Jackson Doctor's CPR Technique Explained

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
This is so depressing. That "doctor" is probably the reason that MJ is no longer with us and he is walking around free like nothing has happened. He should be done for gross negligence at the very least!
CPR for 25 - 30 minutes, before they called 911?!

thank you. thats what bothers me as well.
i can totally understand when he was in shock seeing michael, but he is a doc and he simply has to know that one has to call 911 to get help. after calling he could have still trying sth. to get michael back.
that sucks!
Well, if you think waiting 25-30 minutes before calling the paramedics is bad... you ain't gonna like this ish. He claims he couldn't even CALL 911 from his cellphone and all the phones in the house had been disconnected for "security reasons". He had to leave MJ's body to go find a chef in the house. Dear God. wtf!

Read on but beware. It's going to piss you right off. Michael's body was STILL WARM when he was found. So close. :(

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excuses are like assholes.. everyone has one..

that bastard wasted his parents money by going to med school because apparently he doesn't remember a damn thing his teachers taught him. what school did he graduate from so i can make sure my doctor didn't go there
That lawyer was shitting his pants when the journalist asked that question. At least we have an ADMISSION ON TAPE re: the CPR technique used which any medical physician im sure would agree is not correct procedure especially for a HEART DOCTOR!!! Add to that the civil suits and other investigations around this man, the debts etc and I think we have manslaughter and gross negligence on our hands. Based on that tape alone I dont know why they are not arresting him for malpractice. God Im so worried that he will get off scot free. But we will get him, the fans, someone will get him.
I just can't believe this ish about his phone. Aren't most cellphones, if not all, equiped with GPS? And 911 is capable of locating a person regardless if they don't know the address, right? Even when I used to take taxis, they were able to trace my call and would confirm where to pick me up at? This is BS.

And I believe it was classic who asked in this thread or another one about HOW he ended up checking on MJ anyway. Didn't we read that MJ was normally woken up by a handler? Was it the doctor who always woke him up at 12:15? I can't remember? If it wasn't the doctor, then WHO was the person who was supposed to awaken him and were they still in the house somewhere...doing what?
Well, if you think waiting 25-30 minutes before calling the paramedics is bad... you ain't gonna like this ish. He claims he couldn't even CALL 911 from his cellphone and all the phones in the house had been disconnected for "security reasons". He had to leave MJ's body to go find a chef in the house. Dear God. wtf!

Read on but beware. It's going to piss you right off. Michael's body was STILL WARM when he was found. So close. :(


My god. Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse. Im sure this man as a cardiologist has a mobile phone and most doctors have a corresponding beeper too. Will someone PLEASE arrest him pending investigation for negligence and malpractice as well as manslaughter?!!!!
he's NOT explaining or clearing the questions here
He's just trying to get rid of his reponsibility for the death of Michael
make me furious doc, u MATHER F**********

if there's nothing wrong, just TELL everyone "WHAT'S GOING ON?"
if he claimed he's Michael's friend and felt sad for the tragedy
we all would like to hear the truth
and it can make the media stop all the suspicions
yet seems that he's not gonna to do that...it's pity
I haven't slept well since the day as you have
This is today's last post I read on MJJC before I go to bed.
I want him to get arrested
Lord this doctor is going to make me lose my religion and act a complete ass in a few. I can't believe this mess, he is trying to pass the buck.
edit: ^^ I'm startin to think the same. Whatever was wrong with MJ, precious time ticked away in which he could have been saved. :(

All I could do when I read that article was cry. Michael's laying there, body warm, with a pulse and a doctor in the room...just in time to possibly save him...the doctor has a mobile phone and still he couldn't get proper help. I'm wondering when did he leave the body to go and get the needle to punch adrenaline into MJ's heart...or whether he had that in some kind of doctor bag with him.
Some of the replies in here are shocking.
this stinks. this doc is as neglient as feck if not worse. couldnt shout for help couldnt use his own phone waited 25 mins to get help. mj didnt stand a chance with this guy. he killed him with negligence.
This is so distressing :( What an IDIOT!!! He was a fecking doctor, he must have knnown everything he was doing here was simply wrong!!

When he said that it "went on for about 25-30 minutes", does that mean in that time he had called the ambulance, or he just kept doing CPR and hadn't called 911 after 30 minutes????
Just saw the doctor's lawyer explaining how the doctor did CPR and it is just getting WORSE!!! CPR with ONE HAND??? On an ADULT??? While your OTHER hand is BEHIND his back??? WTH????!!!!! The only patients you can use one hand on during CPR are young kids!! And CPR on a BED?? Unless Michael was sleeping on a wooden board, no bed is "firm enough" for CPR. The hospital beds we have for kids/babies have pretty firm mattrasses....but we would NEVER even dream of doing CPR without a board underneath the patient! We have a crash cart with a hard board attached to it and we are also required to use the board if we need to perform CPR. That thing about "it was a firm bed" is nothing but a sad attempt to try to save that doctor's ass! Well guess what...it's not gonna work! And it was bad enough to hear he did CPR on the bed, but with ONE HAND?? It is specifically instructed to do CPR with both hands, and with your hands STRAIGHT and working with your upper body and not your arms, because it takes a lot of energy to do CPR and especially if you do it for minutes, your arms will get too tired, if you don't do it properly. So with one hand, I can't see how he is able to get enough pressure because if he is holding his other hand behind Michael's back, that means he had to be almost hugging him, so there is no way he can get enough pressure on the heart, and his hand will get weaker too by the minute in such position. WHY would he choose such a difficult and ineffective and EXHAUSTING way to do CPR when ALL he needed to do was to call help, drag MJ to the floor from bed and start PROPER CPR!!! It DOESN'T MAKE SENSE??!!! Like I've kept saying...the more I read and hear about the doctor the less everything makes sense. It all just doesn't add up. No matter how you twist it! It is just absolutely DEVASTATING to read and it makes my blood boil!!!! Makes me SO ANGRY to hear he didn't help Michael the way he should have!!! :sad: Michael could still be with us, had the doctor done proper CPR and called help right away. And "hard to get an outside line"....?? WTF?? These days when everyone and their mother has a cell phone??! They in all seriousness trying to tell us that each time Michael would have needed to call someone outside the house...he would have needed to wait 25 minutes to get an outside line??!! :doh: Yeah, sure! :doh: And if Michael was in his room...like he wouldn't have had a phone in his room?! Sheesh! I bet my bottom dollar that Michael had a phone next to his bed.
I've had two day training for CPR this year and I know it's freaking hard work to do on the dummy. I didn't get very good results but I learned that it must be done with both hands on a solid surface.
I understood that he put Michael's arm under Michael's back... but that would have just broked Mike's hand would it not?
It seems that no matter how you look at this it is the doctors fault that Michael could not be saved simply because he had no idea how to do CPR effectively.
I don't think th "dr" can be charged with murder or kill but defenetely with malpractice and (involuntary?, we'll see after the toxics come back from lab) manslaughter.
this stinks. this doc is as neglient as feck if not worse. couldnt shout for help couldnt use his own phone waited 25 mins to get help. mj didnt stand a chance with this guy. he killed him with negligence.
yeh or like u said, or worse
This is so distressing :( What an IDIOT!!! He was a fecking doctor, he must have knnown everything he was doing here was simply wrong!!

When he said that it "went on for about 25-30 minutes", does that mean in that time he had called the ambulance, or he just kept doing CPR and hadn't called 911 after 30 minutes????

i guess he means the ambulance arrived after 30 so u are looking at him not calling one for around 20mins. the only thing i can say is if they had kept a pulse the amount of time it took toget help mj would have been braindamaged or brain dead anyway.so u would have had the pain of that and turning machines off. but this guy killed mike. seriously it just gets worse

I can't go into specifics about drugs that Michael Jackson might have taken the night before by agreement. I can tell you this, whatever was taken by Michael Jackson the night before, wouldn't have caused his death"

HOW is it in any way possible for him to KNOW that??

its called trying to cover your ass
Eff the islands... go to the moon. Cause SOMEONE is gonna find his ass, it could be a bear or something (cause animals loved them some MJ too).

Lmao, yeah even the lamas would be after him!