Lady Gaga admits taking cocaine ‘occasionally’

Tony R

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Well, it's been at least a week without a Lady Gaga thread.

You know, the one where someone posts a random article and everyone gets in a tizz about it. Some of us like her, some of us don't, some of us think she's worse than Hitler but with a slightly worse dress sense. Michael always gets brought into it - God know how, and it all ends in tears.

So with that in mind, here's the article....

Lady Gaga has admitted that she takes cocaine, describing her usage as "occasional".

In an interview with US magazine Vanity Fair, the singer divulged that she used the drug "maybe a couple of times a year".

However, the 24-year-old Poker Face singer discouraged her fans from copying her.

She said: "I do not want my fans to ever emulate that or be that way."

The star has previously admitted to having a serious drug habit before she was famous.

Last year, she told The Observer that she did "bags and bags of cocaine" as a struggling artist in New York, but quit after being confronted by her father.

"I was able to stop, because I was panicking more on the drugs than I was sober," she said at the time. "So I'm fine now."

Responding to Gaga's comments Dr Alex Yellowlees, Medical Director and Consultant Psychiatrist at the Priory Hospital Glasgow, said: "Cocaine has a more refined image than other drugs because it is often seen to being taken by glamorous celebrities.

"But the more accepted it is as 'normal' the more people could try it who are susceptible to developing problems or addictions.

"Drug use has a wide ranging negative effect on the human body."

Whilst not condemning the singer's admission Talk To Frank, the government backed drugs help service, has issued advice.

Dr. Ken Checinski, consultant psychiatrist said: "Cocaine is psychologically more addictive than many other substances, such as alcohol and cannabis, and can easily become a habit that controls your life."

Elsewhere in the Vanity Fair interview, Lady Gaga said she was "perpetually lonely" despite her global success.

She said: "I'm lonely when I'm in relationships. It's my condition as an artist."

The Poker Face singer added in the candid chat: "I'm quite celibate now; I don't really get time to meet anyone."

She told the magazine: "I'm drawn to bad romances. And my song [Bad Romance] is about whether I go after those [sorts of relationships] or if they find me.

"I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they're going to take my creativity from me."
Well, it's been at least a week without a Lady Gaga thread.

You know, the one where someone posts a random article and everyone gets in a tizz about it. Some of us like her, some of us don't, some of us think she's worse than Hitler but with a slightly worse dress sense.

I think it has to do with her being a Fake, Overrated, Attention *****. Bring on the next fad "artist" please. :yawn:
I'm not sure I believe her. Is it possible for someone to only do cocaine once or twice a year? Isn't it highly addictive? While I do love her music, I think it's highly irresponsible to say such a thing, especially if it's not even true (which I have my doubts). I'm gonna brush this one off as a pure publicity stunt and hope for Gaga's sake that she's smarter than that (to do cocaine).

Thank God Madonna has never let drugs or alcohol get in the way! It's really never mentioned, but I find it to be so inspiring. All this time and she's never succumbed to the pitfalls of fame.
Why would she talk about something so private in public? What a great role model she is.

She said: "I do not want my fans to ever emulate that or be that way."

Hypocrite much? Practice what you preach darling...
If she doesn't want her fans to do that, why did she say it in the first place ?
If her fans copy what she does here then they are the stupid ones. It's like that old saying ''If someone jumped off a cliff would you do it to?''
What an idiot....

1. She's lying to say she does it "occasionally". It's VERY unlikely that's the case

2. If she's making it up. How stupid can one person be to make something up like that at all.

3. If it's true. Why admit it all?

This is why i love people Prince, Madonna, Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson (who did has his problem. But NOT in the party like a rock star way that all these others do. His where much deeper)

But those people never took drugs. Never had to use weed to inspire them. They where just true talents. That's why they have had such long careers. Because while Rick James and Jimi Hendrix where off snorting coke and smoking weed to "inspire then". Those other cats where perfecting their art.
...she's my sister's favourite singer. My sister is 7. Crap.
don't know what to say. bringing up that it's highly addictive and she wasn't, does make you wonder if she's telling the truth, but then, maybe she is. but this is a world where people will follow their fav artist's behavior. it's a powerful elixir.
Madonna has never done drugs in her career? Not once? I find that hard to believe.

Why is it so hard to believe? Madonna likes being in control at all times. Have you taken drugs at any point in your life and career? I haven't. I'm not saying it's impossible, but Madonna has never been a substance abuser. It's not in her character (she's so incredibly strong both physically and mentally).
She never said she was...

She doesn't have a choice in the matter. She's a pop star. So she's a role model to young people. It's not if she wants to be or not. She is. and there is nothing she can do about it. (aside from stop making popular music)
She doesn't have a choice in the matter. She's a pop star. So she's a role model to young people. It's not if she wants to be or not. She is. and there is nothing she can do about it. (aside from stop making popular music)
Are you trying to tell me that there ARE role model pop stars? :S

Aside from MJ, I really can't think of any.
Why is it so hard to believe? Madonna likes being in control at all times. Have you taken drugs at any point in your life and career? I haven't. I'm not saying it's impossible, but Madonna has never been a substance abuser. It's not in her character (she's so incredibly strong both physically and mentally).

Madonna admitted being on drugs on that infamous Letterman show. She said it on another Letterman show right after she came back to America when her relationship to Guy Ritchie went bust. She took drugs, and drank alcohol many times. She's human.
Are you trying to tell me that there ARE role model pop stars? :S

Aside from MJ, I really can't think of any.

I'm not saying so much that they ARE what role models SHOULD be. Like Michael was. Stevie Wonder would be another. But you can't really chose to have people look up to you. It's the choice of those people. Some pop stars like Michael and Stevie try to set positive examples with their role model stature. (Janelle Monae is new artist who's doing this) but like i said. It's up to the person.. "the fan" to look up to and emulate that certain pop star.
I'm not saying so much that they ARE what role models SHOULD be. Like Michael was. Stevie Wonder would be another. But you can't really chose to have people look up to you. It's the choice of those people. Some pop stars like Michael and Stevie try to set positive examples with their role model stature. (Janelle Monae is new artist who's doing this) but like i said. It's up to the person.. "the fan" to look up to and emulate that certain pop star.
It's a pretty controversial subject. personally I don't think the artist should always behave the fans want him/her to. They are people, they make mistakes. If the fans can't distinguish what's good or bad behavior it's their fault, not the artist's.

I get what you're saying but it's really very hard to choose either side, it's not black and white.
Madonna admitted being on drugs on that infamous Letterman show. She said it on another Letterman show right after she came back to America when her relationship to Guy Ritchie went bust. She took drugs, and drank alcohol many times. She's human.

You're trying to school the wrong person when it comes to Madonna (#1 fan here). :p

Madonna has joked about drugs before. She's admitted to trying a joint or this and that. However, Madonna has said numerous times that she was never a substance abuser and I for one believe her. It's not in her character. Yes, she tried this or that in the 70's, but only out of curiosity. In her own words, she didn't like the feeling of being out of control and so that whole scene was not her thing. She tried it and didn't like it, and that was that. My point is that she has never let drugs or alcohol ruin her life and career. Madonna has NEVER been a drug addict or substance abuser. NEVER. Is she human? Yes - a human who made the decision to stay away from drugs and lead a clean and healthy lifestyle.
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I have no personal opinion on her usage of drugs, but I just wanted to point out something.

A real 'role model'

She never said she was...
Yes she has.
When you’re in the public eye, you’re a role model whether you want to be or not, and I want to be. "I’m not one of those self-obsessed artists who don’t care about their fans. It’s not just about the music. I look out into the O2 and there are 18,000 screaming young people and I have a responsibility to them – and you’re an idiot if you don’t know that." — Lady GaGa

Lady Gaga Wants To Be A Role Model
Lady Gaga Accepts She's a Role Model, And Wants to Be
You're trying to school the wrong person when it comes to Madonna (#1 fan here). :p

Madonna has joked about drugs before. She's admitted to trying a joint or this and that. However, Madonna has said numerous times that she was never a substance abuser and I for one believe her. It's not in her character. Yes, she tried this or that in the 70's, but only out of curiosity. In her own words, she didn't like the feeling of being out of control and so that whole scene was not her thing. She tried it and didn't like it, and that was that. My point is that she has never let drugs or alcohol ruin her life and career. Madonna has NEVER been a drug addict or substance abuser. NEVER. Is she human? Yes - a human who made the decision to stay away from drugs and lead a clean and healthy lifestyle.

I'm not trying to school you. I simply took your post as implying that she never took any drugs or drunk alcohol in her life, and she herself admitted to being drunk and on drugs ON OCCASION. There's no denying that she's a health freak now (I say that with L.O.V.E., good for her). Don't get so defensive, I'm not a Madonna hater. I'm not strictly a fan, but I've got nothing but admiration for her, she's great and an icon. I wish I had like an ounce of her self-discipline and determination. True, she never let the ugly stuff get in the way of her success - I agree with you there.

I think we're off-topic. :D
Is there anyone on Earth who takes Cocaine "occasionally"????

Its too addictive for that and people just get hooked on it!!!!!!!
Is there anyone on Earth who takes Cocaine "occasionally"????

Its too addictive for that and people just get hooked on it!!!!!!!

Lots of people. Many people are occasional drug users, just as you get social smokers that aren't addicted ...... Yet.
Guys this is not a discussion on the pros and cons of drugs and we will not accept any pro drug talk on here. We have a responsibility to our younger members and it will not be promoted.