Jermaine talk about his brother,Michael Jackson.

LOL. Stop lying. Did you not read that thread about the statement MJ release about the J5 reunion? Weren't you the main one having a field day trashing the guy?

Man, I love the back comments of some folks. As far as I am concern, I rather have Jermaine used MJ than a former Hollywood legend using MJ to spice up her already dead career.

Just saying.

What are you annoyed(sp) about? WHAT? This man can say whatever the hell he wants to say about his brother. Let him be. Damn. Jermaine does not need a seal of approval from MJ fans just to speak about his brother. If Mike was my brother, Imma tell ewveryone about it because I know my brother is the ish! It is not BS if people state that some people here do hate Jermaine. It is not. It is how it is percieve. You do not have to like the man. Let Jermaine, David Gest, anyone that is gonna have REAL TALK about MJ name drop all they want. I rather read the TRUTH than BS from former Hollywood "legends". Period. BTW, MJ does not need defending? What do you do when you come on this board everyday when people state things about Mike you can't swallow and accept, Nicole? You defend him. So, don't hate on his brother for defending him. Anyone that is not involve with the MJ fan community are not gonna take seriously what a fan says about MJ. They are gonna listen to the brother or the true friend or the family member. Why? Because they were there. So Jermaine, Randy, Tito, LaToya, Janet, Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Marlon, Joseph, and others can say whatever the hell they wanna say about Mike whether we hate it or not.

You ever get the feeling you're one of the kids from "Peanuts" and there's this annoying "wha, wha, wah" in the background?

Liz hater.
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Well what other reason would someone have to constantly hate on Elizabeth Taylor? Hmmm, gee, I can't think of any. I have a feeling she's a lot closer to Michael then Jermaine. Just a feeling, but whatever. I'm sure someone who was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world and who is exceptionally gifted really cares what nasty little trolls think, lol.
No sh*t Sherlock, lol. A useless and unassociated comparison, unless of course you're just looking for any opportunity to rag on somebody.
I know, but dag nab it, it's hard for me, you know that!? lol. It only makes it worse when you're constantly harrassed by the same LOS _________ fill in the blank.

same ol' back and forth bitchiness....

Get on topic or move on.....

and lay off Liz Taylor thankyou she has nothing to do with this topic and I'm not going to accept disrespectful little jabs thrown in for the fun of it.

move right along
Nicole, go and VOTE! LOL. The truth hurts.

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Jermaine said that Michael is a strict father???
What he wants?More scandals,bad rumors?
What the hell he doing?GO,JERMAINE!GO TO DUBAI!FAST!
Talk about your life,projects(?),YOUR kids....Forget it the MJ's life,please.
I really don't see any reason why he has to talk about MJ all the time.