Jermaine Jackson Announces His Endorsement of The Largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the World


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jermaine Jackson Announces His Endorsement of The Largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the World attracts top celebrities in a one-of-kind global tribute that invites the participation of fans.

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, November 24, Jermaine Jackson will announce his support of the largest and most respected Michael Jackson tribute in the world, which is already supported by Diana Ross, Gladys Knight, George Lopez, Adam Lambert, Mickey Rooney, Vivica A. Fox, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and many others.

The last day before Thanksgiving break, 60 students from three inner city public schools will walk down the red carpet with Jermaine Jackson and other celebrity guests and become a dot in the largest Michael Jackson tribute in the world. Jermaine Jackson will be making a special announcement and his presence at the event will be a surprise for the children. Jermaine says, "It's all for love."

TheMichael JacksonTributePortrait is a charitable project that has brought together nearly a quarter of a million fans in more than 165 countries. This one-of-a-kind work of art is being created by LA based celebrity artist David Ilan using a technique called pointillism - made from hand drawn dots. Fans everywhere are being invited to receiveafreedot in their name by going to: One Dot= One Fan.

"We see Michael's Tribute Portrait as an opportunity to carry on Michael's work. This is our mission," said Executive Producer Jerry Biederman. The students will perform a rendition of a Michael Jackson hit in front of celebrity guests and be treated to an exclusive screening of "THIS IS IT."
The red carpet event starts at 9:30 a.m. at the AMC Magic Johnson Theatres at 4020 Marlton Avenue in Los Angeles. This event is organized in association with May May Ali (daughter of Muhammad Ali) and Torre Reese of FAMLI, INC. (a nonprofit after school enrichment/mentoring program). The "dot ceremony" begins at 10 a.m.; Jermaine Jackson will be available for interviews at 11 a.m.

The Tribute Portrait is a continual work of art that requires fan participation for its completion. A dot is not drawn until someone signs up for it. The portrait will take one million dots to complete - one million fans side by side. Once completed, it will go on a world tour to promote the humanitarian causes that Jackson cared about.

SOURCE The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait
I am so tired of Jermaine. He is everywhere.

Look at the way he acted at the AMA , as if he as won an award himself. Have never seen any of the artist bring their kids on stage for an award acceptance. I wonder where all the awards that he has accepted on behalf of MJ are currently. I think the estate should ask he to return them.
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I'd hate to be a member of the Jackson family. Certain people will always find an excuse to hate on you. You honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. You don't honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. Seems Jermaine can't win either way.
I'd hate to be a member of the Jackson family. Certain people will always find an excuse to hate on you. You honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. You don't honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. Seems Jermaine can't win either way.

Yes, that is true. It's in his nature and he has acted upon it too many times in the past. Everyone else in the J-family still has a chance.
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Yes, that is true. Jermaine cannot win unless he is reborn as a non-douche. It's in his nature and he has acted upon it too many times in the past. For him to rectify all that he'd need a miracle. Same goes for Joe probably. Everyone else in the J-family still has a chance, so cheer up!

Ah, keeping the MJ spirit of forgiving alive I see. :smilerolleyes:
Leave Jermaine alone. To me, he is making sure his brother gets his due. We did not have problem when Jermaine was the one in ALL OVER the media fighting charges against MJ as well as when the baby incident in 2002 so why should Jermaine stop now? I rest to see Jermaine than people like Martin, Ian, Diane Diamond, etc.
Ah, keeping the MJ spirit of forgiving alive I see. :smilerolleyes:

I'm not religious so I don't live my life by the Michael Bible. Also, whatever Jermaine has done has not affected me personally so it is really not my business to forgive. Yet it is plenty for me to have developed an opinion on him (Hint: it ain't great). However, I would be most glad if he came up with a way to prove me wrong.
I'd hate to be a member of the Jackson family. Certain people will always find an excuse to hate on you. You honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. You don't honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. Seems Jermaine can't win either way.
Exactly. to me, this is NOTHING new in what Jermaine is doing.
I'm not religious so I don't live my life by the Michael Bible. Also, whatever Jermaine has done has not affected me personally so it is really not my business to forgive. Yet it is plenty for me to have developed an opinion on him (Hint: it ain't great). However, I would be most glad if he came up with a way to prove me wrong.
Sorry I do not think Jermaine has to prove anything to anyone. This was HIS BROTHER and he can do what he wants in terms of keeping MJ sprit alive. To me, this family is going to keep MJ memories alive just like the PRESLEY do for ELvis and Yoko Ono does not John Lennon.
I'd hate to be a member of the Jackson family. Certain people will always find an excuse to hate on you. You honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. You don't honor your recently deceased brother - they complain. Seems Jermaine can't win either way.

Others of the Jackson family have behaved with dignity. Tito and Janet come to mind, especially? No one is faulting them for remaining private in their grief. Jermaine's own behavior has brought criticism down on his head. To repair his public image, it would be wise for him to separate his personae from his brother's and go his own way in life. IMHO. He was NOT "Michael's voice and his backbone." Michael had his own voice, and his own courage.
Sorry I do not think Jermaine has to prove anything to anyone. This was HIS BROTHER and he can do what he wants in terms of keeping MJ sprit alive. To me, this family is going to keep MJ memories alive just like the PRESLEY do for ELvis and Yoko Ono does not John Lennon.

See, that's what worries me. When Michael was alive, I don't recall him and Jermaine seeing eye to eye most of the time, but now he's always speaking for Michael. I'm just not sure Jermaine is the right person to keep MJ's spirit alive in terms of what Michael would have wanted or what he believed in. Maybe Michael's kids will take that role in the future.
Also, what she said:
Others of the Jackson family have behaved with dignity. Tito and Janet come to mind, especially? No one is faulting them for remaining private in their grief. Jermaine's own behavior has brought criticism down on his head. To repair his public image, it would be wise for him to separate his personae from his brother's and go his own way in life. IMHO. He was NOT "Michael's voice and his backbone." Michael had his own voice, and his own courage.
Others of the Jackson family have behaved with dignity. Tito and Janet come to mind, especially? No one is faulting them for remaining private in their grief. Jermaine's own behavior has brought criticism down on his head. To repair his public image, it would be wise for him to separate his personae from his brother's and go his own way in life. IMHO. He was NOT "Michael's voice and his backbone." Michael had his own voice, and his own courage.
yeah but Mj is not here and I can understand a brother doing what he is doing. EVen we as fans are still being MJ's backbone.
See, that's what worries me. When Michael was alive, I don't recall him and Jermaine seeing eye to eye most of the time, but now he's always speaking for Michael. I'm just not sure Jermaine is the right person to keep MJ's spirit alive in terms of what Michael would have wanted or what he believed in. Maybe Michael's kids will take that role in the future.
Also, what she said:
Behind close doors, WE DO NOT know what MJ and Jermaine did.
Leave Jermaine alone. To me, he is making sure his brother gets his due. We did not have problem when Jermaine was the one in ALL OVER the media fighting charges against MJ as well as when the baby incident in 2002 so why should Jermaine stop now? I rest to see Jermaine than people like Martin, Ian, Diane Diamond, etc.

I agree dont see what the problem is at all :no::no::no:
Leave Jermaine alone. To me, he is making sure his brother gets his due. We did not have problem when Jermaine was the one in ALL OVER the media fighting charges against MJ as well as when the baby incident in 2002 so why should Jermaine stop now? I rest to see Jermaine than people like Martin, Ian, Diane Diamond, etc.

there are certain things which can't be defended
Others of the Jackson family have behaved with dignity. Tito and Janet come to mind, especially? No one is faulting them for remaining private in their grief. Jermaine's own behavior has brought criticism down on his head. To repair his public image, it would be wise for him to separate his personae from his brother's and go his own way in life. IMHO. He was NOT "Michael's voice and his backbone." Michael had his own voice, and his own courage.


As for the dot project itself, I think it's a nice idea. And it started long before Jermaine expressed his support (as if his support will make any difference, please). I became one of the dots in this project in September :)
Again This is THIS MAN'S BROTHER. I feel NO ONE is in a postion to tell him what to do or how to feel. I do not care what the media say about Jermaine (oh wait, this is the same media that called MJ everything but a child of God as well).
Can we please move on from the Jermaine Love/Hate thing? Is not healthy. Let's focus on the project which is a lovely one.
I hope this project does come to fruition. Because Jermaine risks sounding like an annoying broken record and i mean Jermaine not the rest of the Jackson family that have my utmost respect - they speak when necessary and they remain silent when appropriate.