Jackson Doctor's CPR Technique Explained

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Dangerous Incorporated

Jackson Doctor's CPR Technique Explained

Posted Jun 29th 2009 9:53AM by TMZ Staff
Now we know why Dr. Conrad Murray administered CPR on Michael Jackson's bed, even though it's routinely performed on a hard surface -- it was a "firm bed."

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, was on "GMA" this morning defending his client's actions after finding Michael unconscious in his bedroom.​
Yeah just see that, its bollocks!!! excuses, something is not right here
Yeah just see that, its bollocks!!! excuses, something is not right here

Agree. It looks like the Dr took a couple of days to come up with this story with his lawyer.
You know, I think Michael has been keeping a secret from all of us.

And this is supposed to be a good reason.....ugh, this makes me angry, real angry.
I'm curious. Does anyone work or have hospital experience. When CPR is performed in a hospital, they don't put the person on the floor, right? They do it on the bed. Is a board or support of some kind used, or is it a firm bed? Or something else entirely?

This is all so confusing and yes, something's fishy. But I just don't wanna point fingers and falsely accuse the doc of any wrongdoing.
When you are doing CPR you are supposed to do it on a hard-flat surface which is normally the floor. You do not perform CPR on a bed, they have just come up with this ridiculous excuse to try and cover themselves.
The more they talk the more the story make less sense. This death investigation will turn into a criminal one at the rate they keep talking
Now tell me if I am wrong, but if someone is unconcious and CPR is in action... 911 is supposed to be dialed asap and the CPR shouldn't stop until the paremedics get there! I wonder what the hell went on (or didn't).. and when did he actually die..or even WHY?! This f*ckin sucks!
Just saw the doctor's lawyer explaining how the doctor did CPR and it is just getting WORSE!!! CPR with ONE HAND??? On an ADULT??? While your OTHER hand is BEHIND his back??? WTH????!!!!! The only patients you can use one hand on during CPR are young kids!! And CPR on a BED?? Unless Michael was sleeping on a wooden board, no bed is "firm enough" for CPR. The hospital beds we have for kids/babies have pretty firm mattrasses....but we would NEVER even dream of doing CPR without a board underneath the patient! We have a crash cart with a hard board attached to it and we are also required to use the board if we need to perform CPR. That thing about "it was a firm bed" is nothing but a sad attempt to try to save that doctor's ass! Well guess what...it's not gonna work! And it was bad enough to hear he did CPR on the bed, but with ONE HAND?? It is specifically instructed to do CPR with both hands, and with your hands STRAIGHT and working with your upper body and not your arms, because it takes a lot of energy to do CPR and especially if you do it for minutes, your arms will get too tired, if you don't do it properly. So with one hand, I can't see how he is able to get enough pressure because if he is holding his other hand behind Michael's back, that means he had to be almost hugging him, so there is no way he can get enough pressure on the heart, and his hand will get weaker too by the minute in such position. WHY would he choose such a difficult and ineffective and EXHAUSTING way to do CPR when ALL he needed to do was to call help, drag MJ to the floor from bed and start PROPER CPR!!! It DOESN'T MAKE SENSE??!!! Like I've kept saying...the more I read and hear about the doctor the less everything makes sense. It all just doesn't add up. No matter how you twist it! It is just absolutely DEVASTATING to read and it makes my blood boil!!!! Makes me SO ANGRY to hear he didn't help Michael the way he should have!!! :sad: Michael could still be with us, had the doctor done proper CPR and called help right away. And "hard to get an outside line"....?? WTF?? These days when everyone and their mother has a cell phone??! They in all seriousness trying to tell us that each time Michael would have needed to call someone outside the house...he would have needed to wait 25 minutes to get an outside line??!! :doh: Yeah, sure! :doh: And if Michael was in his room...like he wouldn't have had a phone in his room?! Sheesh! I bet my bottom dollar that Michael had a phone next to his bed.
Having recently completed senior first aid myself, the first thing you are supposed to do after ensuring there is no danger to yourself or others before you help, is to get someone to ring an ambulance while you check response, airways, breathing and then commence CPR.

This is a man who is running scared and making up lies and someone needs to arrest him or gag him! Im getting so upset now!!!!
And another thing....if he had one hand on MJ's back and one hand on his chest...I'd like to know/see how he gave MJ mouth to mouth resuscitation. I'd like to see how he did that?! Take arm from behind his back, reposition his head, give mouth to mouth two times...then try to wiggle your arm back under him...repeat...if he had to wiggle his hand underneath him too all the time THAT too would take too much of precious time. And using your own hand to get a "hard surface" during CPR...that is just the most RIDICILOUS thing I've EVER heard!!! :doh: I really wanna see the doctor demonstrate THAT technique! :rolleyes: All this just makes me SO ANGRY!!
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^ and WHY didn't he get mj rushed to the hospital the second MJ complained about chest pains? WHY? Why let him go to bed and sleep instead?
It's seems highly possible Michael died from his doctors negligence, because his doctor should have had an explination for Michael's death as soon as he died. Michael's death seems to be one that could have been provented.

It's strange, their are people I listen to like, Jimi Hendrix who was dead before I was born, Marc Bolan (aka T.Rex) who died when I was 5yrs old etc. But with Michael who became famous in 1969 a couple of years before I was born, I still grew up with his music and and vividly remember him as a very young man of 24yrs old, and seeing him at the Mayfair Hotel during the Bad Tour in 1988 when he was still just 29yrs old. All of a sudden it's 2009 and I'm at the front row of the O2 but on the far righthand side of the stage, right near Mark Lester and his wife watching Michael give his historic This Is It press conference. And that is the last time, I would ever see Michael alive again, which makes me very sad. I can easily listen to Michael's music and watch his videos, which make it feel he's still here with us all but I will never get over his death, because I always new I'd would always get to see him in real life and now he's just a powerful image on, audio a screen or a photo. Nothing beats seeing Michael is real life.
Wasnt the hospital only 6mins away? They could have put him in a car and taken him there faster than by the time the called 911
I swear this makes me cry so hard! It's unbelievable how cruel some people can be.
I'm curious. Does anyone work or have hospital experience. When CPR is performed in a hospital, they don't put the person on the floor, right? They do it on the bed. Is a board or support of some kind used, or is it a firm bed? Or something else entirely?

This is all so confusing and yes, something's fishy. But I just don't wanna point fingers and falsely accuse the doc of any wrongdoing.

i believe theres a hard orange board they slip under the patient, i dont work in the hospital but im sure something is firm underneath. maybe even the stretcher is firm too?..but yea this guy was nuts not being able to do cpr right, the guy on the phone seemed to have no clue either, it was like ''lets do whatever lazily and see what happens.'' how many people who go through cardiac arrest are lucky enough to have a doctor there, a (cardiologist no less yet this guy is a jackas*. seriously if you knw cpr and you see even doctor doing something wrong move him out of the way and do it yourself, 911 traces the call and will be on the way. and you should always call 911 right away, and its sickening people take chest pains not seriously when its a 50 y old man.
My god, why were there so many incompetent idiots around Michael?!!! For such a nice guy, he attracted the wrong types of people who just used him and took advantage of him. I am so upset over this.
Now tell me if I am wrong, but if someone is unconcious and CPR is in action... 911 is supposed to be dialed asap and the CPR shouldn't stop until the paremedics get there! I wonder what the hell went on (or didn't).. and when did he actually die..or even WHY?! This f*ckin sucks!

True, ESPECIALLY with adults the FIRST thing to do, is to call help IMMEDIATELY because you need to get access to a defibrillator as quickly as possible. With children it is vital to call help as soon as possible too, but since kid's problems most of the times are oxygen/breathing related and rarely heart relaed (unless they had heart problems) where as with adults problems in most cases are heart related, with kids you need to get oxygen into the body as quickly as possible. So with adults, call first then CPR. With kids CPR first and get someone to call 911 as quickly as possible.
Ok his "doctor" did do CPR very Wrong. Like many said you do not do CPR On a bed no matter HOW firm it is.

as for the orange backboard only Ambulance crews or first responders use those. Yes the cots in the ambulance are firm enough to use for CPR. I feel somewhat bad for the doctor though. He doesn't know what hes in for from the fans and I'm afraid its going to REALLY hurt him if he ever goes around alone.

BTW You can not do CPR on an adult with one hand behind his back and one in front its just not possible. Try it and see what happened's.
My feeling is that MJ was already dead by the time they called for help. Now if these quacks had been thinking clearly, they would have called 911 first and then continued doing CPR or Chest Compressions? I don't know which one would have been appropriate seeing as how I am not in the medical field, but it just seems like they waited too long to get help and the excuse about not having an outside line is just that----an excuse. They could have used a cell phone. The story is changing around too much for me, I do not trust this Dr.
this makes me ill the more i think about it. has it been made clear whether MJ was found in bed or put in the bed?! because if he collapsed why would they pick him up and put him on the bed?! and has the person who called 911 been identified?

sometimes when a celebrity is invovled people are scared to call 911 because of the bad publicity.
My feeling is that MJ was already dead by the time they called for help. Now if these quacks had been thinking clearly, they would have called 911 first and then continued doing CPR or Chest Compressions? I don't know which one would have been appropriate seeing as how I am not in the medical field, but it just seems like they waited too long to get help and the excuse about not having an outside line is just that----an excuse. They could have used a cell phone. The story is changing around too much for me, I do not trust this Dr.

ok Normally if there are 2 people present when someone collapses then one would administer CPR while the other calls paramedics. He was a heart doctor that lived with Michael so he should have had a defibrillator. a Defibrillator is something that you attach to the persons body in order to give them an electric shock to get the heart going again. Michael should have had that done ASAP but he didn't. Michael did die from his doctors stupidity.

