Jacksons To Be Honored as BMI Icons - will Michael attend?

The Jackson brothers made a record without Michael. It didn't work. I agree Wannabe, whether people like it or not Michael is one of those artists that are special and unique and they will make the group.
hundred percent agree. Only with Michael The Jacksons became a special and unforgettable group.

It is correct and unquestionable, they all were very talented, good singers and right down the line good dancers, but it was Michael, who stood out vocally and dance-like, it is clearly to prove with old footage.

Datsmatsy, this footage of the MSG is in my opinion not a good example. Michael hasn't done the old moves for many years, and I am convinced his brothers did. So it seems sometimes they are even more powerful as Michael himself, but only on THIS one concert. So it is not fair to bring this performance here.
And I don't understand this discussion at all. I'm wondering and stunned that fans of Michael to question his leadership in the group and his unique outstanding talent, of course in comparison to his brothers too.
And to say it clearly, I hope he will never do a re-union and a stage performance with his brothers again.
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hundred percent agree. Only with Michael The Jacksons became a special and unforgettable group.

It is correct and unquestionable, they all were very talented, good singers and right down the line good dancers, but it was Michael, who stood out vocally and dance-like, it is clearly to prove with old footage.

Nibody is questioning MJ's important role in the group. What I am saying is that the group has done theior share of work and deserve to be just as respected for their par as Michael is.
I am not the only one who thing so;

This has been copied from youtube poster;;

tothebones (3 months ago) Show Hide
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i love when Michael performs with his brothers! there's an amazing energy that you only see when he is on stage with them. :)
hundred percent agree. Only with Michael The Jacksons became a special and unforgettable group.

It is correct and unquestionable, they all were very talented, good singers and right down the line good dancers, but it was Michael, who stood out vocally and dance-like, it is clearly to prove with old footage.

Datsmatsy, this footage of the MSG is in my opinion not a good example. Michael hasn't done the old moves for many years, and I am convinced his brothers did. So it seems sometimes they are even more powerful as Michael himself, but only on THIS one concert. So it is not fair to bring this performance here.
And I don't understand this discussion at all. I'm wondering and stunned that fans of Michael to question his leadership in the group and his unique outstanding talent, of course in comparison to his brothers too.
And to say it clearly, I hope he will never do a re-union and a stage performance with his brothers again.

Please quote for me where I have questioned MJ's leadership within the group?:no:
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It has always been my opinion that the Jacksons success was down to the talent of Michael, Without Michaels amazing voal abilty and witout him would they have been as successful? I don't think so. Yes they may have been good But they would they have been the Phenonemom that they were? again I say no. Michael IS the Jacksons :D he made the group what they were. This of course is just my opinion so don't bite me :lol:
You want to see incredible energy and unpralleled stage command, you watch Michael on his "Bad" and "Dangerous" tours. I've never seen anything like that, nor have I seen people react to anyone the way they do to Michael, with the kind of hysteria and intensity they have.

this footage of the MSG is in my opinion not a good example. Michael hasn't done the old moves for many years, and I am convinced his brothers did. So it seems sometimes they are even more powerful as Michael himself, but only on THIS one concert.

They didn't do those goofy steps as good as MIchael, lol.
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It has always been my opinion that the Jacksons success was down to the talent of Michael, Without Michaels amazing voal abilty and witout him would they have been as successful? I don't think so. Yes they may have been good But they would they have been the Phenonemom that they were? again I say no. Michael IS the Jacksons :D he made the group what they were. This of course is just my opinion so don't bite me :lol:
:D I would never bite you for saying so. I woudn't go as far as saying that they woudn't have been successful without MJ. MJ was dynamite in that group but many other groups that did not have a Michael were also successful. I think that Berry Gordy might have focussed on Jermaine, who is a very impressive soul singer. Berry was grooming him for the next Marvin Gaye. Berry was even more interested in him than in Michael. So that all depends on the songs and on Marketing. Don't forget that Jermaine was even more successful than the jacksons when he first set out as a solo artist.
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You want to see incredible energy and unpralleled stage command, you watch Michael on his "Bad" and "Dangerous" tours. I've never seen anything like that, nor have I seen people react to anyone the way they do to Michael, with the kind of hysteria and intensity they have.

They didn't do those goofy steps as good as MIchael, lol.

I hope you know this is just an opnion and us just goofing off Wannabe. I don't want another person to come and accuse me of downgrading MJ, cause I never did and never have.:D
Jermaine struggled big time when the Jacksons left for epic and didn't have a hit on Motown until Stevie Wonder wrote "Let's Get Serious" for him.

I haven't accused you of anything Datsymay. I think you and I have been very polite with eachother.
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Many MJ fans put the Victory tour right up there with Bad as MJ's best. I believe MJ could have all that and more with his brothers behind him. Incedentally, so does his momma Katherine.
Well of course his mother wants that, she want's her kids to get some money so they can move out... I'm joking.

Most fans will tell you "Bad" and "Dangerous" are better then "Victory". Michael's heart wasn't in the Victory tour, first of all, and Michael's intensity, and the overall quality of his show shot way up once he went out on his own. I just seriously disagree with the notion that Michael is lacking something without his brother or that he would be somehow better with them. We've seen him with them and he isn't able to fully display his talent because he has to hold back so he doesn't completely show them up and they aren't able to perform to execution what he envisions. He needs professional dancers, professional musicians and good singers.
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Jermaine struggled big time when the Jacksons left for epic and didn't have a hit on Motown until Stevie Wonder wrote "Let's Get Serious" for him.

I haven't accused you of anything Datsymay. I think you and I have been very polite with eachother.
Thanks. I think Jermaine and the Jacksons struggled to find their feet after the jacksons split, but I was quite surprised at the success Jermaine had on his own and the many duets he had, some with Whitney and Syreta. I think he should have been bigger, but there were probably too much Jacksons in the market at the time.:yes:
Jermaine is good, he's overall more talented then Janet, but he doesn't have much charisma, whereas Janet has quite a bit and you need that to succeed. Jermaine had some hits, but he never was able to gain any real success and that's probably because of the giant shadow Michael cast.
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Please quote for me where I have questioned MJ's leadership within the group?
I am referring to some remarks you make that Michael wouldn't have the same energy solo like he has in the group with his brothers. Did I misunderstand you?


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Jermaine is good, he's overall more talented then Janet, but he doesn't have much charisma, whereas Janet has quite a bit and you need that to succeed. Jermaine had some hits, but he never was able to gain any real success and that's probably because of the giant shadow Michael cast.
What I found very unfortunate for the jackson brothers was that they set such a high standard that their only competion was member of their own family.
It is true that MJ cast a long shadow over the jackson brothers. that in itself was unfair because not many people were as talented as Michael was. I believe Jermaine would have made it big on his own. He was 14 when he started. he had a fantastic voice and he played the bass guitar. Had Michael not been so young at the time, people would have noticed how young jermaine was. He was a bad bassist. that in itself was talent enough. Jermaine was extremely popular within the group. He really didn't need anymore charisma that that.:D
Well he was the heartthrob, lol. He's good looking, you know.

He has a very nice voice, it's true. It didn't really smooth out until he was older, but he has a nice voice. I'm just of the mind that without Michael, there were many groups around that could match them and thus there was no factor which would have really made them stand out. I don't think Jermaine would have gotten the chance to make it if the group hadn't made it, and the group wouldn't have made it without Michael. Whereas with Michael, I know he would have made it, eventually, with or without the group success, if it was what he wanted in life. With Michael, they were untouchable, because Michael is an extremely rare talent. He's probably the most talented person in the world and with that on your side, you can't be ignored.
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Well he was the heartthrob, lol. He's good looking, you know.

He has a very nice voice, it's true. It didn't really smooth out until he was older, but he has a nice voice. I'm just of the mind that without Michael, there were many groups around that could match them and thus there was no factor which would have really made them stand out. With Michael, they were untouchable, because Michael is an extremely rare talent. He's probably the most talented person in the world and with that on your side, you can't be ignored.
You probably right. They could make a good Temptations without MJ, but you have to agree, though that while other groups were manufactured, the J5 were all from one family and that is phenomenal in itself. That was and is their main attraction.:D
I do not believe that Berry Gordy would have signed up an entire group if Michael was the only talent there.
Jermaine was an exceptionally talented boy both vocally and instumentally. He is one of the greatest basist there were. He was only 14 at the time. That was unigue in itself. many J5 fans prefered jermaines voice to Michael's. There was a crisis when Jermaine left the group. it was a worldwide reporting. It was main news event. J5 fans were split in 2 because some went with Jermaine.
Berry Gordy was planning to keep Jermaine on as the next Marvin gaye. That was why Jermaine stayed. Part of the magic left the group when Jermaine left.
Tito was exceptionally talented with his guitar. Jackies Falsetto got fans crazy everytime he sang solo. The fans loved his sex appeal too. Oprah Winfrey confessed in MJ interview that Jackie was her favourite.
The fact is that all the Jacksons were loved equally, not just Michael.

Yes MJ stood out because of his talent and star qualities,but the j5 fans loved all the Jacksons equally. MJ was not loved more than the others. That is why Jackson fans are still clambering for a united j5. it was magic when they, all the brothers were on the stage. MJ is magic on his own, but part of that magic is missing when the brothers are not there with him. If I had to choose between MJ solo and MJ with his brothers I wouldn't hesitate to chose the latter. :D

I believe the original disbanding of the Jackson 5 (the lineup of Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael) was instrumental in influencing Michael to start his solo career because he knew what he wanted to express were not gonna be shared openly by his brothers. But from 1969 to 1976, the Jackson 5 were a tight family unit and solo records were released to benefit from the J5 franchise. After "Off the Wall", things started to change drastically in the Jackson family when Michael's success overshadowed the Jacksons'. After "Thriller", most of the family couldn't get a hit because "they weren't Michael".

And that's f***ed up. It's not really just about talent. The reason Mike gets singled out was because he was marketable as well as gifted. People dig the fact Michael went solo but people still doggin' Diana Ross for doing the same thing.
Yeah but Diana Ross had a lot of success as a solo artist all the way through the 80s.

Jermaine had success, just not much. The other brothers can't really sing, so as recording artists, on their own, that just wasn't gonna fly.
They still doggin' Diana though, lol. Yes she's revered as a legend but for some odd reason people still can't let go that she left a group nearly 40 years ago, lol. You don't see them doing that when Michael's name comes up during Jackson 5 conversations. Anyway, I still hope Mike shows up. I mean, I won't be mad if he don't but still it would be nice.
Yeah, I hope he shows up too. I mean, the group was the start of his career, so it would be nice.

And yeah, you're right, they still bitch at Diana. I guess the reason they do probably has more to do with people thinking she's a self-serving bitch and screwed the other two Supremes by leaving, whereas with Michael, they see him leaving as a natural step. They speculated early on in the J5's career about Michael leaving and going solo, and Michael was always saying up until the late 70s that he wasn't considering leaving whenever asked. Nobody saw him as self-serving, which he wasn't, and so when he did leave, it was just sort of expected, like it was what he HAD to do. With Diana, they just saw her as trying to further her career.
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Yeah, I hope he shows up too. I mean, the group was the start of his career, so it would be nice.

And yeah, you're right, they still bitch at Diana. I guess the reason they do probably has more to do with people thinking she's a self-serving bitch and screwed the other two Supremes by leaving, whereas with Michael, they see him leaving as a natural step. They speculated early on in the J5's career about Michael leaving and going solo, and Michael was always saying up until the late 70s that he wasn't considering leaving whenever asked. Nobody saw him as self-serving, which he wasn't, and so when he did leave, it was just sort of expected, like it was what he HAD to do. With Diana, they just saw her as trying to further her career.

Yeah that's exactly what I meant. :yes:
Yeah. Exactly. Michael stayed as long as he could, given how huge he was becoming. I mean, sticking with his brothers until 1984 was big of him, because by that time, he was already the biggest star in the world, solo or band.
I always thought it was Michael who wanted the group to continue and was more upset when his brothers got married and moved away, more so when jermaine left the group. Michae;l was very upset and depressed when Jermaine left.

i love when Michael performs with his brothers! there's an amazing energy that you only see when he is on stage with them. :)

:yes: They have a different chemistry together that comes from growing up WHILE performing with each other, AND being family. That can't be duplicated with any other band.
There are so many news articles rumouring Michael Jackson to be at this event.. Usually by this point we have some kind of confirmation that Michael will not be attending...possibly its a surprise and he will turn up.
where are they? I haven't seen any. They've all said everyone but Michael has confirmed their appearance.
There are so many news articles rumouring Michael Jackson to be at this event.. Usually by this point we have some kind of confirmation that Michael will not be attending...possibly its a surprise and he will turn up.
I was just wondering if there's any confirmation of Michael being there.
I guess not then lol.