Jermaine Jackson Announces His Endorsement of The Largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the World

Not another tribute idea I hope.

Enough of Jermaine Jackson. I wish the next generation would step up adn take Jermaine's place. He is obnoxious.

I am still bitter that he forgot to mention Michael's kids at the AMAs.


I agree. I'm not going to go around again, after this, on this subject, but. . I think this is a wonderful project and I hope Jermaine can manage to stay away from it. The project doesn't NEED him to succeed, and enough people have found him to be less than honorable, that his involvement is no asset to the project.

My allegiance is to Michael, only, and to his children. For me the rest of the family are individuals, with individual personalities and agendas. Most have behaved very well. My OPINION is that Jermaine has NOT. I am still stinging over his statement "I was Michael's voice and his backbone." I find that insulting to Michael, who had his OWN voice and his OWN courage. I will stand firm on this opinion .. . . tributes, dots, speeches, and reality-shows notwithstanding.

There are some back-stories to the Jermaine saga that I won't get into, in detail here. Just that his promoting Michael's burial at Neverland, early on, had a financial agenda through his connections with Colony Capital (and Dr. Tohme), the corporation that holds a major interest in the Neverland property. Michael had made it quite clear that he never wanted to return to Neverland. He's been quoted as saying that several times. That Jermaine would try to over-ride what he KNEW were Michael's wishes . . . was unkind, to say the least. My dislike of Jermaine doesn't come from NOWHERE, but from his behavior after his brother's passing. Others of course will have different opinions, but that's mine and I'm firm on that.
im tired of talikng about this jermaine, now that Michaels dead you finally did it!!! I always knew Michael, never that family, never ever before.... plus this jermaine looks so bad, he's aweful... where is Janet thats the only one i quite like, i dont think she's super talented, but at least she's decent(not super, but a little)... she should do this stuff. but i guess she cares about nobody but herself, i rather Madonna,

if Michael was Madonna's brother she will do more... (and i dont even like Madonna as an artist, but she's much better person than Janet, by faAAAAr, if Madonna was Michaels sister, Michael would be alive, Janet cares about nobody, shameful,

this OTHER one brother in particular, i wont name him(AGAIN), he's beeing super named only cause of his brother dead, i bet he thanks allah every night cause Michael's dead put him on the tv, which is pathetic and vulturelike, wtf is wrong with him, he's pathetic, i hate them all, i only save Michael's kids of course,

and i dont have to love that family, so dont critize me, im a Michael Jackson fan, never a jackson family fan 8how can anyone be a fan of a family???), NEVER ever, plus they didnt protect him at ALL, and i dont like them in any kind of form, from the jacksons and J5 i love Michael only, not the others, i mean, they are nothing (not to me) they are just making money out of Michaels death(isnt that SICK!!!!!!), that is extremely vulturelike and LOW AS IT CAN BE and i feel sorry for them beeing so fucking low, WHERE IS THEIR DIGNITY, WHY MICHAEL DIE?, CAUSE HE DIDNT HAVE A FAMILY, THEY USED MICHAEL FOR HIS MONEY, THEY ARE THE LOWEST FAMILY, THEY ARE BASTARDIZING HIS OWN BROTHER/SON/MONEY SUPPORTER, THEY ARE SICK, SICK SICK SICK, SORRY, I DONT HAVE TO LIKE THAT FAMILY, I WILL NEVER DO IT

i hope Michaels kids are OK, but i dont know...
And your point is? I do NOT think they care what you or anyone else THink about them. SOme people said the same about MJ. The Jacksons are use to this kind of mess.
I agree with Terrel...Besides for all we know, he is the one appointed by the family to be their official spokesperson. Let us respect that.
My very first thought: Web domain of this project is way too long... The project is cursed to fail. :doh:
I hope I am wrong. Time will tell. :timer:
I agree. I'm not going to go around again, after this, on this subject, but. . I think this is a wonderful project and I hope Jermaine can manage to stay away from it. The project doesn't NEED him to succeed, and enough people have found him to be less than honorable, that his involvement is no asset to the project.

My allegiance is to Michael, only, and to his children. For me the rest of the family are individuals, with individual personalities and agendas. Most have behaved very well. My OPINION is that Jermaine has NOT. I am still stinging over his statement "I was Michael's voice and his backbone." I find that insulting to Michael, who had his OWN voice and his OWN courage. I will stand firm on this opinion .. . . tributes, dots, speeches, and reality-shows notwithstanding.

There are some back-stories to the Jermaine saga that I won't get into, in detail here. Just that his promoting Michael's burial at Neverland, early on, had a financial agenda through his connections with Colony Capital (and Dr. Tohme), the corporation that holds a major interest in the Neverland property. Michael had made it quite clear that he never wanted to return to Neverland. He's been quoted as saying that several times. That Jermaine would try to over-ride what he KNEW were Michael's wishes . . . was unkind, to say the least. My dislike of Jermaine doesn't come from NOWHERE, but from his behavior after his brother's passing. Others of course will have different opinions, but that's mine and I'm firm on that.
Like I said, I do NOT think they Care one bit about anyone views. Nor should the Jacksons care. It is there family, not ours. Like some of you are saying, you are Michael's fans, not theirs.
Leave Jermaine alone. To me, he is making sure his brother gets his due. We did not have problem when Jermaine was the one in ALL OVER the media fighting charges against MJ as well as when the baby incident in 2002 so why should Jermaine stop now? I rest to see Jermaine than people like Martin, Ian, Diane Diamond, etc.

Yes :cheers:

I'm not religious so I don't live my life by the Michael Bible. Also, whatever Jermaine has done has not affected me personally so it is really not my business to forgive. Yet it is plenty for me to have developed an opinion on him (Hint: it ain't great). However, I would be most glad if he came up with a way to prove me wrong.

Whoever said anything about religion? :mello: way to twist my words. You don't have to be religious to follow a better example when you see it. Some people here could learn a lot by viewing things the way Michael chose to.

"Also, whatever Jermaine has done has not affected me personally so it is really not my business to forgive." - 'Whatever he's done' hasn't personally affected you, so who gives you the right to hold it against him and judge him for it? It works both ways, y'know.

Wait... where are you guys seeing where your dot is? I can't even remember my dot number lol

It should say somewhere on your profile when you log in :)
terrell..whatever peoples' opinions are, it kinda gets dicey when you take them this board, we're supposed to let people have their opinions, without going at each other.. threads usually get closed when we go at each other...
And your point is? I do NOT think they care what you or anyone else THink about them. SOme people said the same about MJ. The Jacksons are use to this kind of mess.
of course they dont care, thast for SURE, they dont care about nothing, only Michaels money
Yes :cheers:

Whoever said anything about religion? :mello: way to twist my words. You don't have to be religious to follow a better example when you see it. Some people here could learn a lot by viewing things the way Michael chose to.

"Also, whatever Jermaine has done has not affected me personally so it is really not my business to forgive." - 'Whatever he's done' hasn't personally affected you, so who gives you the right to hold it against him and judge him for it? It works both ways, y'know.

It should say somewhere on your profile when you log in :)
Thank you. To me, family, brothers and sisters have drama so people need to stop acting like the Jacksons are the only one. The only difference in the Jacksons is that thier dirt get talked about in the media whereas our dirt does NOT. I do not know what Jermaine motives are however I will not talk like I am in his head either. This was his brother and Jermaine; regardless what may or may not was done in the past, has ALWAYS came to MJ defence. I understand when he made the comment about "backbone" that mean is you mess with my brother I will be there for him. What wrong with that? Jermaine did this when MJ was alive and he now he is doing it in death. Jermaine is now JUST now doing this so why are some folks trippin. If Jermaine stay away and does NOt say another word, you will have the same people complaining about that "where is Jeramine?" Jermaine never cared for MJ" and so forth. Again, the same crap that is being said about Jermaine was said about Michael even MJ said something to the point on the Martin B interview "people always get the wrong intentions when you do something".
of course they dont care, thast for SURE, they dont care about nothing, only Michaels money
How do you know? Are you in JErmaine's head. NO. so to me, your words sound like the people who often said the same about Mj. yes, Mj is dead now and all the love fest is now out by some of these same people but when MJ was alive, they called MJ everything and accused him of everything.
Terrel, you should accept everyones oppinion, but of course you can do what you want, im not a jackson family fan AT ALL, and as far as i know, i dont have to...

So YOU are the one who shouldnt take it personal.
terrell..whatever peoples' opinions are, it kinda gets dicey when you take them this board, we're supposed to let people have their opinions, without going at each other.. threads usually get closed when we go at each other...
True and that is why I am giving MINE view. When you post, you open yourself for discussion on your issue as well; otherwise, keep it to yourself.
How do you know? Are you in JErmaine's head. NO. so to me, your words sound like the people who often said the same about Mj. yes, Mj is dead now and all the love fest is now out by some of these same people but when MJ was alive, they called MJ everything and accused him of everything.

you are accusing me here with this statement, you should stop
Terrel, you should accept everyones oppinion, but of course you can do what you want, im not a jackson family fan AT ALL, and as far as i know, i dont have to...

So YOU are the one who shouldnt take it personal.
I do not have to accept a view. I can speak on it just like you are speaking. If you do not want any one to comment on your comments, do not post it. I do not care when people talk about my views. I am open to whatever comes my view. I am giving by view on the Jacksons and comments that are made about them. ANd yes, i can take it personal if I want.:yes:
I do not have to accept a view. I can speak on it just like you are speaking. If you do not want any one to comment on your comments, do not post it. I do not care when people talk about my views. I am open to whatever comes my view. I am giving by view on the Jacksons and comments that are made about them. ANd yes, i can take it personal if I want.:yes:

My thing is, don't badger people over their opinions just to do it. It's cool that you like the family, but if others have a problem with some of them, it's their right to express their thoughts. When you have fools like Leonard Rowe and Brian Oxman hanging around you, of course you're going to get a shady and questionable rep.
I've asked you guys previously to stop this, please. We don't need this kind of negativity towards each other.
Ok.... for some reason, the tribute has gone to a second place and the main issue here is Jermain. His name is controversial among MJ fans. Some love him, some don't. But no matter where or how, there is always the same result: "I want him to stop doing this" "I want you to stop insulting Jermain", "I hate this guy/your comment/etc."

Maybe using "Jermain Jackson" as part of the title was not the best choice, for it seems like he is again getting too much attention, and let's be honest: several MJ fans simply don't like him (of course, that doesn't mean I am ok with insulting him, but that is just me).

If I would have seen "Diana Ross and Gladys Knight support this tribute", I would have been much happier, especially if it had been Diana. Most MJ fans love and respect Diana for Michael loves her so much. Mrs. Knight is simply wonderful and she discovered the J5, etc.

So... maybe we should concentrate on them and forget about Jermain, if we are not happy with his involvement. I do hope this tribute is a major success, since it is truly global and free, and it is open to every MJ fan with web access. How many tributes out there can claim so? I live so far from the main cities having tributes, that it is dissapointing that I can never actually be part of those. But this tribute is different, so please, we have to support it.

Let's do it as we always do: for Michael :)

I'm sorry, but this is all I have been doing when it comes to Jermaine....:smilerolleyes:

Someone needs to tell Jermaine he ain't no Michael!:doh:

Anyone remembers the big Tribute that should've gone down back in September?

So annoying.
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I am still stinging over his statement "I was Michael's voice and his backbone." I find that insulting to Michael, who had his OWN voice and his OWN courage.

Finally someone who is as :mat: about that comment as I was/am.

"I was Michael's backbone"??????

That green border titled "Legacy Project" is the only thing that is keeping me in check these days.... so I will stop here. :mat:
You are right .... getting past Jermaine, many of us found out about it back in August.

I saw many many fans getting their dots and getting involved and supporting it. I tried 3 times...

Ok.... for some reason, the tribute has gone to a second place and the main issue here is Jermain. His name is controversial among MJ fans. Some love him, some don't. But no matter where or how, there is always the same result: "I want him to stop doing this" "I want you to stop insulting Jermain", "I hate this guy/your comment/etc."

Maybe using "Jermain Jackson" as part of the title was not the best choice, for it seems like he is again getting too much attention, and let's be honest: several MJ fans simply don't like him (of course, that doesn't mean I am ok with insulting him, but that is just me).

If I would have seen "Diana Ross and Gladys Knight support this tribute", I would have been much happier, especially if it had been Diana. Most MJ fans love and respect Diana for Michael loves her so much. Mrs. Knight is simply wonderful and she discovered the J5, etc.

So... maybe we should concentrate on them and forget about Jermain, if we are not happy with his involvement. I do hope this tribute is a major success, since it is truly global and free, and it is open to every MJ fan with web access. How many tributes out there can claim so? I live so far from the main cities having tributes, that it is dissapointing that I can never actually be part of those. But this tribute is different, so please, we have to support it.

Let's do it as we always do: for Michael :)
I'm a dot. #5546, and I got the t-shirt and I'm getting the poster too. :) All the talk about bashing family members, yes including Jermaine, makes my head hurt. So I'm gonna quote Thumper here and say "If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all."
Why you all on Jermaine? Michael love him so much because he is his brother and their are so close together.. I Dont think Michael will be happy the things you say about Jermaine, because its his brother. and you all are just mad at him for everything he doing! Leave jermaine alone