Judge hears Joe Jackson's request for monthly allowance


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Joe Jackson was not included in son Michael Jackson's will
He says he has been dependent on Michael Jackson for years, monthly expenses are $15,000
Jackson brothers say they've been busy with reality TV show, not following parents' squabble

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A judge could decide Thursday if Michael Jackson's father -- who was not included in the pop star's will -- should get a monthly allowance from his estate.

The lead lawyer for the estate executors has said they would not oppose an allowance for Joe Jackson as long as his wife, who is a beneficiary, agrees.

Katherine Jackson, 79, supports her husband's request for a monthly allowance, her probate lawyer, Adam Streisand, said.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff set Thursday morning for a hearing on Joe Jackson's request.

His petition said the 81-year-old patriarch of the Jackson family has been financially dependent on Michael Jackson for years. It estimated his monthly expenses total $15,000.

Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

Michael's mother and his three children share an $86,000 monthly allowance.

Michael Jackson died June 25, 2009, from what the coroner ruled was "acute propofol intoxication." A criminal investigation is continuing.

A 2002 will placed Jackson's estate -- estimated to be in the hundreds of millions -- into a trust which benefits his mother, three children and charities to be chosen later.

Joe Jackson is pursuing a legal challenge of the will, but Beckloff ruled that he had no voice in the matter. That decision is now before a California appeals court.

Joe Jackson's lawyer Brian Oxman challenged Michael Jackson's signature on the will because it was dated on a day he was in New York, not Los Angeles as the document said.

Oxman is also challenging the fitness of John Branca and John McClain, the executors named in the will who now control the estate.

Katherine Jackson, who had engaged in a bitter challenge of her own against Branca and McClain, suddenly dropped her opposition at a hearing last month. It was a surprise to her husband's lawyer, who was in court to launch Joe Jackson's challenge.

"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Oxman told the judge. He said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court and accused her of reaching a secret deal.

Her lawyer fired back.

"That is not only baseless, but just a product of Mr. Oxman's imagination," Streisand said. There was no deal, and it was a surprise to the estate lawyers, he said.

Four of the Jackson sons, who are promoting the premiere of their reality show, declined to talk about the squabble.

"To be honest with you, we've been busy shooting this, and no we've not been following the estate," Marlon Jackson said.

"There's other family members that keep us abreast of what's going, the day-to-day details," Tito Jackson said.

"But we know what's going on," Jermaine Jackson said.

Marlon Jackson said he couldn't understand why the public is so interested in negative news about the Jackson family.

"You're busy getting your little Jackson fix, we're busy trying to finish our show. We're really not interested in that part," he said. "We're trying to keep things on a more positive front and move forward on that level, because there's so many positive things that has taken place with this family."

The Jackson brother's TV show -- "The Jackson's: A Family Dynasty" -- debuts on the A&E cable network Sunday night.
If Mj supported his father for many years, then I think it´s time for his brother and sisters to support their father now.
:doh: yea... come on Jermaine, step up and support your father. Why does Mike always have to do everything? :smilerolleyes: and that's all I'm gonna say about this before I get carried away.
His brothers want their father supported. That's great but why don't they support him financially-why is it always Michael that has to support everyone?
Jermaine - SHUT UP. If you want your daddy supported, then you give him money from YOUR estate.

Katherine - GO FOR YOURS!!!

If you feel out of the kindness of your heart to support the man FROM YOUR SHARE - the man who abandoned his responsibilities and a father & husband - to the point that MJ had to support YOU, then you go right ahead.

What it's going to boil down is Joe is going to sue Katherine for spousal support - just watch.
That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

HUH???? Jermaine is delusional.
ok, thats enough, if i ever see one more poster defend the monster jermaine i am gonna lose it.

Jermaine Jackson said "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate" W.T.H?!!!!! Joe Jackson created nothing but misery. I feel sick!:bugeyed

Joe Jackson was not included in son Michael Jackson's will
He says he has been dependent on Michael Jackson for years, monthly expenses are $15,000
Jackson brothers say they've been busy with reality TV show, not following parents' squabble

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A judge could decide Thursday if Michael Jackson's father -- who was not included in the pop star's will -- should get a monthly allowance from his estate.

The lead lawyer for the estate executors has said they would not oppose an allowance for Joe Jackson as long as his wife, who is a beneficiary, agrees.

Katherine Jackson, 79, supports her husband's request for a monthly allowance, her probate lawyer, Adam Streisand, said.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff set Thursday morning for a hearing on Joe Jackson's request.

His petition said the 81-year-old patriarch of the Jackson family has been financially dependent on Michael Jackson for years. It estimated his monthly expenses total $15,000.

Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

Michael's mother and his three children share an $86,000 monthly allowance.

Michael Jackson died June 25, 2009, from what the coroner ruled was "acute propofol intoxication." A criminal investigation is continuing.

A 2002 will placed Jackson's estate -- estimated to be in the hundreds of millions -- into a trust which benefits his mother, three children and charities to be chosen later.

Joe Jackson is pursuing a legal challenge of the will, but Beckloff ruled that he had no voice in the matter. That decision is now before a California appeals court.

Joe Jackson's lawyer Brian Oxman challenged Michael Jackson's signature on the will because it was dated on a day he was in New York, not Los Angeles as the document said.

Oxman is also challenging the fitness of John Branca and John McClain, the executors named in the will who now control the estate.

Katherine Jackson, who had engaged in a bitter challenge of her own against Branca and McClain, suddenly dropped her opposition at a hearing last month. It was a surprise to her husband's lawyer, who was in court to launch Joe Jackson's challenge.

"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Oxman told the judge. He said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court and accused her of reaching a secret deal.

Her lawyer fired back.

"That is not only baseless, but just a product of Mr. Oxman's imagination," Streisand said. There was no deal, and it was a surprise to the estate lawyers, he said.

Four of the Jackson sons, who are promoting the premiere of their reality show, declined to talk about the squabble.

"To be honest with you, we've been busy shooting this, and no we've not been following the estate," Marlon Jackson said.

"There's other family members that keep us abreast of what's going, the day-to-day details," Tito Jackson said.

"But we know what's going on," Jermaine Jackson said.

Marlon Jackson said he couldn't understand why the public is so interested in negative news about the Jackson family.

"You're busy getting your little Jackson fix, we're busy trying to finish our show. We're really not interested in that part," he said. "We're trying to keep things on a more positive front and move forward on that level, because there's so many positive things that has taken place with this family."

The Jackson brother's TV show -- "The Jackson's: A Family Dynasty" -- debuts on the A&E cable network Sunday night.

The Family gets "allowances" while the industry(moles and shillard control his $$$billions). Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Look for the "it was murder talk to disappear" with this latest pay off. Also look for more specials, tributes and honours($$$ that benefit the Jackson's) to be created by the Hollywood and Music Industry to insure a smiling:(:) Joe & Katherine for the cameras. While inside they know the truth.
HUH???? Jermaine is delusional.
That's the shit that pisses people off. Why do they (the brothers and Joe) feel like Michael's success AFTER the Jackson5/Jackson days has somethig to do with them? it didn't and they don't deserve all the credit they keep giving themselves. MJ worked HIS ass off to become what he became AFTER the Jackson's (the music group) became yesterday's news so they all need to go on...
"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

Out of all the stupid crapt that's comed out of Jermaine's mouth, this one is by far the worst!

He's so delusional it borderlines in plane insanity. Keep telling yourself that Jermaine, that Mike would have been nothing without Joe and your bros, we all know is BS.
That's the shit that pisses people off. Why do they (the brothers and Joe) feel like Michael's success AFTER the Jackson5/Jackson days has somethig to do with them? it didn't and they don't deserve all the credit they keep giving themselves. MJ worked HIS ass off to become what he became AFTER the Jackson's (the music group) became yesterday's news so they all need to go on...

well, the brothers are planning a tour. let's wait and see how good it sells. the reality might hit them hard.
"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."


Stupid, stupid, stupid! Its this kinda crap that just makes me angry. All Michael ever was to some people was a damn ATM machine! If Michael sat on his behind like some people did (yes you, Jermaine!) there would be no damn ESTATE!!!!

Why can't the other siblings support their father? and why was Michael the only one doing all the supporting????? baffles my mind I tell ya!:doh:
yeah, why does Michael have to STILL do it? let's see Janet step up to the plate and support her dad. a dad she DOES NOT think abused her or any of her siblings. :rolleyes:
Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

ooh no he didn't just say that!!
The Family gets "allowances" while the industry(moles and shillard control his $$$billions). Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Look for the "it was murder talk to disappear" with this latest pay off. Also look for more specials, tributes and honours($$$ that benefit the Jackson's) to be created by the Hollywood and Music Industry to insure a smiling:(:) Joe & Katherine for the cameras. While inside they know the truth.

Exactly! Too bad many are wasting time on making negative comments about members of the Jackson family or resorting in name calling of them in stead of shifting the focus to where it should be, maybe only then would fans be able to see what is really going on.

I have to stop there since i am not in the I.U. forum.
Jermaine - SHUT UP. If you want your daddy supported, then you give him money from YOUR estate.

Katherine - GO FOR YOURS!!!

If you feel out of the kindness of your heart to support the man FROM YOUR SHARE - the man who abandoned his responsibilities and a father & husband - to the point that MJ had to support YOU, then you go right ahead.

What it's going to boil down is Joe is going to sue Katherine for spousal support - just watch.



The judge should respect MJ's last wishes. No money for Joe or the brothers.

If MJ supported him all these years, the brothers should step up to the plate now.
The Family gets "allowances" while the industry(moles and shillard control his $$$billions). Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Look for the "it was murder talk to disappear" with this latest pay off. Also look for more specials, tributes and honours($$$ that benefit the Jackson's) to be created by the Hollywood and Music Industry to insure a smiling:(:) Joe & Katherine for the cameras. While inside they know the truth.

That is how Michael chose to do it. You have a problem with a man naming his friend & lawyer to control his estate.

It is his freaking' money...he had the right to dispose of it the way he saw fit. Those who don't like it can go to hell.

They should respect Michael last wishes. PERIOD.

Jermaine is the ultimate loser and attention whore. I cannot stand the man.
Now more than ever i'm glad MJ never reunited with his brothers on stage again. To say this is beyond ridiculous would be the understatement of the decade.
The Jacksons are on Access Hollywood tonight. And they basically called Michael a liar. They defended Joe and said he was NOT abusive.

They claimed MJ was the youngest one and he couldn't have understood what Joe Jackson was doing.

I want to vomit. It is official, I cannot stand any of the Jacksons.
Jermaine Jackson said it was ridiculous that his father even had to ask.

"That shouldn't even be," Jermaine Jackson told CNN. "The fact is my father is the estate. He created the estate."

He sounds just like Joseph. This idea of 'you're nothing without me'... :no:

"But we know what's going on," Jermaine Jackson said.

Yeah, I'll bet. You and Randy especially. :smilerolleyes:

Jermaine - SHUT UP. If you want your daddy supported, then you give him money from YOUR estate.

Katherine - GO FOR YOURS!!!

If you feel out of the kindness of your heart to support the man FROM YOUR SHARE - the man who abandoned his responsibilities and a father & husband - to the point that MJ had to support YOU, then you go right ahead.

What it's going to boil down is Joe is going to sue Katherine for spousal support - just watch.


Why don't one of these media people ask Jermaine why Joseph needs ridiculous amounts of money per month for his expenses when he is supporting himself ALONE? I hope the Judge thinks about this and remembers that a son left his father out of his will for a reason.

well, the brothers are planning a tour. let's wait and see how good it sells. the reality might hit them hard.

It will be very interesting to watch what happens with this tour.

yeah, why does Michael have to STILL do it? let's see Janet step up to the plate and support her dad. a dad she DOES NOT think abused her or any of her siblings. :rolleyes:

You know, its funny. Joe, in their opinion, was such a great father. Yet none of them want to support him. They want their DEAD brother to do it. I bet you they will be telling the MJ3 that it is their responsibility to support certain uncles and their grandfather. In fact, they may tell them they have to support the whole damn family except for Janet. :smilerolleyes:
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The Jacksons are on Access Hollywood tonight. And they basically called Michael a liar. They defended Joe and said he was NOT abusive.

They claimed MJ was the youngest one and he couldn't have understood what Joe Jackson was doing.

I want to vomit. It is official, I cannot stand any of the Jacksons.

Yeah he couldn't understand why Joe was throwing him up against a wall, holding him upside and pummeling him in his back and buttocks, or oiling his body to make the beatings more painful. :smilerolleyes: Lemme tell you.

They need to say NO COMMENT/I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT on these beating questions instead of lying and saying Joe wasn't abusive. Or make it clear: 'This is what I experienced with Joe. I don't want to talk about what Mike experienced.'

Somehow I feel they are even more bold with this abuse talk now that Mike is dead and can't give a rebuttal to their statements.
Yeah he couldn't understand why Joe was throwing him up against a wall, holding him upside and pummeling him in his back and buttocks, or oiling his body to make the beatings more painful. :smilerolleyes: Lemme tell you.

They need to say NO COMMENT/I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT on these beating questions instead of lying and saying Joe wasn't abusive. Or make it clear: 'This is what I experienced with Joe. I don't want to talk about what Mike experienced.'

Somehow I feel they are even more bold with this abuse talk now that Mike is dead and can't give a rebuttal to their statements.

Michael has called Joe an abusive parent since the Oprah interview. How come they are only now calling MJ a liar? Why did they not come forward back then, and after Bashir interview where MJ said the same thing he did on Oprah, and denied that Joe Jackson was ever abusive.

I will tell you why, they wouldn't have dared to contradict MJ because they were living off of him, now they have nothing to lose. They can call him a liar in front of the whole world and his three children, because MJ is not here to defend himself.

These people make me sick. No wonder MJ stayed the hell away from them. For his sanity, it was best.

I feel sorry for his poor children. They must be confused to hear their uncles dismiss their beloved dad's feeling or claim he was too young to understand abuse.
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Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's father will have to wait until next month before a judge decides whether he'll get a monthly allowance from the pop star's estate.

Joe Jackson, who was not included in his son's will, is asking for as much as $20,000 a month.

At a hearing Thursday, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff delayed arguments until January 28, because not all of the lawyers involved had been notified.

Beckloff also threw out a petition by a British woman who claims she was married to Michael Jackson when he died and is the mother of his three children.

Beckloff told Nona Paris Lola Jackson, who was on the phone from England, that her petition claiming the rights to Jackson's estate was "replete with deficiencies."

"You have no evidence you were married to Mr. Jackson," Beckloff said.

Her legal efforts to claim Jackson's children as her own began three years ago, but she filed her probate claim soon after his death last summer.

Billie Jean Jackson, another woman claiming to be the mother of Jackson's children, also was in court, but her long-standing claim was not heard.

The estate executors have not filed any objections to Joe Jackson's request for a monthly allowance, although lead lawyer Howard Weitzman did not rule out the possibility it would be contested.

1. After Michael's death, the family called him a druggie; The family also called him a liar cause Joe never abused him and Joe is the best father in the world;
2. From their perspective, Michael Jackson's success is all because of Joe Jackson and The jacksons. Without them, Michael Jackson was nothing. This is why they thought " Joe create estate" - Michael owed them!
3. When the fans around the world fight for Michael's justice, the jacksons are busy with grabbing money and challenging his will. by the way, they seems to forgive Murray already and blame on Michael himself.
4. when all the fans are still grieving and probably never recover, the Jacksons rush to sell their albums, tv shows, tribute and concerts at the "right time"... they benefit from Michael's death.

when you had the family like this, who needs enemies!
I want the kids away from these leeches so badly :(
what is their life going to be like? Money money money.

This family is just unbelievable.

Remember, he hasn't been dead 6 months! We got reality shows, interviews, legal crap. How can this not be effecting p p b? I'm almost at saturation point, the world doesn't care about the tacky jacksons. They haven't done anything for decades. Please just sit down.

Debbie! Go get your kids please