place and she was doing some sort of heavy drug and I was trying to get her to stop. It coulda been cocaine. I don't remember. Just that I was trying desperately to get her to quit and to see the dangers of it. I am not a fan of her (I don't dislike her, just no thoughts really) so I thought it strange that I'd dream of her. She was a mess and depressed in my dream.

Hey, there, Ape, so nice to hear from you again...^