Jermaine talk about his brother,Michael Jackson.

You know the craziest thing is that we as fans talk alot about Michael in our general day to day interactions, whether it be his music, his scandals or his personal life (as we know it). Yet, when a person like Jermaine, a living relative (Not just any relative, but a "sibling"), does the very same some fans take the offensive. Really makes no sense. As if we are closer or more privied to discuss Michael than those who truly know him personally all his life and love him unconditionally. I am not questioning any one's unconditional admiration for MJ, but come on this is his kin, his blood, his brother! Just like this quote above... do we really think it unlikely and impossible for Jermaine to know his nephews and neice better than us? C'mon now people!!!

Thank you.

Michael, but at the moment, no one is even attacking Michael and he doesn't need defending.

I didn't mean that he was really defending him as if Michael was attacked. I was saying that if he was doing anything that is what he was doing. Who cares if he commented on Michael's children? He did not say anything that was way out there about their private lives that was out of line.

And as I said. Some people on this board do the very same. And as SeanK said, a lot of people talk as if they personally know what Michael is like and how his life goes. But when someone that might actually have a clue comments on it, they have a problem.

When people say "I bet Michael is angry at Jermaine". How do you know that? Again its funny how opinion around here is often misinterpreted as fact. They're family for crying out loud. I think its obvious that some fans are angry and no one else.

And even if Michael was angry I believe that is interfering in his personal family life...after all shouldn't Michael be the one to come out and flat out say "I'm angry at Jermaine" what makes this any better than what Jermaine is supposedly doing so wrong?

Not referring to all of course.
I'm happy for the little insight.... I had imagined his kids to be like that *smiles* but it's getting kinda tiring to hear Jermaine go on and on about his lil. bro. I know the media always bring Michael up but he doesn't have to answer on a frequent basis... if someone deserves some privacy it's Mike and his kids :)
Thank you.

I didn't mean that he was really defending him as if Michael was attacked. I was saying that if he was doing anything that is what he was doing. Who cares if he commented on Michael's children? He did not say anything that was way out there about their private lives that was out of line.

And as I said. Some people on this board do the very same. And as SeanK said, a lot of people talk as if they personally know what Michael is like and how his life goes. But when someone that might actually have a clue comments on it, they have a problem.

When people say "I bet Michael is angry at Jermaine". How do you know that? Again its funny how opinion around here is often misinterpreted as fact. They're family for crying out loud. I think its obvious that some fans are angry and no one else.

And even if Michael was angry I believe that is interfering in his personal family life...after all shouldn't Michael be the one to come out and flat out say "I'm angry at Jermaine" what makes this any better than what Jermaine is supposedly doing so wrong?

Not referring to all of course.

I didn't say "I bet". I said I wouldn't be surprised. He just needs to learn that he doesn't speak for Michael and quit commiting him to projects he has no interest in. Jermiane's track record regaring knowing what's going on in Michael's life isn't very good and that's what people are basing their disbelife of him on. The only person who is able to speak about Michael's personal life, or his career, accurately is Michael himself.
I comprehended what Jermaine had to say was leaning more toward the positive than the "negative".

I didn't detect any reason for anyone to be morally upset about it.

I feel it's all based on truth. Michael may be strict in his parenting, or he may just have great kids who don't need great parenting... NO ...all kids need great parenting and sometimes being a little strict is one way to get a well behaved child...without having to beat them.

It's utterly sad how controversy get started. Opinions can be dangerous in the minds of frivolous thinking. Yes, I said that.

I don't understand the posting of what Jermaine had to say and then criticizing him for it.

I can't do that. It's a pointless endeavor.
You know the craziest thing is that we as fans talk alot about Michael in our general day to day interactions, whether it be his music, his scandals or his personal life (as we know it). Yet, when a person like Jermaine, a living relative (Not just any relative, but a "sibling"), does the very same some fans take the offensive. Really makes no sense. As if we are closer or more privied to discuss Michael than those who truly know him personally all his life and love him unconditionally. I am not questioning any one's unconditional admiration for MJ, but come on this is his kin, his blood, his brother! Just like this quote above... do we really think it unlikely and impossible for Jermaine to know his nephews and neice better than us? C'mon now people!!!

:clapping:yes well said..i still don't understand why ppl get offended when jermaine talks about mj (even if it is the media who instigate the questions)...he his brother afterall and knows himbest...better than any of the speculating fans who like to think they know mj when they will never know him as well as his siblings do...there is no need for ppl to get so defensive on michaels behalf....(michael may not even be offended by jermaine talking about him or a planned j5 tour)........jermaine is not some stranger talking about mj to get famous or make money...he is simply anwering the questions that reporters ask since michael doesn't give interviews himself very much....

And what is the problem about jermaine announcing a j5 tour and saying that michael was going to participate? There was probably miscommunication on the brothers behalf...but i don't think it was meant to be anyting sinister...I don't think he was forcing michael at all...michael is a grown man and will not be pressured to do anything he doesn't want and we know that from his i said it was probably miscommunication
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I comprehended what Jermaine had to say was leaning more toward the positive than the "negative".

I didn't detect any reason for anyone to be morally upset about it.

I feel it's all based on truth. Michael may be strict in his parenting, or he may just have great kids who don't need great parenting... NO ...all kids need great parenting and sometimes being a little strict is one way to get a well behaved child...without having to beat them.

It's utterly sad how controversy get started. Opinions can be dangerous in the minds of frivolous thinking. Yes, I said that.

I don't understand the posting of what Jermaine had to say and then criticizing him for it.

I can't do that. It's a pointless endeavor.
And so what if he talks about a jackson 5/ family reunion? Why are ppl so opposed to it..and talk him down everytime he suggests one?

I'm not opposed to a Jackson 5 reunion. I think it could be great, to be honest. I'm not sure it would have a great impact worldwide, but certainly it could be huge in the US. So as far as I'm concerned, they can record and tour if they want to.

The problem lies in the fact, and it's repeated so many times, but somehow that point doesn't seem to come across: over a long period of time, for at least twelve years now, in interviews, Jermaine claims there will be a full reunion with an album and a tour, with Michael involved. It's always 'we are going to, Michael is involved', and it never happened. Still, he continues to make these claims time and time again.

Now, Michael has made a clear statement that he is not involved in any reunion. Yes, he said 'at this time'. So who knows, but my guess is that he's just being diplomatic about it. It should be a sign for Jermaine however, to quit talking about a reunion in the way he does, claiming Michael is involved in a new project when he obviously isn't.

Now, as far as raising the kids is concerned: I have no knowledge at all about if or when Jermaine sees the kids and/or Michael. So I can't make any remarks about that.

And what is the problem about jermaine announcing a j5 tour and saying that michael was going to participate? There was probably miscommunication on the brothers behalf.

That's a bit naive I think. Making claims for over 12 years is a huge miscommunication then.
The problem lies in the fact, and it's repeated so many times, but somehow that point doesn't seem to come across: over a long period of time, for at least twelve years now, in interviews, Jermaine claims there will be a full reunion with an album and a tour, with Michael involved. It's always 'we are going to, Michael is involved', and it never happened. Still, he continues to make these claims time and time again.

that wha u said is right
I comprehended what Jermaine had to say was leaning more toward the positive than the "negative".

I didn't detect any reason for anyone to be morally upset about it.
i think the reactions here are more to do with the day-old MJ denial over Jermz's tour talks than anything else - that's the source of what you call "frivolous thinking". if that didn't happen, i don't tink you'd get as many exaggerated responses in here.
I don't see the big deal in this at all. Jermaine obviously means MJ is doing the RIGHT things Joseph did as a parent.

He's also been a staunch supporter of his brother, and if he wants to talk about him in an interview where they likely approached him first, who cares? Other than the tour thing, he's pretty vague about things.
without causing a stir.....there some things here I just dont get...why is it "fashionable" to dislike certain people just because you get the impression this what should happen........

there is plenty of messing around from all sides, so how come most "fans" are so well informed to know the insideouts of what is happening in the Jackson family....

there is nothing wrong with Jermaine in my humble opinion, he is actually a very down to earth person...I am glad he is, was in Sydney for a few days! Thanks Jermaine, come back soon! Peace
I don't see the big deal in this at all. Jermaine obviously means MJ is doing the RIGHT things Joseph did as a parent.

He's also been a staunch supporter of his brother, and if he wants to talk about him in an interview where they likely approached him first, who cares? Other than the tour thing, he's pretty vague about things.
yep, and some of us here are pretending to know better than the children's own uncle lol ridiculous.
Nobody seemed to have a problem when MJ's trial was going on and Jermaine was telling everyone under the sun his brother was innocent and a great father. What's the difference?
Michael seemed to mind that Jermaine was all over tv at the time. Remember when he told everyone to shut up? I think that included his brother.
I thought he was talking about people speaking on his behalf (members and former members of his camp who were issuing statements without his permission or passing things off as fact). Jermaine never spoke on MJ's behalf.
Nobody seemed to have a problem when MJ's trial was going on and Jermaine was telling everyone under the sun his brother was innocent and a great father. What's the difference?

well said...back then of couse everyone was saying oh whatever Jermaine says is excellent...thank you Jermaine etc...since then it became fashionable not like Jermaine ...

well I salute Jermaine, I think he is great and I thank him for speaking about MJ once a year! Thanks Jermaine it was great to have you in Sydney u are great down to earth guy keep on rocking!:punk:
You guys really need to stop saying people who are annoyed with him constantly dropping Michael's name hate him. That's BS. I don't hate Jermaine at all. I think he's talented and a nice guy, but he obviously is overstepping his bounds. I didn't want anyone saying anything about Michael during the trial because it was such a sensitive time.
I thought he was talking about people speaking on his behalf (members and former members of his camp who were issuing statements without his permission or passing things off as fact). Jermaine never spoke on MJ's behalf.

Exactly..that was the impression i got anyway...
In my view, saying he's raising them like Joseph is speaking on his behalf when Michael has said he's raising them the opposite way. Just saying he's a good dad would be one thing, that would be an opinion, but saying how he's raising them is speaking for him.
That would be opposite of speaking on his behalf...

Without arguing semantics, speaking on someone's behalf is meant to give the impression that what you are saying is coming from the person being spoke about. "MJ wants you all to know that he's doing fine" would be speaking on his behalf, "My brother is doing fine" is just giving an opinion.
I always thought the brothers respected the way they were brought up by Joe. Wasn't it simply the manipulation of editing that made it come across that Joe had a 100% negative effect on Michael? Jermaine commenting that he is bringing them up the same way as their father is probably meant as a sincere compliment to his brother and nothing more.
Well you've contradicted yourself then because he never said "Michael wanted me to let you know he's recording and performing with us" he just said "Michael is recording and performing with us", but you called that speaking on Michael's behalf.
Well you've contradicted yourself then because he never said "Michael wanted me to let you know he's recording and performing with us" he just said "Michael is recording and performing with us", but you called that speaking on Michael's behalf.

No, I agreed with you on that. I'm talking about this article where he talks about MJ's parenting.