Judge rules that Joe Jackson can receive Michael's medical files


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2009
London, England
Assoicated Press:

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father can receive some medical records related to his superstar son's death, a judge ruled Friday.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled that Joe Jackson can receive his son's medical records from the hospital where he died. The judge will review the records first before releasing them to Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman. Beckloff also said the men can only receive records generated on or after June 25 — the day Michael Jackson died at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Oxman sought the files as part of an effort to obtain a monthly stipend for the Jackson family patriarch. He said during a hearing last week that he also needs the records to decide whether to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.

Beckloff's order states a medical expert hired by Joe Jackson can review the files, but not copy them. Anyone who sees the records will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement, the ruling states.

Jackson's estate had sought to quash subpoenas that Oxman issued for the files. Attorneys for the estate argued during a hearing last week that Beckloff should review the files first. They also stated the files shouldn't be released until after the results of a May hearing on Joe Jackson's stipend bid.

Oxman said he was pleased with the ruling and expects to have the records soon.

Beckloff is going to verify the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality. Oxman said he didn't expect that to be an issue.

"We are very certain based on prior records that we have from the paramedics that Michael was long deceased and that there were no communications (with doctors)," Oxman said.

He said Joe Jackson deserves to know more about how his son died and the records will also be important in his quest to receive an allowance of more than $15,000 per month.

Howard Weitzman, an attorney for Jackson's estate, said the ruling properly incorporates suggestions attorneys raised last week.

"The estate feels the court's order adequately protects Michael's interests," Weitzman said.

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I hope the court's orders will be adequately respected....
This judge has made it impossible for Oxman to leak or talk about anything, But I am sure he will try anyway
Beckloff also said the men can only receive records generated on or after June 25 — the day Michael Jackson died at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Beckloff's order states a medical expert hired by Joe Jackson can review the files, but not copy them. Anyone who sees the records will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement, the ruling states.

Beckloff is going to verify the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality.

good !

the records will also be important in his quest to receive an allowance of more than $15,000 per month.

It's the most important.
I really do not understand what these records have to do with him getting an allowance
Michael Jackson's Dad Gets Medical Records
Posted Feb 19th 2010 5:46PM by TMZ Staff
Joe Jackson is entitled to get copies of Michael Jackson's medical records ... according to the judge in the Michael Jackson estate case.

According to the judge's ruling, Joe Jackson is only entitled to records from UCLA made on the day Jackson died.

Joe Jackson wants the records for a possible wrongful death case. What does that mean??
Michael Jackson's Dad Gets Medical Records
Posted Feb 19th 2010 5:46PM by TMZ Staff
Joe Jackson is entitled to get copies of Michael Jackson's medical records ... according to the judge in the Michael Jackson estate case.

According to the judge's ruling, Joe Jackson is only entitled to records from UCLA made on the day Jackson died.

Joe Jackson wants the records for a possible wrongful death case. What does that mean??
Joseph's dream is to file a wrongful death suit against AEG and not Murray since they got the money,.. but according to the law he is not entitled to do so. Only Katherine & kids are allowed to file it.
I really do not understand what these records have to do with him getting an allowance

Yeh.. how is there any possibility the medical files and Joes request for an allowance are related?? I don't see the relationship between the two things at all. How do the medical files help get an allowance? Doesn't make sense to me. Thought the allowance was to do with if Joe could prove MJ supported him previously.
Do you really think these records will hold any amount of "truth"? No, Oxman could read the autopsy report, it's more complete.

The autopsy pictures are in the LA coroner office, not in UCLA

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled that Joe Jackson can receive his son's medical records from the hospital where he died.
Michael Jackson's Dad Gets Medical Records
Posted Feb 19th 2010 5:46PM by TMZ Staff
Joe Jackson is entitled to get copies of Michael Jackson's medical records ... according to the judge in the Michael Jackson estate case.

According to the judge's ruling, Joe Jackson is only entitled to records from UCLA made on the day Jackson died.

Joe Jackson wants the records for a possible wrongful death case. What does that mean??

They can sue Murray I think.
I'm just scared that pictures of Michael lying dead on a hospital bed will end up in the tabloids because of this. I cannot face walking into a petrol station to fill up my car and seeing that on a front page. I'd be physically sick if I have to see that and Oxman would sell it to the highest bidder.
Yeh.. how is there any possibility the medical files and Joes request for an allowance are related?? I don't see the relationship between the two things at all. How do the medical files help get an allowance? Doesn't make sense to me. Thought the allowance was to do with if Joe could prove MJ supported him previously.

oxman's theory is that they can use these records to evaluate the money (his family allowance) needed to file a wrongful death lawsuit.*

2 problems :
1/ it's up to the court to decide if he's entitled to a family allowance and how much? A family allowance is only for the necessary expenses to survive, not to file lawsuit.
2/ joe has not legal standing to file a lawsuit
Do you really think these records will hold any amount of "truth"? No, Oxman could read the autopsy report, it's more complete.

The autopsy pictures are in the LA coroner office, not in UCLA

Are these records more about what happened to Michael at home with the paramedics and when he arrived at UCLA? What proceedures they went through etc..? No? I think I read that before.

I'm just scared that pictures of Michael lying dead on a hospital bed will end up in the tabloids because of this. I cannot face walking into a petrol station to fill up my car and seeing that on a front page. I'd be physically sick if I have to see that and Oxman would sell it to the highest bidder.

Not going to happen -

Do you really think these records will hold any amount of "truth"? No, Oxman could read the autopsy report, it's more complete.

The autopsy pictures are in the LA coroner office, not in UCLA
Do you really think these records will hold any amount of "truth"? No, Oxman could read the autopsy report, it's more complete.

The autopsy pictures are in the LA coroner office, not in UCLA

Thanks marc_vivien, you beat me to it.

This is not much of a "win," in my opinion. I mean, like you said, that official autopsy report will have more information, then the records from June 25th. The only thing the June 25th report "may" include is the time of death according to the emergency staff. Other than that, I don't see where there are any true benefits with acquiring the June 25th report and I definitely don't see how it could help with any allowance claim. Time of death may be helpful with their "picture" lawsuit.

The hospital report will be sort of basic as far as medical history goes. Their main purpose was to save Michael's life, not to determine the true cause of his death.

Oxman was asking for way more records. I figured the Judge was going to give him limited access, which doesn't amount to much, in my opinion.
Murray has no money what would be the point of suing him? Before Michael died Joe has been trying to get his hands on any money to be made by the concerts now he and some family members are just ignoring the facts and looking for a way to sue AEG
Are these records more about what happened to Michael at home with the paramedics and when he arrived at UCLA? What proceedures they went through etc..? No? I think I read that before.

Not going to happen -

The judge is going to verify the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality before releasing them.
well, I've heard previously that Joe would not get these records not matter what because "that's the law".
now he gets them!
Joe said himself he would sue anybody leaking autopsy pictures,

I wish they make a GOOD use of these documents.
oxman's theory is that they can use these records to evaluate the money (his family allowance) needed to file a wrongful death lawsuit.*

2 problems :
1/ it's up to the court to decide if he's entitled to a family allowance and how much? A family allowance is only for the necessary expenses to survive, not to file lawsuit.
2/ joe has not legal standing to file a lawsuit

Thanks for answering but I still don't get it.. how can they use these medical files to see how much money they need to file the suit?

Interesting the judge gave Joe access to the files, I see nothing wrong with it, but people here said he had no legal standing to see them. Guess he did, or Katherine supported him?
well, I've heard previously that Joe would not get these records not matter what because "that's the law".
now he gets them!

not quite - the judge will still go over them to make sure that the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality before releasing them. if he believes that there's doctor - patient confidentiality he may chose to not make them available or make some parts available and keep the rest sealed.
Thanks marc_vivien, you beat me to it.

This is not much of a "win," in my opinion. I mean, like you said, that official autopsy report will have more information, then the records from June 25th. The only thing the June 25th report "may" include is the time of death according to the emergency staff. Other than that, I don't see where there are any true benefits with acquiring the June 25th report and I definitely don't see how it could help with any allowance claim. Time of death may be helpful with their "picture" lawsuit.

The hospital report will be sort of basic as far as medical history goes. Their main purpose was to save Michael's life, not to determine the true cause of his death.

Oxman was asking for way more records. I figured the Judge was going to give him limited access, which doesn't amount to much, in my opinion.

the official time of death is PM 2:26. all procedures before PM 2:26 are lifeguards procedures and protected by confidentiality?
The only thing the June 25th report "may" include is the time of death according to the emergency staff. Other than that, I don't see where there are any true benefits with acquiring the June 25th report and I definitely don't see how it could help with any allowance claim. Time of death may be helpful with their "picture" lawsuit.

Same here. I think the whole time of death thing might be what this is about, Jermaine said himself and the family think Michael was dead waaaaay before arriving at the hospital... and if so this gives them other concerns obviously to do with Murray's actions that day.
The only people who can file a wrongful death lawsuit is Katherine and the children. His heir Joe Jackson is not an heir.
the official time of death is PM 2:26. all procedures before PM 2:26 are lifeguards procedures and protected by confidentiality?

as far as I know emergency life saving procedures are protected by confidentiality even though the patient was not able to communicate (unconscious etc) and/or dies during/ soon after the efforts.
Thanks for answering but I still don't get it.. how can they use these medical files to see how much money they need to file the suit?

Interesting the judge gave Joe access to the files, I see nothing wrong with it, but people here said he had no legal standing to see them. Guess he did, or Katherine supported him?

he's not entitled to see all records because the judge is going to verify the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality before releasing them.
Oxman said the paramedics told him he was dead before arriving to the UCLA. But the doctors are the ones to decide when someone is dead ?
Overall I must say I'm loving Judge Beckloff. To me he seems like to put Michael's interests first.

First he's going to make sure that the records do not violate doctor-patient confidentiality before releasing them - good an unbiased third party will evaluate them.

Then if he releases them he just allows medical experts to review them but not copy them - good that means they cannot be leaked and not everyone gets to see them etc.

Furthermore he adds a confidentiality agreement stopping anyone that sees them to talk about them - wonderful he stops all interviews (tabloid stories) about Michael's health records and ensures that they will only be used for information and in a court of law.