Karen Fayes responce

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
Karen Fayes responce on the Facebook incident:

Karen Faye I hope the folks who shared my photos of Michael's resting place is very proud of themselves. That was a very selfish, ignorant and mean thing to do.

Karen Faye No I will always continue to share...that is what Michael would want me to do. He understood there would always be ignorant folks around...They should never stop you from sharing with love.

Karen Faye I posted those for free...with my heart.

She was the one who shared them to begin with. :bugeyed
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She should have known some people weren't going to listen. :smilerolleyes: I'll bet she says nothing about whether it was wrong or not for her to take the pics in the first place.
Why is she putting the blame on others? She should have kept the pictures private in the first place.

And for someone who shared detailed information about Michael's financial status with nosey fans on her facebook page, she sure has a double standard.
goodness to gracious :lmao: laughing at the hypocrisy


I sure hope Katherine will revoke Karen's PRIVILEGE of visiting Michael .... If she can not respect the extent to which Katherine has tried to bring a little bit of PRIVACY for Michael.
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Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?
Please. Karen Faye has NO ONE to blame but herself. She shouldn't have put those pics on there in the first place if she didn't want anyone else to see. If there were pics I didn't want others to see, no way in hell I would ever post them on the internet. Even if she did ask others not to share, she should know that's the risk you take when you post something on the internet. There's always a chance others will see. But you especially do not put pics associated with someone like a very famous public figure such as Michael Jackson and expect that the pics will stay private.

As I said, she has no one to blame but herself.
Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?

do you think it is appropriate for her to take a pic and publish it of Michael's resting place?

i realize she only intends for her closest 5,000 friends to see the pic .... but she does know that once she posts that pic 6,000,000,000 has access to it correct?

Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?

Yeah!! I really dislike the members who have her friended and then post stuff from her page and say rude things!!
Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?

but you can't honestly believe that 5000 people you share private info with will respect your request. you are either crazy or do it deliberately for whatever reason.
Karen has always requested not to post anything from her Facebook anywhere else on the internet.

She's sharing so much with us. It's not that hard to respect that request, is it?
If she doesn't want people spreading things, she shouldn't post it. Michael's final resting place is private for a REASON.

For years she has been sharing private information about Michael with fans. I have to be honest and admit that I liked reading it when he was still alive, because I thought that he probably somehow had some control over what she shared. But now that he has passed and she continues to share private information with the world, she has lost my respect.
I feel she should not have taken the pics in the first place. She is NOT family, and now some scandal rag will probably post them in their magazines.

I totally agree with Gaz, 100%!
I'm so sick of this Karen Faye thing going on forums! I'm not saying she's 100% perfect but come on. This is so lame.
This is the internet. Karen Faye adds people on her Facebook she dosnt even know and she dosnt know what intentions they have, Karen Faye is an adult and she should know better. By posting photos on Facebook, with 5000 people on her list, the photos were bound to end up somewhere outside her photoalbum. She should have known better. If you dont want photos, songs, or other private footage leaked you dont post them on the internet because anyone can get their hands on them with bad intentions. Karen Faye should learn not to trust everybody, if she dosnt already understand that what she did was wrong to begin with.
Well, I feel that she meant well by posting those pictures. I needed to see that. I'm still grieving.:(
This is the internet. Karen Faye adds people on her Facebook she dosnt even know and she dosnt know what intentions they have, Karen Faye is an adult and she should know better. By posting photos on Facebook, with 5000 people on her list, the photos were bound to end up somewhere outside her photoalbum. She should have known better. If you dont want photos, songs, or other private footage leaked you dont post them on the internet because anyone can get their hands on them with bad intentions. Karen Faye should learn not to trust everybody, if she dosnt already understand that what she did was wrong to begin with.
Agreed. And to have been so close to Michael for so many years, and through all his hard times still not having learned that not many people can be trusted....is just sad.
goodness to gracious :lmao: laughing at the hypocrisy


I sure hope Katherine will revoke Karen's PRIVILEGE of visiting Michael .... If she can not respect the extent to which Katherine has tried to bring a little bit of PRIVACY for Michael.

I wonder if Katherine even knows. She would be very hurt. :(
Karen Faye violated the Jackson family's privacy, and it was NOT her right to do so. Even a grade-school child knows that to post something on a very public forum, with so many members, means that what you post is not private. I cannot begin to understand why she expected anything different?

The choice to post the photo should have been the family's choice. It was not her choice to make. In doing so, she disrespected Michael and the entire Jackson family.
Oh the irony. *rolls eyes*

Karen has no one to blame but herself. She shared these pics with 5000 people on her facebook and now she tries to play wounded victim?
Agreed. And to have been so close to Michael for so many years, and through all his hard times still not having learned that not many people can be trusted....is just sad.

Very true. I also wonder if Karen has considered that some tabloids may be among her 5,000 friends and are also reading and hoping to get some juicy gossip about Michael.
Karen Faye I hope the folks who shared my photos of Michael's resting place is very proud of themselves. That was a very selfish, ignorant and mean thing to do.

Karen Faye No I will always continue to share...that is what Michael would want me to do. He understood there would always be ignorant folks around...They should never stop you from sharing with love.

Kinda contradictive of her isn't it?
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