Jay-Z Didn't Want Remake of 'We Are The World

I agree with Jay-Z. (All those folks in one room and they couldn't come up with a new song.)

I guess that's why Jay-Z and wifey were not a part of this project. And it's probably why a lot of the nights Grammy notables were also no shows, although they may have not wanted to go on record, like Jay-Z did.

I applaud his honesty.
I don't agree with Jay-Z, he should have just got in there and done his bit, at the end of the day its about saving lives, and if there's one song that gonna sell bucket loads and bring in the stars, its gonna to be Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie's We Are the World.
I agree that I think Michael would have written a song a new one for Haiti. He did for Katrina and 9-11. Even if he did participate in the remake of WATW I think it would have come out differently. As for putting Michael in, I wonder if Quincy really wanted that or because Michael's mother requested it.
Not really. ABC, I Want You Back, The Love You Save, Dancing Machine, I'll be There, etc. weren't remakes. They were originals.

At that time is was common practice (especially in Motown) for songs to be covered by multiple artists - ie: Who's Loving You, I Heard It Through the Grapevine, With a Child's Heart, etc.
I didn't say anything about those songs, but songs like "Stand!", "Corner Of The Sky", "Who's Loving You", "Daddy's Home", "People Make The World Go Round", "I Don't Know Why", "Touch", "Can You Remember", "Rockin' Robin", "Doctor My Eyes", and many others weren't original to the Jackson 5.
The remake is awful. Really awful. I HATE auto tune, it completely destroys music. I don't even compare this version to the original one.
Partially I agree with Jay-z, but as long as the song helps Haiti, I don't really mind.
That was much more of a common practice in those days, especially with Motown acts. WATW is kinda different.
i didnt like how they just dropped Michael's voice and image there... but hey this is just me...
They weren't going to use Mike at all, as Lionel said no one from the original was going to be in the new version. Katherine Jackson requested that Mike be included.
Apparently Lionel Richie doesn't regard WATW as a classic. This is what he told USA Today:

What's a classic? To the next generation, it's just an old song. We have a familiar song that kids learn in school.
Why not bring in Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers and let them address the issues?
We can pass the baton and empower the next generation to take up arms and have a legacy with this.

Well Mr Richie, if you like those artists so much, why don't you let them cover your "old songs".
I'd love to hear Jonas Brothers take on "All night long".
Faith No More

Well Mr Richie, if you like those artists so much, why don't you let them cover your "old songs".
What do you mean? Faith No More did an exact replica of the Commodores' Easy, lol.
Re: Faith No More

What do you mean? Faith No More did an exact replica of the Commodores' Easy, lol.

Yes but Mike Patton can actually sing. Why couldn't he get decent singers this time too?

But that wasn't really the point of my post. I was just upset to see him use the "just an old song, not a classic" excuse to justify his actions.
I'm torn about his. On the one hand I hope this new version is helping the people of Haiti who really need it but on the other hand, I think the quality of it wasn't up to par. It could have been done better (for the various reasons previously stated). And then it seems that they added Michael in as an afterthought or only because Katherine requested it. In my mind there should not have been a second thought about involving Michael's voice/image in this new version. The legend who co-wrote this song is gone forever. Why would they even have to think about it? And Janet's strange split screen image was just awkward looking and we couldn't even hear her. I mean, if they were going to remake this song they should have done it right.

But at the same time I think it was kind of smart to remake the song because it would draw more attention since it is the 25th anniversary of the original and the use of Michael's voice and image, Janet's participation, the use of some "artists" from a new generation, etc...it all generated a lot of buzz which ultimately will encourage people to purchase the song/video. I think. Maybe.

But they just should have produced the thing better. And I would have selected another, better qualified singer to do that all important lead-in line than that Justin Kid.
Re: Faith No More

Yes but Mike Patton can actually sing. Why couldn't he get decent singers this time too?

But that wasn't really the point of my post. I was just upset to see him use the "just an old song, not a classic" excuse to justify his actions.
I saw some good singers like Gladys Knight, but they weren't given solo vocals. Teens are usually big purchasers and I guess someone like Gladys wouldn't be known to them. I don't really care about this new version and would have picked different performers (at least for the solos), but you have to look at it from a marketing point of view. Which is pretty much what this is. The better singers wouldn't have drawn as much attention. Even with the original and with Band Aid, it was people who were popular at the time. It's not like they went out and got a bunch of obscure acts like Scritti Politti, D-Train, or Margie Joseph to do it.
In a way I agree with JayZ, because you shouldn't mess with perfection. Yet, I disagree. While they may have fudged up the remake and Michael would have written a brand new song for it or even updated the old one. Since Michael is no longer with us, I find it admirable that they attempted to remake it.

In a way, it keeps his legacy alive as people will continue to look for the old one because they will hear that the other one was much better and then they will learn about the original creators. WATW remakes have the possibility of lasting forever as long as there are celebrities and musicians that people like. It's good for charity and it shows people that you do have a heart.

In that way, I can appreciate the remake more, even if it wasn't as good as the original, which it will never be unless by some means of a miracle.
Well if those are Lionel's sentiments so be it. But if he or Quincy are living under the impression that their pitiful coverversion of WATW is going to get anywhere, besides hopefully making few bucks for Haiti, then he is wrong.
Yeh, if JayZ could write a new song with Bono and Rihanna.. why couldn't Lionel, Quincy and whoever else write a new song.

The biggest thing that disturbs me with the remake is the dreaded autotune used by lil wayne and t pain.
Yeah, what is with autotune. Nobody can seriously think it sounds good.
The autotune was :puke:

I do like the idea of carrying michael's message on and this WATW remake signifies it, but its not usually a good idea to remake a classic. I watched the original WATW the other day and it brought tears to my eyes. There were no gimmicks just singing. Like I keep saying, of course we hope it raises lots of money for charity.. the original made $40 million.

Apparently Lionel Richie doesn't regard WATW as a classic. This is what he told USA Today:

What's a classic? To the next generation, it's just an old song.

Oooh Lionel what are you saying..?! If he regarded it as 'just an old song' maybe he should have written a new one. There was enough 'talent' in that room to come up with something new surely?
The autotune was :puke:

I do like the idea of carrying michael's message on and this WATW remake signifies it, but its not usually a good idea to remake a classic. I watched the original WATW the other day and it brought tears to my eyes. There were no gimmicks just singing. Like I keep saying, of course we hope it raises lots of money for charity.. the original made $40 million.

Oooh Lionel what are you saying..?! If he regarded it as 'just an old song' maybe he should have written a new one. There was enough 'talent' in that room to come up with something new surely?
The fact that they didn't come up with a song of their own, tells you right then and there that there, that was obviously not enough ''talent'' opposed to popular belief.
gotta say i totally agree with Jay

and lol @ the 'classic' comment from Richie...
To do something for Haiti is a good cause. Nevermind if it's re-touching a proven classic.
For most part of the song, Michael wrote it and it's a foregone conclusion
Michael's part has to be featured and preserved as acknowledgement & tribute to his contribution. To think that it has to have the mother of Michael Jackson to seek Lionel & Quincy's consideration for this last minute addition leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
That's exactly what irks me!

I don't have a problem with remakes in general. I also don't mind new beats, but please, keep the spirit of the original alive and don't ruin the song with auto-tune! Don't like the outcome of the new WATW.
So this time I have to agree with Jay-Z.
The autotune was :puke:
Oooh Lionel what are you saying..?! If he regarded it as 'just an old song' maybe he should have written a new one. There was enough 'talent' in that room to come up with something new surely?

If Lionel had ONE song that was regarded as a classic/memorable he wouldn't be sprouting off like that. =)
Jay ze is right, but i think they did a great job, come on
but i hate the rap at the end, they just ruined the song!
I agree with Jay-Z! I think they should have written a new song to support the Haiti relief efforts.
If Lionel had ONE song that was regarded as a classic/memorable he wouldn't be sprouting off like that. =)

oh come on now... who on earth doesn't know the fiesta forever one??!!