Jermaine Jackson Concert to Include Special Dedication to Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson

man if this was Michael the pics and info would of been out already. The family hasn't given any info or pics just Jermaine did great. I miss Michaelmania
JErmaine is certainly no dancer, performer, entertainer that's for sure.
I should say - posthumous Michaelmania is gone.
And it has to do a lot with tributes, especially regarding Jermaine, do you remember the tributes in EU? Nothing happened, there was the lack of interest from fans, + PR failure... and so on.
Thats what I mean.

and... with the most fans in history of music.... well, if at least 4 mill. albums are going to sold in the USA and globally at least 10 mill. - that will be the support I would be expecting...

The response to the so-called tribute shows was lukewarm not because people lose interest in Michael, but because of the poor event organizations.

I'd buy everything Michael Jackson I can afford, provided the quality of the product is good and the image of Michael is not inappropriately taken advantage from. But, I have zero interest in the tribute show organized by Jermaine. I support Michael, but I don't support people who profit from him.

People always have interest in Michael. Actually, people never lose interest in Michael. The genius drew people's attention when he was only 10 years old and the genius still draws people attention after his time on earth. Don't you see how the media loves to throw Michael's name here and there to gain publicity? All other artists dream to have Michael's aura and charisma.

It's human nature. People are attracted to talents. People are not interested in the other Jackson siblings (except Janet) careers, not becasue they don't care Michael anymore, but because the brothers talents are mediocre.

But still, fans really need to set their expectaions on any new Michael Jackson album to a reasonable level. 4 million copies in the U.S. and 10 million copies worldwide are wishful thinking. Eminem's album, Recovery, sold 2.6 million copies in the U.S. in 2010 and it's considered a HUGE success. Lady Gaga sold 6 million copies album worldwide and she's hailed as the Queen of Pop thesedays.

Michael's albums will sell well. He's in a league of his own afterall. But, he really doesn't need to prove anything now. He achieved the impossibles when he was among us. Even if he's not selling another record, he is still considered the most successful ever.
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This is a review by Theresa Gonsalves

Willing to give Jermaine Jackson - One More Chance (My review)

Since everyone keeps asking me my opinion of the Jermaine Jackson concert, I thought it best to just write a note for all. And remember, it's only my opinion...

I have seen the Jackson's perform live 20 shows, Michael 4 shows and Jermaine Jackson alone at the Universal Amphitheater and Janet three times. I have supported all of the Jackson's and I still have Jackie's solo album, Marlon's solo album and Latoya's solo album and even the Jackson Five Going Back to Indiana album! I went to all of the Jackson's softball games for ten years and even rode in the limo with them in a cavalcade when we (yes, I said we...I considered myself a team, played against Magic Johnson's team in San Diego. And most of you know I had a friendship with Michael for many many years. Does that make me a Jackson expert? LOL...I don't think so, but I am going to be as honest as I can be about the concert in Las Vegas on October 2nd. I in no way went expecting to see an impersonation of Michael Jackson. I didn't know the show was touted to be a tribute show to Michael. It just said 40 years of Jackson music. I knew the brothers were suppose to be there and they didn't disappoint, except for Marlon. Michael's kids were there, but I didn't see them personally, but saw a bunch of kids in general. Yes I saw Ms. Kate and Joe, etc.

I think I was a little thrown off when I first walked towards the auditorium because I saw hardly any Black people. Don't take it personal, no pun intended (he didnt sing that song either), I just expected to see more because we have known and supported the Jackson's since 1969. I guess because it was kind of like when you see a Temptation expect to see at least some of us. But I also knew that a lot of the tickets were given away or sold 2 for the price of one because of slow ticket sales. I would say the sales were slow because there was very little promotion. But the tickets were given away to the wrong audience. An audience that knows the music, makes it better for the performer.

At 8:45, it was stated that everyone who was going to be there was there and since this was being taped for Pay per View they needed the seats to be filled in and told everyone to move to the front empty seats and even told the balcony people to come downstairs to fill in the blank seats. Needless to say that caused mayhem as then those late people, whose seats were now taken, all of a sudden appeared from nowhere. Seems they were the only ones who knew the show, slated to begin at 8, was actually scheduled to begin after 9. One group of these people were said to be the producers. That annoyed me in itself. Fortunately we already had good seats. Okay the show begins...

With no announcement the show begins with Michael's Planet Earth Poem. At hearing his voice, of course, several girls in our row begin to cry and shout, "We love you Michael." After that Jermaine starts the show with Can You Feel It! Now I didnt remember that, I just had to ask my friend who was with me. Jermaine seemed out of breath after the first song...why, I wondered. Okay a little rusty. I am not going to go into every single detail....but let me just say the show lacked luster. Where was the glitz and pizazz of Las Vegas? Hell not just of Las Vegas, but of the Jacksons? He looked good in the outfits, I can say that. And he didn't sound too bad singing Michael's songs...well with the exception of the fast songs in which his voice was drowned out by the band so you couldn't hear his singing anyway. There was no dancing from Jermaine and the dancers just didn't fit. I don't want to knock the young dancers. They just didn't fit and their outfits...cant call them costumes...were just dull. We all wondered why Jermaine's wife came on the stage for Lady in my Life. It was unnecessary and irrelevant...oops, sorry that is his wife, but I wasn't feeling the love. I will say that his voice sounded DAMN GOOD on Daddy's Home! But yet in the end I wondered what happened to I FOUND THAT GIRL and That's How Love Goes. He ended the show on a tumultuous note. Everyone in Vegas comes out for an encore and we expected nothing less as we clapped and yelled and were encouraged to do so by the MC...."If you yell louder, you can get Jermaine to come back!" We did...but I guess he just didn't hear us. He didn't come back to take that final bow or give us the closing we anticipated. Oh and speaking of anticipation, I know with all the brothers there we all, myself included, expected them to get up on that stage for at least the three most infamous Jackson Five medley. But they weren't having that either. By the way, I am still wondering who the little girl is that sang I'll Be There with Jermaine? He didn't introduce her nor did we get introduced to the band. That would simply have been the proper thing to do.

I am not faulting Jermaine for this performance that found him at times, literally just standing there seeming lost and confused unless he had his guitar in hand. I am faulting his management as well as the promoters. He wasnt ready. I wondered why Autumn and Jermaine Jr twittered they decided not to do the show two days before the event. I needn't wonder any longer. They knew he wasnt ready. What we really want to see is the Jackson guys together. I would speculate and I am only speculating, that Jermaine's management feels that because he is the only lead that he should go it alone. I don't agree with that perception and again, I state, I am just speculating. I also fault the CHOSEN audience. Most of them older then me...I'll be 52 this November. This older audience was sixty something and didnt have a clue to the Jackson music or Jermaine's music. Some of them walked out during the show. I looked around at their expressions, some with their eyes closed. There were also guys in back of me shouting, "You're not Michael" or "You're trying to channel Michael". I really didn't like that. I never felt at any time he was trying to be. I get that he wants to give us a good show. I say, come on Jermaine, at least give us a show, not the rehearsal. I paid full price for my ticket. I didnt use to have to do that!

I had the opportunity to meet some of the money behind the show afterward. This gentleman just happened to stop me for some strange reason, tapping me on the shoulder and asked my opinion of the show. I gave it....funny thing he said, when he walked in, albeit late like a lot of people, he wondered why people were walking out during the middle of the concert. Okay, maybe they had other engagements to get to and this show had started more than an hour later than it was suppose to. Good thing I ran into this guy, he gave us VIP treatment into the after party. The doorman told him to stand in line...he said, "I don't do lines"...he waved his hand and yeah..we were let in! I like that!

But okay Jermaine, I am willing to give you one more chance! Although I would rather see all the guys together!

And people's only MY opinion.

Much Love,

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Let me correct you whoever said that the posthumous Michaelmania is gone.

Michaelmania has never truly been gone, it's Jermainemania that has NEVER EXISTED. People don't want to see Jermaine because he's completely talentless and is cleary just living off of his brother, thinking he deserves the same kind of respect and adulation, but without working for it. Not gonna happen. Are you aware that this is the same guy that once made a douchebag statement saying he could've been a legend like Michael if he only had the right timing like he did? HA! Michael was born a star, no timing involved.
thee theresa?


For those who don't know, she is the 'Billie Jean' who would pride herself and still prides herself on being the one who inspired the song and claimed Michael was the father of one of her sons. From what she keeps saying (I've read an interview of hers on a site) is that she was sexually involved with Michael and gives these graphic, Romonica-Harris-like details that creep one out. Including that Michael responded to almost every letter of hers. In "Michael Jackson: The Secret Childhood" tarnishing documentary, she tells a whole different story, that when they met in New York during The Wiz, he spoke to her about what it's like being a JW and that he can't share himself romantically (yet) (and might I add... with a stalker like her, who would?...), and that he was sort of distant with her (again, who would blame him?), and she couldn't understand that, thus alluding to him being gay. And she added some derogatory comments that you could tell were coming from a spiteful, disapointed person. And now, here she is back with the same - now flourished stories of her 'sex life and friendship with him'. Michael attracted all... species.

Sorry about the off-topic... But I've seen some people defending her, including a pro-Michael investigative website that lowered itself by interviewing this woman's tell-tales and believing her. ..Which is just humorous. Not to mention disrespectful. I wonder if she got any help... I'm not being mean, just perplexed about people like these.
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Pictures from vegas







This is a review by Theresa Gonsalves

I am not faulting Jermaine for this performance that found him at times, literally just standing there seeming lost and confused unless he had his guitar in hand. I am faulting his management as well as the promoters. He wasnt ready.

I have not idea who Ms. Gonsalves is, but I disagree with her when she puts the lack of a good show on the management and the promoters, but spares putting blame on the actual performer.

Jermaine is a grown man and should have known HIMSELF, that he was not ready to do this "type" of show in Las Vegas. I'm guessing that his huge ego would not allow him to think such a thing. In my opinion, Jermaine just bit off more than he could chew in this particular instance.

It must have broken his heart when he found out they had to give tickets away and/or sell them 2-for-1.
I don't like Jermaine at all but I'm still sad to know his concert sold so poorly, considering Michael's children were there.. I don't want them to think their daddy is no longer popular or something :(
This older audience was sixty something and didnt have a clue to the Jackson music or Jermaine's music. Some of them walked out during the show. I looked around at their expressions, some with their eyes closed. There were also guys in back of me shouting, "You're not Michael" or "You're trying to channel Michael". I really didn't like that. I never felt at any time he was trying to be.

That is completely inappropriate. I hope the family members who attended didn't hear any of that.
I don't like Jermaine at all but I'm still sad to know his concert sold so poorly, considering Michael's children were there.. I don't want them to think their daddy is no longer popular or something :(
What does Jermaine's lack of success to do with Michael Jackson and him not being popular, I'm sure they are aware of the fact, that they father is the successful one, in that family.
Too Bad for the kids.

They will never see their father, the greatest entertainer of this century on stage.

They must now, just go to see some of his brothers, who are not entertainers at all.

Too Bad for them.
What does Jermaine's lack of success to do with Michael Jackson and him not being popular, I'm sure they are aware of the fact, that they father is the successful one, in that family.

Because this was supposed to be a tribute concert to their dad and it didn't even sell out half the stadium. Now I know, as most fans do, that this has nothing to do with MJ's popularity but rather with Jermaine's reputation and poor promotion/organisation, but will the kids understand this? I doubt they realize how negatively some people in their family are perceived by the general public. I wish they could have seen Spike Lee's tribute concert, or another well-organized event to celebrate MJ's legacy instead of Jermaine's sad attempt to revive his career :(
Because this was supposed to be a tribute concert to their dad and it didn't even sell out half the stadium. Now I know, as most fans do, that this has nothing to do with MJ's popularity but rather with Jermaine's reputation and poor promotion/organisation, but will the kids understand this? I doubt they realize how negatively some people in their family are perceived by the general public. I wish they could have seen Spike Lee's tribute concert, or another well-organized event to celebrate MJ's legacy instead of Jermaine's sad attempt to revive his career :(

Well I think it was more of just regular concert with a special dedication to Michael. I don't Michael's kids are equating popularity of their father to the amount of people showing up to a Jermaine Jackson concert. They went because it's their uncle and they just wanna show their support I guess, also a bunch of their cousins probably went with them so...They know how colossally popular their father is..No need to worry about that.
No one in their right mind would attribute Jermaine Jackson's lack of success with a lack of interest in Michael. The two are irreconcilably different, always have been, and always will be. The simple truth is that Jermaine lacks any sort of musical or dancing talent, has no personality whatsoever, and is an overall poor entertainer. Moreover, who couldn't see through the facade? A Michael Jackson tribute, organized by none other than Jermaine Jackson himself, who was always jealous of his brother... It would be less suspicious if it was Janet who was doing the tribute. It just smacks to a lot of people like Jermaine is (once again) riding his brother's coat-tails in order to obtain a share of the limelight. It's inauthentic and certainly not heartfelt. I'm not Jermaine, so I can't speak for certain, but that's the impression I get.

Lastly, his posing with impersonators just gets me the wrong way. I know if someone I loved was dead, I'd feel uncomfortable/emotional being alongside someone who's impersonating them. It would be too much for me. However, Jermaine appears chipper and comfortable...

I hope PPB don't take the lack of sales the wrong way. Then again, they were there to witness their uncle make a fool of himself on stage. It should be pretty obvious why only about half the stadium's worth of seats were sold. They've seen their daddy's performance footage, and now they've seen Jermaine. Compare and contrast, baby, and you get worlds' worth of difference.
all they have to do is watch they dad's concerts and see how he brought seas of people together

It would be. At least she has talent. Sure, there'd be a dubious element there, but at least Janet is a success by herself. The same can't be said about Jermaine.

In other words, Janet can have a concert with good turnout just with her own music. She wouldn't need to make it a "Michael Jackson tribute" for it to have that good turnout. Enough people admire her music as it is. Jermaine has no such fanbase, so he rides on the coat-tails of Michael and attempts to sway his fanbase by making a "tribute" which everyone can see is insincere.
No one in their right mind would attribute Jermaine Jackson's lack of success with a lack of interest in Michael. The two are irreconcilably different, always have been, and always will be. The simple truth is that Jermaine lacks any sort of musical or dancing talent, has no personality whatsoever, and is an overall poor entertainer. Moreover, who couldn't see through the facade? A Michael Jackson tribute, organized by none other than Jermaine Jackson himself, who was always jealous of his brother... It would be less suspicious if it was Janet who was doing the tribute. It just smacks to a lot of people like Jermaine is (once again) riding his brother's coat-tails in order to obtain a share of the limelight. It's inauthentic and certainly not heartfelt. I'm not Jermaine, so I can't speak for certain, but that's the impression I get.

Lastly, his posing with impersonators just gets me the wrong way. I know if someone I loved was dead, I'd feel uncomfortable/emotional being alongside someone who's impersonating them. It would be too much for me. However, Jermaine appears chipper and comfortable...

I hope PPB don't take the lack of sales the wrong way. Then again, they were there to witness their uncle make a fool of himself on stage. It should be pretty obvious why only about half the stadium's worth of seats were sold. They've seen their daddy's performance footage, and now they've seen Jermaine. Compare and contrast, baby, and you get worlds' worth of difference.

I hope you're right :)
No one in their right mind would attribute Jermaine Jackson's lack of success with a lack of interest in Michael. The two are irreconcilably different, always have been, and always will be. The simple truth is that Jermaine lacks any sort of musical or dancing talent, has no personality whatsoever, and is an overall poor entertainer. Moreover, who couldn't see through the facade? A Michael Jackson tribute, organized by none other than Jermaine Jackson himself, who was always jealous of his brother...It just smacks to a lot of people like Jermaine is (once again) riding his brother's coat-tails in order to obtain a share of the limelight. It's inauthentic and certainly not heartfelt. I'm not Jermaine, so I can't speak for certain, but that's the impression I get.

Lastly, his posing with impersonators just gets me the wrong way. I know if someone I loved was dead, I'd feel uncomfortable/emotional being alongside someone who's impersonating them. It would be too much for me. However, Jermaine appears chipper and comfortable...

I hope PPB don't take the lack of sales the wrong way. Then again, they were there to witness their uncle make a fool of himself on stage. It should be pretty obvious why only about half the stadium's worth of seats were sold. They've seen their daddy's performance footage, and now they've seen Jermaine. Compare and contrast, baby, and you get worlds' worth of difference.
So very true.
Because this was supposed to be a tribute concert to their dad and it didn't even sell out half the stadium. Now I know, as most fans do, that this has nothing to do with MJ's popularity but rather with Jermaine's reputation and poor promotion/organisation, but will the kids understand this? I doubt they realize how negatively some people in their family are perceived by the general public. I wish they could have seen Spike Lee's tribute concert, or another well-organized event to celebrate MJ's legacy instead of Jermaine's sad attempt to revive his career :(

I was there and the stadium was full with only a few empty gaps. Its a 7000 seat stadium. I could care less about that. It was a decent show and I'm sure the kids only heard the love that was being outpoured during the show. We were there to celebrate their father and the family as well as the fans were up on their feet dancing. Maybe Jermaine personally felt like a failure because he and his management would know the details of the ticket sales but this was hardly promoted. He just needs to get out there more and polish his act. He did seem sincere when talking about Michael and except for Word To The Bad which was ages ago, Jermaine has always been there to defend his brother. Jermaine doesn't go around calling Michael a drug addict and being disrespectful in order to please the media he is talking to so I'm not sure why people are hating on him.
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