June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland etc.

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e




Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Took a day off from work to remember Michael :(
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Much sadness but also so much love. Miss you so much Michael.
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Today marks the 4th anniversary of the worst day of my life. It would be much easier if I didn't think about it, but I can't ... not think about it. The mere thought of that most unfortunate Thursday night is branded in my mind forever.

I bow to your legacy, to the incredible memory of you and I promise never to forget the greatness you brought to my life, even if I live to be 100+ years old.

Thank you Michael!
Thank you Michael!
Thank you Michael!
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e


"If you enter this world knowing you are loved
and you leave this world knowing the same,
then everything that happens in between can be dealt with"

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Always in our hearts ...
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I'd give anything to hear him say these words, just one more time...:boohoo
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Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

R.I.P Michael Jackson
"They Won't Go When I Go"

From Robyn Stark founder of OneRose4MJJ

"They Won't Go When I Go"

No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when i go

All those bleeding hearts
With sorrows to impart
Were right here from the start
And they won't go when i go

And i'll go where i've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Gone from painful cries
Away from saddened eyes
Along with him i'll bide
Because they won't go when i go

Big men feeling small
Weak ones standing tall
I will watch them fall
They won't go when i go

And i'll go where i've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Unclean minds mislead the pure
The innocent will leave for sure
For them there is a resting place
People sinning just for fun
They will never see the sun
For they can never show their faces
There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner
Who will take more than he will give
He ain't hardly gonna give

The greed of man will be
Far away from me
And my soul will be free
They won't go when i go

Since my soul conceived
All that i believe
The kingdom i will see
'Cause they won't go when i go

When i go
Where i'll go
No one can keep me
From my destiny​
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I hate this day, because Michael isn't gone at all in my heart and my mind.. I talk and think about him as if he is still here.. but this day confronts me with the fact that he is indeed no longer with us :cry: But, in trying to be positive, seeing how he is showered with love from people all around the world is so lovely, it really brings a tear to my eye.

His genuinely kind heart, his beautiful message to the world, his caring and loving nature, his amazing talents.. He inspires me to be the best I can be. To be kind and giving, and to always act out of love. To live from the heart.
He has literally given us all he had to give, and I'm so thankful for all he's given us :heart:

Michael I love you :wub:

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Its so heart warming all this :heart: that puts a :D on my face to see how truly loved Michael really is :angel:

On days like this, I'm left 'rambling' about how Michael makes me feel... :blush:
I MISS Michael every day and in every silly thing I come across...
I MISS your smile...
I MISS your care...
I MISS your creative fire...
I MISS your moves...

Though, I have realized that death is not the end and you'll live on in our :hearts: minds and souls...
I can't really grasp the fact...
I don't see you on TV any more...
I still go to the record store in the hope there is a NEW CD coming out with your soothing voice...

I think your loss is too immense to grab hold off...
So, I live in memories and everything I do is for you... It's all in your name...
You're the fire that burns in me...
You're the blanket that keeps me warm...
You're the shining torch carrying me through the darkest of days...

I feel so blessed to have met you...
You're one of a kind, Michael...
I'm so PROUD to say I love you always and forever,


Daryll aka Daz.

Here is the Tribute vid I made yesterday for Michael :wub:

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Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Beautiful flowers!

Beautiful tributes!
The day comes, the day I like least of all days of the year...
Already four years… My heart is still attached to him, I love him deeply. I miss him so much. Without him, everything is so sad, really empty... And all these flowers, especially red roses, symbol of our love, make me so sad…

However something is different this year for me. Today, unlike in 2010, 11, 12, I cannot stay quietly in a "pure sadness". My mind is restless because of Katherine vs AEG trial and more importantly because of Paris' state. I have a lot of negative and complex feelings which stir my mind and prevent me from staying calm.

This year I want to cry out rather than weeping silently.

Michael, I love you. I miss you so much… :cry:
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

The roses are beautiful.. MJ has the best fans
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Such mixed feelings as you read through these anniversary threads. On one hand you're happy to see fans remembering MJ, but then on the other hand, it just breaks your heart to know MJ isn't here anymore.

4 years later and I still can't believe he's gone. :sad:
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I still can't believe how beautiful and gentle he was.
So strong and powerful but so delicate and fragile.
What a precious creature!
Thankyou God for sending us our angel, and thankyou for allowing him to rest in you arms.
Rest in peace sweet angel
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I miss you so much michael. you were everything that was good in this world. love you always, RIP.
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

It's night here and I lit two candles for Michael. Time sure flies, but the emptiness and sadness remains. Missing Michael.

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I woke up this morning to a text reminding me of this day, it's always hard. But it's hard to forget the spirit and goodness of this man, with all that's going on lately, I just hope he's in a place, where he isn't worried about any of it, and watching over those who deserve it, his children.

I miss you Michael, and I'll always love you the same way I did when I first heard your music for the first time.
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

I miss you, Michael!
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

Thank you all for all the beautiful posts. Such a sad day today. Was it four years ago today? I can't believe it. Feels like yesterday. I miss him everyday but I'm confident he is happy up there in the sky. In 2009 the sun was shining on the 25th of june, but today it's been cloudy and some rain.
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

The roses are BEAUTIFUL!!! Each year they get better and better :)

Michael is forever in my heart today and always.
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

OMJ that tribute vid of Phonchrist :cry: :eek: :blush: Beautiful :wub:
Though, it reminds WHY I'm still out of a job really :blink:
Instead of 'saving' Michael out of this 'evil' grip :blink: I was at 'work' :doh:

Here's my MJ Tribute at HOME :blush: I couldn't take facing people today :cry:
Don't wanna 'implode' or 'explode' in front of them... So, I'm nice and quiet alone at HOME :smilerolleyes:


Holding hands with the MJ fam :friends:

Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e


:heart: Thank you for brightening my life, Michael :heart:
Re: June 25, 2013 Remembering Michael - News, Fan Tributes, Pictures from Forest Lawn & Neverland e

This is a day when I'm sent back to reality, so to speak, because as Lil said I always think of Michael as if he is here, I'm never sad (perhaps just occasionally when I'm moved by something I hear or read) but other than that HE keeps me happy with the music, dance, the smiles and love every day... you know. June 25th is sad and although I try to avoid the sadness, at one point it hits me and I can't help it. Despite that, tributes like onerose4mjj make it beautiful and cheerful. It's overwhelming to see all the roses next to his resting place, seeing all the LOVE the world still has for that beautiful man both brings a big smile to my face and makes me wish they were gathered for other reasons. Michael, I miss you every day of my life, I love you like I haven't loved a man before and I'll continue to do so until the day I leave this earth... thank you for all you gave us. I love you :heart:
