LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death (Merged)

I keep telling you guys. I don't trust the LAPD when it comes to Michael being given a fair shake.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

Get ready for lies and more "drug addict stories" this is all a script people.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you have said was confirmed to me today and I shared it in the MJJC Investigative Unit forum under the thread about "The Assistant Michael Amir".

We are not about to get the truth folks. Not by a long shot!
Or maybe, they're in it with the rest and trying to turn the investigation back around when people are finally starting to realize the truth

possible... sadly :( I read someone on the forum saying that they thought Michael had been wary of these staff members.
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses Not Interviewed Because Only 3 LAPD Detectives Assigned to Jackson Case, Says Source

One reason why Los Angeles police have yet to interview Michael Jackson's security guard and chief of staff is because only three detectives are assigned to the case, a source close to the situation tells
"There are only three detectives from LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division assigned to the case," the source said. "This is one of the reasons the investigation is still ongoing at this point."
Alberto Alvarez, who made the 911 call the day Michael died, has not been interviewed by police. Alvarez, a security officer, could be crucial to establishing the time line of events as police focus on Dr. Conrad Murray.
Murray administered various drugs and propofol to Jackson, who stopped breathing when the doctor left the room. Officials say Jackson died from a propofol overdose.
Michael Amir, described as the King of Pop's chief of staff, also has not been interviewed by police.
Alvarez and Amir are both represented by attorney Carl Douglas, who told the Los Angeles Times: "We arranged two separate occasions for LAPD investigators to meet with my clients. My clients came early wearing suits and ties. The first meeting was canceled and rescheduled. The second meeting I had to call them to inquire about the [detectives'] absence."
Establishing a solid timeline of events is crucial if police are going to make a case against Murray, whose attorneys are already disputing the authorities' version of when events happened.
Douglas did not return calls for comment.
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses Not Interviewed Because Only 3 LAPD Detectives Assigned to Jackson Case, Says Source

One reason why Los Angeles police have yet to interview Michael Jackson's security guard and chief of staff is because only three detectives are assigned to the case, a source close to the situation tells
"There are only three detectives from LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division assigned to the case," the source said. "This is one of the reasons the investigation is still ongoing at this point."
Alberto Alvarez, who made the 911 call the day Michael died, has not been interviewed by police. Alvarez, a security officer, could be crucial to establishing the time line of events as police focus on Dr. Conrad Murray.
Murray administered various drugs and propofol to Jackson, who stopped breathing when the doctor left the room. Officials say Jackson died from a propofol overdose.
Michael Amir, described as the King of Pop's chief of staff, also has not been interviewed by police.
Alvarez and Amir are both represented by attorney Carl Douglas, who told the Los Angeles Times: "We arranged two separate occasions for LAPD investigators to meet with my clients. My clients came early wearing suits and ties. The first meeting was canceled and rescheduled. The second meeting I had to call them to inquire about the [detectives'] absence."
Establishing a solid timeline of events is crucial if police are going to make a case against Murray, whose attorneys are already disputing the authorities' version of when events happened.
Douglas did not return calls for comment.

Only 3 investigator's are they serious??? Michael Jackson gets murdered and they only have 3 investigators on the case. This tells me they cannot possibly be taking this seriously otherwise they would have every spear person they could working on it. This is going to be a half ass investigation just watch and see. Unless they have top trained people ...things are going to be missed and that is what they cannot let happen... Murray and the rest of those murders NEED to be found out and held accountable. Michael is gone and he is not coming back. Maybe if us fans start making some noise and rattling some cages they will get on the ball.
Interesting how the attorney comes out to speak about his clients in the days after that affidavit that they were mentioned in was released. Why talk now to the media, two months have gone by and just now you want to take it there? More scrambling to save face. But whatever thats jmo, maybe he should get back to L.A. to speak to authorities if he feels he has something important to say...according to Jim Moret who hosted the JVM show tonight he said, Alberto Alvarez is in London.....
Okay, if these 2 witnesses are not interviews I will be very ANGRY!

If it's the last resort, POST A YOUTUBE VIDEO PLEASE!

I want the truth to come to light so bad :(

And only three people investigating in the Michael Jackson murder case?? This world has serious problems!! There's proof right there.
That's exactly why we need to come together and make them do something. It's to many of use for them just to ignore us.
i think everyone needs to calm down and take a deep breath.

the LAPD seem to be doing a thorough job. The are raiding any place that may have a link to Michael Jackson. They have held off on autopsy reports. They are for the most part keeping tight lipped. They can't rush or they will make mistakes and the guilty go free. These men that haven't been interviewed yet are obviously not hostile witnessess and want to be heard, so they will still be there once all the hostile witnessess (those with something to hide) are dealt with. Perhaps they want to catch out the guilty parties first, then go back and complete interviews with the people who are not hiding anything. and maybe the lawyer spoke out because of speculation, like another poster suggested. I dont think these two men are suspicious at all, and the LAPD seem to be as serious as hell about going after the bad guys. Think about it, they havent just gone after murray who is the easy scapegoat, they have spread the net out wide and are hunting down everyone. who knows, maybe they wont find enough on any of the other doctors, but at least they are trying. This case is huge, they seem to be taking it seriously to me. And i don't think its right to be so negative about the 2 employees. They obviously want to talk and will still be there when the LAPD get the time (or information) they need to do so.
Only 3 investigator's are they serious??? Michael Jackson gets murdered and they only have 3 investigators on the case. This tells me they cannot possibly be taking this seriously otherwise they would have every spear person they could working on it. This is going to be a half ass investigation just watch and see. Unless they have top trained people

And only three people investigating in the Michael Jackson murder case?? This world has serious problems!! There's proof right there.

My father is a retired law enforcement officer from So Cal and in a county the size of L.A. and the volume of crime that takes place, 3 detectives on one case, I'm thankful to see. Whether it be 1, 5 or 10, it takes only ONE great one to piece together a crime. If these are 3 great ones, even better. As long as they are being thorough, looking outside the box at all possibilities and seeking the truth, that's all I'm thinking about. Justice.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

Why the hell haven't polivce interviewed ALL the employees already anyway?! This should have been done weeks ago when it was fresh in their minds and they hadn't had weeks to get their storyies straight! :doh:

Because the POooolice is the LAPD those who tortured our poor Michael when they booked him years ago. They have an agenda. The media has an agenda. The puppet masters have an agenda and it's to tarnish him forever.

I think we need to mass email all the culprits and ask them to think about what they're doing to the children because it's only a matter of time until they hear about all this. If they can't respect his legacy for the sake of his family and fans they are pure evil.

We need to SERIOUSLY start emailing these mofo but please stay calm and polite. ;-)

Michael would not want us too stoop to their levels so let's just hammer them with email asking that they run Larry Ninmer's docu or invite him and Mesereau to show some clips but mostly ask them to think about that they will destroy those children also. Media, are you ready to take responsability for screwing up those angels.

Let's roll.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

Let's not forget all these leaks *cough* directly to the media to spin as BREAKING NEWS!
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My father is a retired law enforcement officer from So Cal and in a county the size of L.A. and the volume of crime that takes place, 3 detectives on one case, I'm thankful to see. Whether it be 1, 5 or 10, it takes only ONE great one to piece together a crime. If these are 3 great ones, even better. As long as they are being thorough, looking outside the box at all possibilities and seeking the truth, that's all I'm thinking about. Justice.

You are correct....lets just hope and pray that atleast one of these investigators are top notch.
so u wanna put him in jail and u get seventy sherrifs but he dies and is murdered and we get three detectives?

there are so many things murray can use to create reasonable doub tin this case. it makes me sick.

but im glad they went to the media. hopefully now thelapd will contact their attorney. and notice, they went to the media w/o saying anything, just that they wanted to speak to lapd. that's how u do it...*ahem* lee and chase
so u wanna put him in jail and u get seventy sherrifs but he dies and is murdered and we get three detectives?

there are so many things murray can use to create reasonable doub tin this case. it makes me sick.

but im glad they went to the media. hopefully now thelapd will contact their attorney. and notice, they went to the media w/o saying anything, just that they wanted to speak to lapd. that's how u do it...*ahem* lee and chase

yeah I know it is all so the way adorable baby in your siggy...:)
awww my zaczaczac lol

this is them telling the media they want to speak w/ the lapd WITHOUT telling the media what they're gonna say. u think lee and chase could've done that? instead of blabbing?