JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

we want to see phone records that cover the whole morning not only the time he said mj was under . I have no doubt these records will tell us a totally different story .
i want to know about the phonecalls to those women in houston about the lockup. if he made them
a hour and 21 minutes.
It seems like he was waiting - to make sure michael was dead
finding drugs he could administer to revive him is not an alibi
there was s houseful of people downstairs , he could have just call someone to dial 911
i mean,how long does it take and how hard is it anyway?
he started making phone call at 11:18 a.m
so what was he doing between 11:00 am - 11:18 am? hmm.....
some of you still believe he gave propofol to mj at 10.40 am , are you joking ?

according to a poster here the drugs murray given to mj are usually given directly before or with propofol , so you don't really believe he waited 10 hours between injecting the first drug and administring propofol .
i don't believe any words came from murry :no: it's makeing me sick:puke:

i what to kick has ass :ph34r: and laugh so hard :lol:
hi :waving: is it o.k to post this news on this thread if not you can remove it to different post :) :yes:

here are the links:

here is link from ET show it's broking news:websye:http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/08/78017/index.html

here is link from insider:http://www.theinsider.com/news/2767...ckson_s_Cause_of_Death_to_be_Announced_Friday

here is story about how MJ kids are doing:http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/08/78003/index.html

here is anyother story about his 51 bday:http://www.etonline.com/gallery/featured/2009/08/78002/index.html
What kind of "Doctor" is this?? It's kind of common sense not to mix so many doses of drugs together. But what really saddens me is that the media is making it look like this was all Michael's fault. Yes it is true that he did have addiction problems, but that means he was SICK. How can you blame a sick person who can't help themselves. The fact is that he was in the care of a doctor(what seemed to be) who was supposed to take care of him and keep him ALIVE(Do no harm). MURRAY ADMINISTERED THE DRUGS THAT KILLED HIM, NOT MICHAEL!!! It was Murray's responsibility to monitor him and be aware of the doses that had been given.
I love you Michael
if he was awake, he would've had breakfast w/ his kids. he didn't b/c he wasn't awake

maybe he was still awake but didn't have breakfast because he was trying to get some sleep. i know if i haven't slept much and hubby is awake i let him get our little one breakfast while i try to catch a bit of snooze time.
That document of a press release statement is not real. Somebody typed that up in Microsoft Word. Anybody could have typed that up. They even added a footer. Where is the Coroner's Official Seal and signature? I just do not see that on the document. I hate the Media so much. I think they are over-exaggerating on the medications he took. They sure seem to twist every single word and lie about Michael Jackson when it comes to anything dealing with Michael Jackson. THey have deceived and brainwashed so many people in the world. May God show His justice against the media.
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maybe he was still awake but didn't have breakfast because he was trying to get some sleep. i know if i haven't slept much and hubby is awake i let him get our little one breakfast while i try to catch a bit of snooze time.
for nearly three hrs? not mike. he lived for those kids. hell, he only got a few hrs, if that, a nite during the trial, he would come home and be w/ thekids, have dinner, baths, read to them and then put them to bed. then do physical therapy, meet w/ his attorneys...he never put himself first.

so NO, if mj was alive then, he'd be w/ the children
why he can give Michael so many drugs??? He didn't know that it will kill Michael???
That's so evil, i can't forgive him...
he's not a professional doctor, he killed our idol, Michael Jackson...
i'm so sad now>
but if AEG etc hadnt shoehorned him into 50 shows he didnt want to do, he wouldnt need strong "sleeping" med.. dont you find all the links between colony capital, NOI, sony, AEG. slightly unsettling. i dont think MJ was murdered.. but i think the shady people surrounding him started a train hurtling down a mountain.. MJ wsnt well enough for 3 shows, let alone 50 (judging on what fans saw)...

when Baraak met him he said MJ was "in a wheelchair and really frail" .. and then he took the credit for setting MJ up for 50 dates at the o2??? what.. so he miraculously recovered? is he taking the credit too for performing miracles?

dileo, ortega.. they all watched as MJ become frail and unwell... he was crying to fans for help.. i'm sorry but these people have ALOT to answer for

the only thing they took in consideration was the money he could make, from the first time I heard they increased the number of shows to 50 I was fuming I knew he was their cash cow, I was talking about it with a fellow fan but I kept saying I hope he pulls through and be over with it, London was the big test...I was worried but when you think about it what could we fans do? it breaks my heart that we saw this unfolding and we couldn't do anything about it...I'm talking about the fans who didn't expect him to be superman and who supported Michael - you know there were many who criticized him constantly...they didn't care about Michael, they didn't care to make a background check on his doctor, they didn't care about Michael's state of mind or his physical ability
they didn't kill him but they drove him to his grave, ultimately it was greed that killed Michael, I get chills down my spine when I think about Michael's own words "money is the root of all evil"
sorry a bit off-topic but I wanted to get it off my chest
Oops, sorry! I wrote this in the wrong thread. Nevermind.
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I acctually agree with MJJ2theMAX and snowhite. It's rather the pressure that the concert promoter who push MJ to do lot of concerts and never care about his health. Also the really doggy doctor who gave MJ whatsover drug for temporary treatment. AEG and Sony don't care what happen to MJ, either he successful completed the 50 concerts and world tour or his health fail him and his life is taken, they don't care because they will benefit either way! What they won't benefit is MJ not doing concert or very little concert. If look at this way, the blame is partly also on MJ for being so irresposible about his health and so naive to trust the doctors!
OMG!! Just read several news! So it's seems that it's true, the horrible Dr Murray took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to finally contact 911 after he found Mj not breathing? He was talking on his cellphone to several people for about an hour between that. What was he thinking? That MJ will suddenly start breathing again like magic and wake up? Or was he doing clean up, contact secret person who also involve in a murder conspiracy?
Dr Murray is such a liar and hidding so much!!! He told the police he took 30 minutes in the beginning and didn't make calls in between. But then he later admited making a call to a Jackson staff.
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I acctually agree with MJJ2theMAX and snowhite. It's rather the pressure that the concert promoter who push MJ to do lot of concerts and never care about his health. Also the really doggy doctor who gave MJ whatsover drug for temporary treatment. AEG and Sony don't care what happen to MJ, either he successful completed the 50 concerts and world tour or his health fail him and his life is taken, they don't care because they will benefit either way! What they won't benefit is MJ not doing concert or very little concert. If look at this way, the blame is partly also on MJ for being so irresposible about his health and so naive to trust the doctors!


Do you trust your doctor?

Did Mike have a MD.

If you have migraines and your doctor prescribes a course of treatment are you going to follow you doctors advise?

Personally my first instinct is to trust that my doctor knows what the h*ll his doing. He is the one who went to medical school.

It was in Michael's nature to trust, is it his fault he isn't cynical of people. It's just who he is. People always took advantage of this.

I hate when people try put fault on Michael for this sh*t. Maybe I am bias, but when It comes to Michael I really don't care if I am or not.
One thing we NEED to know is who the "Jackson associate" IS, that Murray called!

People DO have a tendency to trust their doctor. This was a personal physician pulling down a huge amount of money, to do just one thing. To keep Michael healthy.

Another thing to consider is that we have only Murray's version of events. What if, instead of Propofol, Michael was only getting a nightly IV for rehydration and vitamins? That is possible, given what Nurse Lee said. Once a person has an IV in place, they have really not control over what is put IN to it. They wouldn't even feel a needle stick. Michael is not here to tell us what really happened. At this point, I believe little of what anyone says to avoid responsibility.
victoria the coroner woulld be able to determine whether mj was taking propofol regularly .
well murray said he was. and u cannot get addicted to it. ur body just loses teh ability to fallasleep on it's own.

i know. i have beentaking pills for my back just to sleep. even if my back isn't so sore. so now when i try to fall asleep, it takes hrs.
One thing we NEED to know is who the "Jackson associate" IS, that Murray called!
what the exact time of that call. it was made for one minute but i cant remember the exact time but it was very near to when he called for help the below i posted in the investigation forum. there must have been some statement or something where murray said he called amir cause otherwise im not sure why i would post that. but i cant remember the source at the mo. to many articles been read

Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed

. u sure of that cause thats intresting as murray said he rang amir to get help.then again maybe he just presumed amir was there as a 1 minute call was made to an staff memeber around 12.15 according to records.so he rang amir and he said im not even here
amir not being on the house comes from fans who were at the house on the morning.
victoria the coroner woulld be able to determine whether mj was taking propofol regularly .

And THAT is why this is so frustrating! Such scanty information. . . the minimal report that did come out said "acute propofol intoxication." Not "chronic" toxicity, or something like that. "Acute" would seem to imply a massive amount, and not only the synergistic effect of the combination with other drugs. A "massive amount" would indicate intentionality, and deliberate murder. A synergistic effect with other drugs, could be seen as a mistake (manslaughter). I'd really, really like for them to tell us which it WAS!

I hope someone is guarding Murray closely. I do NOT want to hear that he's been found hanging in his garage, or has met with some other type of end. He's got some answers, and Michael's family deserves to hear them, as do we. . .. . .

I'd expect that Murray realizes that his life is OVER, even if he remains alive, either in prison or not. I can't imagine that he could ever practice medicine again. His name will forever be linked with Michael's, sadly. I think he had NO idea of the far-reaching implications of what he did, either deliberately, or accidentally.
well murray said he was. and u cannot get addicted to it. ur body just loses teh ability to fallasleep on it's own.

that is very true and that is what's called psychological addiction over here! it can happen this way, it's most likely to happen, however it doesn't always happen in ppl. Still a lot of research to be done in that field.
but vic, they can only ascertain intent IF he knew what he was doing. for all we know, he could've been getting lucky or dodging bullets by giving this to mj in the past and this time he was just too reckless.

IF he were an anesthesiologist, then this could be seen as deliberate. if he knew the risks and didn't educate himself on how to do this, it's not deliberate, just reckless.

now what he did after teh fact will play a major part in how he's charged and what he's charged w/
I've been reading through these posts and appreciating everyone's information and viewpoints. I'm the kind of person that likes to get as much info as possible and make my own opinions based on all the available information.

Some people seem to think there was a giant conspiracy to kill Michael Jackson. I really don't believe that, but I respect everyone's right to believe that, so I would never put anyone down for that belief. And I will continue to read all of these viewpoints because I really just want to know the truth (or as much as we will ever know) of what happened to Michael.

So my questions are these:
Isn't it possible that Conrad Murray is just an inept medical practitioner?
Isn't is possible that he simply made some sort of mistake on June 25th, and that the only conspiracy here is in his attempts to cover it up?

In reading everything I've read in news reports and such, and knowing that all the facts are still not known to us (and may never be), it really seems to me that Murray just did something wrong, Michael died as a result, and then everything after that was his attempt to hide/distort the facts to protect himself. A lot of things seems to suggest this is possible.

1. His timeline of events makes no sense. Even if he found MJ at noon to be not breathing (that's the current story), ambulance was not called until 12:21pm--that is still 21 minutes too long to wait to call 911. Who would not call 911 RIGHT NOW if they found anyone not breathing?
2. His accounts of the dosages of propofol have changed--first not mentioning it at all to the EMT's, then admitting to the 25ml or whatever dosage he said he gave (which we now know is not enough to kill MJ, let alone induce sleep)
3. He was making phone calls for 47 minutes, depending on which version of the story he is telling (were these to employees in his offices to tell them to destroy records or anything else that could be used as evidence against him? Who was he talking to???)
4. He was giving CPR...on a bed. WTH?
5. He would not call time of death at Michael's house (was this to prevent an immediate investigation of the premises by police? How would Murray benefit from a delayed pronouncement of the time of death?).

It just seems to me like Murray did something wrong--just leaving the room when Michael should have been constantly monitored was a mistake--and then went about trying to cover up his mistakes. That would explain why his story changes and is so full of holes.

Again, this is just my opinion. No disrespect to anyone else's. I just hope we will eventually learn more facts...but I guess that really depends on how much of the truth Conrad Murray will ever tell.
does that cali law require intent. thought it just needed to be incredbily negligent. someone posted the law the other day but i keep forgetting to save it
Murder: Second degree

Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life
And THAT is why this is so frustrating! Such scanty information. . . the minimal report that did come out said "acute propofol intoxication." Not "chronic" toxicity, or something like that. "Acute" would seem to imply a massive amount, and not only the synergistic effect of the combination with other drugs. A "massive amount" would indicate intentionality, and deliberate murder. A synergistic effect with other drugs, could be seen as a mistake (manslaughter). I'd really, really like for them to tell us which it WAS!

I hope someone is guarding Murray closely. I do NOT want to hear that he's been found hanging in his garage, or has met with some other type of end. He's got some answers, and Michael's family deserves to hear them, as do we. . .. . .

I'd expect that Murray realizes that his life is OVER, even if he remains alive, either in prison or not. I can't imagine that he could ever practice medicine again. His name will forever be linked with Michael's, sadly. I think he had NO idea of the far-reaching implications of what he did, either deliberately, or accidentally.

acute means rapid that what i thought ?