LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death (Merged)

Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

The importance of what they have to say is indicated in the last few lines of the article. The unsealing of the affadavit may have been what made them redouble their efforts to be heard.

The cell phone records show that Murray made three phone calls between 11:18 am and 12:05 pm. The chef says Murray ran downstairs at about 12:05 or 12:10 pm. According to the affadavit, Murray claimed that he called Michael Amir Williams and asked him to send security upstairs for an emergency, then after a few minutes without response, he ran downstairs. But this article says Williams received a message at 12:13 pm, which would have been at or after Murray ran downstairs.

That means none of the three phone calls Murray made while upstairs was to Williams.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

You guys need to re-read the article, these two men HAVE tried to talk to LAPD but they haven't taken them seriously.

I doubt they want their 15 minutes of fame, cuz of they did they would be talking to Larry King or Diane Diamond, instead they want the cops to pay attention to what they have to say.

Also, I don't get the whole 'get their story straight'... they want to elaborate on the timeline described a few days ago... who are we to say they're not gonna bring new info that would validate the case against Murray?

Let's not jump to conclusions.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

This security guy sounded very fishy to me on the 911 call. Unless Murray made him think Michael was still alive....but wait! he did not even want to say it was Michael so that the 911 Operator would rush a special preferential treatment (Unless Murray instructed him not to). Screw privacy in time on tragedy. Why didn't Murray made the phone call? He may be incompetent as a doctor, but he knew well how to use a cell phone to make successful phone calls.

In my book, the security guy was partially in on it or a complete fool. "Anything For Money"

But I'm still open to hear what he has to say.

i'd like to think emergency services would go as fast as humanly possible no matter who the patient is...3 minutes is pretty darn good in my book....
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

So whats stopping them. They have had 2 months to talk to the cops. Sounds like attention whoring. Poor MJ :(
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

In defense of Alberto Alverez, I will defend his actions in speaking out for him.

No he does NOT want his five minutes of fame as proclaimed or would lower himself to take any money to speak as stated.

Alberto was a staunch guard of Jackson for quite some time, dating back since his court days and before. Alberto was always there for Michael and protected him and his family as if Jackson was his own kin. Alberto would never harm Michael or cause him grief.

Alberto was there on that damn fatal day Michael died. Alberto was the one who put through the phone call to the 911. It was not Alberto's fault Michael had passed. Let's get that straight. He was doing his duty as he always did.

Alberto is and still is in complete shock and has been in hiding. NOT because he wants to be, but because he has to be. He has "NOT" disappeared as stated.
He does not wish to make public statement unless necessary or under his attorney's wishes. He is not hiding anything and has suffered if not more than we fans, in the death of Michael Jackson, his best friend and client.

Cool story but.....

Time will tell what this persons intentions are. What is the point of his attorney saying he wants to tell police what he knows, to a newspaper? He nor anyone else needs to make any public statements. Just go to the cops and talk. That is all.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

That means none of the three phone calls Murray made while upstairs was to Williams.
That doesn't seem that likely - because there's no mention of Murray making any calls other than those three (while that doesn't mean he definitely didn't, it would have been relevant information you would have expected to be in the statement of probable cause), and both sides say Murray called Williams. That suggests one of those calls would have had to have been to Williams - although one other possibility is that Murray called Williams on a different phone.

Otherwise, if one of those calls was to Williams, the possibilities are that it was a bit earlier than Williams attorney says, or it was a message as in, message on voicemail.

But, the LAPD probably already knows this - they have Murray's cellular phone record, so you'd think they know who he called as well as what time he called them.
Re: Two MJ Employees Are Stepping Forward

Well I hope that the fact they've gone public makes the LAPD make sure they 100% cover anything they need to in the case, the whole world is watching them on this.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

What is the point of his attorney saying he wants to tell police what he knows, to a newspaper? He nor anyone else needs to make any public statements. Just go to the cops and talk. That is all.
The point is, there's speculation about them - particularly about Michael Amir Williams - after the search warrant became public. Murray's interview there suggests he called Williams, asked him to send security upstairs, and Williams didn't. You can see why Williams attorney would want to make it public that that's disputed.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

I want to know why the LAPD does not think they have worthy information.
Making sure they have a clear timeline of what did and did not go on is something they need.
This is why I will never trust anything the LAPD states in relation to Michael's death.
Why I should? They have messed up at every chance.
These are the same wonderful people who tried so hard to put Michael behind bars for a crime that was never committed.
What do they get out of it if they say he was murdered??
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

Maybe the LAPD have their reasons. Maybe they want to wait. Who knows?!
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

You guys need to re-read the article, these two men HAVE tried to talk to LAPD but they haven't taken them seriously.

I doubt they want their 15 minutes of fame, cuz of they did they would be talking to Larry King or Diane Diamond, instead they want the cops to pay attention to what they have to say.

Also, I don't get the whole 'get their story straight'... they want to elaborate on the timeline described a few days ago... who are we to say they're not gonna bring new info that would validate the case against Murray?

Let's not jump to conclusions.

The sound of reason. :)

Let these two men talk. They may have valuable information to share.
Re: Two MJ Employees Are Stepping Forward

I am very interested in what they have to say. Kudos for them no going to the media to tell what they know.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

hat doesn't seem that likely - because there's no mention of Murray making any calls other than those three (while that doesn't mean he definitely didn't, it would have been relevant information you would have expected to be in the statement of probable cause), and both sides say Murray called Williams. That suggests one of those calls would have had to have been to Williams - although one other possibility is that Murray called Williams on a different phone.
the three phonecalls the police mentioned were made b4 he rang williams saying there was a problem. the last call ended just after 12. he rang williams around 12.15. so after he comes off the phone,depending on what theory u believe he either found mj or decided now i have to act like i just found him and its a shock etc
Re: Two MJ Employees Are Stepping Forward

i am going to be so mad if they have been sitting on pertinent information for two months.

what are they waiting for? for pigs to fly? hell to freeze over?
Re: Two MJ Employees Are Stepping Forward

The article says the LAPD did speak to both of them on June 25th. Apparently two (not many) subsequent meetings were arranged, the first was canceled and rescheduled, and the second LAPD didn't turn up for. That's not particularly unusual - it can be hard for detectives to keep to a schedule if something comes up.

Honestly, I suspect this attorneys motivation in speaking now isn't so much "the LAPD are ignoring my clients!" as "Murray's account isn't accurate, particularly the bit which says he called my client and my client didn't do anything".

hummm- so between the LAPD and the two witnesses ...... it takes two months to get together? r u kidding me? hell, i have some free time .... may be i can go and volunteer for the LAPD.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

agree:(. one more reason not to trust anything

yes I agree also.....this is just crazy , these interviews should of been done WEEKS ago. Also why didn't these folks go themselves and talk to the police? Employees of Michael Jackson wait 2 months to come forward with information about the time surrounding his death and they wait 2 months to want to step forward. This is almost just to aggravating for words. Well lets hope they add something constructive to the investigation and not just trash.

EDIT>>> I made this post before reading others comments.......If these folks tried to speak to the LAPD and were denied for lack of a better word than my apologies for judging them to hastily.
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Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

they tried to meet. the lapd didn't show.

and alvarez, they did a story on him. his wife commented. he's been distraught since mj's death. he's been around since the arraingmnet working on and off for M.

This is just so sad that these poor people have to be put through this....the LAPD sounds like they are running a shaddy investigation it seems as though they cannot get out of their own way. I would think with a high profile case such as this they would be more competent than they are being. It makes one very angry. They had better hope that they dont F*ck up this case.
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Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

ok, well i hope they aren't just saying they have some credible info just to get their 15mins of fame...
But if their info is legit, then the LAPD needs to get on the ball..

Thanks for the info

I feel if they weren't legit then they would have spilled all to the media. There attempt to go the media is to purely get the LAPD attention. Anyone who really cares about mike and has important info would go to the police to tell what they know, not the Media (unlike the Nurse). These guys are just trying to get there attention since it’s obvious they don't care enough to hear what they have to say.

Kudos to you guys, I respect how you went about handling this.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

I hope not..... . Maybe they are going to tell the truth?

Yea me too. If they were seem they would have spilled what they now to the media.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

Great, let's hope they have some info that helps the authorities. The investigation is far from over and we hardly know anything specific.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

not quite sure about it:(
i just can't trust people around him
to me they are all suspicious


I agree too, but maybe their conscience is getting to them, it should be.

I feel you though; don't know who to trust when it comes to MJ's camp.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

this is scandalous of the LAPD!!! however you put it!!!


I just hope some private investigators will do a better job!
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

this is all insane. They are waiting too long. I hope this isn't all lies that these two will bring forward. The truth needs to see the light so Michael and his family can finally be at peace!
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

what's wrong with some fans and their vicious, bitter comments. Why don't you open your mind and ears to listen what everyone has to say before accusing them? Innocent until proven guilty! Wasn't our Michael's case? Wasn't he accused falsely? People judged him and we hated them.
Now we hate everyone. No wonder why insiders are so reluctant to come here and speak. I would be too. You are ready to eat everyone before even listening.
We haven't been there, we DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. I order to investigate and find the truth we need to listen to everyone and then draw some conclusion.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

I hope they've made this public it will make the LAPD pull up their socks(if needed which it looks like it is but obviously we don't know for sure)

Come on LAPD get to the bottom of EVERYTHING in this, however long this takes. Get justice for Michael! The whole world is watching you now!
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

This investigation is taken too long. Are they even taking it seriously?!?

I know what you mean. There are 3 ways to look at it:

Either they are taking so long as they are looking into everything... or they want it to seem they are... or they messed up at the beginning and are trying to get things back in order....

I hope its the first thing but I'm not holding my breath, I just hope like I said in another post that they are doing the best to get justice for Michael with the whole world watching them.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

I feel if they weren't legit then they would have spilled all to the media. There attempt to go the media is to purely get the LAPD attention. Anyone who really cares about mike and has important info would go to the police to tell what they know, not the Media (unlike the Nurse). These guys are just trying to get there attention since it’s obvious they don't care enough to hear what they have to say.

Kudos to you guys, I respect how you went about handling this.

I agree with you Meena if they weren't sincere they'd have sold their stories so I do believe this is an attempt to get the LAPD's attention rather than the individuals looking for 15mins fame.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

I agree. Love you starlight for posting this.
Its the same procedure in every MJ forum around the world.
Re: LA Times: Two Jackson employees want to tell police what they know about his death

what's wrong with some fans and their vicious, bitter comments. Why don't you open your mind and ears to listen what everyone has to say before accusing them? Innocent until proven guilty! Wasn't our Michael's case? Wasn't he accused falsely? People judged him and we hated them.
Now we hate everyone. No wonder why insiders are so reluctant to come here and speak. I would be too. You are ready to eat everyone before even listening.
We haven't been there, we DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. I order to investigate and find the truth we need to listen to everyone and then draw some conclusion.

I agree with you Starlight, especially the ones who are not out for their own personal gain.
oh boy, I hope what they say brightens the lighted 'murdered' sign.

We're all curious to what they have to say since they just didn't go out and say it right when Michael died. But hey, Maybe they have a good reason and someone was keeping them from telling the truth...

Or maybe, they're in it with the rest and trying to turn the investigation back around when people are finally starting to realize the truth