Jermaine Jackson Announces His Endorsement of The Largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the World

If I would have seen "Diana Ross and Gladys Knight support this tribute", I would have been much happier, especially if it had been Diana. Most MJ fans love and respect Diana for Michael loves her so much. Mrs. Knight is simply wonderful and she discovered the J5, etc.

So... maybe we should concentrate on them and forget about Jermaine, if we are not happy with his involvement. I do hope this tribute is a major success, since it is truly global and free, and it is open to every MJ fan with web access. How many tributes out there can claim so? I live so far from the main cities having tributes, that it is dissapointing that I can never actually be part of those. But this tribute is different, so please, we have to support it.

Let's do it as we always do: for Michael :)

I am in the rare minority that don't worship Ms. Ross among the fans. :D Miss Knigt, I respect her talent but I'm not fond of her either... =p

Besides, it will feel weird if they actually sponsored this event.

Anyways, I agree with your comments about Jermaine though. Jermaine's name is just controversial among MJ fans... I just hope that this tribute remains exactly as they claim it- a tribute to the great Michael Jackson. It would be in bad class if Jermaine actually promotes something else in the show.

Jermaine needs to understand, that we are Michael's fans, we are not his fans. So, people will not be as forgiving as they are with Michael.
I am in the rare minority that don't worship Ms. Ross among the fans. :D Miss Knigt, I respect her talent but I'm not fond of her either... =p

You see? We are all so different and when it is said the right way, there's nothing wrong. I just respect Ms. Ross for MJ, since to be honest, I know nothing about her. I do like Miss Knight very much!!

Anyways, I agree with your comments about Jermaine though. Jermaine's name is just controversial among MJ fans... I just hope that this tribute remains exactly as they claim it- a tribute to the great Michael Jackson. It would be in bad class if Jermaine actually promotes something else in the show.

I hope this won't be the case. Unfortunately, as I have always been a fan of MJ, not of his family, I had little info about J. I see many fans love him and respect him because they have known him ever since the J5. I was not a fan of the J5, I just discovered the group because of MJ, so I might be unawared of much about J.

The sad thing it's the "Vienna" issue is still so fresh... that was really very dissapointing to me :(
I'd hate to be a member of the Jackson family. Certain people will always find an excuse to hate on you. You honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. You don't honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. Seems Jermaine can't win either way.

Yes I'm with you on your post. Great point.
Okay so now after reading all this negativity and arguing about Jermaine, I have to go read the first post because I forgot the details of the main topic here.
This tribute sounds great.

I will focus on the event and just try to forget Jermaine. :)
I've asked you guys previously to stop this, please. We don't need this kind of negativity towards each other.

Mod, I truly wish you would just shut it down. Most of the comments are way off topic and the humanitarian aspect of the endeavor has been lost. This is nothing more than a bunch of " HATE JERMAINE JACKSON" wank. Truly a bunch of noise that serves no purpose. NEXT.

Now on Topic of the post.

I am happy that 60 inner city children will get an opportunity to see The King of Pop creating what would have been one of the best tours ever. And to walk down a red carpet I just can't imagine how exciting that will be for them.

My dot is over MJ's cheek somewhere.
Jermaine needs to understand, that we are Michael's fans, we are not his fans.

Originally Posted by Victoria83
I am still stinging over his statement "I was Michael's voice and his backbone." I find that insulting to Michael, who had his OWN voice and his OWN courage.


I cannot stand Jermaine. He is a hypocrite. And no, he was not MJ's backbone. Stop fooling yourself Terrell, there is a reason MJ stayed away from the family. Those who continue to think that MJ was close to Jermaine are delusional (to put it mildly)

Hopefully, MJ3 will wise up quickly to his shenanigans, just like MJ did.

That being said, I signed a while ago and am Dot#1799 (MJ's right eye)

Jermaine Jackson: Lawyers, money can't divide family
Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's family gathered Tuesday for an early Thanksgiving dinner, determined not to let money and fame pull it apart, the pop icon's oldest brother said.
"That's really, really important because we're a family and throughout the years, the managers, the agents and Hollywood have tried to come between that," Jermaine Jackson said. "What they don't know is we were together before we came out here and we're going to continue to be together."
Jackson spoke to CNN at a Tuesday morning screening of his brother's "This Is It" movie for inner-city students in Los Angeles.
He said he has stayed away from the Michael Jackson estate legal battle, which pitted his mother's lawyer against his father's lawyer earlier this month.
"When there's a lot of fame and fortune and attorneys, accountants and advisers and managers and agents, it gets like this," Jermaine Jackson said. "But at the same time, my mother is the boss and regardless of what the executors want to do at the end of the day, she has the say."
When family matriarch Katherine Jackson dropped her legal challenge of the men named in Michael Jackson's will to run his estate, family patriarch Joe Jackson's lawyer was launching his own challenge. This set off a bitter courtroom battle between the lawyers for the Jackson parents.
"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, told the judge. He said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court.
Oxman accused her of reaching a secret deal -- behind Joe Jackson's back -- with the men who control their son's estate.
Jermaine Jackson said despite what you may read, the Jackson family will "pull together."
"There's strength in numbers, and when there's a family like ours, we pull together," he said. "We find strength within each other."
Katherine Jackson does not celebrate holidays because of her religion -- she a Jehovah's Witness -- but the Jackson brothers, sisters, and their children do traditionally gather for one day Thanksgiving week, he said. Tuesday is the day, he said.
"And it's really tough because Michael's no longer with us, but he'll always be with us in spirit, but you just continue to move on," he said.
Michael Jackson's three children -- Prince, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7 -- are "doing great" and are "best friends" with his children, Jermaine Jackson said. [whatever....I could write a lot, but I am not gonna do it]
"They're doing well," he said. "They're getting their lessons done. They have wonderful tutors and programs, they're getting a chance to go out and do things. They're getting a chance to travel."
An A&E network reality TV series that focuses on the lives of four of the Jackson brothers -- Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon -- debuts next month.
Filming of "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" -- in the works before Michael Jackson's June 25 death -- is about to wrap, he said.
He said his main job now is to promote his brother's legacy.[MJ has 3 kids & his estate to do that. You just want to line your pocket]
Jermaine Ja
ckson walked down the red carpet with dozens of students before the "This Is It" screening. Michael Jackson's vocal coach and several musicians featured in show also were there.
Los Angeles artist David Ilan, who is creating a Michael Jackson tribute portrait with 1 million hand-drawn dots, added a dot on his artwork for each of them.
The technique, "pointillism," allows Jackson fans worldwide to sign up online to have a dot added in their name. The charity project's Web site is
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Okay so now after reading all this negativity and arguing about Jermaine, I have to go read the first post because I forgot the details of the main topic here.
Lol! I know thats right! :lol:

PCR says:
I do hope this tribute is a major success, since it is truly global and free, and it is open to every MJ fan with web access. How many tributes out there can claim so? I live so far from the main cities having tributes, that it is dissapointing that I can never actually be part of those. But this tribute is different, so please, we have to support it.

Let's do it as we always do: for Michael :)

I couldnt agree more.

I didnt sign up all those months ago, but I have now.
Just waiting for my dot# :)
I didnt sign up all those months ago, but I have now.
Just waiting for my dot# :)

YOu get your dot as soon as you join. Just go to your profile and you will see it. My dot is 2187, so I "live" in Right Eye Town :)
I got my dot number : 237189

OMG... u guys... it is SOOOO annoying to come here... see the thread and read all your battles, it's exhausting... and wonder why this was not closed already....

I must say... you can't have a threat without having someone battling one another.... ANNOYING.... here's a trick: open your own web site and call it : who wants to fight about michael... and let's impose the views....

Seem what used to be fun to be around is not anymore.... the more combative and nasty some can be, seems to be the best behaviour....

i find this very disturbing and so negative....

Honestly.... realize that if you READ the thread title... this one talks maybe 20% about it, the rest is all "bla bla bla" cause at the end of the day.... who cares what you all think about jermaine, this or that.... his for ever his brother.... period...

whens this happening? today? waiting on his announcement
whens this happening? today? waiting on his announcement or has he already made it
someone tell me he didnt say the below

Jermaine made a statement that Evan Chandler ended his life due to guilt and Jory Has come forward and admitted he lied. I recorded this and Will let you know when I put the you tube video up!
Ray chandler's never failed to spread lies and fabrications many believed him eventhough he had no evidence to support his accusations , so I'm not bothered at all with jermaine's statement but we know it is not true at least when it comes to jordan , i had no doubt mj's death killed Evan , guilt killed that man or maybe the feeling that he lost the battle after all. when he saw the love mj received from all over the world , it was too much for Evan to handle .

who else remember the incident on CNN after mj's death when someone said people who accused jackson before came to CNN and retracted their claims . THEY SAID IT ON CNN but then everything was pushed under the rug .
yeah i remember reading that but i think someone posted the transcript of the prog and it was never said.or wasnt said the way ppl thought.
I'm lost...where did you read that?

On a totally different note I'm dot number do you know what part of him you are? :unsure:

Stacey if you go to portrait update and scroll to the bottom you can see where your dot is. You're on MJ's right eye.
I have a link on my signature that leads to a youtube video, thats pretty much how I feel about Jermaine.

wowoww.... that was .... wwooowww.... I remembered the whooooleee long Vienna issue. What a sad time, how much pain and stress for nothing.
