Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Québec, Canada
Janet Jackson is finally pointing the finger at the man she believes killed her brother -- Dr. Conrad Murray.

In an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, Janet stated, "He was the one that was administering ... I think he is responsible."

Murray has admitted to administering Propofol to Michael Jackson, but claims he didn't kill Michael.

In the interview, which airs Wednesday, Janet also claims Murray should no longer be allowed to practice medicine.

Janet also says Michael is constantly on her mind, saying "It's been a tough year ... You have your days where it's just really -- it's hard to believe. And a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him."

Jackson also recounts June 25 -- the day Michael died -- saying, "I was at my house in New York. You know, another day. Another morning. And I get a call ... [my assistant] said, 'Your brother's been taken to the hospital. It's on CNN right now. I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya."

Jackson added, "I told them to call me when they got to the hospital. And I remember thinking nobody's calling me back, so I tried calling again, and that's how I found out that he was no longer ... I couldn't believe it."

"It just didn't ring true to me. It felt like a dream. It's still so difficult for me to believe. It's, you know, you have to accept what is. But it's hard. You have to move on with your life. You have to accept what is and I understand that."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X2jrKBOg


Dr. Murray to Appear in Court Today

Dr. Conrad Murray will appear in court today ... asking a judge to let him off the hook in his child support mess. His excuse -- he's broke ... so TMZ has learned.

Dr. Murray is on the hot seat in Las Vegas for not paying child support in California ... he's more than $13,000 behind in support. Authorities in California went to Nevada -- where Murray lives -- asking to enforce the judgment.

The Nevada judge ordered Dr. Murray to pay and scheduled a court hearing for today.

We're told Dr. Murray, along with his lawyer, Chris Aaron, will show at 11:30 AM PT. Dr. Murray will ask the judge to allow him to pay a minimal amount -- $100. Aaron tells TMZ Murray has not been able to get a job since Michael Jackson died and has no money. Aaron says Dr. Murray is not running from his obligation -- he has full intention of paying.

We will live stream the hearing.

Stay tuned ...

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X2kGu0AU
thank you for the post. I'll be watching. don't know why, but today's a bad day. I thought I was all cried out and only the anger at Dr. Murray had remained but I've been crying from the moment I woke up today. I hope Janet's doing okay.
Janet Jackson is finally pointing the finger at the man she believes killed her brother -- Dr. Conrad Murray.

In an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, Janet stated, "He was the one that was administering ... I think he is responsible."

Murray has admitted to administering Propofol to Michael Jackson, but claims he didn't kill Michael.

In the interview, which airs Wednesday, Janet also claims Murray should no longer be allowed to practice medicine.

Janet also says Michael is constantly on her mind, saying "It's been a tough year ... You have your days where it's just really -- it's hard to believe. And a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him."

Jackson also recounts June 25 -- the day Michael died -- saying, "I was at my house in New York. You know, another day. Another morning. And I get a call ... [my assistant] said, 'Your brother's been taken to the hospital. It's on CNN right now. I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya."

Jackson added, "I told them to call me when they got to the hospital. And I remember thinking nobody's calling me back, so I tried calling again, and that's how I found out that he was no longer ... I couldn't believe it."

"It just didn't ring true to me. It felt like a dream. It's still so difficult for me to believe. It's, you know, you have to accept what is. But it's hard. You have to move on with your life. You have to accept what is and I understand that."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X2jrKBOg


Dr. Murray to Appear in Court Today

Dr. Conrad Murray will appear in court today ... asking a judge to let him off the hook in his child support mess. His excuse -- he's broke ... so TMZ has learned.

Dr. Murray is on the hot seat in Las Vegas for not paying child support in California ... he's more than $13,000 behind in support. Authorities in California went to Nevada -- where Murray lives -- asking to enforce the judgment.

The Nevada judge ordered Dr. Murray to pay and scheduled a court hearing for today.

We're told Dr. Murray, along with his lawyer, Chris Aaron, will show at 11:30 AM PT. Dr. Murray will ask the judge to allow him to pay a minimal amount -- $100. Aaron tells TMZ Murray has not been able to get a job since Michael Jackson died and has no money. Aaron says Dr. Murray is not running from his obligation -- he has full intention of paying.

We will live stream the hearing.

Stay tuned ...

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X2kGu0AU

Thanks for the post
Oh Janet :cry: :huggy:
I wish her all the best & strength in life..
yeah, no one can believe it till this very second..I wish her the best day by day. thnks for the post.
Aaron says Dr. Murray is not running from his obligation -- he has full intention of paying.
so why wasnt he paying b4 june 25th. this aint a few hundred $ its 13 k. takes more than a few months for that to build up.
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Oh Jan. :( I get her when she says its still so hard to believe.

As for Murray, doesn't this guy have bodyguards? And I'm not talkin' about the police watching him, but hired bodyguards? He'll never have another job again. No, scratch that. I hope his next job is making license plates. Since he's more than $13,000 behind, he probably hasn't been paying for a while. Makes me wonder what he did before he was a doctor for Michael.
Janet - my heart breaks with yours. :(

I just hope that this statement won't be used by Murray's defense as a means to claim that the jury pool is tainted or that Murray won't be able to get a fair trial.
Yeah, its been months and I'm still like... "he's still here. But he isn't." Sigh.. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Janet. It really is an incredible loss. :cry:
" I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya." "I told them to call me when they got to the hospital. And I remember thinking nobody's calling me back, so I tried calling again, and that's how I found out that he was no longer ... I couldn't believe it."

oh my goodness :(
(16-11-2009) Speaking out five months after Michael Jackson's death, Janet Jackson placed blame on Dr. Conrad Murray, saying the doctor should no longer be allowed to practice medicine.

"He was the one that was administering," she told ABC's Robin Roberts. "I think he is responsible."

Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, remains the focus of a manslaughter investigation into the pop star's death. Murray has admitted to administering the anesthetic propofol, but has denied giving Michael anything that should have killed him.

Jackson, who has walled herself in silence, fiercely guarding her private thoughts about the death of her beloved brother, Michael, opened up to Roberts in an exclusive interview that will air, Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 10 p.m. ET.

"It's been a tough year," she said. "You have your days where it's just really -- it's hard to believe. And a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him."

Jackson recounted the details of the morning of June 25, before she learned that Michael had collapsed, and her world turned upside down.

Source: MJFC / ABC News

^^They just spread it to make people watch the show. Guess they need headlines.
Oh man, reading that was hard. It's comforting to hear her say the exact things most of us feel tho. My heart goes out to her. She was all the way in New York when this happened. :( Bless her and her family. And it's true, some days it just doesn't seem real...like a really long extended nightmare you can wake yourself up from. :(
Oh man, reading that was hard. It's comforting to hear her say the exact things most of us feel tho. My heart goes out to her. She was all the way in New York when this happened. :( Bless her and her family.

And it's true, some days it just doesn't seem real...like a really long extended nightmare you can't wake yourself up from. :(
I think out of all the family, (besides Katherine and the children) I feel for Janet. I know she'd probably want to keep her thoughts private. But she is a public figure and she is going to get asked questions about Michael no matter what. But she has always handled things in a classy and respectful way, fiercely loyal and protective of Michael, and is not afraid to show us her vulnerability.

Thank you for posting.
I won't be watching the live stream of Murray's hearing. Even thinking about it is making me upset and angry, seeing him will make it 100 times worse. I presume there will be security present to keep the MJ fans at bay though.
I'm going to cry (again). What Janet said broke my heart. I hear you Janet. This is still so hard to believe. And I will add that it's not fair. Not at all.
It was hard to read that.. :cry: I feel the same I think of Michael every day.
Its a struggle and a painful time for everybody right now. I also believe it is the Drs. fault all this happened. God bless you Janet!!
She feels the pain we all feel and more, And I'm glad we're not alone in knowing who's to blame for this, until the bigger picture unveils, if it ever does.

I feel for you Janet. :cry:
This article me cry. Janet is right Dr. Murray should lose his license. I still can't believe LAPD still not arrest Dr. Murray yet. I feel like Michael will get justice for two or three years just like Anna Nicole Smith. God Bess Janet and entired Jacksons Family.
Thank You for posting. I'll be watching Wednesday. I understand somewhat of how Janet must feel. I lost my older brother too. My brother & I were alike,between my other siblings.. My heart goes out to Janet..my heart goes out to everyone.
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Sad :cry:. I feel for Janet and the whole family. If most of MJ fans like myself are so heartbroken over MJ's passing, I can't even imagine what the family is going through.
Ive been denying Michaels death as if this is a hoax at times, but its when I hear the family members speak out about it, Tito and Janet in particular the reality hits me and I need to face the truth.. Im taken back to the day it happened when I hear them describe in detail how they found out about his death.. Our shock is nothing compared to them, imagine getting the phonecall.
Exactly. Murray is to blame. Thank you Janet. I think about him everyday too. It really is hard to believe even after all these months.
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